THE MRP FORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OKWJON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1J)0). PAYS TRIBUTE TO OLD AGE Hun. B. F. Mulkny Delivered Eloquent Address to Pioneers at Their Reunion In Ashland. Tim I'nIliiwiiiK in mi cxlnicl, from (lit) ihMi'i'hh of I Inn. II. Mill key Id l Iio piiiniH'rK ol' .liii'kkoii enmity lit llii'ii iiniiiiiil ri'iiiiiini : It in iminfiil to rculi.ii for I lie iiint linn' Hint urn! h (rowing old. All ef fort to reconcile nm have been lu lili', I lictic Vf. Wu ilu not wind to In) told wu arc growinir olil. To hit oiill ci "hixly" when we are fifty Hclilmii pIl'IIMI'S. Til Hl'lt tll firl wrinkle of llin liruw nr tliu first gray hair ki'IkIh un nwuy frmii llin mirior with iiliirni. Wu shrink from ngi bi'ciiuwi! wo w'imIi to Iio i hi rt of Ilii' I'oniiniiiiity lift. We wimIi to In' ulili! I.i work if wc wish to, notwithstanding "nr life's iinilii- tillll llllH lll'l'll til III' illll'll'lllll'lt of work. Anil, too, wo think of age us 11 pe riod whi'ii tin pli'iiMiiri'i nf lifo tin vo lost edge. Tin- clock lii'krt slow to llin yrniulinnlher or grandfather li-ft iiloni' lit tin' I'iiiiiii'.v I'orni'r while othi'r household ini'iiilii'rs mi' uwny for mi evening ul piny. Ilnl l lie- real ri'iimni why tin HlllllL'lll of el'ovillg lllll Hlllllll'IIH ix nut Hint age bring ilccrcptitiiilc mill wrinkle; nor tluil Ilu' bourn are long mill idle mill loni'ly Itnther I think it is hi'i'iiiiso nlil ago is I hi' begin ning of tin' imiiI. Tin' nlntf mill lli ling I'fiuir ini'iin 1 lie i-offiu m-xl. It in riuhl for ns in wish to live, and just ns long lis we run. Thus it i hi'ciiiihi' llin yellowing of leaf menu tin- falling of the twig that hi' shrink from Ihnl period of life when wo innsl faili1 tiki' tin loaf. Itul even mii, in IIiiih iiiHliiii'livcly hhriiiking fmm n ','i' anil its encronch ini'iits wf iln show n will must "in correct to nature anil to hrnvi'ii." Ah ii ninl (it nf fad, age i Un' only period nl which mini attains his full vnliin cither to liiniM'lf or to tin' worlil. Youth linn no n'nl worth ex cept as a prnuiisi'. Manhood is slill tin experiment. N'n corri-rt I'slimatc ran ln iiiiuli unlit iln' plants arc inn (tired ami tin- work done. Hut in age, wo tuivi' a positive quantity, a Hum total, a roiiipli'toil task. It is I lit story of 1 ln ori'lianl. The spring rovers (he trees with hlooui, hut the apple ernp is not assured. Krosl, anil the blight that kills may ennlra vene. There is just enough in Ihe conditions to awaken hope and anx iely,' , ' In July Ihe nivhni'il trees are filled with young apples. Slill there is no certainly nf a harvest. The promise of a erop in there and if there, hi) no hail storm, ami I here in a proper admixture of moisture and sunshini), ami II llin Iniusitnry inserts do not plant Inn iniuiy. cggM in the vulyx nf Ihe piisill( flower, there will he ll erop, Then eoiiies the mil uiilil, lilid Ihe story is told. If ynu find Ihe apples are full grown and ruddy nr golden mid ripe for Ihe picking, Ihen, hut not lill then, ran ynu eorreelly esli main Ihe erop. Thuse hloHsnnih nf Hpriiiglimi! were like youth. Those little gi ll apples upon Ihe houghs ill Hummer were uimihoud. That rip ened i'riiil ilccpniling fruiii the bend ing hriiliehefl of Ihe tree is nlil ago. And an1' i an liiueh more glorious than youth iim the full grown apple is more valuable than the 1'nigilo. IiIoh snin in which il had ils origin. Tlio farmer will tell you that one apple' sound anil ripe in worth a thoiihiiiu! hlussoiiiH. I'reeisely a sipglc inaliired anil rounded life is worth more to the world than n thousand lives jusl begun. The groat ChineHii wall is the won der of Ihe age. Fifteen hundred miles lone, crossing wildest ehusniH iiuad Mealing precipitous hi nl' Is and iiiounlaiiiM. A sl riii'liiic containing brick and Htoiie enough to form a wall six feet high mid two feet thiek around the earth, oceans ami all. Thin wall was all planned anil mini pleted within the reign nf a Kindle moiitireli. Illumine the feelings with whieh Ihe intrepid ruler and his