Oregon Historical Society City Hall 7 $1,000 REWARD! ONE TIIOUSA TIMONY TILV ANY PERSON WITO WITHIN A ROOUE RIVER V MILE RADIUS, AS AS MEDEOHD, Medfoed Daily Tribune FOURTH YEAR. MEDFORD, OKMJOX, FRIDAY, HEJ'TKMIlER 3 1909. Xo. 143. ND DOLLARS REWARD WILL JIK PAID BY THE L'MJK CAS Kitr.w uv Arr-rrrrvTi- m nc.s- v awv riTV nu Tfftvw tm Till. r-vif-L i. r,. ; :"."": IU a vy ..... - ...... fiutu niAirin, UU LI, Lh.J II AN ' MHrTIHV TCI IT CITkP r rt mrfn 10-MILE RADIUS, A 20-MILE II ADIL'S, A 30-MILB R MANY WVERSlKIKli BRRftfrnrKM m VT . OREGON. HAS WITHIN A COIMf KKPrivnivn iiiniiiri,Lvl,m....,.,n'n, "" " , , iiauiAWCUIIIJ LIMIJirilllylAli UliUD. UB, CLEARING OUT OF Large Crew of Men at Work Clearing Land Preparatory to Raising Dam Twenty Feet A large force of men ure at work at Fish liiku clearing nil undergrowth .mid trees from its shore ho IIiiiI there will Imi iio submerged vrgotu lion when Hut (lam in raised 'JO fuel, att is mow planned. ' The lakn feeds Little Ilntta creek, the source of mtp ply for the gravity water system, and it vun dim to this submerged vog c.tution that oposition was found to that sotirco for cily water. At that time I. L. Ilainilon promised that (ha WEDNESDAY ISJAG DAY Ladies of Greater Medfcrd Club Plan to Raise Funds for the City Park. IVjr! You're it I Next Wednesday, September 8, the "men folks" will havu !' pony up wnough change to buy anywhere from one tag to a dozen from the ladies of the Greater Medford club, who will use that day to raise funds for the betterment of the city park. All day the ladies of the club will be on the trail of the mun who does not wear a tug, uud woe to the man who docs not punglo up. Remember, Wednesday is tag day. OREGON POSTMASTERS WILL GET TOGETHER Oregon posiuutslcrs if the fourth eluss are to assemble in Portland September 10 and 11 for the purpose of milking themselves felt as a unit nt the national capital, and having offices placed on tho classified list, in order not to be at the beck and call of the congressmen of their ro Hpeutivo districts. The meetings lire to be held in the convention hull of the Commercial club, and nre expect ed to bo tho most generally attended of any since tho organization was ef fected. The meetings nre to be held simul taneously with those of tho presiden tial postmasters of Oregon, and there will bn somo attompt at unity of pur pose with both clnsses of officials. The railroads of the state liavo made concessions in regard to rales, and credit will bo given on the tickets at tho Portland offices on presentation. .HARRIMAN BUYS HISTORIC PLACE NEW YOHK", Sept. 3. K. IP. Hnr riman lias purchased the historic Taylor farm nt Central Valley, thus beginning the campaign by which lie intends lo extend his realty holdings. Mr. llarrimnn is said to have paid $'20.0(1(1 for tho Taylor place. Tt was in the market for hull' this amount before Mr. Ilavrinian located nt ArT den. ,' Tho way to n mint's heart is via his slomneh, such being tho onso, the Loucro enfe is ontillnd to tho thanks of every woman whoso friend nrrola tive has ever sat nt its tublo--'lis a pleasure to eat thoro. BRUSH 1 FISH LAKE lnko would lie cleared of all Midi veeatioii, and that promise, is now being nmdo good. A largo crow of men are also at work constructing the canal from Four-Mile Lake, which will empty it waters into Fish Luke, greatly in creasing the Fish Luke Ditch' com pany's supply. The present dam at Fish Lako is tun feet high. This is to be increased to JO foet. EIGHT LIVES LOSTJM OHIO Divers In Hull of Wrecked Steamer '.I Find Eight Bodies Including Purser. VICTORIA, I!. C, Scjt. a.A div er in the hull of the wrecked steamer Ohio today found the body of Purser Stephen, ft has been forwarded to Prince Rupert. It has been deter mined that eight lives were lost. VALUE OF EXPORTS AND IMPORTS GROWS WASHINGTON, Sept. ."). There was an increase in tho value of both tho iniiorts and exports of the Unit ed Stales during tho month of July over that month last year, according to the monthly statement of the coun try's foreign commerce, issued by tho bureau of statistics of tho depart ment of commorce and labor. The value of tho imports for July was $112,488,354, an increase , of $20,052,802 over July a year ago, making tho total imports for tho sev en months ending Willi July $830,- 485,1)4(1, which is an increase of $221..r.OH,H08 over the same period for 1908. The increase in exports for July was more limn one-fourth that of imports. The exports were $100,- 337,052, nn increase over the previous . July of $(1,1:18,370; for the seven! mouths ending with July Iho exports amounted to $807,311,122, a decrease during the same period in 1008 of $3,(185.007. RAILROAD COMMISSION ORDERS IMPROVEMENTS SALEM, Or., Sept, 3. Acting upon the results of tho investigation of Iho livestock facilities oT the O. It. & N-, Southern Pacific and ('orvnllis & Eastern railroads, the railroad commission this morning ordered that the Southern Pacific