THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MED FORD, OUMON. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1000. : Classified Advertisements, Business Directory and Market Reports l 44444444 4 4 44444444444f4f4t44. t t f f f t ' H ltt t CALIFORNIA WINTER PEARS ARE LIMITED Tim Culiforuiu Fruit Distributor, luivo issued tlio following hlntcmont under date of August 31 regarding fruit in California: The following gives number, of cum oil deciduous fruit shipped t nil point by nil members of this com jmiiy for tin) week muliiiff Monday night, August 30: Plum nnd prunes 43 earn. But few cur of this variety aro going forward nnd HhipmontH will soon al together cease. Peaches 155 oars. Shipment of SiiUriivx in increasing, hut rather slowly, uh tlm crop Ih not ripening as lust an had boon xui:td. 1'rovioun predictions of light yield of this va riety of fruit are being vitrified by conditions ns limy develop from day M day. It is doubtful if thu output will be ovit 25 per cent art much as llnt M-aSOII. 'iVaM IH earn. Tim aniount of winter pours nvailablo is very limit ed nnd the few that we have to offer 11 ru being taken by tlm trade ns fast its wn can secure them, An Ilium will not be enough of these pears to go around, nil dealers desiring sumo arc advised to place their orders at once. OrucR 37 1 ears. Tho grapo move ment is now in full swing. Tokays nre going forward from the principal table grape sections and shipments will conlinue in large volume until the dose of tho season. The quality of tho fruit is very good "n1 t1"' ln"e run place their orders for this fruit with the cerluintv of Belting n per fectly satisfactory article. As the shinineiit of Tokays that of Miilnua will gradually drop off until they nro entirely out of tho market. A few cars of Tokays from Florin have already sold in the miction mar kets and have brought exceptionally high prices. We ndviso the trade to tilaee orders for Tokays now and Ret started on this popular fruit, which will io in plentiful supply during the senson and will bo a leader wherever grapes arc consumed. Weather has been favorable, adverse condilions of nvi.rv kind being entirely absent Practically no mildew is to be found in the vineyards this year. PORTLAND MARKETS. Hods. Wool and Hides. HOPS 1008 crop, choice, prime to choice, 15'Zjc; prime lflc; 15c; medium, 14'Ae; 1000 contracts, 20 21o lb. WOOL 1000. Willamette valley. 22(d24c; eastern Oregon, 2023c. TALLOW Prime, per lb., 34c; No. 2 and grease, 2(i)21yc. SHEEPSKINS Shearing, 10(o)l5c ucb; short wool, 25(o)40c; medium wool, 50n(i?$l each; long wool, 75c (!$1.25 cne.b. HIDES Dry hides, 14(S16e lb.; reen, 8(a'10c lb.; bulls, greon salt, in per lb.; kips, 0c; calves, green, Km per lb. MOHAIR 1900, 23i24e. Butter, Eggs and Poultry BUTTER Extra creamery, fancy, 33 Vic; store. 20c. i BUTTER FAT Delivery f. Portland Sweet ereiini, 2,,2 31c; o. b sour :ioysi. EC.OS Candled, select. 2!l(?i)30c SHIP YOUR FRUIT Peadies, Pears, Apples To Page 6 Son Portland, Ore. The pioneer fruit house, who have a large distributing tra:lc to get best results. MARKTT9 Fruit and Vegetables. (Prices paid by Mcdford morchunts.'i Apples l(!i)2o lb.; pouches SJ'jfoi'lc lb; pears, Vz(ii'2u ; nec.turinos, 3c; swectwutor grapes, 4c; plums. l'ao; l)liii;kbnrrics, 1.20 era to. Potatoes, l'jo lb.; onions, $1.50 cwt;; green onions, 35c dor., bunches; carrots, ll'2cj beets, Ky''2c; string beans, 3c; cabbage, lo; green poppers, M; cuciimuors, too aoz.; tomutons, 2c; Hquash, 30tJ?)50o doz.; water melons. 