s THE MKDFORD DAILY THIMTNK. MEDFORD. ORK(iONr, SATURDAY. SEPT EM PER 4, 1K)). School Books and Supplies WE invite comparison of our 5 and 10c tab let values with those sold by any other firm in Medford. Our assortment throughout of Pencils, Pen Points, Pen Holders Etc., in fact everything pertaining to school work is the largest and most com plete in southern Oregon. Better than has ever been carried in Medford heretofore. School Books and Supplies Are Sold For Cash Only LINN COUNTY FAIR SUCCESS Largest Attendance in History of the Organization Big' Success. A 1. 1 (ANY, Or., Sept. I. The I .inn county fuir ill Sciu has elosed. the attenilnnee tliirinj; the -three dnys wii till' largest in I lie history of the or- HiiniMitioit. I ho I'xlmiits ot (.'I'iiiiik. Urnsses, traits, cpi'tiililt's i ij i I hloiiil- el Murk, were lu'tti'r lliiin were ever seen in this country. The racing iruriiiu wits the iiiiiin altraelion. Yesterday l'liliumit Jr owned bv r'rect Wooileoek. wone the 2:20 tjottiii); rnre with Uollie I)iuiiU' second. I.cw Miller, 11 l'ortliiud horse. won the 'J:1." imcinjs event. Tim three- fourths mile went to Tiirnulii, owned ' ! Pl'la... tV'ltll I 'l.llllhJ.ll.t. II lllltP I well known in Alliuuy, second. I Fred Spires of this city won nearly nil the first honors with his I'civlicrou 1 1 horses. Chnrles ltnrrows intuit 'D4,1,iiiii wu'i.i.n t'nr l"n!-l tilnt'iw Willi lii I'oliiuil China iiirs. John Kirkliiiid of Alhiiny won the trotting,' nice Mou diiy with l.iuly Malcolm. The Orcein i state fair luis decided to let the Alhiinv' Coinuiercinl cluh have the I'aiiious I, inn county front after the close of the fair. The front is nuide up of '.IK kinds of Linn coun ty wood mid will he used as an ex hiliit in the club rooms. It has been at Siilem as a I.iiui count v exhibit since the Lewis and Clark cxmsitiuii. Horses at Eugene. KUGKXir. Or., Sept. 4. There promises to be a tii strinp o race horses at the district fair, which will be held in Einrcnc. t bcri n iiinir Sep tember tf and coiitiiiiiiiiK four days. Report comes from Sciu, where the I.inn county fair has just closed, that ."0 or 00 horses will be brought to Ku Senc. ' The fuir coiiimiltec is nuikiiiu- ex trusive preparations for entcrtiiinine, a bin crowd here.' The fair has been extensively udvertiscd and people from all parts of this district, which includes Lane, Douglas, Coos and Curry counties, besides many from outside points, arc expected to be here. MEDFORD BOOK STORE OISSOUTION' OV rAKTNKK.SIIII The partnership heretofore exist ing between the undersigned under the name of Wet .el & Hodges in the Mcdlord llakcry and Delicatessen in the city of Mcill'nul, Oregon, is this day dissolved, J. O. I Indies with ilrnwinjj fnnn said firm, Ids intercut in said business having been iinrchiiH. ed by Terrence I). 1 Indues. The name of the new firm will also he Wetzel .X Hodges, hut .Mr. J, 0. Ilnilcc will not be liable for any of tint obliga tions of cither the. old or the new firm. Dated this lid day of September, l sinn. it. wktzi:l, 1 1(1 J. (I. IIOIKJKK. Orchestra music dui inif dinner each ovpiiiiib at the Nash (Jrill. HEADQUARTERS FOR Harness Saddles Whips Robes Tents Blankets Wagon Sheets Axle Grease and Gall Cure ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM WORK J. C. Smith 314 E. Main Special Windows Our window displays show the newest and swelled creations in dress for Full, JII01). SEE THEM TONIGHT I The Hutchason Co. Sueeessors to BAKER-HUTCHASON CO. WOULD PROSPECT FOR OIL IN COOS COUNTY .M.UfSIII'IKLD. Or., Sept. 4.-.I. W. I'crkips of oil fame has been in this city looking; over the possibilities of liorin'.' for oil. lie states that he is ncjjotintint; with the C. A. Smith com pany with n vicvy of boring on their property, but that secur'nii; leases in the county is slow work. There prom ises to be boring done- here before long, as several persons are looking into the matter. , A game everybody can play box Sept. 20-25 1909 Ailniluloo SO Cent! THE SECOND ANNUAL Portland Fair Oregon's Biggest Show B HORSE RACES DAILY NATIONAL LIVESTOCK EXHIBITS BALLOON RACING ' CHARIOT RACING FASCINATING MIDWAY ATTRACTIONS FIREWORKS vill be the most gorgeous and mag nificent pyrotechnic display ever seen on this Coast. This will interest the whole family. REDUCED RATES ON ALL ROADS. . mm ma DIRECT TO YOU Without Any Middleman' Profit DlHtillol in LoiiinvlIlii.Kuntucky, in lli.. jximmI old fintlilmivd way from wleotKniin unit ntrt-l in mixl eni aUiamheii tod wiirehuuwM until hilly matured, OI.I) ANI SO-:MX)W tiottlrat nunwiiilly fnrFAMILYimd ilUDICIXAL I'UItl'OSKri mooting tlio miiHt exuding re. qiiirvmentH of tlm pure food luw, WHEM VOU ORDER DIREOT Yon kbvo that extra prollt of Ilia middleman, unit no traveling expomex to my. rr tiik om.v wav to ih;y ThU line old whiky in HlilppiMl diroot in plain, muled cams, without marks to Indicium cnuUintM. Full quart bottlea, four to 9 BO RCR OALLOm tl null iiraui CHjuuii rntrut HENRY FLECKENSTEIN It CO., PORTUNO, 0RE00M w iniu iw itk- mh oi vioer iiiau urao uquofi iirp i I r . vtrinllinrn 000 40 YKAJUI . We Can Supply You With Anything. In Lumber And Building S pecialties rra K.I I.H.I V- I-JDrL IMP