Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, September 02, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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Hev. Miitlix-k ol' Ni'wIiui'K will
f ell lit III)) 'il ri kI in il church Sllll
ilny iiiiiriiiiiit mill evening,
II, F. Stmiclil'f of Kili'ii was a re
cent Mcdford visitor.
Yon mm gut u nii'iil to order at tlm
NiihIi Qrill liny lima between 0 o'clock
hi tho tuoriiiiifc '! midnight. Open at
nil lioiim.
Frank M. Amy, tlm Central I'oint
pioneer, has moved with hix Qimily
to Mcdford, where In) will hereafter
Mm. Frank IloberU of tlin c:ly
Iiiih been vimling friend in North
' Something every bun-ncwi mnu
wnntH Iho merchants' lunch ot tlm
Ntmh Rrill each noon un alnbornlo
nionti. Price 35 cenU.
Fred Hoincko hnH returned to Hutto
KhIIh lifter a viwit of wimc day in
If yon have $2.r you can own a lot
in one of our additions Iits till
rcndy to build uon. Heimon IiivchI
ment Co. 142
For iiiMiirnnpo on pinto (,'Iiihh und
automobile hco iih. Wo have tho old
t'Ht und bi'ht eouipnnie. HoiiHon.ln
vcHlmcnt Co. 143
Minn Nellie Kviiim in vi'ihI'iiir rela
tive in Cllcudiile,
' Tho hiuiki old ntory but it'n o
good one. No better plnen in town for
n Kipiarn inciil than tin) Spot rule.
Kcuicuihcr the dance at tin) Wi(
w ikii Friiluy nijilit. 1'12
H. II. Harris ha returned from u
luiHiiiuKK trip to Hut to V"U"-
Hooiiih 'und board. 325 Hivernido
uvmiiin Kouth. .I'll
F. K. Cuininiliu butt retur 1 from
n liusincsK trip iinrlb.
A Kokuh Hiver orchard mcnim a
pood income. Small mid InrRn tract
of best quality. Unv price and good
term. Hciixou Investment Co. 142
(ioiid Ninall tract near the city uro
becoming Hcurccr and higher in price.
Why not et one now? Yon won't re
gret it. HciihMii Iiivctiiient Co. 1-13
Chief Shearer i enjoying a 'visit
with bin nephew, A. K. Shearer of
Don't forget tbnt tho Itogue liiver
Fihh Market nlwny has il full mip-
uly of fresh fihh, drcscd chicken,
imported wuiKugo and checso
Mix. II. A.-Monro of (lold Hill wiih
a recent visitor in Mcdford.
Let Hull d.i your scenic work, such
lis a photo of your orchard, home, etc.
331 K. Main street.
Dr. D. I.. NcIT of Pittsburg is visit
in(f J. K. Watt in thin city.
Don't forget that tho Nash drill
has tlm best chef in tho Mute and
makes u specially of small or largo
dinner parties.
Mr. A. C. Allen has returned from
n visit in Scntllo.
Thoro is no place liko homo, but
tho Lnuvro rnfc cooking is bo near
tho kind mother used to do Hint
you'll forget your (roubles, cspeoinlly
if you nro eating smno of their fn
nioim hot wnflios nnd maplo syrup
for breakfast.
F. M. Amy of Central Point has
purchased tho property of J. d. ling
ers on West Tenth street.
After tho Iheuter go to tho Nash
Grill" for supper. 1-10-1
II. Kreblo of Savago Creek was a
visitor in Mcdford Wednesday.
Open all tho tinto the Nash drill.
Justin Kifcrt returned to ltoschurg
Thursday after a visit with his pur
cnts, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. W. Eifert, in
this oily.
' Ella Gnuriynw, public stenographer,
room 4, Palm building.
Mr. nnd Mrs. R. C. Kiddle of St.
Louis nro visiting W. F. ISitltllo , of
this oily.
You'll liko bnxbnll. Try it.
W. K. Johnson of Trail is in Mcd
ford on u short business trip.
Fresh crawfish received daily from
tho Quollo ut Portland at tho Nnsh
Mrs. C. W. Norlhrup is ci visitor
nt Shasta Springs.
