THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OltKOOX, THURSDAY, HKPTRM BER 2, 1909 ASKS SUGGESTIONS F Census Director Durand Invites Prac tical Co-operation on the Part of the Farmers. HUTCHASON COMPANY INCREASING FLOOR SPACE WASHINGTON', Kepi. 2. Tim fiirmi'i-M ill' (h I'nilcil Kiuliw tire Tift I it rii 1 1 very much inl oriiNlcwl in tins cciihiiM nf (i(,'i-iriillnr(! mill I'limm llmt will Iki taken April V, 1010, us one f IIki MiilijitclH tu he envi-red liy tin) I'llli (li'ci'iiiiinl i'i-iiKiiH. M it ny ni'o HlmwinK llii'ir iiiti-ri-sl by wriliiiK to I In; im'iisiik bureau fur Ihn iiii'iiiki' of imikiiiK (Miinini'iiU iiiiiiii I'tMiHim iiifimiiiiliiin ri'KiinliiiK iiyriciilliiri' 111 pri'Mi'iilml in tlm piiHl. Tim iliriTtur of Mm im-iikiih weleuiiie. nil Midi mildest iiiiih mill L'ivi'M IIhmii enrel'ul I'uiiHiillriitiiui, iih In' Im i i i i x i i i i h In Imve I In- ri-HiillH of llm I'liniinu ri'iiMiii i'lirnixpiiiiil iih nearly iih nwiv lie to llii' dexin-H of llu people IM(il interested. lii iiilililinii In t-luilyiiik' eiuel'iilly (bene Hiittiri'Kl iiinw. I lie director Iiiim on bin own iniliiilivi- ri'ipii'sli'il certain priifcHwiri iif i niuiiii'H mid nt'iicul- tu re nf tin1 iiioi iiiipiirtiuit iiiiivcrM 1iin of tin; country mill other irrMHin who have Npi'i'iiili.i'il in nifiicullnnil iiintli'i'H, tu I'linm In WiiHliiiiKton fur n hhort tinii' I'm- the muminc of hludy ini; I'liri'I'iilly and eriticixiiit; plmiH now nnili'i- way. r.-pecinlly is it de sired In nliliiin their iipininii relative to tlm ipii'-ilionx tu In1 linked iiinl (lii'ir fiirin. im tin1 rt'inllK to Im 0I1 lniimil will mi largely ili'prnil upon tln character nf tin Ni'lii'iliili! mill tlm inmiiii'r iiiwliirli tin' n,iicliinw are propounded, 'filial! Mij.'j.'i'-ti'inK cmiiiiiL' fi'uiii iinl-iili' expert, I"" uriiviii'' to In' of ureal viilm', 11 ml it U Ill'lil'VI'll lllllt ill IHI'Ipll' ! of thin prHliiiiinnry h( inly more valuable . nml accurate ilntu will Im olilaiimil 1 lua 1I1I otherwise In' Hccured. Aft er I bene HKmiiil student nml ex pert liiivi- inaili' llii'ir preliminary dtnilii" formal conferences 11 n; In-lil in th ..dice in which tlm wlmhi mat ter nf ll liiiriii-li-r of tin schedule nml tin' bet method of sccuiini: tlm infiirnintiiiii mi' thoroughly gone ovi-r. Tin- department i hIko seeking to Hi'i-nri! tin mlviri- nml co-opcriili . n fur iih iHiMxilili', of llm officer mill expert of tlm department of u;;ri rultnrc, of the. stale iitirii'iinltiinil collej;e, fanners' societies nml like orffiiniziitioiiH. Tlm lliilHiiiMin company 11 rn mak ing preparations tu nccominodiilo the lni(iii slock of milliimry now en route from tlm cast, ami tlm enrpcntnrH nml painters nri! working early ami lulu to provide tlm exlru floor upline ncessary,u IniviiiK already rearrang ed llm wiilii balcony in llm rear of tlm establishment mnl constructed 11 stairway loading to it from the rear iih formerly. SALEM SECURES ' GLOVE FACTORY KILLING TURTLE DOVE COSTS $50 Kl'OKNK, Or., Kept. 2. Omrle Vim Horn, 11 young fimimr residing ni'iir Kugciic, pniil $MI fiim in tlm jiiHtii'i! court ycHtcnliiy for Hliootin 11 tiiiirllc ilovc, in . violation of tlm xtnli! (.'inim law. Tlm arri'Mt wan inaili; at tlm iiisliini'i! of the Kmnc county Oiiinc ami Kiili iiHKocintion, which i imikiiiK mi effort to im force the Kiime lawn in lliin county. SAI.KM, Or., Kept. 1. In acconl miee with preliminary plmiH amiouiii! cil Honiii liuic ao, tlm Kalciu huuri of I null! Iiiih cIokciI 11 contract with J. W. (ilearton & Mou whereby 11 nilo im ilonaleil to the wIciihoiih lor tlm )iii-hihi; of creeling thereon a cloth Klove anil mil ten factory. Within five yearn tlm glove concern proiniweH to employ 7'i people and have a puyroll of $15110 n month. Tlm contract proviileH that if llmHe prouiixcK are not fiilfillerl the prop erly in to revert to the board of I rude. Tlio board of trade will aluo erect a building, tlm (ilenHoim fur iiiHliinx and iiiKtallint; llm iicccxmiry inachinery for Iho operation of the factory. BLACK EAGLE MINE REPORTS BIG STRIKE ' A LUA NY, Or., Sept. I The open ing up of the 11111 in vein of ore in the I'.lack I'liile mine in the Kmiliam dis trict has brought new of a rich Hlrike. A lie mining men of thin dig trict ri'port that ore will go $100 to the ton. It wiih dincovercd Satiir day. S. Y. Korenxon, of the Black Kaglc mine, ciiuic to Albany lntt eve niiiK mid created a xtir when ho be (iin hIiow'ui( Ioh Hiimple of ore. The main vein followx the ride for half u mile. The Black KiirIo people have been workiiiK for neve nil moot hi in hope of reaching the ore body. Tea, coffee, beer or claret, with club lunch, 30 ccntx, at the Emcrick Cafe. Martin J. Reddy The Jeweler For Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Cut Glass, Silverware, and all the latest designs in Jewelry and Silver Novel ties and Souvenir Spoons. Nea- postofflce Good for Biliousness. "1 look two of riinmlmi'liiili's Stom ach and Liver Tablet l"-t "Mil. "nil feel filly per cent belter than 1 have for weeks," nay J. J. Kirc htoue of Allc.