THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1900. CRY FOR MIGHTY HUNTER GOES UP IN RIVERTON WINSTKK, C..1111., Kiuil. "Whmi will Teddy Im Imi'k from AfiieuT" linked K. A. MriiiNon of ltiverton ux eiletlly today iim he entered u newM. puper ol'1'ice here. "Wo have. jol noiiiii liiii' liiiiilin for liini hut in our villiiKe, mill I know tliu primmim of Hid jjient hi-ant slayer would ul IiiiihI nerve, lo ouit Iho fear of tint villii orn." Tint quid of I Im niuhl in ltiverton Iiiih Ihm'ii hrokcn by the IioIiwIm of ini iiiuil whieli iiihuhiU Din ledum of tlio west nidi- of the river, hunt iiilil about I) o'clock iU yell were hoiird no dihlinetly in Din villii((i tliut Mini Hon mid oIImth who happened to be out lulo );iit indooiH in ii jiffy. Siiiiiii people thing tin iiiiiiiuil ix IIIOOHC, tt-jl OtllCTH Illdil'VI) it tu lie II I" i'K liieiuhel' of I lie cutiiiiioiiiil I n in ily. WililcntM are known to intent (Im ledge whenee I he cry cinnc. Noun of llicli rcniilciiiH Iihvk ilnrcd lo iiiviidii I lie iiiiIiiiiiI'm lnir, lull DeunU Sullivmi will ko out with n piiKMc of lllllltlTH lit MIOII IH n Hllllly Of glllllt mill ii in it ii it i t cuii lie proi-tued, i IRON TRADE RUNNING AHEAD OF ALL RECORDS CI.KVKLANI). Sept. , - Tin- Iron Trmlc Itcvicw of tomorrow will Hiiy : "In fcpitn of Hu trenieudoiiH prudilet ioiiK f furiuieex mid iiiIIIk of I lie Vnited Sliiles Slcel ( 'in punil ion mid independent inleresN, nil ennipiiliien lire now hiivinu' crenl dif'fieullieH in milking deliveries Mdlinfiietory to eon-Hiiiiii-rs. liiihed mi liyutvs of ucliv tlic o fur Hum mouth, it in certain Hint Hie Steel eorpiiinliun will hreiik it ng i prodtielinii reenrril liy be twweu .'H.fMIO mid 1(10,(1110 ton; will net it new record fur ore shiinenl mid will show total xliipuiiMiN of fin ished liuileriiils of over 1)00,00(1 toiiH, n figure lienr iioiinal. All kuhsidiiir ii'K hluiw a inarked ineieue in output no far Ihix uiontli, pnrlieiituVly in pic iron mid billets. The hillel mill nt Gary ha lieen Marled running on forKiui; hillels mid the (lary rail mill will turn out 10,0011 lunx thin iiioiilh. ELABORATE RECEPTION FOR JAPANESE COMMISSIONERS SKATTLK, Kept. :.-I Wly-nix roprpueiiliitiven of tint eoiniiieroinl in leriiHlH of Japan, who have, henii dun iiialeil hy their Kovcrnuieul uu' hon orary I'oiiiiuiMHioiierH, will Im the KiiuhIh of tliu hour ul Hid Japan day cclehrulioii at the Aliihkii-Yu'koii-l'ii-eil'ie cxpoHition Saturday. The par ty, which iirrived recently on the AliiiiutHolii from the orient, itf liemled hy Huron Kichi ShihiiHUwii, prcHident of the Fii hI Hunk of Jiijiuii, us chair mm). Thet loeul Jiipunoki! have, ruined $10,011(1 for tho Japan day cclchrit tion at tliu cxpoHition, whicli will he douhllcHH Hid iiiokI hrilliiiiit day that will he held at (lie fair. Five, thoii Hiiud Japiim.'Hii liuileriiH will ho hung through (he groundx. The parade through the ground will have over 11 Hiniihuiid Japanese dressed ill their native eosl nines in its lines mid there will also he ten floats representing various features of Japanese history mid mythology. KEEP YOUR BEES AT HOME; IF YOU DON'T LOOK OUT APPLES WILL BEAT ' 'POSSUM DINNER SI'OKANK. Wash.. Sept. 3. Spo kane i preparing to (five President Tuft ii dinner thai heeume even mora famous than the "possum dinner1' of tho Month. Ill the hall of the Dopes, nt TlfiviMiport'ii, claimed to ho the fin ant hiiiupielintf room in the world, the rresidlcnt will he impressed Villi the fnel that Spokane is the home of the big red nppln. The finest specimens of applet grown in the Inland F.inpire will he used iu the depuration, nearly 20, 000 npiles being used for this pur pose alone. Apples will he served wherever possible on the nlahorale menu, and vnrions viands will he serv ed in Ihe' liollowed-out shell of (he, largest apples (frown nnywhere. NOTICK TO CONTHACTOrtS. Nolieo is hereby (tiven that the city council of tho city of Medford. Ore gon, will receive sealed proposal for Ihn conel ruction of lateral seiveis as follows, to-wit: A 0-inch Intern sewer along Itiv- ersidu iiveiiiie u distance of )')() feet. An H-inch lud nil sewer lilting Hose avenue n distance of (!!() feet. An 8-inch lateral sewer iiloiiif North Oakdalc avenue, from llauiilton to Third street. A 0-inch lulernl sewer iiloiiff Simi- ni it aveiiui! n distimco of (iOO feet. . A (1-inch lateral newer uloiijf West Third htreet from North Oakdaln live nun to Holly street. A 0-inch lateral sewer nloii(f Hum illon street from west end of street lo North Oukdalo nvcuuo. A 0-inch Intend sewer nlonpr alley throned block 2.r. A (l-iiieb littoral sewer nlnng alley beliveen d'Anjoii street mid Central nvenun from Eighth street to Ninth slreet. A (1-inch lateral sewer nlonp; Or nii)fO slreet between Eighth street ami Tenth street. All bid must be filed with tho cily recorder on or beforo 4 :30 p. m. Scji (ember 7, 1000, and accompanied by a certified cheek payablo to tho city treasurer of said cjty oiinl to five per cent of the contract price; check to be forfeited to tho oily of Medford in case tho successful bidder fails to enter into contract for same. Con tractor to furnish all labor and male- rinls necessary lo c.ompleto said sew ers. Plans and specifications may bo had for said improvement by call in); at or addressing tho cily. engin eer's office. Done by order of tho city council of the city of Medford. Oregon, this !:id dav of August. 