Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, September 01, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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Interesting Account of First Court
Proceedings Ever Held in
Jackson County. ' ;
"For The
"Courthouse Builder" Bob Cook," Is
Ribbons Hosiery
" and let us say right hove, we have the best wearing
line of boys' and misses' Hosiery in Med ford. ' If
you have never tried them you have surely been pay
ing too much for your hosiery. ,
Boys' Extra Heavy Hose, sizes 610, per pair
25 cents
Boys' Heavy Fine Ribbed Hose, sizes 6-10
25c per pair
Boys' or Misses' Medium weight Hose sizes 6-10
15c per pair
Misses' Lisle Ribbed Hose Black and Tan
Sizs 5 to 9 1-2
25c per pair
Misses' Silk Mercerized Hose, BlaGk and Tan
Sizes 5 to 9 1-2
25c per pair
We have just put in a
new line of a fine all silk
medium weight Ribbon ;
all staple colors, in all
widths from No. 1 to 80.
Tablets, Pencils, Inks,
the least here.
Ellen I. Wells to George W.
Grow, land in section 2!),
township 30, range 2 E ....
Mui7 V. Cobel to J. F. Cobel,
lots 11 und 12, block C, Rail
road addition to Ashlnnd . .
Jasper Gillaspy to James Camp
bell. 21.01 acres in D L C 49,
township 38, range 1W ...
Phillip J. Spencer to James
Campbell, lots 1 and 2, block
1, lots 1, 3, 4, block 4, Ben
son, addition to Medford. . .
J. W. Ling to 11. Shulor, lot
4, block 1, Jackson's addition
to Medford 800
Samuel J. Evans to Frank A,
"We carry nothing but
medium and popular
priced Handkerchiefs.
If you want the best for
your money, look out
line over. .
You get the best for
Griscz, property in Ashland
W f'.. K.'ltlflfirunn in Cinttvtta
Wesley, 1.95 acres InDLC
40, township 39, range 1 K
A. C. Morrison to W. D. Mol-
dridge, lots 7, 8, 9 and .10,
block H, Talent
John J. Brown to E. T. Miller,
lotse 7 and 8, block 07, Cen
tral Point
John J. Brown to John F. Wil
liams, lots 5 and 0, block
07, Central Point
Wilhclm Gomer to Jok P. War
ren, land in township 37,
rango 2 W
You'll meet your friend at the box
ball alley. . . .
A copy of t hi journal of the first
day's proceedings of the first term
of court ever held in Jackson county
may not prove uninteresting, h is
taken verbatim et literatim from the
records of the county clerk's office.
Journal of the I'. S. District Court
Be it remembered' that n District
Court of the United States, for-the
Territory of Oregon, and County of
Jackson, begun and holden at the
Town of Jacksonville, in said county,
oil Monday, the fifth day September,
A. 1). 1853. At which were present,
The Hon. M. P. Dead'. Judge L.
Ter. . Pros. Atty. Jos. W. Drew. Esu.
F. Grovcr Esq., United States Dist.
Atty. Fro Tern, Columbus Sims, Esq.
Dept. Marshall, Mathew G. Kennedy,
Sheriff, Edward Shicl Esq. District
The following proceedings were had
to wit :
And now at this day comes into
court Nathaniel C. Deane, Andrew J.
Butler, Rupel B. Morford. William
U. Fowler, Clark Rodgers, Samuel
Culver, Aaron Chambers, Daniel Clin
ton, Abel Teubrook, John C. Ander
son, r.uer r.merv. John If. Wngtoner.
fifteen in number, good and lawful
men of the county, in obedience to the
command of the Venire heretofore
opened by the Clerk for o Grand Jury.
and it aiippearing to the court that
less than a quorum of the regular
panel of Grand Jurors' is present, the
Sheriff is ordered to summons from
the bystanders seven talesmen where
upon came T. B. Sanderson, A. Little,
John Penneger. William Knylor, Chan
cev Nve, David Birdseye, and A. G.
Snyder, seven in number good nnd
lawful men of the county, who to
gether with the fifteen Jurors afore
said, after the appointment of Wil
liam U. Fowler as foreman, were duly
impaneled, sworn nnd charged ns a
Grand Jury to enquire into offenses
for the body of the county of Jack
son as well us on behalf of the Unit
ed States ns the Territory of Oregon.
And now at this day upon good
en use shown it is ordered ny ine
court that Isaac Constant, J. C. Tol
mau. John E. Hap, Alonso A. Skin
ner, Levi A. Rice, Abel George and
John Lamcrick, heretofore summon
ed ns -Grand Jurors for this term be
ereused from such service.
And now at this day it is ordered
by the euirt that the clerk of this
court open u summons commanding
Joseph Untliank to appear at the
next term of this court, and show
cause why he should not be fined for
failing to appear at the present term
of this courUtn serve as a grand
juror in obedience to the venire here
tofore served upon him for that pur
pose. . '
B. F. Harding Esq., attorney for
the United States, not being present,
and the said Dist. Atty. having recntnr
mended to the court the appointment
of L. T. Grover, Esq., it is ordered
by the court that said Grover be ap
pointed District Atty. for the Unit
ed States pro tern.
