THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFOR1), OREGON. FRIDAY, SKPTEMRKR H, WOO. Medford daily Tribune Official Paper of the City of Medford. Published every evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY George Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postof fice at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : month by mail or carrier.... (0.60 One year by mail 15.00 f TODAY'S WEATHER PREDICTION. ' Clear today and tomorrow. Warmer. ' A rare and salubrious climate soil of remarkable fertility beautiful scenery 'mountains stored with coal, copper and gold extensive forests streams stocked with speckled beauties game in abundance a. contented, progressive people such is the Rogue River Valley. .-..-:.' .' ,7.. x . Average mean temperature ..... .- . . , .... 55 degrees Average yearly precipitation .21 inches PRECOOLING EXPERIMENTS. Rogue River f ruitmen should make an effort to induce the government to send, its portable pre-cooling plant to Medford to demonstrate the efficacy of the process and conduct experiments for the preservation of fresh fruits "for transcontinental shipment. "With the remarkable keeping qualities possessed by Rogue River fruit, there is no reason Avhy the great London and European centers should not be available as markets for fancy pears, providing the pie-cooling process is utilized. At present experiments are being conducted at Lodi, Cal., under the direction of Professor S. J. Dennis during the grape season. Last year the experimental work was carried on at Riverside during the orange season. The method is simplicity itself. After the cars are loaded for shipment they are cooled by the ammonia pro cess. The government experts have found that anunonia accomplishes in a few hours what it takes ice several days to do. The fruits are immediately put under a cold tem perature, and while ice is not done away with entirely, not so much of it is needed.' At Lodi the experts' main object will be to determine to what extent the losses in shipment can be reduced by prompt cooling. As many cars as possible will be handled in the new cooling manner, and the fruits will be inspected by agents of the department of agriculture upon their arrival in New York city. The plant was fitted up in the belief that a great deal more at a less expense will be ac complished by the prompt cooling system. Upon com pletion of the work at Lodi the plant will be taken to other points, and Medford might as well be one of the points. MILADY'S HAT IS GOING TJP. Not to be outdone by mere man, who of late has shown considerable aptitude in dealing with creatures that come and go high, (he National Association 'of Milliners, in con vention assembled, have declared that the aeroplane hat is "the" thing for the coming season. The 'pencil basket," the 'scoop shovel," the "merry widow," inverted dishpans, decorated waste paper baskets and like feminine adornments which have graced milady's head this season will be condemned as too expensive and behind the times. The "aeroplane hat" is almost' as astounding as the long flights made by Aviator Curtiss at Rheims last week. It holds the record for long distance flight of fancy, if its description can be used as a criterion. "The thing" is a rectangular contrivance, "preferably in velvet moire of berry color somewhere between lavender and purple." The back of the "hat" is turned to resemble an aeroplane rudder and two vertical planes are built of two large wings which project from a' sort of box like a bit of gear which is arranged to perch over the right eye. That is the "aeroplane hat," the predicted successor to t lie present popular creations. COMMUNICATIONS. Trip to Antioch To the Kditor: I consider I was quite fortiiutite last Su:;diiv in Inn ing the pleasure of accompanying Mr. A. L. Sherman of our rity in his spirited rig to tho beautiful fertile fruit orehnrd Mint home of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Wilhitc, in tho Anlioen distriet, some 18 miles north of the county. I noted many changes and improvements along the entire route in my absence of four brief years. The county roads have been straight ened, graded and have been put' in fine condition with substantial bridges, culverts anil smooth road bed, which makes it a pleasure, in stead of n dreaded task, which has always been the principal lrinvhiit-k in reaching and developing this re mote productive section of our coun ty. We traveled slowly that wo might enjoy the many things to be seen on the quiet stillness of the Sabbath day, which was quite noticeably observed at the many farm residences, which we think speaks volui.ies for a law- abiding community. Our attention was frequently called to -notice of many dead carcasses of the old-time settler, tho jackrabbit, by the road side, which 1 nm told have died partly trom grief and starvation, the loss of his native home, the chappanil thicket and the encroachment of the new and old settler with the exten sive use of Page and other wire fences Jhiit have completely shut them out ol their grain fields, gardens and orchards, robbing them of these del icacies and their old haunts, which is rapidly exterminating their num bers. We reached our destination at 1 1 p. m. and after enjoying a cold refreshing drink, wash ami a half hour rest with this hospitable family, where love and sunshine seem to dwell, we struck out to look over his ideal home, nestled in a cool, shady pine grove in one corner of their 20- acre tract of timber land, which has ! a commanding view of tho entire farm, which we found ut its xcuish in productiveness, cleanliness and at tractiveness, burdened with all kinds of commercial fruits, grapes, alfalfa and vegetables galore. W'o begun to think this was just the proper time of the year to observe the productive ness of Innd in a dry season, without irrigation, to look at corn stalks eight feet high, with two and 'sometimes three cars of filled corn, and from , 125 to 25 boxes of clean, commercial fruit to tho tree, and everything in proportion that can he raised in this perfect climate with the pricier cure and industry minus irrigation, makes the Missourian sil up and wonder. Dinner was called, and if ever that old family table ever did groan and tremfSle before as it did on that day it was when it was growing in one of those eastern cyclone forests. And right here I want to go on record of acknowledging my unfitness and in ability as a descriptive writer in giv ing even a brief description of the many varieties of toothsome dishes eaten of so freely nnd enjoyed so im mensely. We returned home at 0 a. in., making a circuit of 40 miles, well satisfied. The northern part of our county has a hriglit and promising future. J. O. MA It TIX. Shoe Styles For Fall- And Winter Just Arrived Hi-sides all the Walk-Over fa vorites, wn are also showing for the fall and winter seuson, sev eral new shapes and patterns which are bound' to win a great following because of their graceful lines and novel features. Conic in and look over our stock, examine the shoes, in side and nut, then try on a pair. I tetter stilt, ask your friends who wear them. Having worn them they know their virtuies. Just ask them. fedmeades Bros.! THE WEST SIDE SHOE STORE AUTOMOBILE STAGE LINE ADDS CAR ROSKBL'KO, Or.. Sept. X The Roseburg-Coos May auto stage bus been so heavily laden with passengers of Into that the managers'. Wade & Goodule, have purchased another ear u nine-passenger Chalmers-Detroit. They have been using a four-passenger car, and making the trip every oilier (lay, but the demand for seats is so great that it has made another car necessary. Do you like crawfish? The Xnsb Grill serves them. Fresh shipments unity lrom tho famous OiicIIb enfo at Portland. a o a o u Economy Don't Wait till the very last moment to order your meats for Sunday and then (eel disappointed because the choicest stock is gone. Order Now and we will deliver It as needed. 1 YOUNG CHICKENS, all dressed and ready for the pan, per pound 20c and 25c Or, if it is too warm to cook, try some of our COLD BOILED HAM (sliced and ready for serving, per pound ; 35c If you prefer to boil them yourself, we are offering the finest Eastern Hams for, per pound ... 18c Nothing better than our MEDFORD CREAMERY BUTTER on the market; per roll 75c THE ECONOMY MARKET ASHP0LE & NICHOLS, Proprietors. Opposite Postofflce Phono 461. Economy Sutherlin errace On South Peach and Thirteenth Streets. Only two blocks from Oakdale Avenue. A fine residential Section. Our Salesman will take pleasure in showing you these lots. Price only $300. Benson Investment Co, 112 West Main Opposite Hotel Moore W o o O