' TUB MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORFJON", FRIDAY, HKPTKMHER 3, 1909. 5 'I'llll llllllll COIICClt eily park will In? we ing. tonight in Hi" I worth uluml- Homothing every hus'-nosn mini wnnts tho merchanta' lunch at the NiihIi grill each noon nn elaborato nioiiu. Price 35 contn. 0. H. Hoichmiiii of Kiiiio i Medford on biiBinoss. Don't forget the dance tonight uftor the bund concert ut tlio Wigwam. 143 , i H. M. Mourn. Jr., of Tublo Hookas registered nt (lie Mooro. You nun get a meal to order nt the Kusb Grill any timo bctwoon 0 o'clock hi the morning and midnight. Opon nt nil hours. I . 0. Kullier of Ulcbdulo in in Mud ford on u short bitsineRB trip. Don't forget that tho Nash Orill has tho best ohf in tho Htuto mid makes a Hpceiully of small or lur(0 'dinner purlieu. 1'. If. llobinson of Woodvillu wiih n recent Medford vittitor. J.ct Hull A jour scenic work, Hitch nH it photo of your orchard, home, ele. 331 K. Main street. 0. A. Hriidslmw of Hosoliurg Ui spending n fnw ilny in li ''ity. Don't forget that tho Rogue Kivcr Fif.li Market always has a full mip ply of fre-U fih, dressed chickens, im'Mrtcd snusngo and cheese on bund. Dmiee at the Wigvimn tonight after the bund eoneert. 143 Mrs. Lena Heady, who ha" been visiting friends in Jacksonville, bus returned to her home. For insurance on plain glass and automobiles ace us. We have the old CKt nnd best companies. Benson In veslment Co. 143 Mix. A. Lenders is visiting friends in Ashland. Oo to the dance tonight nt the Wi( wiiiii after Ihe bund ci erL 143 J. V. Aleut t of Ashland was n re cent visitor in Medford. The sumo old story - but it's a good one. No heller place in town for a sipuiro meal limn the Spot cafe II. H. Tronson of visiting in Medford. Kittllo Point is There will he another one of those popular dunces at Ihe Wigvvnm lo night lifter Ihe Imml eoneert. 143 S. N. llonnctt hn returned from n visit in Klamath Falls. A Koguo River orchard menus a pood income. Kniitll and largo tracts of best quality. I-ovv prices and pood tonus. Hensnn Investment Co. 142 Charlie Monson is in Medford ro- ncwiijg old nequmntnnees. Thero in no plane liko home, but tho Louvre entc cooking is so nenr the kind mother used to do (lint you'll forget, your troubles, especially if you nro eating some ol their la mous hot wnflios and mnplo syrup for breakfast. i Tiov. W. T. Shields a visit in Portland. is bnclc from After Iho tbealer go to the Xnsh Orill for supper. 140-" Mr. nnd Mrs. K R. Wolfer of TCn glo Point nre visiting in Medford. Open nil tlio time - tlio Xnsh Orill.' V. M. Culling of Scuttle is visit ing in Medford with V. M. Slewarl You'll liko boxbnll. Try it. 4 4- TArt I TF Tfl PI ASSIFY 4I I WANTKD- An experienced vvnilress nt the Tolel Nash. T. K. Potlongor of the Applcgalo spent Friiluy in Medford on business. fresh crawfish received daily from the Quelle ut Portland at the Nash drill. A. M. Duffy is in Ashland on u business trip, Orders for sweet cromn or butter milk promptly filled. Phone tho jrenmory. A. lirown is hK'iiiliii( a lew dpys in the Willow Springs eountry. A game everybody 'Cim pluy box ball. ' Mrs. J. A. MeOlashan received the sad news of the death of her moth er in Decatur, 111., August 30, nt the udvunced ago of 84 years. Kiln was born in Oxford, Kiigliiud, and is Ihe mother' of 13 children, 11 of whom are living. For real estate, rents, iiiHiiruneo or loans call on Benson Investment Co. 1 MiHH May Mdary of South Dakota is visiting Miss flraco Henry. You'll meet your friend nt the box ball alloy. , P. S. Kusterday, president of Hie Columbia liridgo company of Port land, was unending county court this week. The Nash Grill is open day and night the finest service between Portland nnd Son Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Cnnlrull of