Whereupon Court adjourned.
ford on August 20.1909, by Rev. C.
If. Xoxic, Edward Jinkson nnd
Jane Carkhuff.
ville on August 28, 1909, by Rev.
Robert Ennis, James P. Barton
and Effin Duncun.
FRY WARNKR. In Jacksonville
on August 28, 1909, by Rev. G. A.
Gray, Charles Fry and Mary C.
Just That.
"Ah, how pleasant to see a little boy
In such a hurry to deliver his mes
sage!" "Aw, go out I'm Just dotn' thin to
keep In trntnin' for de next Mara-.thonr-New
York World.
Spending a Few Daysjn Med
ford With Relatives.
Robert A. Cook, better known
throughout the length anil breadth
of . Jackson count v as "Courthouse
Iluilder" Hob Cook, is spending; a
few days in Medford with relatives,
before returning to Grunts ,Passl
where he is making his home at pres
ent with his daughter, although he is
a resident of Fools 'Creek, where he
is postmaster.
Mr. Cook arrived in the Rogue Ifiv
er valley tor the first time on June
20. 18511, utter a trip across the
plains. Since then he has resMeil in
this county. He gained his title as
"courthouse builder" in the early
80s for it was due to his efforts as
county commissioner that a much
larger building was erected thun was
at that time deemed necessary, his
faith in the ultimate growth of conn
ty business being more than justified
Many an old-timer in the county
figures in the tales of early days
that Dob Cook can tell of. lie was
active throughout his prime in coun
ty affairs. Me has been on the hooks
of the Jacksonville Times anil South
ern Oregouiau for over 40 yenrs.
Mr. Cook has been visiting his
brother, Samuel Cook, on the Apple-gate-
for the past few days. He is a
tyne of the sturdy old pioneers who
figured so largely in building up the
Oregon of today.
A Big Birdcage.
A very peculiar Institution In tlio
New York zoo Is what Is known ns
"the flying birdcage." This magnifi
cent aviary is the largest of Its kind
In the world, being 05 feet high, 72
feet wide and 150 feet long. Large
oak and other trees grow In this cage,
and tbe birds live within Its wire net
ting bounds In (he utmost freedom.
The frame of the cage Is built of Iron
pipes, which are covered over with
thin nwshed netting.
Literal- Not:
"You write too much." said the critic
to the author.
"But my friend." replied the author,
"I've got to live."
"How about your renders?"
"Ah. well, we were nil born to die!"
Atlanta Constitution.
"And thnt young man f.!wd you on
the lips! Why didn't yen o.Tur blm
your hand?" said the father.
"Oh. 1 didn't have to. pnpn," snld
the girl. "He's going to ask yon for
that" Yonkers Statesman.
A Can For Sympathy.
Tbe Proud Mother This boy do
grow more like 'Ik father every day.
Tho Neighbor Do 'o, pore dear? And
'ave you tried everything? London
Responsibility walks hand In hand
with capacity and power. Holland. ,
8wiss Flags.
Tbe Swiss flag Is red, and It bears a
Greek cross In Its center. The Swltzers
declared their Independence in 1307,
and at tbe battle of Morgortan, 1315,
where the Austrinns were defeated,
they carried a plain red flag without
any device. During the seventeenth
century a white cross was udded,
though It is said that the cross ap
peared on gome Swiss flags as early as
1330. The different cantons of Swit
zerland have different coats of arms
and different flags.
The Effects of a Grand Night.
The Gentleman Who Has Gone to
Hed In the Ornnd I'luno Wish you
wouldn't Bhtart practlcln' Just wheu
I'm In bed. ' Most lncoushldorato!
Special Agents of State Emleavlrlng
to Effect Adjustment of Titles
to Land About Lakes.
KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Sept. 1.
II. P. Jones, a special agent of the
general hind oi l ice, and Peter Ogileu
Applegate, statu Inml agent, nrrived
from Snleiii recently to inspect some
lands uhoiil the lakes the lilies of
which uru in question between the
slate and the I'uited Slates.
Tho greater part of the lauds in
this section have long since been class
ificd, cither as government or lis be
ongiug tit the statu under the swamp
land grunt of March 12, 18110, but
there lire some odds and ends still
undetermined. Tho classification of
these becomes very important, since
the Klauialh I'.usin is now coining into
its own and the rich alluvial lauds'
about the lakes will soon be in grent
Messrs. Applegnte and Jones went
up the Klamath lake by launch to
begin their exiimiuatioil of the low
lauds at lly head of the lake, and
will probably spend several days in
their investigations.
SI'oKANi:, Wash.. Sept. 1. The
Spokane chamber of commerce will
offer the Aero club of America if 100,
0(10 tor cash prizes to the aviators
and will guarantee suitahlo grounds
for international aviation contests,
which are to be held next year in
America. The commercial organiza
tion of Spokane will ' communicate
with A. Holland Forbes nt once rela
tive to sceirriiig the contest for next
year, and will endeavor to meet every
reipiircmeut asked by Mr. Forbes.
