THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MED FORD, OREGON", SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 190!). 7 Medeord Daily Tribune Official Paper of the City of Medford. Published every evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY George Putnam, Editor and Mauager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postoffice at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : i month by mail or carrier. .. .$0.50 One year by mail. ..15.00 ' TODAY'S WEATHER PREDICTION. Clear today and tomorrow. Warmer. A rare and salubrious climate soil ot remarkable fertility beautiful scenery mountains stored with coal, copper and gold extensive forests streams stocked with speckled beauties game in abundanoe a contented, progressive people such is the Rogue River Valley.' . Average mean temperature .. .55 degrees Average yearly precipitation ..21 inchea WELCOME TO TIIE INDIANS. All Medford welcomes the Pacific Indians, the host Ttin ill --, 1 4-l' f iTtrtnl . 1 4- j-v 4-lt llir ltir j-iv The Indians are all 'good fellows and will find them selves in the hands of good fellows. They are Medford 's guests and the freedom of the city is extended to them. They have come to the richest section of the richest state in the Union. No matter what they want, they can find it here, and along with it the best climate that exists. Medford can offer the ideal life. It is surrounded by the finest orchards in the world, in the midst of great un developed resources, with untold mineral and timber wealth awaiting exploitation. There is the best of fishing and hunting and automobiling the year around. Its scenic attractions are unsurpassed and its people the most cos mopolitan, and the city itself the most metropolitan of any place of its size in America. THE NORTH POLE DISCOVERY. Americans rejoice in the discovery of the north pole by a fellow 'countryman. That the successful explorer is - -w-w j"4 1 ji n. -J! such a typical American as ur. uook, ratner man one oj. the brass band, self advertising, notoriety seeking variety, in which must be classed Peary and Wellman, is an added source of gratification. The discovery is the result of merit, of courage, persist ence, pluck and energy, characteristics which in the long run always win. It was accomplished without blare of trumpets or spectacular pyrotechnics. The world at large was ignorant even of the fact that the exploration was under way. The financial backer of the expedition, J. R. Bradley, who divides with Dr. Cook the credit of the discovery, has been equally modest regard ing his part in the venture. . The yellow press of the country has been given oppor tunity to spring the usual array of fakes. "While Dr. Cook was still in mid-ocean, long-distance dispatches from him appear, some of which quote him as saying: "Land has been discovered on which rests the earth's northernmost rocks. A triangle of n0,000 square miles has been cut out of the terrestial unknown." Jn another he is made to say: "There is no land at the pole, only water, the depth of which I could not gauge." In still another vivacious nar rative he is made to say: "1 said to myself, 'Bully, Bully for Frederick.' I planted the Stars and Stripes in the ice fiekl and my heart gre'warm," though the thermometer read 117 degrees Farenheit. ' The world Avill wait until Dr. Cook submits his proofs of discovery and until he publishes his own narrative. Meanwhile it will be entertained with fresh copyrighted fakes and the carping of envious critics, too small to give credit to rivals. The discovery is interesting from a scientific point, but its main effect on the world will be that it will no longer be called upon to financially assist enterprising grafters win fame and free advertising. ; Water bills are payable at tho of fice of tho city recorder from tho first to the tenth of each month. No notice other than this will be given. Water bills not paid on. or before the tenth will become delinquent and wa ter will be shut off withouf TUrth'or notice. ' RuBT. W. TELFER, 145 . City Recorder. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice is hereby given that the city council of tho city of Medford, Ore gon, will receive senled proposals for tho construction of liitcrnl sewers as follows, to-witt A (i-inch lateral sewer alone Riv erside avenue n distance of 450 feet. An 8-inch lull ml sewer along Rose avenue a distance of (00 fect. An 8-inch lateral sower ulonu North Oukdulo avenue from Hamilton to Third street. A 6-inch Literal sewer nlons Sum mit avenue a distance of COO feet. A G-inch lateral sewer along West Third street from North Oakdalc ave nue to Holly street A C-inch lateral sewer along Ham ilton Rtrcot from west end of sired to North Oukdulo avenue. A C-inch lateral sewer along alley through block 25. A (i-inch lnternl sower along nllny between d'Anjou street and Central avenue from Eighth street to Ninth street. A C-inch lntoral sewer along Or nnge street between Eighth street and Tenth street. All bids must be filed with the city "eeorder on or before 4 :.10 p. m. Sep tember 7, 1000, nnd accompanied by a certified cheek paynblo to the city treasurer of said city cqunl .to five per cent of the contract prico; check to be forfeited to tho city of Medford in case tho successful bidder fails to enter into contract for Con tractor to furnish all labor and mate rials necessary to comploto said sew ers. Plans and specifications may be hnd for said improvement by cnll ing at or addressing the city engin eer's office. Hone by order of the city council of the city of Medford, Oregon, this 23d dny of August. 1000. ROBT. W. TELFER,' City Reco'rder, MISFITTED LENSES ARE DEAR AT ANY PRICE. lly my inelhod error of thu eyes causing nervo strain are ac curately im'usurcil, proper lenses prescribed, when headaches- and oth er troubles disappear. It is u well known fact that children in fchool classed as stupid havo often beenknown to make rapid progress after errors of this sort hnvc been 'corroded. Brief consultation froo. I DR. IVY M. ROBINSON, Eyesight Specialist, East Main St., Over Nicholson's Hardware. Medford. - ASHLAND lo Swedenburg Block. Here Is a year's Work tor you. An earnest and enthusiastic young man or woman can secure an excellent course of business training. Splendid rooms in tho Swedenburg block, individual instruction, in creased faoulty. Everything up-to-date. Enter September 01 b and seenro tho best year's work of your life, including our full course in gymnasium work. P. RITNER. A. M., President. Martin J. Reddy The Jeweler For Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Cut Glass, Silverware, and all the latest designs in Jewelry and Silver Novel ties and Souvenir Spoons. Ntia1 Postoffice S o a o u Economy Don't Wait till the very last moment to order your meats for Sunday-and then teel disappointed because the choicest stock is gone. Order Now and we will deliver It as needed. YOUNG CHICKENS, all dressed and ready (or the pan, per pound 20c and 25c Or, if it Is too warm to cook, try some of our COLD BOILED HAM (sliced and ready for serving, per pound 35c If you prefer to boil them yourself, we are offering the finest Eastern Hams for, per pound ... 18c Nothing better, than our MEDFORD CREAMERY BUTTER on the market; per roll 75c THE ECONOMY MARKET ASKP0LE & NICHOLS, Proprietors. Opposite Postoffice Phone 461. Economy n o 3 O 3 Suttierlin Terrace On South Peach and Thirteenth Streets. Only two blocks from Oakdale Avenue. A fine residential Section. Our Salesman will take pleasure in showing you these lots. Price only $300. Benson Investment Co, 112 West Main Opposite Hotel Moore