Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, September 03, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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Synopsis Chapter I Polly, a child
cf the circus, is brought up by Toby,
a clown, and by a boss canrnsimui
called "Muvver Jim." Sho lenrns to
ride Bingo, a circus horse, and grows
to womanhood knowing no life ex
cept that of the circus.
Chapter IT A church near the cir
rus lot interests Polly. Jim reproves
Ler for htr reckless ridlrp.
OLLY and Bingo always made
the audience "sit up" wbeu
they swept Into tne ring. Sue
wag so youue. so itayly clad, so
flight and joyous in all ber poses. Sbe
feeemed scarcely to touch the back of
tbe white horse as tbey dashed round
the ring In the glare of the tent lights.
,Tbe other performers went through
Ihelr work mechanically while Tolly
i As for Polly, her work bad never
lost Its first interest. Jim may hare
fewen right when be said that the spirit
rushed' to tlio guTS side" niid-shouted
wildly to Toby:
"Say something, you. Get 'cm back!"
Old Toby turned his white face to
the crowd. His features worked con
vulsively, but he could not speak. His
grief was so grotesque that tbe few
who saw him laughed hysterically. He
could not even go to Tolly. His feet
seemed pinned to tbe earth.
Jim rushed Into tbe tent at the first
cry of the audience. He lifted the
limp form tenderly and. kneeling In
the ring, held ber bruised bend In his
"Can't you get a doctor?" be shouted
desenitely to Barker. 1
"Here's the doctor!" some one called,
and a stranger came toward them. He
bent over the seemingly lifeless form.
! bis fingers on the tiny wrist, bis ear to
the heart.
"Well, sir?" Jim faltered, for he had
caught tbe puzzled look In the doctor's
eyes as his deft hand pressed the cru
elly wounded head.
"I can't tell just yet," said tbe doc
tor. "She must be taken away."
"Where can we take her?" asked
Jlni, a look of terror in his great, trou-
I The Snoi.
I There exists an ancient seml-medlcnl
statement which tells us thut the
sneeze is healthy nud should not be
suppressed. It is one of those stock
sayings which are always uttered by
laymen ra the vague authority of
J some traditional doctor whose name is
suppressed in favor of tho adjective
"eminent." It is one of the things
about which you mentally pledge your
self to ask your own doctor,, but when
It comes to the point you never do.
Either you do not get tbe opportunity
or If a ctinucc does present itself an
Inner voice seems to warn you to let
It be until some future occasion. To
our own mind the odds are that sneer-'
lug is a wholesome habit, for it is an
unpleasant one. Of course there are
people who enn sneeze and not look
ridiculous, but they are few. Any one
caught in tbe act of trying to suppress
a sneeze Is a terrible addition to tbe
landscape, and if you want to sneeze
and cannot what gargoyle eould hold a
candle to you? That hideously con
torted face, tbat quivering mouth and
that deflected nostril why, your coun
tenance is something worth building
two cathedrals round! It Is aS'tbougb
some mad potter were gripping your
facial clay and wrenching it this way
and that to amuse bis frenzied humor.
Have you ever heard a succession of
half a dozen sneezes? It Is nu ex
perience that has an extraordinarily Ir
ritating effect. London Globe.
! spoons wore numbered? When tho
cups were passed up those who did
not require any mora were supposed to
place the spoon in tho cup. And this
I writer remembers n very auclout dame
I teaching a siniill boy to plnco his spoon
in bis cup after tho first cup bad been
emptied. He woudered for tho rea
son. Now bo kuowi tbat tea was
once very expensive, nud little -boys
were not expected to ask again. St
James' Gazette.
if the dead mot her bad got into her,
but it must have been au unsatisfied
Bpirit, unable to fulfill its nmb'tion in
the body that onre held it. for it some
' times played strange pranks with Tol
3y. ' Touight her eyes shone and her
flips were parted in anticipation as she
lleaped lightly .over the uiauy colored
streamers of the wheel of silken rib
fbons held by 'Barker in the center of
the ring and by Toby and the turn
(biers on tbe edge of the bank.