-an, Mich. "They are certainly n fine articln fr bilious licsH." Kor wile by Leon 11. Hawkins' riinrniacy. NOT ICR TO CONTHACTOHS. Xntien is herebv irivcn that the city council of the city of Medford. Ore gon, will receive sealed proposal for the construction of lateral xewcrx im followH, to-wit: A It-inch lateral Hewer aloiiL' Hiv- ersidn avemm a diKtanco of 450 feet. An 8-inch lateral sewer iiIoiik Hose avenue n distance of (100 feet. An 8-inch lateral sewer aloiiK North Oakilale avenue from Hamilton to Third Rtreet. A (i-incb lateral newer alone Sum mit aveniio n dislance of GOU feet. A (i-inch Inlcral newer nlonjr West Third street from North Oakdale ave nue to IIullv street. A (I. inch lateral Hewer alone Hnm- illon street from west end of street lo North Oakdalo nveniic. A 0-inch lateral sewer alniiR alley I urn null block 25. A (I-inch lateral pewer alone alley Imlwenn d'Anjou street and Central aveniio from Kichth Btreet to Ninth street. A tl-inch lateral sewer nlonp Or nne street between Eighth street and Tenth Rtreet. All bids must bo filed with tlio city recorder on or before 4 :30 p. m. Sep tember 7, inOO, and accompanied by 11 certified cheek tinviihlo to the city treasurer of said city equal to live per cenof tlio contract price; check to be forfeited to the city of Medford in case tlio successful biddor fails to enter into contract for same. Ton tractor to furnish all labor and mate rials necessary to complete said sew er. Plans and specifications may bo had for said improvement by cnil- inir at or nddrcssniK tlio city cnpin-. eer's offico. Hmin hv order of tlio city council of the city of Medford. Orepon, this ?M dav of Au-rust, IflOi). ' KOBT. W. TF.LFKR, City Recorder. Bijou Theatre Entire Change of Program Illustrated Songs The Chicago Trio In a New Act Whv nnv 10 cents for a few mo vine pictures when for 5 cents wore j - - - you can see u high grade vaudeville act. hear illustrated songs, in ad dition to a full picture program. D0NT FORGET THE BAB Y CONTEST BEGINS TODAY. HAND IN IN YOUR PICTURES. meaiora iron worKS $ E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. Foundry and Machinist All Writ' of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma- jchinery. Agents in Southern Oregon for i FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. GET AHEAD OF THE HOT SEASON. You can bid defiance to the heat by having an electric fan put in po sition. It doesn't cost very much, either. If you haven't one, we can fix yon up i na short time, at the least expense. We're general elec tricians, and do all classes of work in onr line in the most thorough manner. Jobbing skillfully and promptly executed at lowest charges. Portable lamps in all varieties. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRICAL CONSTRyCTIO CO Admission- 10c and 15c APPLES AND PEARS AND ALL KINDS OF FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific North west. Not in the combine. Competes with all first class nurseries. L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, O R E 0 O N Bargains in Real Estate A few investments that will make money for you - 40 acres fine fruit land near railroad station, $80 per acre, cash, easy terms on balance at 6 per cent interest. 100 acres of the best orchard land in the valley, ONE MILE FROM RAILROAD STATION, $'30 per acre, ONE-FOURTH cash, easy terms on balance at 6 per cent interest. 10 acres of choice orchard land close to railroad station, $100 DOWN AND $10 A MONTH BUYS THIS. You will regret it if yoa neglect to secure this ten acres on the above terms. 4 large city lots in West Medfo.-d joining Kenwood addition, $200 ea. The owner of the above properties purchased them four years ago before the advance in prices and will sell at a very moderate profit Considering quality of land and location, these are among the cheapest buys in the market today. J.C.BROWN OffiGe in Palm BIogK, Upstairs Medford, Oregon QUICK AND SURE You can shoot it 5 times "quick as youc an think" You pull and release the the trigger for each shot The recoil does the ret. No. 4 Remington Auto-Loading Rifle Twcnty-two-ineh barrel only, straight grip, plain walnut stock, shotgun butt plate, blue finish, five-shot, take-down; weight 7 3-4 pounds. Fast shooting, hard hitting, .'nough for any game; chambered for smokeless shells. 35, 30-30 and 32 Remington auto-loading It is wonderfully accurate, too, and where you hit your game it is yours, because every shot is equal to a ton blow. ; Medford Hardware Co i