company, with in I") days from ditto of service of the ; order, provide double-deck loading j clinics at its stockyards at. Ainnny, Jefferson, lliilsey and oilier points where such facilities are not main tained, for tho benefit of shippers of sheep in loading doublo-doek slock curs. Tho hearing of Iho complaints against the O. R. N. mid 0. & R companies have boon discontinued. PORTLAND MAN TfJ INSTITUTE LOCAL ELK LODGE Grand Exalted Ruler Sammis of B. P. 0. E. Appoints Special Deputy to Visit Medford. LOCAL HELLO BILL BOYS PLAN GREAT JOLLIFICATION Date of Institution Fixed Definitely for September 23 All Ar rangements Made. ' LEMARS, la., Sept. 3. T. E. Daniels, Medford, Or.: A. Edgar Beard; Portland, bus been appointed special deputy fo institnte Medford lodge. J. U. SAMMIS. Ornnd Exalted Ruler. There is joy in the heart of every local Elk today. At tho largest meet ing ever hold by tho local members at tho temporary quarters last night it was determined to go nhoad with tho work of preparation for the en tertuiiimcnt us first arranged for the night the local lodge is instituted. A reception that will be second to none over attempted in Medford has been already perfected and an elurobate program is bing arranged. On September 23. In order to accommodate the Jack son County Clearing House associa tion, which bus set its duto of an minimi mooting September 15, the Elks graciously changed tho original date for the institution from Sep tember 23, the lutter date having been finally settled this morning by a spe cial committee composed of Messrs. Eifcrt, Orth and Daniels, over the long distance phone, with A. Edgar Heard, a prominent Portland 71k, who bos been honored' with . the special appointment to institute tho local lodge. Handsome Souvenir. A handsome souvenir invitation in booklet form has been placed in tho hands of the engraver with instruc tions to spare nothing .to make it. a work of art well worth preserving. The invitations will be sent to every Elks' lodge in Iho country inviting them to come to Medford and partake of the hospitality that will bo offered and from reports from Portland on tho north and Redding and Sacra mento to the south Medford will seo an attendance of Elks close lo 000 strong. That the dale is finally sof, the en tertainment, on a lavish scale assured and attendance promised that will bo a. record breaker will all be good news lo local people, who nro anx ious to sco everything undertaken in Medford done in a manner second to none attempted in nny oity of its sizo. Locul momhers aro roquostod to filo their dimils with T. E. Dnniols at once in order flint it. may bo definitoly known who will ho . among the first members of tho Mod ford lodge. COOK TO REACH COPENHAGEN E TONIGHT - ! Scores of Correspondents in Capital of Denmark to Greet the Discoverer of the Pole. IS SAID TO BE SECOND ONLY TO COLUMBUS Scientists World Over Are Giving Cre- ' dence to Report of Cooks' Success. COPENHAGEN, Sept. 3. A royal welcome for Dr. Frederick A. Cook has been prepared and is ready when the scientist reaches bore tonight. The torpedo boat "Jutland," be decked with flags, left here to meet and escort the Hans Engedc, which is bearing Cook. Correspondents from all parts of Europe are flocking here to see and talk with the hero of the hour. ' ; Greatst Since Columbus. NEW YORK, Sept. 3. That the discovery of the north pole and the probable discovery of the south pole in the near future will result in a stimulus for arctic explorations and in a rush of scientists to the polar regions is the belief of E. B. Baldwin, the celebrated explorer and meteor ologist. He said : "Cook s achieve' ment is simply wonderful.. He is for tuuate in finding a chain of islands, where game was plentiful, and also to- encounter a smooth surface to within five degrees of the pole. The assistance of the brave littlo Eskimos was of great value, and caitnot be under-estimated. ' The skepticism that is being manifested regarding Cook's wonderful feat of traveling 500 miles in 35 days is not well found cd. as it is not only possible, but vcrv probable under favorable cir cumstances. He is the greatest dis coverer since Columbus." 4. LETS COWS EAT PLANTS. THUS GETTING TWO CROPS DAYTON. Wash.. Sept. 2. An im portant discovery to fruitgrowers of Washington has been made by W. E. Huntley of Dayton, who claims lo have found n method of growing two crops of strawberries mutually. This is not so important as tho fact that his method will produce a second crop eciml lo the first crop in June. If the discovery proves . successful it will menu thousands of dollars annually lo Washington fruit men. Mr. Huntley's first crop of berries yielded $450 an acre this year. From present indications the second, which will be ready to gather this month, will yield equal if not larger returns. Alter gathering the first crop in July, Mr. Huntley turned n band of cattle into tho patch, and tho plants wore eaten off to tho