With each change of her act the au
dience cheered and frantically applaud
ed. The band played faster; Bingo's
ipace Increased: the end of her turn
(was coming. The tumblers arranged
themselves ardund the ring with pa
(per hoops. Bingo was fairly racing.
(Bhe went through the first hoop with
la crash of tearing paper.
; "Heigh, Bingo!" she shouted as she
bent; .her knees to make ready for the
Slnal leap.
f Bingo's neck was stretched. He bad
fiever gone so fast before. Barker
ooked uneasy. Toby forgot to go
on with bis accustomed tricks. Jim
iwatcbed anxiously from tbe entrance.
I The paper of one hoop was still left
(unbroken. The attendant turned his
eyes to glance at the oncoming girl.
p?he hoop shifted slightly in bis clum
gy hand as Polly leaped straight up
from Bingo's back, trusting to her first
calculation. Her forehead struck the
(Edge of the hoop. She clutched wildly
Bt the air. Bingo galloped on, and
pbe fell to tbe ground, striking her
fcead against the ironbound stake at
the edge of the ring,
k Everything stopped. There was a
gasp of horror. The musicians drop-
fed their Instruments. Bingo halted
nd looked back uneasily. She lay
ruconsclous nud seemingly lifeless.
A great cry went up In the tent.
(Panic stricken men, women nnd chil
dren began to clamber down from their
Beats, while others nearest tbe ground
Attempted to Jump Into the ring. Bar
ker,, still grasping his long whip.
bled eyes.
"The parsonage Is .the nearest
house," said the doctor. "I am sure
the pastor will be glad to bave her
there until we can find out bow badly,
she Is hurt"
' In an Instant Barker was back in
the center of the ring. He announced
that Tolly's injuries were slight, called
the attention of the audience to the
wonderful concert to take place and
bade them make ready for the thrill
ing chariot race.
Jim, blind wltb despair, lifted tbe
light burden and staggered out of tbe
tent, while tbe band played furiously
and the people fell back into their
seats. Tbe Roman chariots thundered
and clattered around tbe outside of
tbe ring, the audience cheered the win
ner of the race, and for tbe moment
Polly was forgotten. ,
(To be continued.)
Good small tracts near the city are
becoming scarcer and higher in price.
Why not get one nowf You won't re
gret it. Benson Investment Co. 143
Notice is hereby given that the
city council will receive bids for the
construction of a five-foot cement
sidewalk on the east side of Onkdalc
avenue from Seventh to Eighth
streets same being three hundred
(300) feet in letiglh; and' also for n
five-foot cement sidewalk on the
south side of Sixth street from the
comer of d'Anjou street to a point
1 10 feet east.
Kids may be filed with or mailed
to the oily recorder up fo 4 o'clock
p. m. on September 7, 3900.
Dated August 2.1, 1000.
141 Cily Recorder.
A Spa's Curious Origin.
The discovery of tbe famous Wood
ball spa in Lincolnshire was very curi
ous. Just about a hundred years ago
a shaft was suuk in search of coal, but
tbe effort bad to be abandoned owing
to a rush of water. In time the water
found its wny Into a small brook, and
in due course tbe inhabitants began to
speak of tbe curative powers of the
stream. Science investigated tbe mys
tery and discovered that the water Id
tbe coalless shaft was richly impreg
nated with various salts and bromine
and iodine. Geologists expressed the
interesting opiniou that ages ago the
place was the sandy bed of a shallow
lagoon or bay of a tropical sea whero
seaweeds of giant growth abounded.
A mighty convulsion of nature lowered
the sea bed, a great river flowed over
the place, and In time Its debris was
formed into a mass of spongy rock or
sandstone. Forcing itself through this
mass at great pressure some GOO feet
below the ground, the water now ex
tracts the constituents of tbe original
seaweed. London Family Herald.
Olden Tea Table Etiquette.
