TITE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1909. Nilsli Grill open nil Hi" thmi. Another iiiiiilnr (Iiiiii'o will I hi giv i'ii mi Tuesday niuhl ul I liu Wig Hit in. Something every Iiiih'iicmh mini wants I lio merchants' linii'li at tlm NiihIi grill oimli iiodii mi uluboralu iikiiiii. I'iii'0 !15 cunU. Don't forget ilulu of next dunce lit llni Wigwum, Tuesday, September 7. Yon ciiii get n rni'iil to order at tho Nash Grill ouy timo between 0 o'lilui'U in tlio morning mid midnight. Ojion at all hours. On rein wcro received recently an nouncing tlio marriage of Miss Myr llo Kut ton and Henry Eiinis Huvuge at Punomulci, 1 la wuii, on August 11, KMMI. Miss Sutton was stenograph er for tlm law firm of Kennies & Keumcs for a number of yours and tiiado a great many friends while hern, who will wish liar every happi ness. Mr. and Mrs. Snvngo will miika tlii'ir homo at Punncuc, Muni, T. II., after September 10. Don't forgot Unit tlio Nash Grill has tlio best cliff in tlio stato and makes a specialty of Hinall or largo dinner partiiiH, Tlm friend of Mix Bertha Allen, who formerly lived in Jacksonville, will liu surprised to hear of her mar riage In Clifford Benson at Kali'in ono day this week. Tint murriago was a very quid affair, not even tlm par ents of tin couple knowing it was to take place until t lit Hi'i'iiko was se cured. .Mr. and Mrs. Benson arn Dot h employed in tin1 stale Iiiiiiho and will make I )i'i r home in Salem. NiikIi drill open all lint lime. 11. A. Thierol'f, manager of tlio Dig Pines I,niiiliir I'ompany, has re turned from a visit with liis father in Kansas. Talili d'hote diiini'r at tin- Nash Grill Sunday evening. Music liy Ro manoff's orchestra. Mrs. Unwind Killuim and children, who have been sHudiug the past iiioulli with thu former's mother, Mrs. K. J. Kulili, returned to their home Friday evening. Let Hull d. your scenic work, Kueh no a photo of your orehard, home, etc. 3.11 K. Main street. Among those who eame over to Medford from Jacksonville Friday evening to attend the hand concert were Mr. and Mrs. W. If. Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. R. It. Dow, Dr. and Mm.' It. T. Itnrnett. Mr. and Mix. Lewi Ulrica, Misses Mary Peter, Leila Prim, Frances Kenniiy and Jo scphiane Doncgnn, Mr. and Mrs. dim Newbury, "Shu. M. Peter, Mrs. It. I. Newhnry, J. P. Wells nnd others. Don't forget that tlio Rogue River Fish Market always has a full sup ply of fresh fish, drisod ehiekenx, imported saiiHiigo nnd cheese on hiind. Judge nnd Mr. K. R. Watson re turned to Portland one day thin week after a visit with relatives living in Jacksonville. Vou'll like hoxhnll. Try it. His ISOC ALAND PERSONAL THE LOUVRE CAFE Table d'Hote Dinner Sunday Evening, September 5. Oyster Cocktail, Louvre. Special Celery eu Itraiich Olives and Grapes Consomme en Celery Chicken (liiuiho Filet of Salmon, Laltice l'olatocx Sliced 'J'ouialoex Pickled Calvex' Tniigua a la Viiicgureltc Green Peas eii Cnisse Maraschino Punch Nnhixeo Wafers ' ' Stuffed Spring Chicken Sugar Corn Maxhed Potatoes Philadelphia Ice Cream Assorted Cakes Rnipinfort Cheexo Dent's Water Crackers Demi Tiikko (!one;ratulaliouH arc Inline; tendered to Mr. and Mrs. P. Allen, who arc the jxixsesxors of n new hahy. Mr. Allen is superintendent of tlio Sler linK mine. Open all the time the Nash Grill. Mr. and Mrs. D. II. Miller have re turned from a trip up Itofniu river. When in doubt, play trumps. Wo Mr; and Mrs. It. C. Diddle have returned to their home in St. 1iuis after a visit of some time in Medford with W. F. Hiddlo say when in doubt, buy real estate in Medford. Iits 25 cash, $10 per mouth. Denson Investment Co. Mrs. O. A. landix of Woodvillc spent Friday in Medford. F.lla Gnunyaw, public stenographer, room 4. Palm building. Mrs Franak Lewis of Kajjlc Point was a recent Medford visitor. Good small tracts near the city are hccnmiiiK xearocr nnd hihor in price. Why not net ono now? You won't rC (jret it. Heilson Investment Co. 143 Norman Whilintr spent Saturday in Medford from his home near Ka tie Point. County Assessor W. T. Grievo was in Medford on business Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Georifrt Hammond of Portland have returned home after a visit in Medford of some days with Mr. George Gould. , Fresh crawfish received daily from tho Quollo ot Portland at tho Nash Grill. Mrs Kiehard liland has returned from a visit lo the fair in Seattle. A. P. Talent and family have re turned from a visit in Salt Lake City. Orders for sweet cremn or butter milk promptly filled. Phone tho orenmery. Arthur J. Weeks of Oakland, Oil., is visiting friends in Medford nnd vicinity. Trousers Cover A Multi tude NASH GRILL Table d'Hote Dinner Sunday, September 5. PIiiiiii! Celery Itipe Olives Salted Nuts ( 'oiisouiine Macedoine I , Tiirhaii of Halibut, Joinville Sliriuip Salad en Mayouaise C.romexiii of Veal, Creole Nash Special Punch Nabisco Wafers Fried Spring Chicken a la Maryland StainglcxH Deans Mashed l'olatocx Strawberry lee Cream Assorted Cake Nctifelmlel Cheese Dent's Water Crackers 114 Cafo Noir Fire insurance, automobile insur ance, plato glass insurance, accident insurance, good companies, low rates. Try iik. Denson Investment Co. 