Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, September 02, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Dlokana and Diot.
Dickens U tho novel Ut ot the meat
No other writer, pile bo up Dover such
lists of delicacies (It for Lucullus, baa
the gusto Id describing humble feasts
which kIvps the very reader aa appe
tite. Thackeray, for ull his "Ballad ot
Boutllabuise," never touched the bem
of bis garments In the recording of
meals. Who that has read them can
ever forget, for Instance. Mrs. Gamp's
directions to the chambermaid for her
nocturnal refection, or the tea which
awaited Joe Willett and Dolly on their
return to the locksmith's dwelling on
tho occasion of Miss Miss's final rout,
or the unussumlng meals recorded In
"David Copperflold," or the more pre
tentious .feasts In "Pickwick." not for
getting the leg o' mutton "swarry" to
which Mr. Weller was Invited by the
elite of Bath footmen? And has not
every reader of "Martin Cburalewlt"
allowed a tender smile to curl bis lips
over the evolution of that Incompara
ble pudding in the preparation and
consumption of which such damage
was done to John Westlock's . affec
tions? So go and read and acquire
your appetite. London. Chronicle.
Above and Below Proof.
Before the means of determining the
true quantity of alcohol in spirits were
known dealers employed a very rude
method to form a notion of the
"strength." A given quantity of the
spirit was "poured upon gunpowder in
a dish and set on fire. If the gunpow
der continued dry enough It took fire
and exploded, but If It had been damp
ened by the water In the spirits the
flame tf the alcohol went out without
. setting the powder on fire. This was
'. called the "proof." Spirits which kin
dled gunpowder were said to be "above
;. proof," those that did not set fire to It
were said to be "below proof." but this
' did not fix the strength. Clark in his
hydrometer, which was invented about
the year 1730, fixed the strength of
proof spirits on the stem, at the spe
cific gravity of .920. at the temperature
of 60 degrees. This Is the strength at
which proof spirit is fixed by act of
parliament, and at this strength It is
no more than a mixture of forty-nine
pounds of pure alcohol with fifty-one
pounds of pure water. London Standard.
1 git along all right, by Jinks, 'tho ut
gnsorline or steam. 1 travel jest by
shank's mare an' never hev uo feat
but what I'll reach my stopplu' place
the sa mo day In the year. No artificial
rigs for me, no busted tires or bones,
no Inndlu' all up In a heap upon Uio
highway stones. 1 may be slow a-got-lin'
round au' cause the world to
stare, but I will git there by an" by
all right side up with care." Boston
Not Guiltyl
Tin1 unnlile seauiuu referred to by
the A merles u Thrasherman probably
thought he was belug accused of
"mussing up the bedclothes."
Enthusiastic Amateur Sailor Let go
that Jib sheet!
Unentbuslustic Landlubber (who bus
been decoyed Into acting us crew) I'm
not touching the thing!
Most Tactless of Man.
"Clarence unintentionally offended
the aspiring young poetess."
"In what way?"
"He sent her a gayly decorated
wastebasket as a birthday present."
Philadelphia Record.
A High One.
Friend Does the baron, your son-in-law,
speak with much of an accent?
Richpurse He did when be discovered
how I had fixed bis wife's dower.
He who wishes to secure the good
of others has already secured his own.
Why Druggists Recommend Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy.
Case of Too Much Ham.
One morning not long ago there
tripped up to a butcher stall in a Bal
timore market a dainty little thing out !
for her first marketing. .
"My husband bought a couple of nice
bams from you not long ago." she an
nounced. "Yes'm." said the smiling butcher; "I
remember well. Fine bams, weren't
They were delicious.", said the
young wife. "Have you any more like
"Lots," responded the butcher, in
dicating a rw of bams in the rear of
the -stall.
The young thing surveyed the bams
thoughtfully. "Are you sure." she
finally asked, "that they're from the
same pig as that from which my hus
band bought?"
"Yes'm," answered the butcher with
out so much as a quiver of an eyelid.
"Then you may send me three more
of them," she said. Pittsburg Post
Mr. Frank C. Haiirahan, u promi
nent drusiiiist of Portsmouth. Vu.,
says: ''For the past six yenrs I have
sold and recommended Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
It is a great remedy and. one of the
best patent medicines "on the market.
I handle some others for the same
purposes that pay me a larger profit,
but this remedy is so sure to effect
a cure, ami my .customer so ecrtain
to appreciate m recommending it to
him, that I give it the preference."
Fur sale by Leon B. Ilnskins Pharmacy.
His Air Tight Compartment.
The passenger who was crossing the
Atlantic for the first time timidly ap
proached the pompous purser.
"Is It true, sir." he said, "that this
whole ship Is divided into air tight
"True as gospel," replied tbo purser
in surprise. .
"Then," remarked the passenger
gloomily. "I guess I'll have to put tip
with the one I'm occupying If I can't
better myself P'
The Caspian Sea.
The Caspian sea is, as Herodotus
said 2,000 years ago. "a sea by itself,
having no connection with any other."