Orders for sweet cremn or butter
milk promptly filled. Phone tho
i (lood music nnd n good lime nl the
Wigwam tomorrow night. 1 12
Mrs. J. Ti. Hamilton has returned
from nn oulinnr nt Colestin.
FOIL SALK 7-vear-old black mare,
Tide or drive single or double; also
good milk cow. d. L. Pankey, l',2
miles northeast of Central Point, or
uddrcsa euro Tribune.
Ton, coffoi), beer or claret, with
club lunch, 30 cents, ut tho Emorick
J. ii, Mngrny of Talent wiih badly
injured by n falling tree Tuesday eve
ning on Wagner creek. Tho tree
caught, him, severely crushing bis
Tea, ruff tie, beer or claret, with
club lunch, 30 cents, ut tho Emorick
If you have money, buy n lot and
build you u home. If you have not, let
us build il for you. Little down' und
little lit u time. Benson Investment
Co. 143
Mrs. Harry L. Young of Hrowns
boro spent Wednesday in Mcdford.
Tea, coffee, beer or claret, with
club lunch, 30 cents, at tho Emorick
Mr. und Mrs. 1). II. Mills of Huttc
Falls we're recent visitors in Mod
ford. Wo will insure your uutomobilo
against fire, theft or robbery. Have
it attended to nt once. Benson In
vestment Co. 143
Tho Nash drill iff open day and
night tho finest service between
Portland and Bnn Francisco.
County Judge J. R. Neil has re
turned from a week's trip to Port
Miss Mtiudo Hornio Iouves Tbursduy
evening for a visit in Seattle.
Do yon liko crawfish Tho Nash
drill serves them. Fresh shipments
dully from the famous Quollo cafe tit
C. I!. Watson of Ashland was a
business caller Wednesday in Mcd
ford nnd Jacksonville.
You'll meet your friend nt tho box
ball alloy.
A. H. Miller of the Mcdford book
store was in Jacksonville the first of
the week on business.
For nuil estate, rents, iiistminco or
loans call on Unison Investment
Co. 143
Miss Josephine I)ouei;aii of Jack
wiiivilli) relumed from iitockton on
Tuesday evening, where she hns been
spending the summer.
A game everybody can play box
"Won In the Desert," A Winner at the
Tonight is the lust opportunity you
will have to see Selig's great thriller.
"Won in the Desert." The scenes of
the story arc laid in Arabia in the
strairi'ling town of Suakm and the
great desert to the south. It is
thrilling romance, replete with stir
ring sit nations, winch keep your
blood tingling with excitement. The
acting is clever and consistent. The
minimis used in the various scenes
are very nntiiral and realistic. This
is a motion picture treat. Don't miss
Well, if you nre looking for laughs.
you will find them in "A Hot Timo in
Atlantic City.' ' This picture was tnk
en in Atlantic City nnd shows the
famous "Hoard Walk" and beach.
Tho Savoy believes that it is ijual
lty that, counts, not quantity, am
therefore its management is not
lengthening its program at the ex
penso of giving a fourth rnto outer
Entire change of program tomor
row night. Ono dimo.
He it resolved by tho city council
of the city of Mcdford:
That notice is hereby given that it
is in tho opinion of the city council
iiccesHnry nnd tho city council hereby
requires that a cement sulcwnlK o
fact in width he constructed on tho
east sido of South Holly street bo
tween Tenth nnd Thirteenth streets.
licsolved, further, that, the several
owners of adjacent nnd contiguous
lots are hereby required to construct
said sidowalk in snid manner within
thirty days after service of this res
olution upon them, in the manner
provided by ordinance No. 3!) of snid
citv, passed nnd approved Septem
ber 2d, 1002.
liesolved, That copies of this res
olution ho served upon the respective
owners of snid proporly in the mnn
ner provided by said ordinnnco with
in five days from this dnte, or ns
soon thereafter ns ns practicable by
tho city recorder or under his direc
tion. '
The foregoing resolution was pnss
3 by the oity council of tho city of
Mcdford. Oregon, on the 31st day of
August, by the following vole.:
Merrick nyo, Welch aye, Emorick ab
sent, Eifert aye, Wniiinnn absent,
Dommor aye.
Approved September 1, 1 !!()!).
W. IT. CANON, Mayor.
J.J2 City Recorder.