10(2)25c; cantaloupes, 30c(ffi$l do ron ; green corn, lOQl'-e dozen; pumpkiiiK, 10tJ?)15o. Butter, Eggs and Poultry. (Prices paid by Mcdford merchants.) Hunch butter, 27'2c; fancy cream ery, 35c. Fresh much eggs, 27'20. Mixed poultry, 10c; spring chu:k eus, 15c; ducks,' 10c; turkeys, 15c; Feed and Millstuffs. (Prices paid producers.) Hay Timothy, $10; alfalfa, 14; grass, $13 ton. Wheat Old, $1.20 bushel; new, $1 bushel; oats, $30 ton; barley, old, $30 ; new, $20. (Selling prices.) Rolled barley, $2.10 cwt, $30 ton; bran, $1.55(h?1.05; middlings, $1.85 1.00; shorts, $1.801.85. ' Beef, 2V2C; pork, flc; mutton, 3'3c; lamb. 4 Vic; veal (dressed), flo. ordinary run, 20c; luicundlcd, 27c; eastern, 27(28c. CHEESE Fancy full crcum flats, l"'s(fl 18c; triplets nnd daisies,' 17'; (M8c; Young Americas, 18(il(lc. POULTRY Mixed chickens. lG'ac; fancy hens, YI(ii'io rosters, old, lfl('llc; springs, 17c; geese, 10c; turkeys, alive, 18('20c; dressed, 25c; ducks, ri'c; pigeons, squabs, $2.00 dozen; dressed oiiltry, ll',c high er. Grain. Flour and Hay. BARLEY Producers' price, 1000 Feed, $20; rolled, $3I(:35; brew ing. $20.50. WHEAT, Trnck Club, 88c; blue- stem. 05c; red, 80 'c; fortyfold 80V-c; Turkey red, 88c; Willamette valley, 00c. MILLSTUFFS Selling price Bran, $20.50; midlings, $33; shorts, $30; chop, $2331; alfalfa meal, $19 per ton. FLOUR selling price Eastern Oregon patent, $0.25; straight. $5.30 (S0; export, $4; bakers, $0(3)0.25 valley, $5.50; graham. Vis, $5.00 $11.80 whole wheat, $5.80; rye, '5s, bales. $3. OATS Future delivery, new, pro ducers' itricc-r Trnck No. 1 white, $27.50(ff28; gray. $2fi.50(ff!27 HAY Producers' price New timothy, Willumetto valley fancy $10.00; ordinary,. $15.50; 'eastern Oregon, $17.50; mixed, $llCo)15; clo ver, $12; onls $11 ; cheut,.$l3.5014 alfalfn, $14. CORN Whole, $3(5; cracked, $37 ton. Fruits and Vegetables. FRESH FRUITS Oranges, Med sweets, $3; Viileuoias, $3.50 box; bn lianas, 5c lb; lemons, $5(S)5.50 box grapefruit $4; cantaloupes, $2(552.50 Dcncbes, fancy, 00c6r$l; ordinary, 50(i?80o. POTATOES New, $1; sweets 2 Vie lb, VEGETABLES Now turnips, Ore gon, $1 suck; bcojs, $1.50; carrots $1.25 sack; oiibhnge, local, $1; to malocs, local, 75(r?l85e. crnto; south ern Oregon, 75((7M)0e; hothouse, $1.2 (T!.1.50; bonus, 3c lb; cnuli flower, 40c (r?$l dozen; pens, do lb; horseradish 10c; green onions, Jtm per clnz; pep pels, bell, (ic per lb; chili, 20; hen lettuce. 20e dozen; hot house $1 per box; radishes. 10i dozen bunch celery, 85cC?$l dozen; cggplnnt, $l(o 1.50; I'hnlmrb, 3c per lb; corn, 00c(o $1.15 sack. ONIONS--Jobbing.' $l(o 1.25 p sack; gni'lie, 10c per lb. APPLES $1.50(012. 1IOXKY - New. 1.5c per lb. BEAN'S Small while, $7.25' lnri white, $li.8.; pink, $4; Imyou, .).i Limns, $5.25; rods. $0.50. Meats, Fish and Provisions. - HAMS, BACON, ETC. Portland nnek. local, hum. Ifl'ic; breakfast bacon, lfl(r?24ci boiled ham, 231s(fi' 24'c; picnics, 12c; cottngo roll. 13 lb: regular short clours, smoked 14c; backs, smoked, 14 Vic; picklod MEDFORD ; TRIBUNE WANT ADS I I BRING QUICK RESULTS X Isn't it reasonable to suppose that what the want columns of the Daily Tribune bus done for others it cun do for you? There is not u diiv pusses but whut u lot or residence is sold, houses or rooms rented, lost urticlcs found and returned to their owners, work or " help found for those who need it. And the cost is within the " reach of all 1 cent a word, six insertions for the price o four. Try It. t tt t t ' 4 WANTED. WANTED Plain sewing done for schotd children at 137 North Central avenue; reasonable prices. 147 WANTED Murricd couple want a nicely furnished room, ample closet, bath, convenience, home comforts, location close in, permanent. Ad dress P, cure Tribune. 