ground. Thou he turn ed water into Iho ditches uguiuj, and the plants grew wondorfully fust. Berries havo commenced to appear, mid aro thriving. Tho method is at lenst. nninun. nnd nromises much for tho Ttouohot valley, .with its immense strawberry crop. ROGUE RIVER BARTLETTS CONTINUE TO PRICES Many Cars Sold Thursdayand Today Ranging Well Over $3 Mark Demand Still Continues NEW YORK. Scut. 3. fSnecial.t Uillcrest Bartletts this afternoon averaged $3.21: Bear Creek. $3.32: half boxes, $1.50; Clairgeuus, boxes, CHICAGO. Sent. 3. fSoecial to the Tribune.) The Stewart Fruit company sold yesterday: Isew iork Bear Creek Bartletts. firsts averaging $3.20; seconds $3.05; half boxes $1.65. Chicago Bear Creek Clairmeaus $2.10; Gore Bartletts, $3. Today the Stewart Fruit comnanv sold : Montreal Bear Creek Bartletts averaging $2.90. Pittsburg Burrcl Bartletts aver aged $3.20. . New York Bear Creek Bartletts E SCARE Discovery of High Explosives in. the Bunkers of Battleships Leads to Great Excitement. LONDON, Sept. 3. Following the discovery-; of high explosives in the bunkers of the. crack battleship "For ward" by Admiral Tystate Fremont, England is plunged into another spasm of excitement. The discovery comes in the midst of a rigid inves tigation following the finding of ex plosives in three other battleships re rectuly. As a result of the findings every commander is ordered to over haul his vessel for explosives. It is feared that a systematic attempt to destroy the best British ships has been made. EARL GREY'S AIDE PAYS $275, THE MAXIMUM FINE VICTORIA, B. C., Sept. 3. Vis count Lnscelles, aide-de-camp to Earl Grey, governor general of Canada, who shot a mountain goat and a deer out of season during the governor general's trip to northern British Co lumbia, has been fined $275 by the British Columbia game wardens. The game wardens went to. Viscount .Lus cello's rodm, where he admitted hav ing shot the mountain goat and doer, the heads o fwhich had been sent to a taxidermist to be mounted. Ho proffered the maximum fine, which was accepted, uud the game war dens then proceeded to the taxidur- ' mists and confiscated the heads. It has been proposed to proceed also against the governor general of Can ada. Earl Grey, but investigation fail ed to show that he had killed any game. BALLINGER ARRIVES AFAIN IN WASHINGTON WASHINGTON, Sept. 3. Secre tary of the Interior linllinger ar rived bore today from Seattle, and iMilhori.ed a statement that he ex- Lpected to present personally to Tal't n report otitis department 'concerning the Cunningham coal laud claims in Alaska. linllinger refused to discuss the Pinchot controversy. BRITONS HAV ANOTHER BRING TOP IN MARKETS EAST averaged $3.25 firsts, $2.95 seconds;" $1.50, half boxes. . ; Boston Burrell Bartletts .$2.90. , Gibson sold in Chiscago today one . - car Buckeye Bartletts averaging $3. Prices for oast fruit yesterday averaged as follows in New York: Tokays, Florin, averaged $1.80; win- v i ters. averaged $1.92; Malagas aver aged $1.10; Gros, too green, averag ed $1.45; Eggs averaged $1.05; half- -Clairgeaus averaged $1.50; Bartletts '. 'T averaged $3.25., . w ... In Chicago : Malagas, mostly -poor . condition, averaged-45c' to $1; To kays averaged $2; Bartletts averaged $3; ' B. Hardys averaged $2.70; peaches averaged $1.15; Italians av- eraged $1.20; Gros averaged $1.85; Eggs averaged $1.20; Germans aver aged $1.20. FLOODS WORK "GREAT HAVOC Mazas River in Mexico' Overflows City of 9000 Is Entirely Destroyed. MONTEREY. Mex.. Sept. 3 The Mazas river is overflowing its banks and a wide strip of fertile valley is inundated. Larda, Gomez, Palacio, and Matamoras are threatened with destruction. The lower part of Tor ocn is directly in the path of the flood. The city of Tula, having 9000 inhabitants, has been destroyed. Tula is in the state of Tamalpais. CONFINING SANTIAM TO ONE CHANNEL SHELBURNE, Or., Sept. 3. A large wing dnm is being built in the North Santiam river at Stay ton to keep the waters in one channel. The big bridge spanning the river js also being overhauled. The work is under the supervision of the Marion coun ty court, and will be completed by another month. BRITAIN'S STRENGTH IN PACIFIC TO BE INCREASED LONDON, Sept. 3. Premier As quith told (he house of commons this afternoon the results of the recent conference on imperial defense. The only point of interest not al ready made known in press dis patche srelates to the proposed re modeling of the Pacific fleet, which both Australia mid Canada are anx ious should be strong. The remodeled fleet will consist o three units, the East Indies. Austra lia and China squadrons, ouch unit to he composed of u large armored cruiser of tho Indomitable type, three cruisers of the Bristol type, six des troyers of the river class and, six submarines. Now Zealand and Australia will present to tho empire vessels of the Indomitable typo instead of Dread noughts, and those ships will foi-in a part of the Pacific fleet.