THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MED FORD, OREGON", WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1900. Medeord DAiiiY Tribune Official Paper of the City of Medford. Published every evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY George Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postoffice at, Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES ; i month by mail or carrier. . . .10.80 One year by mall 15.00 SERMON TO START BASEBALL GAMES New Stunt Arranged in Chicago for Benefit of Baseball Fans. " TODAY'S WEATHER PREDICTION. Clear today and tomorrow. Warmer. A rare and salubrious climate soil ' of remarkable fertility beautiful scenery mountains stored with coal, copper and gold extensive forests streams stocked with speckled beauties game in abundance a contented, progressive' people such is the Rogue River Valley. ' ' Average mean temperature 65 degrees Average yearly precipitation ....21 inches CONSERVATION NEEDED. It is to be hoped that President Taft retains G if ford Pinehot as chief forester and carries out Roosevelt's con servation policy. If Secretary Ballinger, who evidently represents the commercial reactionaries, is successful in his efforts to remove Pinehot, it means a setback to con servation and a turning over of the few remaining natural resources to exploitation by the timber baron and water power trust. The recent eruption of Assistant Secretary Ormsby McHarg of the department of commerce and labor, in which he grills the policy of forest preservation, power and mineral conservation, indicates that President Taft has surrounded himself with reactionaries and that only his personal influence can prevent the opening up to ex ploitation of the few natural resources left to the people. MeHarg's active efforts to overthrow the will of the people of Oregon and re-elect Fulton to the senate showed i .e -j.-!, j -i n l i.i.,:i. , mat ne was a laiuiiui aiuiereiii ui iuu .tiium-ii-v-amum regime in the national government and the special interests they represent. The "people be damned" policy of the Whatever there was distasteful and disagreeable about Roosevelt, his conservation policy was sound and approved by the people, and for the best interests of the nation. It was Roosevelt's greatest work, and attempts to discredit it will not meet popular approval.- Ballinger and McHarg and others who are endeavor ing to use the administration for the benefit of special interests should be dismissed unless they fall in line' for the conservation policy. BORN. WARXER To the wife of E. N. Warner.' at 8 o'clock Wednesday morning, a boy. Mother and child are doing well. NOTICE. Customers wanted' at the Rogue River Fish Co. Do not forget, chick ens for Sunday, all kinds of fresb fish, shrimps, oysters, etc. CHICAGO, Sept. 1. Fearing that tho national game of baseball is mak ing too great inroads into tho attend ance of regular church goers on Sun day, ministers in Chicago have begun a movement by which they will go to the ball games for their parish ioners. ... President Charles W. -Murphy of the local National league team and Charles Comiskey- of the "White Sox" have declared that they' aro willing to allow ministers to preach for a short time beforo Sunday games on their grounds. Other major league managers have been questioned concerning tho mat ter, and if it is possible it is intended to have a regular corps of preachers of different denominations assigned to all bull parks where Sunday games aro played. The intention is to have 10 or 12 preaches attend' each Sun day game and preach a short sermon to the fans as" they settle hack in their seats and munch popcorn he fore the umpire says "Play ball!" SAN LEANDR0 MAY BE OFF AUTO MAP SAN LEANDRO,' Sept. 'L San Leandro bids fair to be taken off the auto map all because Town Marshal Geisenhofer has been too active in arresting speeders. The nowpapers and proprietors of the Estudillo House have received numerous letters from automobilists in which they protest volubly against the methods of Marshall Geisenhofer and the rapid fine process of Justice of the Peace Frank. Among those who have written letters are A. A. Mooree Jr., attorney of San Francis co; A. U. 1 ntclier, wealthy manufact urer, and If. J. Ilayward. The ma jority of the protostants come from San Francisco and Oakland. ''We cut out Morgan Hill in Santa Clara county for a similar rea son.", Ilayward writes, "and we will do the same with San Leandro." Ilayward asserts that business will be hurt if automobilists quit Tisitiug this place. Some of these letters will be read before the town' -trustees at thier next meeting.': '"' Many residens stand Tj'aiik of Gei- senllofer. Some believe a little speeding would not hurt the town. Others have nothing to say because they own automobiles themselves. STATE