43 WANTED Cook for fnmily of two; only first-class cook need apply. F.dgiir Hnfer, residence. WANTED A boy to learn the bak ers' trade. Apply at once to the Delicatessen. 144 WANTED A lady clerk to do desir able work at $5 per week. Address B. J., care of P. O. Box 119. WANTED Man and wife want work cooking on ranch or elsewhere, or nun can do general work and wom- uu cook. Address "Cook," cure Tri bune. 144 WANTED Man to represent lurge conservative life insurance company in Mcdford and vicinity. Good banco for right man. Superintend- bnsiuess. Address W. C. K., care Tribune. VANTED 12 wood choppers to chop cordwood an ft tierwood. Address V. O. Box 41P . FOR RENT. WE can fill your furnished, unfur nished or housekeeping rooms; have demand for them every day. Ben son Investment Co. 143 OR RENT Farm in the Meadow district, 320 acres, 280 good farmin land. For one or more years. Rent er expected to buy stock, soncic ing of bogs, horses nnd farming tools. Bargain on lntt-or. Address A. J. Olson. Gold Hill. Or. , FOR RENT Rooms at 604 West 10th street, comer King street; ono front room upstairs, suite of rooms downstairs in suite or single; hot nnd cold water and bath; large screened porches; lawn and shade for the comfort of patrons. FOR RENT Boarding house, in bus iness center of Medford, nicely lo cated with beautiful grounds, at rensonublo rental. Inquire at Regno River Electric Company, 209 W. Main St. 4 : V 4- 4 4- LOST. FOUND A child's long cont. Owner may hnvo same by proving property and paying for this ad. LOST A surgical case with instru ments. Return to Strang s drug store and get reward. LOST Strayed or stolen, a Gordon setter pup, about five months old; answers to any old name, though christoned "Blinx"'; knows so little of human nature that be trusts ev eryone, hence his 'disappearance. Wednesday, .September 2. Reward for return or information regarding whereabouts. George Putnam, own er, Tribune office. LOST A gray jacket near Talent or Phoenix, Wednesday. Finder please return to this office and receive re ward. MS tongues, CiOc each. DRESSED MEATS Front street hogs, rniicy, IIPIIVjc; ordinary. 10 Virile; veals, 'extra, 10ioc; or dinary, O'stfiilOe; heavy, 0c; mutton, 7c; lambs, 7c. ' LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10s, lfltso lb; 5s, 10 5-So lb; 50 lb tins, Klc lb; steam rendered, 10s 15o lb. 5s 15 5-8o lb, compound 10s 9c lb. CLAMS Hardshell, per box, $2.40 razor clams, out of season. . FOB RALE 7-year-old black mare, ride or drive single or double; also good milk cow. G. L. Pankey, 14 miles northeast of Central Point, or addreis care Tribune. FOR SALE 10-aere tract, 8 acres cultivated, 4 in fruit trees from 2 to 10 years old; on two county roads; bouse, barn, woodshed, veg etable house, two wells; no waste land; 25 acres enclosed in woven wire fence; price $1000, or will trade for city property. Benson Invest ment Co. 143 FOR SALE Fine milch cow, cheap, Owner leuvinz town. Call 524 South Fir street. 144 FOR SALE Stndio. 331 -A lawn moker. The Art E. Main street. FOR SALE Or trade, for city prop erty, new Buick 5-passenger car, used five months, all in good condi tion. Address Medford postoffice, Box 12. 