Huch spent Thursday Willi relatives living in the valley. We wiil insure your automobile against tire, theft orrobbery. Have it attended to at once. Ucnson in vestment Co. 143 Holbrook Withinglon was at the count v scut on business Thursduy. Ten, eoffoo, beer or claret, with club lunch, 30 cents, nt tlje Kmeriok Cafe. " H. C. Washburn and S. K.,Adiims. two prominent orchnrdisls of Sums Valley, were attending county court on ciinesoiiy. If you have money, buy a lot and build you a home. , If you have not, let us build it for you. Little down nnd littlo at a lime. Benson Investment Co. 13 L. A. Rose and daughter, Mrs. Claude Cute of Corvallis, were Hie guests of Mrs. W. R. Coleman in Jacksonville Wednesday evening. - '. W. Miles of the Jackson County Abstract company wns nt Jackson ville on business Thursduy. When in doubt, piny trumps. Wo say when in doubt, buy ronl estate in Medford. Lots $23 ciisb. $10 per month. Benson Investment Co. William P. Storer of Saernmenlo is in Medford visiting relatives. Henry C. Johnson of flold Hill, wns a' recent visitor in Medford. 'Harry Stonowell 'of the Applcgnle was a recent visitor iij Modford. John Williamson of Benglo was in Medford on business Friday. Arthur Moron of Colestin. Friday in this city. spent V F. J. Moonnn of Central Point brouirht to this office Friday four peppers' from his garden Hint weigh eel l'j pounds, ono nlono weighing 'o pound. They wore fine specimens und 'were eertninlv n credit lo Mr. Moonnn. . , Count v Assessor W. T. Grieve wns in Medford on business Fi'idny. Geovire (inltiths ol Mnrslilielcl is in Medford in the inleresls of frost prevention. He carries n complete outfit of modern -equipment. MF.HFOIH). Or.. Aug. f. IflO!) Hall's Texas Wonder, of SI. Louis, cured my daughter of n severe kidney und bladder Irnnblo ofter doclon failed lo givo liny roliof, and I can cheerfully recommend it. Mrn. L. L. Wilson, '135 Bnrllclt St. Sold by Ilnskins' Drug Store. RFAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. A. ('. ()oel.e to George I. Fer ii'.on, N '2 of S K y. sue- on Id, lowiisbi) 3.'i, range 4 W ! 3000 Hurry II. Tutlle to William It. Bullock, lot 3, block 1, Tul tle's subdivision 1 United Slules to John W. Stu der, lots 1 and 2, section 30, township 33, range 2 F. ...patent 0. Porter to T. IS. Higiiibolb am, tliree-(iiurter nero in section 34, towushi)! 33, range 1 K l."00 Bert V. Bull to W. II. Ken worlby, lots 4 and 5, block 4, George Ball's addition to Woodville 250 Probate. s- Kstate Nellie A. Blackburn; first nnd final account of administrator filed. Kstnlo Frank I. Xelkc; order made discharging administratrix. F.stnte Ilulduh Colver; report of sole of real property filed and or der made confirming same. Kstnte Marin A. ('benoweth ; semi-' minimi nccoiiut of administrutor fil ed. Kstalo Lucy V. Chandler; order mnde eonfinning sale of real estate. Fstnte J. T. Lnyton; order made for udiiiinislrator to furnish new bond. ' An Illustration. "Now. Harold." uld the teacher to small hut unusually bright pupil, "glvo au Illustration of the superiority of mluil over mutter." After n moment's reflection Harold replied: "I bnve to mind you. That's wlinl Is the matter." Chicago News. Alice Alias Alya. Mr. Bqulggs What's the little Ku rox girl's name? I couldn't cutcb It when her mother Introduced us. Mrs. Hqulggs Pliiln Alice, only her moth er's trying to pronounce It so you'll spell It "Alys."-Phllndelplila Bulletin. Both on tho Lino. "The nrllst over the way was boast ing to me Hint his work Is now being hung on the line." - "Humph! So Is his wife's." Balti more American. Revenge Is the abject pleasure of an abject mind. Juvenal. 