1900. ROBT. W. TET.FI'.R. City Recorder. WINKTKH, Conn.. Sept. .- Ilee owners must keep their bees ill home, or pay damages if they sting people is the purport of a decision by Jus tice of the peace ('. Ii. Alwood of Wiilcrtown. Chillies fields mid Ki'aiik (lilinoie, next door neighbors keep bees. Fields ami his wife testified that Oil more, s bees slung both of them, in eiipucatiiig Fields from work. Fields dcmuiided $100 damages. The n(ings were inflicted hy the bees while the witnesses were minding Ihier own business on thicr own premises; therefore the bes, counsel for Fields claimed, were transgress ors. , The court awarded Fields Jfil(i.r5 anil costs. IRRIGATION MFN VISIT HERMIST0N PKNUI.F.TON, dr., Sept. .1. The senate irrigation 'commitlco iirrived in Ilcrmi-t'.ii this morning. A number . t .11. ....... , . . , in. i i'imii'-iiiii people wein io nermis- j ton todu.y lo timet them to show the interest of this city in the subject of irrigation, imd especially in the 1,'inu tilla project. The committee will be invited to make a short stop in Pen dleton. The committee travels by spe cial train mid will leave lierimston for the at 8 o'clock this evening. NOTICE. Customers wanled at tho Rogue River Fish Co. Do not forget, chick ens for Sunday, all kinds of fresb f'wh, hlirimps, oysters, etc. Bijou Theatre j Entire Change of Program Illustrated Songs The Chicago Trio In a New Act Why pay 10 cents for a few moving pictures when for 5 cents more you can seo u high grude vaudeville act. hear illustrated songs, in ad dition to a full picture program. DON'T FORGET THE BAB Y CONTEST BEGINS TODAY. HAND IN IN YOUR PICTURES. For Sale Necessity of owner compels this sacrifice offering on the follow ing: Two lots, 50x161 feet, with 20-foot alley at rear; good soil, good well with force pump, 5-room plastered house, newly papered and newly painted outside and inside, electric lighted; this is a bar gain at $1100; cash $712.50, good terms on balance. This must go at once. Address Box 120. City. Admission 10c and 15c APPLES AND PEARS AND ALL KINDS OP FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific North west. Not in the combine. Competes with all first class nurseries. L. E. HOOVER, Agent Medford Iron Works E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. Foundry and Machinist All k!r.i' of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma- chinery. Agents in Southern Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. t GET AHEAD OF THE HOT SEASON. You can bid defiance to the beat by having an electric fan put in po sition. It doesn't cost very much, either. If you haven't one, we can fix you up i na short time, at the least expense. We're general elec tricians, and do all classes of work in our line in the most thorough manner. Jobbing skillfully and promptly executed at lowest charges. Portable lamps in all varieties. R0EUE RIVER ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION CO MEDFORD, OREGON Jargains in Real Estate A few investments that will make money for you 40 acres fine fruit land near railroad station, $S0 per acre-, Y2 cash, , easy terms on balance at 0 per cent interest. 100 acres of the best orchard land in the valley, ONE MILE FROM RAILROAD STATION, ViO per acre, ONE-FOURTH cash, easy terms on balance at 6 per cent interest. 10 acres of choice orchard land close to railroad station, $100 DOWH AND $10 A MONTH BUYS THIS. You will regret it if you neglect to secure this ten acres on the above terms. 4 large city lots in West Medfo.-d joining Kenwood addition, $200 ea. The owner of the above properties purchased them four years ag before the advance in prices and will sell at a very' moderate profit. Considering quality of land and location, these are among the cheapest buys in the market todnv. J.C.BROWN Office In Palm Block, Upstairs' . . Medford, Oregon LEST YE FORGE .WE AGAIN REMIND YOU THAT AVE HAVE LATELY RECEIVED A CAR OF STRICTLY FRESH HARD WALL PLASTER -4IAIR FIEER AND THAT, AS USUAL, OUR STOCK OF LUM BER IS THE BEST TO BE HAD ANYWHERE; BUT IN ORDER TO MAKE YARD ROOM, AVE ARE SACRIFICING AN ODD LENGTH OF 1 X 12 SURFACED COMMON LUMBER NOT THE BEST, OF COURSE, BUT SOMETHING YOU CAN READILY FIND USE FOR NEARLY EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. COME AND LOOK IT OA'ER. Woods Lumber Cosnp'y B