peo ple placed the first stone of that giant iinderlnking. What emotions of hope ami fear must have intended Ihih first step in Ihe mightiest mate ial aehievemeul a single generation ever wrought. Hut liow does this lep dwindle when it is rnmpnrrd with Ihe last step, when lluil imperial hand plaeed the filial Ntnne in position, the viikI iiiidertakinif no limber a prnjeet, tint a solid, enduring reality. Ace is ns iniieh grainier than youth, ns I lie eouipleliou nf lluil (rreat wall nf Chi na was more suliliie than its hein niiiK. Ini portaut as is the I j i ' i M r of the eoriierstone of a Htrueliire the snpreine inoiueul is when (he eap-. stone is fitted info position. The eiiilh in like the sen, unit our livese are liiueh like the ways of ships. Now the supreme moment in an neeau viiViil'i' is not Ihe instant of slartiiii.'. True, the hour with ils adieus f.mkeu, and tile weiiihinn nn ehnr, Hlamps itself upon the memory. Hut the transeendeiit moment, the hour that sweeps every ehord of the soul and M'tid the heart to Hie eyes, wriliiiK il events upuii memory with a diamond's point is not the moment of selling sail, hut Hie hour nf niak intr port. That hour ynu realize that the (real sea. willi ils slnrmy waste is nil behind ynu and land and lmme are at hand. Any hark fan sail upon the sea. hut only Hie Kluumh ship well miiuned ean sueees-fully enm plele Ihe vnyaire. The ehildreii and ynulhs are harks seltin sail, tint Ihe aijed nnes amnni; us are the ships euniiiiK i". Jusl u 1'i'W muni miles, Ihe I'iiiiiiiIiiih of aunlher point, and their keels will have Iniiehed (lie dnek. There lies a bunt mil in the stream, ll is Ik'iiiiIi! nl in all js lines. It has hwiiii I I'Min Hie pier and lies lit an ehur yonder, and men, as they ems Ihe ferry stand and look nl il and admire il. Hut il has never heeii out nf purl. l stands there jjreen, new, unlried. Slill everylmdy thinks il is heaulil'iil. Thai hunt is just like love ly eliildhood. There conies up the hay mid is making toward the navy yard another ship. It. is an old niaii-of-war. It has heen in ho III oceans and around the world. It lias ejven and taken thunder blows under the fhiK of its eountry. It is ttin old "Coiistiliilion" herself. See lmw the penple Ihrnn the ears ami (jo out to net sihl nf her. See huw sailors stand upon her diek and kuvm upon Iter. Some i.-f them have nailed in her and to them kIir is (hriee hanil somer than any new vessel. Thin old, war liealen ship that earries the mem ory nf inemnrahli' biilllcM lies there; and the ernwds look at her breeched liow. her shuttered riupni;, lier eoorsc and rude outlines, her dinny sidcH, mid everyone llirilln with the feelinj; "(lod hlesH you, old ship, floil hless you." Anil that ship is honored and virtuous nlil ac. And yet wo Hi'eh for yc.rtlh and pity nfe! We would rather he ju-l euleriui; Hie rare than rcneliiiitf Hie 'oal as winner! Thus ace, ripe, mellnw, sweet, in a heiiedietimi to the home and to the eiimmuiiily. These heads are white, mil willi the frost of years, hut colil "II brown in the master' service are, our irrefubible evidence that right eousness, the fear of find, and the love of man is not only possible to ua all, hut Hint it is the only tiling which paM and endures. These old men and women may not have all hecu Christian men Mm wom en," hut their lives have heen budded iijmiu tho principles mainly which the 'reat Oallilemi uv to the world. Anil now, good friends, if you are helped by these brief reflections upon your work u pioneers ami upon your individual lives as you (row. older, I am pleased. Life's twilight in the rest which the mini man ban earned after bin day of toil. .Inst keep pa tient, faithful, sweet, and true, and allhoiiKh the face wrinkles and the lock whiten, and, one by one, you relinquish the cares and burdens of life. He will slill he with you, and you shall find his beautiful promise true. "Thine iijfe shall lie clearer than Hie noonday, thou shall shine forth, thou slialt be as the moniiii''." P. C. Hansen. . Tom j0ffat 1 kWe make any kind and style of windows. We carry i