105 FOR SALE 100 acres good fruit land, 30 acres cleared; stock and implements with place; $2500. Chas R. Fidgion, Medford. tf FOR SALE New 5-room bungalow on Peach street N.; pantry, bath room, closets, screened porch, mi3- sion furniture, electric lights, sewer connection, city water supply con tractcd for. Uood well ana pump. Woodshed. Apply to W. J. Roberta, office over Medford National bank. FOR SALE Bargains in real estate, See J. C. Brown ad, lower right hand corner of page four. 148 FOR SALE 1200 acres unimproved land, also improved land, suitable for fruit, for sale cheap. See H. M, Coss, sole ogent, 604 W. Tenth St Medford. FOR SALE Twenty acres, near Merlin ; good fruit land; $400 ; terms Address S. Tribune. FOR SALE 1200 acres improved land, suitable for fruit, for sale cheap. See H. M. Coss, sole agent 604 W. Tenth St.. Medford. t FOR SALE 400 head goats, 200 reg istered and eligible to register, bal ance high grade; 40 head stock hogs, 20 head cattle, some good yearlin steers; two full blood fox hounds, one registered Duroc boar; horses and land seeded to alfalfa. I buy nnd sell. C. C. Gilchrist, Sams Val loy, Oregon. FOR SALE 5 nnd 10-acre tracts just within and adjoining city lira its, at a bargain, ,00 5 annual pay ments. Address P. O. Box 418. FOR SALE For Phoenix town prop ertv. both improved and unim proved, nnd three good orchard see Matt Calhoun, rhoenix, Jack son countv, Oregon. FOR SALE Choice business proper ty at a bargain, on long time; easy term's. Address P. O. Box 413. I 'OR SALE 80 nores of best farm ing land in Regno River valley; all freo soil and under irrigation ditch, with deed riglii to water; two miles from railroad station, quarter mile from schoolhouse, on rural delivery route; land now in nlfnlfa nnd grain; will make nil ideal orchnrd; price and terms reasonable. For infor mation cnll at Tribune office. A fresh shipment of tea direct from the orient nt the Southern Oregon Tea nnd Coffee Co., 30 S. Grnpo St. Phone 3303. 4 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Physicians. and Surgeons. II. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite Jackson County bank. Night calls promptly answered. Office and res ident phone Main 2301. S. A. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Physician and surgeon. Office, 133 W. Main st. Phone Main 577, Medford. DB. R. J. CONHOY Successor to Dr. Jones. Office in Stewart build ing. S. R. SEELY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Modern equipped operat ing rooms. X-Ray. Office hours: 10-12, 2-4 p. m. Office in Jackson Co. Bank Building. DR. F. Q. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic Physicians. Mission Block, Phone 291, Medford. Dentists. DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Miles Building, Main street, Medford, Ore- fom DR. WALTER R. STOKES Dentist Successor to J. M. Keens. Amusements. BIJOU THEATER West Seventh st continuous performance every eve ning of motion pictures anl ill us trated ballads. Entire change of pro gram Monday. Wednesday and Fn day. Admission 10 and 15 cents. SAVOY THEATER North d'Anjou street; latest motion pictures and il lustrated songs. Entire change of program, Sunday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents. Stenographer. ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm blocl: Stenographic work done quickly and well. Pawn Brokers MEDFORD LOAN OFFICE For good bargains in watches and jew elry, pistols, musical instruments, Cor. Main and Central avenue. Signs. SD3NS Display advertising, Mor gan & Stoeckmann, Miles bldg. Bill Posters VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster and Distributor. . All orders promptly filled. Room 7, Jackson County Bank Building, Medford, Or. Billiard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Young and Hall building. A nice cool place to spend the hot after noons. Tin Shops. J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin and sheet iron ware on band and made to order. 