Tea table etiquette was somewhat
complicated in tbe days of tbat "hard
ened and shutneless tea drinker," Dr.
Johnson, when many people thought
nothing of drinking ten or twelve cups
at a sitting. It was considered proper
for tbe cups and saucers of u party of
tea drinkers to be all passed up to the
hostess in one batch when replenish
ment was considered necessary, and in
order that each person might be sure
if uett In;; lutck the right -ni the lea-
Private Hospital Guests.
"Hello, old man! Didn't know you
were in New York? Where are you
"Glad to see you. Tin at a private
hospital uptown."
"Private hospital! Why, I'm sorry.
What's tbe trouble?"
"No trouble at all myself. My sister
went there for nu operation, and I'm
staying with ber. Thero nro plenty
of patients there wltb relatives or
friends. Wo pay blgb prices, of course,
but tho rooms are light, comfortable
and clean, nud wo can order anything
on earth we want for meals and get
it. Things nro served to us as though
we were invalids, and there's no kick
coming. I'll tell you that. And wo can
bave as much company as wo wish for
meals at a dollar and n half a head."
New York Tress.
The Troth Foreed Home.
"I'm afraid," sho sighed, "that I'm
getting old."
"Why?" bo asked.
"When I go to the grocery now the
clerks don't nearly break their necks
trying to bent one another in getting
my orders." Exchnnge.
If you are particular in regards
lo what yon eat for breakfast, you
should get the habit of eating at tho
Louvre Cafe. Their hot wnffles nnd
maple syrup can't be bent.
Orchestra music during dinner each
evening at tho Nash Grill.
Prepaid Raiiroao Orders.
, "Something which is of conBider
known is the system of prepaid or
able interest to the public generally
and which is Derhnps not generally
dcrs now in effect between stations
of the Southern ' Pacific oompnny
and all points in tho United States.
By means of this system tickets may
be purchased at Med ford from any
place in the United States and mail
ed or telegraphed direct to tho party
wishing to come bore. Sleeper ac
commodations nnd small amounts of
cash in connection with these, tickets
may also be forwarded at the same
Portland Fair
Oregon's Biggest Sh 3 w
Sept. 2025
, 1909
Admission 50 Cents
' FIREWORKS will bo the most gorgeous and mag
nificent pyrotechnic display ever seen on this Coast,
This will interest the whole family.
J. E. ENYART, President
JOHN S. ORTH, Cnsbier.
J. A." PERRY, Vice-Presidcjt.
W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier.
CAPITAL $50,000
SURPLUS $10,000
Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted.
We solicit your patronage.
Mr. Investor Have you seen the modern home seven rooms In then
space and cost of four rooms; Iceless refrigerator, built-in buffets!
and dressers; cabinet kitchen.
J. A. McINTOSIT, Architect,
j mira i'ioor juearoru .National jsnnK Utnkhng.
System of Water Supply fti0$
provide an absolutely safe and satiihjc- '
tory water service, equal lo that Axr't With
offered by any cily water works. A.j' the
An abundant supply of water Kewanee
always available and dcliv- Syatem,
cred under strong pressure Jyf an air-bRhuteel. pneu
matic tank, called the
throughout the house, barn
or grounds.
Protec- '
Kewanee Pneumatic Tank
is rilaced in the cellar. Water
is Dumocd into this tank and is
delivered to the futures by air
No Attic Tank
to Leak and Flood the House.
No Elevated Tank
to Freeze or Collapse.
100 per cent better stroke and will last a
lifetime. -
Over Nine Thousand Kewanea
Outfits in Successful
O Deration.
Also agents for White Steam
Cars and Fairbanks-Morse Gaso
line Pumping Outfits.
t t
E. A. Washburne & Son
Miles Block Medford, Oregon
Savoy Theatre
JUDGE NOT Drama. ,
Wft run no old pictures. ' x ONE DIME.
P. C. Hansen. ' Tom Moffat.
We make any kind and style of windows. We carry
glass of any size ' on hand.
Medford Sash & Door Co