8uepicious. Tie seeing New York automobile was moving tnrougu me uuanciai Dis trict. "Tills is Wall street," announc ed the man with the megaphone. "Keep your band on your purse, Hi ram!" hoarsely whispered a lndy from tbe open country to her husband. Premonition. Little W'lille Say. pa, what Is tbe meaning of premonition? Pa Premonition, my son, 'is what nils people who nre nllllcted with the "1 told you so" hu bit. Chicago News. A Sacrifice. Knt Mnn-Whiit: Are you going to let this small boy shave me? Barber Let the boy bnve tils fun for once. It Is Ills birthday, sir. Kllegendo Blat- ter. A scar nobly got Is 9 good livery of honor. Sbnkespenre. MISFITTED LENSES ARE I i,l I s' i iailw ii i By my method errors of the eyes cnusing nerve strain nre ac curately mensural, proper lenses prescribed, when hendnehes and oth er troubles disappear. It is a well known fact that children in school classed ns stupid have often boenkuown to make rapid progress after errors of this sort hnve been corrected. Brief consultation free. t ..L . . DR. IVY M. ROBINSON, " 1 , ' Eyesight Specialist, East Main St., Over Nicholson's Hardware. Medford. ASHLAND Swedenliurg Block. Here Is a year's Work for yoil. An earnest nnd enthusiastic young ninn or vvoninn cim secure an excellent course of business training. Splendid rooms in tlio Swedenliurg block, individual instruction, in crensed faculty. Everything up-lo-dnlo. Enter September (ilh nnd secure tho host year's work of your life, including our full course in gymnasium work. P. RITNER. A. M., President. Special Program at the Bijou. Be Hiire und see the pictures nt the Bipou tonight. Three feature films. Tho highest class pictures ever shown in Merlfnrd. We do not show one reel of good stuff and one reel of poor pictures. Our pictures are all tho very best and latest. See Hie beautiful hand colored picture Be-wileli.'-d Manor House, a wonderful trick picture, very clever and amus ing lo the children. "The Message," a beautiful dramn, dealing with a happy home. See the mother about to desert her home, and see the little tot and how she causes her mother to return home. "Little Busybody," a very funny comedy, a screnrn from sturt to fin ish. We give Medford one of the best shown for the money. We huve the quality as well us tho quantity. , No short shows. You get your money's worth here. No fourth eluss entertainments, such as other houses show, but strictly high class vaude ville nnd moving pictures. .The Chi cago Trio change their act Saturday, a. very clever, singing and dancing turn. Admission 10c. und 15c. 143 A Tramp of Roiourco. Much experience of thirsty tramps bad caused tbe author of "An Engltsb Holiday." J. J. Hlssey. to foreknow almost exactly wbut tbey would say to hi in.' due day. when sending bis motorcar slowly ulong a shady Eng lish road, he met one of this guild, who accosted hlin wltb the preliminary touch of his cap. Mr. Flissey antici pated III in by exclaiming: "1 lie mortal thirsty: Unve you. good sir, the price of n glass of ale about yon? I've driven nearly Dfty miles to day, and since tbe morning not a bite of food bus passed my lips." The look of nstoulshment that tramp gave me was a delight to observe. But this tramp wns n man of ready re source, and, seeing 1 was a boneless case, be rose to tbe occasion and promptly exclaimed, wltb what dig nity be could command and with a comically serious expression: "If there were a policeman In sight I would give you In charge for begging, that 1 would r Between Two Fires. She was desperately gone on them both, and she couldn't think wlcb one to choose. It was rather perplex ing, uo doubt, for one sbe was bound to refuse. She gazed nt tbeiu both in despair, quite piizr.led to know what to do. As soon as she thought about one sbe cared for tbe other one too. They still remained under ber gaze, little recking the trouble they brought. It really was hnrd to decide. Tbey were both so