113 North G street. Furniture FT. F. WILSON & CO., dealers in new and second, hand furniture and hard ware. Agents for Mound City kit chen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh st. MISSION FURNITURE. WORKS Corner 8th and Holly Sts., Med- " ford. Mission Furniture made to order. Cabinet work of nil kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook Stoves nnd Ranges. New aivd Second Hand Furniture. Eads' old stand, 18-20 F St .South. Phone 91, Medford, Or. Hospitals. MEDFORD HOSPITAL Surgical cases a specialty; thorough - equip mcnt. Mrs. L. G. Gardner, Prop., 1 446 E. Evergreen St., Medford. 1 You can get ns good at the Nash Grill as you can get at tho best grills in tho cities at half tho "price." Spe cial music every evening. See Prof. Anton Romanoff, for merly court violinist of Austrian em peror, for lessons on violin, guitar and mandolin. Leave orders at Nash hotel. Tea, cof foo, boor or ' claret, with club lunch, 30 cents, at tho Emorick Cnfo. 4- 4- 4-4- 4 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 444444444 4 -f 4----f- Building and Loan Association JACKSON COUNTY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 0. C. Bogga, Acting Secretary, 128 E. Main street. s Attorneys. F. J. NEWMAN, JOHN CAR KEN. Newman & Cailun, Court Lawyerm. Corporation and criminal prac tice in state and federal courts. Of fices over Jackson County bank. COLVIO & REAMS W. M. Colvi, C. L. Reames. Lawyers. Office: Medford Bank Building. SeoonA Floor. WITHINGTON & KELLY Lawyers, Palm building. PORTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-law No. 9 D street, ground floor. Real Estate. BENSON INVESTMENT CO. Real estate, loans and fire insurance. Office 112 W. Main st, Medford Ore. Phone 3073. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PUBLISHING CO. haa the best equipped, job 'Office in Southern Oregon; Portland prices. 37 South Central ave. Opticians. DR. GOBLE The only exclusive op-" tician between Portland and Sac ramento. Office on West Main street and railroad. CALL ON DR. E. J. BONNER, Ey specialist, when others fail. Office in Fagle Pharmacy. Main 233. East Main near D.'Anjou. Jeweler. ELWOOD AND BURNETT, the jew elers, carry a complete stock and make a specialty of high grade re pair work. Opposite the Nash Ho tel. GEO. A. BUTT Watchmaker jew eler and engraver. My jewelry stock is up-to-date. My facilities, includ ing eperience and material for re pair work, are the best in the city. . Corner G and Seventh sts. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put out. We are not in the trust. H. B. Patterson, office, in Hotel Nash. EDEN VALLEY NURSEHY N. &. Bennett, Medford, Or. Grow tree that sell, sell trees that grow and fruit true to label. Phone 3221. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY Growers of high-grade nursery stock. C. E. Cook, Prop. R. R. V. depot P. O. Box 841. Phone 583. Medford. Brick Companies. G. W. Priddy. A: T. O'Brien. O. D. Nagle. THE MEDFORD BRICK CO. Brick manufacturers and contrac tors; also lime, cement and plaster in any quantity. Office, Medford National bank bldg. Phonee Main 545. Underakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day Phone 353. Night Phones C. W. Conklin 30; J. H. Butler 148. Fruit Stores. - 1 FRESH FRUIT We huve the larg- est exclusive fruit store in Medford Wo have a reputation for handling only the best. We know how to buy nnd sell cheap. U. II. Lorimor, R. R V. R. R. Depot. Photograph Studios. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Pose with Mackey nnd die with joy." Over Al len & Reagan's store; entrance on Seventh street. Drayage and Transfer. ADAMS MOORE, GENERAL Drnying nnd Transfor, will call anywhere in city. Phone Main 56L, Stand at S. P. Depot.