Every schoolboy knows that now. but
it is remarkable to find Herodotus
saying so, because centuries after bis
time such authorities as Strabo and
Pliny believed that it was connected
with the northern ocean by a long and
narrow gulf. Geography seems to
have bad a setback in tbe Interval
through false information received at
the time of Alexander's conquests.
Herodotus says that the Caspian's
length was fifteen days' voyage with
a .rowboat, its breadth eight days'.
Since the actual figures are 700 miles
and 400, tbis sbowg that a rowboat of
the time did fifty miles a day. London
Shank's Mare.
"I haven't got a limousine or any
aeroplane; I haven't got a coach an'
six, not e'en a special train; I haven't
got a bicycle nor yet a hoss an' team.
; lllllHl-rK
We are Grower Bar direct from as
Oar Trees are crown 11110117 mm
Writ for free catalog. Large tock of Ik
Tavrletiesraitableforcommercialoivliards WW
Vines Snail Fruit PUntt tod Shrubbery
The Daixes Kursk riks w w
Main Office, 122ft Grand Ave, Portland, Ore.
Jg , Choice Fruit, Nut and Onumantil Tree. Grape
For Whom are You Sowing
If you pay house rent for the landlord. If you are paying foe
your home for yourself and family. '
Let us help you reap the reward of the money you have
been paying for rent, by building you a home and allowing
you to pay for it in easy monthly payments and low rate of
Interest. .
We will furnish money to build Churches. '.Parsonages,
homes or business houses, or pay off debts on real estate.
Moneys can be returned any time, thereby stopping interest,
or we give you nine years to return any loan, either large or
small.. We also allow you 3 percent interest on all advance
payments.. We give you three months grace on all notes
without a fine. We can arrange with farmers for annual pay
ments.. If these terms suit you, call and see us at the Real
Estate Office of , ,
Daniel S. Walker, Home Office, Roseburg
The Best Meal
In Medford is to be had
At The Star Restaurant "
A115white;help.' Home cooking. Room
and board $5.00 a week. . Givelus .a
trial and be convinced.
MRS. W: E. GOODE Prop. 322 E7th St.
Tho host resolution for you
to make is to come to us for
your nest suit, if you wnnt
something out of the ordinary
We do tho best work and charge
the lowest prices.
Why Not Be
Comfortable ?
and do away with that hot, stuffy
atmosphere In your, store, office or
Invest in a G. E. Fan
and get the best something that wiil last a lifetime with proper
care. Cost of operation only 12c to Ic per hour.
12-inch size $15.00; 16-inch siz $20.00; 4 Bid. Ceiling $36.00.
Successors to Condor Water & Power Co.
The Best
that years of experience in buying and the most
skillful and courteous help that can be employed is
considered none too good for our customers, and
they find that in the long run it
Is Always The Cheapest
to trade with us, for the great majority of house
keepers today realize that poor food is dear at any
HUTH & ASHP0LE, Proprietors.
Opposite Postoffice Phone 461.
I have complete field notes of all donation lund claims and n large
portion of the government mirvcys in Jackson county. TIicho notes
. may be copied in my office for 50c a claim or section. Complete mnp
of Medford, Talent, Central Point, Tolo, Gold Hill, Eagle Point.
Woodvillo and Butte Falls. Surveys, mapsj blno prinls and des
criptions of lots and tracts miide.
'.TJ. S. HOWARD, C. E.
Rooms 7-8, Adkins Bldg. Medford, Or.
"For you particular customers who demand the
best groceries, vc recommend Folgcrs Golden Gate
It is so good we cannot obtain a better coffee not if we paid
a pound for it.
Everything about Folder's Golden Gate Coffee is perfect, and
we sell it with the positive guarantee that it will please you.
Allen & Reagan
Rest - Romp - Recuperate
At the Seashore
Is a delightful resort and a happy combination
of pleasure ground possibilities. An ideal climat?.
diversion of recreation perfect bathing boating
fishing riding driving, and exploring, make New'
port a . most charmng and popular play ground.
Southern Pacific
Has a
$10.00 from Medford
Ask for our booklet "Outings in Oregon."
A. S. ROSEN BAUM, Agent, Medford.
General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Ore.
State Depositary
Established 1888.
Capital and Surplus 1125,000
Beioarros (700,000
Tho Jackson County Hunk respect
fully solicits your account, subject
to your cheek, with the strongest
guarantee of sofoty and efficiency.
We offer tho highest attuiumont in
systematic bunking sorvico, which
assures the greatest euro in every
financial transaction, with this oblig
ing iiiHtitution.
W. I. VAWTKK, President.
O. It. LINDLHY, Cushlor.
Timber, and Coal Lands
B. H. Harris & Co.
Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs
ytlts, Ifrenc llfamptoit Isaacs
3ittuctor of Iplano. Tint 5ttetl)o&
.Stufcloat 3Ul6nc. Jtortl) Otun Strut