glass of any size on band. . Medford Sash & Door Co. J. E. ENYATtT, President JOHN S. OUTIl, Cashier J. A. PERRY, Vice-Presidejt. W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $10,000 Safety boxes for rent. A icneral Banking Business transacted. We solicit youT patronage. Bijou Theatre Entire Change of Program Illustrated Songs The Chicago Trio In a New Act Why pny 10 eents for a tey moving pictures wlien for 5 cents more you enn see n h'nh grade vaudevillo act. hear illustrated songs, in ad dition to a full picture program. . D0NT FORGET THE BAB Y CONTEST BEGINS TODAY. HAND IN IN YOUR PICTURES. Admission10c and 15c APPLES AND PEARS AND ALL KINDS OF FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific North west. Not in the combine. Competes with all first class nurseries. L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, O R E O 0 N Savoy Theatre TONIGHT ALL WINNERS BORROWED CLOTHES A scream. THE KINO AND THE SWORD Comedy drama. JUDOE NOT Drama. - . Wu rim no old pictures. , ' ONE DIME. THE NASH LIVERY GO. Have the Best Turnouts in the City You nre (rented right, the price is right, the team is right in 1'nct, everything is vi jili t . Come and see. HE NASH LIVERY CO. & KEWANEE System of Water Supply provides an absolutely safe and satisfac tory water tervicc, equal to that offered by any city water worLs. An abundant suddIv of water always available and deliv ered under strong pressure throughout the house, barn or grounds. Affords Absolute Fire Protec tion. J ss '. ST iAr With the Kewanee M System, an air-tight, steel, pneu matic tank, called the Kewanee Pneumatic Tank is placed in the cellar. Water is pumped into this tank and is delivered to the fixtures by air pressure. No Attic Tank to Leak and Flood the House. No Elevated Tank to Freeze or Collapse. 100 pet cent better service and will last a lifetime. Over Nine Thousand Kewanee Outfits in Successful ft' ' Operation. Also agents for White Steam Cars and Fairbanks-Morse Gaso line Pumping Outfits. U ATTIC ( FZ 4 ll m &r. y 1 l PI ' 9 1 III tilt I'll IIII. 1 til III I IJ VM ft E. A. Washburne Sc Son Miles Block Medford, Oregon For Sale Necessity of owner compels this sacrifice offering on the follow ing: Two lots, 50x161 feet, with 20-foot alley at rear; good soil, good well with force pump, 5-room plastered house, newly papered and newly painted outside and inside, electric lighted; this Is a bar gain at $1100; cash $712.50, good terms on balance. This must go at once. Address Box 120. City. ; Medford Iron Works t E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. t Foundry and Machinist All of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma chinery, Agents in Southern Oregon for FAIRBANKS, M0PSE & CO. GET AHEAD OF THE HOT SEASON. You cun biit det'iunce to the heal by huving an electric fan put in po sition. It doesn't cost very ranch, either. I you haven't- one, we can fix you up i na short time, at the least expense. We're general elec tricians, and do all classes of work in our tine in the most thorough manner. Jobbing skillfully Bud promptly executed at lowest charges. .Portable lamps in all varieties. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRICAL Bargains in Real Estate A few investments that will make money for you 40 acres fine fruit land near railroad station, $S0 per acre, '2 cash, easy terms on balance at 0 per cent interest. 100 acres of tho bent orchard land in the valley, ONK .MILE FROM RAILROAD STATION, ifc'sO per acre, ONE-FOURTH cash, easy terms on balance at C per- cent interest. 10 acres of choice orchnrd laud, close to railroad station, $100 DOWN AND if 10 A 'MONTH BUYS THIS. You will regret it if you neglect to securo this ten acres on the above terms. 4 largo city lots in West Medfo.'d joining Kenwood addition, $200 en. The owner of the above properties purchased them four years ng) before the advance in prices and will sell at a very moderate profit. Considering quality of land and locution, these are among the cheapest buys in the market today. J. C. BROWN Office in Palm Block, Upstairs Medford, Oregon