144 Men's, women's und children's wove sweaters, all grades, at Van DykeV. County Judgo J. K. Neil was in Medford on business Friday. Can place your idle money on real estate security at 10 per cent in terest; amounts of $."i0(t lo $2."i00. Denson Investment Co. 144 Dick Slinger was a recent visitor in Medford. Day a lot or a lot of lots. One ad dition all sold. Some very desirable ones in Sntlierliii Terrace and Wood lawn Heights. Denson Investment Co. 144 A nlrge number attended the regu lar weekly ban concert in- tho city park Friday evening. A slide trom bone solo by Fay Lane and a cornet solo by John Norling were very clev er and much appreciated. The week ly concert has become indispensable to Medford during the Rummer months. John Simpson of Dcngle is spend ing n few days in Medford. Table d'hoie dinner at the Nash Grill Sunday evening. Music by Ro manoff's orchestra. Mrs. F. II. Hopkins of Central Point, nccoinpunied by her mother, Mrs. W. J. Woodward, arrived home Friday from Portland. Child's sweater coat, 30c each, at Van Dyke's. 144 Tho Rogue River Fish Co.: has plenty of nice Plymouth Rock spring chickens on hand for Sunday din ners. Fresh shipment of fish to day. 144 C. A. Pomeroy of Los Angeles is in Medford on business. Table d'hote dinner at the Nash Grill Sunday evening. Music by Ro manoff's orchestra. A potato vine upon which a tomato had been grafted and is growing, is being exhibited by Shortic Garnctt. Toggery Of B.inner Bill at The Savoy. Follow the crowd to "The Savoy" tonight and you will see an excellent bill of the latest moving pictures, not pictures shown in the city weeks ago, and advertised ax tho latest. The headlnicr tonight is Vilagraph's high, arttilm, "The Sword and the King." Thjs -abject, is of medieval times and deal- .ill li a tyrant and an opprossed people. The story is well constructed ami told in stirring manner by clev er actors. The scenic, arrangements arc beautiful nnd consistent with the times. I "Judge Not" is stong drama of home life, teaching the moral, "judge not, that ye bn not judged." The story is simple yet a stiong one nnd ix clearly told, holding your atten tion from start to finish. "Borrowed Clothes" is one of those pleasing comedies full of laughs and abounding with mirth. ' Kntire change of program tomor row night. One dime. Christian Science. Christian Science services nre held every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock in the Commercial club room. Sub ject of the lesson-sermon for Septem ber o, "Man." All arc welcome. Sun day school ut 10 o'clock. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. I .No)n is hereby given that Maud tMimiiels, tlio wili or the undersigned, has left his home, and that he will not bo responsible for any debts or ob ligations contracted or incurred iiy h:'r after this date. Dated September 2. 1!)00. l.-Hi JOHN I). SAMUELS. NOTICE. A public demonstration of the fa mous Griffith Smudge Pots will be given at the rear of the exhibit build ing Saturday afternoon, September 11. lllOil. Orchardists especially in vited. Mildred Luciuda Clcmmons ,of Klamath Falls is spending a few days in Medford on her way to Grants Pass. Just received, a full line of new posteiirits, the finest yet, at Hussey's. NOTICE TO REDMEN. All members of Wcatouka tribe. No. 30, imp. 0. H. M., nre requested to be present at the next regular meeting of the tribe. Saturday night, September 4, 1900, as important bus ine.s will come up. 144 L. L. JACODS, C. of R. ' Notice. ' Services at Christian church, cor ner Sixth and Ivy street. Sunday, September . at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. W. Theodore Matlock of Ncwberg speaks. Kvervbodv welcome. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. FOR SALK Well secured real estate notes for sale. Denson Investment Co. 145 f; Bill Says: Shins" I 4 ' ' t Mr. Investor Have you seen the space and cost of four rooms; and dressers; cabinet kitchen. , . I J.. A, McINTOSH, Architect, J Third Fldor Medford The way to a man's heart is via his stomach, such being the case, the Lou ere cafe is entitled to the thanks of every woman whose friend or rela tive has ever sat at its table 'tis a pleasure to eat there. You'll meet your friend at the box ball alley. Watermelons FANCY LARGE ONES, loc EACH TODAY AT THE B. & C. YOnt ORDERS TO 2351. CASH STORK. TELEPHONE JARDINIERES FOR TODAY AND SATURDAY WE WILL HAVE ON SALE FOOD FAIENCE BODY JARDINIERES, 0 IN'CH, FOR 30c; 8-INCH FOR 40c; 10-INCH FOR 50c EACH. ECONOMY JARS COME TO OCR STORE TODAY OR SATUR DAY AND SEE THE LADY USE ECONOMY JARS. HAVILAND CHINA SET, 56 ED COLORS IN WREATHS OF PATTERN. REGULAR PRICE The store that serves you best B Cash 223 West t X, modern home seven rooms In the. iceless refrigerator, built-in buffets j National Bank Building. MEDFORD, Or., Aug. 5, 1909. Hall's Texas Wonder, of St. Louw, cured my daughter of a severe' kidney and bladder tronble ofter doctors failed to give any relief, and I can cheerfully recommend it. Mrs. L. L. Wilson. 135 Bartlett St. Sold by Raskins' Drug Store. PIECES - BEA UT I FULLY BLEND- JtOSES AND VIOLETS fei.OO. TODAY IN VINE ...$18.00 by telephone. 2351. 6 1 Store C Main Street :2