Notico is hereby given that the city
council of tho city of Medford, Ore
gon, will receive sealed proposals for
the construction of lateral sewers as
follows, to-wit:
A 0-inch lateral sewer along Riv-
rsido avenue n distance of 450 feet.
An 8-inch laiirnl sewer along Rose
avenue a distance of 000 foot.
An 8-inch lateral sewer along North
Oakdale nvenuo from Hamilton to
Third street.
A (1-inch Intcrnl sewer along Sum
mit avenue a distance of (100 feet.
A 0-inch lateral sewer nlong West
Third street from North Oakdale ave
nue to Holly street. ,
A 0-inch Intern! sower along Ham
ilton street from west end of street
to North Onkdalo avenue.
A 0-inch lateral sewer along alley
through block 25.
A 0-inch lateral sewer along alley
between d'An.jou street nnd Central
avenue from Eighth street to Ninth
A 0-inch Intern! sewer along Or
ange street between Eighth street nnd
Tenth street.
All bids must bo filed with the city
recorder on or beforo 4 :30 p. m. Sep
tember 7, 1909, and accompanied by
a certified chock paynblo to the city
trensurer of said city equal to five
per cent of tho contract price; check
to bo forfeited to the city of Medford
in case the Successful bidder fails to
enter into contract for same. Con
tractor to furnish all labor nnd mnte-
ials ncccssnry to complete Bnid sow
ers. I'lnns ana speciricntions may
bo hnd for snid improvement by call
ing nt or addressing tho city engin
eer's office.
Dono by order of tho nity council
of the city of Medford. Oregon, this
23d day of August, 1909.
City Recorder.
Prepaid Raliroao Orders.
"Something which is of consider
known is tho system of propuid or
able intorost to tho ptiblio generally
nnd which is tiorhaps not generally
dors now in effect between stations
of the Southern Pacific company
and all points in the United States.
By moans of this system tickets may
ba purchnsod at Modford from any
place in the United States and mail
ed or telegraphed direct to tho party
wishing to oomo hore. Sleeper ac
commodations and small amounts of
ennh in connection with these tickets
may also be forwarded at the same
Sim." . - .
Steiiotjraiihy, Typewriting,'
Bookkeeping, Mathematics,
Penmanship, Business Cor
respondence. Legal Forms
and Commercial Law by
export teachers. Terms
very reasonable. No busi
ness collcgo methods.
Afternoon session 3:30
to 6 p. m.
Night session, 7 to 9:30
p. m.
. Apply 135 Bartlctt Street,
Opposlto High School
That Is Unsurpassed In. America
This is a sporting proposition for
men of wealth -it is not a farm.
Unequalled Trout Fishing June
to November.
Door Hunting on tho premises,
August 1 to November 1.
Duck Shooting superior to any in
the stnte, over thousands of
noros of wild celery and rico,
September 1 to February 1.
Grouso and Pheasant Shooting on
tho place October 15 to Novem
ber 15.
Best stnrting place in the county
for ii Rear hunt.
Tho Crater Lake Automohilo rond
will ran through tho pluco for n
milo nnd a quarter.
Navignblo water to tho proper
ty, unsurpassed drinking wnter,
and power to develop the prop
erty. ,
More bottom land nnd flno gar
den land than nny place on thu
Thousands of Pino and Fir tree
and thousands of Quaking Ah-
More varieties of wild flowers
and natural grasses and vctchoj
than any place in tho county.
If you develop this property as it
enn be developed, there is no
resort in the county that enn
compare with it.
No amount of talking will de
scribe it let us show you.
Wo have been offered moro than
twice whnt it cost, but hnvo n
price nt which you may tuko it
below which wo will keep it.
Klamath Falls. Oregon.
Harness Saddles
Wips Robes
Tents Blankets
Wagon Sheets
Axle Grease and
Gall Cure
J. C. Smith
314 E. Main
It Can Be Done. So Scores of Modford
Citizen Bay.
To euro an aching back.
Tho pains ot rheumatism,
Tho tirod-out feeling,
You must reach the spit got at tho
In most cases 'tis the kidneys.
Doon's Kidney Pills nre for tho kid
noyg. '' G. L. Boono, corner Ninth and 0
streets, Modford, Or., snys: "I was
troubled with rheumatism whon I first
began using Donn's Kidney Pills. I
did not think they -would do mo any
good, but finally procured a box at
Masking' drug store. They provod to bo
tho romcdy I required. My kidnoys
woro rostoreil to thoir normal condition,
and tho pains and uches in my bank
woro romovod. Doiin'i Kidnoy Pills
lived up to thoir rapriisentatloni in my
For sale by all donlors. Prlco 80 cents.
Fostor-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., solo
agents for tho Unltod Btstos. ,
Romombor the name Doan'i and
take no other. '10