NOTIFIED OE LAND RESERVE Governor's Office Receives, Copy of Proclamation Setting Aside Marble Caves. SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. The governor's office is in receipt of a copy of a proclamation by Pres ident Taft setting nsido the country embracing the Oregon caves in the Siskiyou national forest and reserv ing and withdrawing tho siuno from all forms of appropriation under the public land luws." The proclamation issued in accord ance with an act of congress on tho subject passed last winter. BARGAIN FOR SOMEBODY For sale at a grout bargain, two of the finost residence lots, (50x125 feet each. Wide nlley in the rear. Close to end of tho pavement. High est elevation in the city. Apply 135 South Central avenue, or telophono 141. 8h Looktd. "What did Miss Deery do when you waltzed on to her gowu?" "Well, I wished I was a mini so 1 jould crawl luto my shell." Kantian City Times. Convince yourself of this fact $150 cash and monthly pavments of $.'13 will build you a good home. Let us show you how. Benson Invest ment Co. 142 If You Wan! to Spend several of the plcasantest half hours you ever put- in get the September EVERYBODY'S and read in this order: " Happi ness," "The Mellowdrammcr", and "What; Shall We Do With the Old?" After that read where you will you'll say, "litre's a good magazine." Try it and see. 'SEPTEMBER EVERYBODY'S On Display by Medford Book Store, Russell's Store and Hotel Nash News Stand. The best known piano bouse on the coast, now have a representative in Mt'dford. They aro temporarily lo cated in the llallcy block. This house is the only one of whom you can buy the STEINWAY, the world's greatest piano. They also control the famous Ludwig, Packard, Wellington and many oilier standard makes. One price to all. Mil NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice is horoby given that tho oity council will receive bids for tho construction of a fivo-foot eemont sidewalk on tho cast sido of Oakdulo avemio from Seventh to Eighth streets saino boing three hundred (300) feet in length; and also for a five-foot cement nidownlk on the south Btdo of Sixth streot from tho eornor of d'Anjou street to a point 140 feot onsl. ..Hids moy bo filed with or mailed to tho city recorder up to 4 o'clock p.' m. on September 7. 1000. Dated August 2.1, .1900. .UOBT..W. TELFER, 141 City Recorder. MEDFORD. Or., Aug. 5, 1009. Hull's Texas Wonder, of St. Louis, ourod my daughter of a sevoro kidney and bladdor trouble oftcr dooton failod to give any rolicf, nnd I can cheerfully recommond it. Mrs. L. L. Wilson, 135 Ilnrtlett St. Sold by Ilaskius' Drug Storo. . DF0RD TIME TABLE SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Northbound. No. 20 RoKiiburg Pans... 7:41a.m. No. VI ShiiKtii Limltod... 0:25a.m. No. 1(1 Oregon ExprosH . . 5 :2 I p. m. No. I I Poi'tlund Express. JJjMjMn; Southbound. No. lllShiiHtu Limited... 5:50 n. m. No. lilCnlifnniiii Express 10:35 it. in. No. i:tS. F, Express 3:32 p, m. Medford to Jacksonville. Motor cur leavos 8:00 a.m. Train leaves 10:45 a. in. Train leaves 3:35 p. m. Trnin leaves 0 :00 p. m. Motor car leaves . . . .. .JZl. Jacksonville to Medford. 7:00 a. m. 8:45 a. m. 2:30 p.m. 4 :30 p. m. 7:30 p. m. Motor iouves Train loaves Train leaves Train loaves Motor ear leavos .... PACIFIC L EASTERN RAILWAY, No. 1 No. 3 No. 2 No. 4 No. ll No. 2 No. 3l No. 4 Leaves Medford. Leaves Medford., Arrive Modford., Arrives Medford. Arrive Eliglo Pt.. Leaves Eagle Pt., Arrives Eaglo Pt., Leaves Eagle Pt.. Northbound Southbound . . . Eaglo Point . . . MAIL CLOSES. 00 n. m. 20 p. m. 10 a. m 00 p. in. 45 a. m. 05 a. XK 05 p. m. 8 :55 a. in 0 :00 p. m. :I0 p. m. :00 p. n:. 00 p, m. MISFITTED LENSES ARE DEAR AT ANY PRICE. By my method errors of the eyes causing nerve strain are ac curately measured, proper lenses prescribed, when headaches and oth er troubles disappear. It is a well known fact that children in school clasced as stupid have often bccnkiiown to muko rapid progress after errors of this sort have been corrected. Brief consultation free. l DR. IVY M. ROBINSON, Eyesight Specialist, East Main St., Over Nicholson's Hardware. Medford. ASHLAND -1 Swedenhurg Block. Here Is year's Work for you. An earnest and enthusiastic young mnn or womnn can secure an excellent course of business training. Splendid rooms in the Swedenhurg block, individual instruction, in creased faculty. Everything up-to-date. Enter September Olh and secure tho best year's work of your life, including our full course in gymnasium work. P. RITNEH, A. M., President. Your Opportunity 78 Acres, 4 miles from Medford, 1 mile from Phoenix; 15 aGres ef Newtown Pippins, 19 acres of Spitzenberg apples, all 2 years old; 106 Bartiett Pears, 350 Strawberry Plants, Family Orchard, New six Room Bungalow and other buildings. Only $150 Per Acre Benson Investment Go