Commercial Club Donates $150 to
Assist in Entertaining the
Crack Shots.
At its regular monthly meeting on
Wednesday evening the Medford
Commercial club donated tho Mcdford
ltod and dun club $l.ri0 to aid in tho
utertiiiiiment of the I'ncil'iclJixliiiiiH
and crack marksmen of the country
next week, nnd a committee wnl ap
pointed to solicit tho money, as the
regular expenses of the club exceed
the, receipts due to tho failure of
some of the subscribers to make good
tlur pledges. A lively debute pre
ceded the action, but tho motion cur
ried unanimously.
Finances of the club occasioned no
little talk, and a list of citizens was
read who had pledged their subscrip
tions and failed to make good. The
secretary wus authorized to proceed
vigorously with the collections, and it
was universally declared that there
are few citizens so unpatriotic as
to welch. ' It developed as tho sen
timent of the club thut there should
bo no impropriations of any kind
made until the contracted indebted
ness fs settled.
An invitation wns extended ITnrvcy
Scott, editor of the Portland Ore-
gonian. to visit leiiloru anil icr
Lake as the guest of the club, and
the president authorized to npoiiil
committee of entertainment.
MEDFORD. Or., Aug. 5. 1909.
nail's Texas Wonder, of St. Louis,
cured my daughter of a severe kidney
and bladder trouble oftcr doctor?
failed lo give any relief, nnd I can
cheerfully recommend it. Mrs. L. I,
Wilson. 135 Pnrtlett St. Sold by
Huskins' Drug Store.
lie it resolved, by the city council
of the city of Medford
That notice is hereby given tTiat it
is in the opinion of the city council
necessary and the city council hereby
requires that a cement sidewalk
feet in width be constructed on west
side of North Oakdalc between Fourth
and Hamilton streets.
Resolved, further. That the several
owners of adjacent and contiguous
lots nn hereby required to construct
said sidewalk in said manner within
thirty days after service of this res
olution uixin them, in the manner
provided by ordinance No. 39 of said
citv. passed and approved Septeni
her 2d, 1902.
Resolved, That copies of this res
olution lie served upon the respective
owners of said property in the man
ner provided by said ordinance within
five days from this date, or ns soon
as is practicable by the city recorder
or under bis direction.
The foregoing resolution wns pass
ed bv the city council of the city of
Mcdford. Oregon, on the 31st day of
August, 19(19. by the following vote:
Merrick aye. Welch aye. Emeriek ab
sent. Eifert aye, Wortninn absent,
Dommor nyo.
Approved September 1, 1909.
W. II. CANON, Mayor.
Attest: -
142 Citv Recorder.
Why Values Are
Walnut Park Addition
"The Mascot" Is Added to Big Indian
Street Parade Next
Tho crack trap shooters who will
pjurlieipute in the annual shoot of
the Pacific Indiuiis ut Mcdford are
already commencing to arrive. Yes
terday three shooters registered at
local hotels, today and tomorrow will
swell the arrivals to ubout 20, and
Sutiirdny over 00 will arrive on two
special Pullmans. No doubt the total
number of shooters in Medford on
Tuesday, the first day of the three
days' tournament, will be in excess
of 100.
A new feature of amusement added
lo the already extensive preparation
for entertainment will be the presen
tation of "Tho Mascot" Wednesday
evening immediately after the big In
dian street parade. Followimr the
third uct of the pluy the audience will
be treated to a Pennine Indian war
dance, which will undoubtedly be nn
attraction entirely new to a great
The gun club held a meeting last
night, at which roorts were receiv
ed from the various committees, and
from the liberal assistance given by
enthusiastic members of the club to
make the success of the venture as
sured no doubt next week will be one
long to be remembzered by every
lover of outdoor Ssirt whose good
fort nun it may be to attend.
At the Nash T. E. Fitzweek. Ash-
land; i. il. t.nker, (. ii. .Monson,
Portland; A. II. Slefens, Berkeley;
W. Hart Hamilton, San Jose; W. O.
Kingdom, Klamath Falls; Len Furst,
San Francisco; Miss Henry, Miss
Brady, Jacksonville; James Brelder,'
A. G. Cameron, Sun Francisco; C. E. i
Shanakan, Hilt: M. E. Learner, Oak
land; H. W. King. Berkeley; Charles
Thorpe and wife, Geneva; W. J. Leon
ard, San Francisco; C. L. Warbaugh,
Seattle; R. P. Cross, Chicago.