delightful, she thought. She couldn't say which one she'd bare; her efforts fell hopelessly flat. it's really exceedingly bard select ing a new autumn bat. He Told Her. Housekeeper You promised that if I'd give you n good meal and a suit of old clothes you'd tell me bow to keep the premises free from tramps. Tramp Yes. mum. an' I'm n man of me word. mum. nn' I'll keep ine promise, although that meal wasn't no great shakes nn" this suit of clothes I nln't much of n tit. But I'll tell ye. "Well, what course nm 1 to pursue?" "Never give 'em anything, mum. r!ood day. mum." DEAR AT ANY PRICE. Some Consolation. A detective once said It' was all wrong to suppose Unit the professional housebreaker works wltb coolness and calculation. On the contrary, be usual ly works In terror nnd haste, takes too much swag from one room and too little from another and sometimes over looks the silver In currying off tbe electro. London Saturday Jlevlew. 8ource of 8upply Gone. "Why don't you bring out an um brella on a drenching day like this?" inquired a man of a neighbor's sod. "Since father gave up bis club be's never brought borne any more um brellas," replied the lad. Fillndelpbla Inquirer. Good Rtaeon. "Well, Johnny, do joa wish you were a grownnp man?" "You bet I do." "But why?" "Bo people wouldn't ask me such fool questions." Exchange. Muddled. She Of course I'm not as old as yon think I am. He I hope not I mean you can't be --that Is how old are yon? Cleveland Plain Dealer. A Difficult Task. -Tbe MaD Do you think you could learn to love me. darling? The Darling I don't know: I mlgbt. I learned Greek wben I was a girL Illustrated Bits. Watermelons FANCY LARGE ONES, 15c EACH TODAY AND SATURDAY AT THE B. & C. CASH STORE. TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS TO 2351. JARDINIERES FOR TODAY AND SATURDAY WE WILL HAVE QN SALE FOOD FAIENCE BODY JARDINIERES, G INCH, FOROc; 8-INCH FOR 40c; 10-INCH FOR 50c EACH. ECONOMY JARS COME TO OUR STORE TODAY OR SATUR DAY AND SEE THE LADY USE ECONOMY JARS. HAVILAND CHINA SET, 56 PIECES BEAUTIFULLY BLEND ED COLORS IN WREATHS OF ROSES AND VIOLETS, IN VINE PATTERN. REGULAR PRICE $23.00. TODAY ......... .$18.00 The store that serves you best by telephone, 2351.. : ' B Gash 223 West , A Home Body. "So your husband always stays In the house nights';" snld one woman. "Yes," answered the other. "Once Hiram gets settled down In front of his fireside you cau't get hi in out of doors even to bring In an armful of wood." Good end Simple. - I-ct It not be in any man's power to say truly of thee that thou art not simple or that thou art not good, but let til in lie a liar whoever shall think nnylhing of this kind about thee, and Ibis is altogether In thy power, for who is be that shall hinder tbee from being good and simple? Marcus An tonlus. How He Raieed It. "IIow on earth did you ever culti vate such a beautiful black eye?" ask ed Brown's friend. "Ob," replied Brown, who bad unin tentionally been illustrating the fall of man on roller skates, "1 raised it from a slip." Everybody's Magazine. 8howe No Improvement. "I don't see that ber college educa tion bag Improved ber mncb." "Nor "No. Sbe helps ber mother wltb tbe housework jnst as If sbe badn't been educated." Detroit Free Press. An Apt Simile. Some men have a career like a golf ball. Tbey are helped out of one hole I only to get Into another. Ltppincott's. 6 Store C Main Street We Lead in showing the latest Fall Styles in Suits Also a Nice Line of Ladies' Ready-ToWear Hats SPECIAL While they last, a splendid lot of PERSIAN SILK RIBBONS; all col ors and shades; ranging in width from 80 to 100; regular 60c and 75c values; to close, per 9r yard We carry a complete line of BABY'S WEARING APPAREL at prices which are exceptionally low, when quality is considered. See Us First