At the Moore II. N. Randall, Port
land; E. F. Hansen nnd, wife. George
A'. Brndhurn, Roseburg; W. II. Han
son and wife, Portland; W. M. Me
Cnllcy, New York; C. W. Cot tain,
(Vieago: II. E. Vail, Oroville; B. F.
Forbes. Butte; D. W. Storer, Portland
J. C. Patterson. Seattle; William
Kciscliiiinn. Portland; E. M. Whitman.
Arleta: F. E. Renslmw, Inwnud; A.
B. Green. Los Angeles; J. C. Pat
terson, Seattle; ,1. K. Tombs, Chica
go: ;. C. Hall, Grants Pass; I). T.
Lynch. Butaira.
For sale at n great bargain, two
of tho finest residence lots, 50x125
feet each. Wide alley in the rear.
Close to end of the pavement. High
est elevation in the city. Apply 135
South Central avenue, or telephone
When in doubt, play trumps. We
soy when in doubt, buy real estate in
Mcdford. Lots $25 cash, $10 per
month. Benson Investment Co.
Within sixty days cement sidowalk and hard surface pavement will he laid the
entire distance.
The unsold lots, 00x125, will he sold for a short time for -"'O'each on terms of
$25.00 Cash and $10.00 A Month
For homes or investment, these lots are unmatched as hargains.
Everything Being Arranged for Big
' Institution of Locaf
The most important meeting yet
held by the local members of the
Elks will be culled to order in the
Elks' headquarters on IFroiit street at
8 o'clock tonight. A great effort is
being made today to secure the larg
est turnout tonight flint' has been
present ut any meeting, and now that
the date of the irfstitution'of the order
in Medford is drawing near, enthusi
asm hi at a high pitch.
As everything else of this nature
done in Medford, this event promises
to be one that will be a credit to the
enthusiastic members of the order,
who have worked hard und long to
bring about the organization of the
Every local member is especially
requested to be present at the meet
ing at 8 o'clock tonight, at which
final instructions will probably be
given to the general committee in re
gard to the reception on the night of
the institution of the lodge. ,
The best known piano house on the
coast, now have a repaesentative in
Mcdford. They are temporarily lo
cated in the Ilalley block. This bouse
is the only one of whom you can buy
the STEINWAY, the world's greatest
piano. They also control the famous
Ludwig, Packard, Wellington and
many other standard makes. One
price to all. 143
fc?o f M 'Slf frill, fifvSM; :
'f-T- - inn r Yli r -r-1 - -i in ti -z- !-...?
St. Mary's Academy
A Boarding and Day School
Under the direction of the Siste -s of Holy Names of Jesus nnd Marjv
Primary, Grammar, Commercial and High School. Special attention
given to Music, Art and Domestic Economy. First Class in Modern
Equipment, Course of Study an i Methods of Instruction.
For Catalogue apply to SISTER SUPERIOR.
On The
That is Unsurpassed In America
This is a sporting proposition for
men of wealth it is not a farm.
Unequalled Trout Fishing Juno
to November.
Deer Hunting on the premises,
August 1 to November 1.
Duck Shooting superior to any in
the state, over thousands of
acres of wild celery and rice,
September 1 to February 1.
Grouse and Pheasant Shooting on
the place October 15 to Novem
ber 15.
Best starting place in the county
for a Bear hunt.
The Crater Lake Automobile road
' will run through the place for A
mile and a quarter.
Navigable water to the proper
ty, unsurpassed drinking. water,
and power to develop the prop
erty. More bottom land and fine gar
den land than any place on tbo
Thousands of Pine and Fir trees
and thousands of Quaking As
pens. .More varieties of wild flowers
and natural grasses and vetches
than any place in the county.
If you develop this property as it
can be developed, there is no
resort in the county that can
compare with it.
No amount of talking will de
scribe it let U3 show yon.
We have been offered more than
twice what it cost, but have a
price at which you may take il
'below which we will keep it.
W. T. SH1VE,
Klamath Falls. Oregon.