TIT13 MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREO OK, WEDNESDAY, BEPTE.f BER 1, 1909. -TflHIGHT-"THE GIRL FROM RECTOR'S" i- fj , : II r . i.iiWt', r 4 VnrjCc i , it?J it 1 it Uh J ldH Vt -..&' -1:.' ."-. ' ii MEDFORD THEATRE i 4 4itB 4 t " I 1 Opening Of .The Regular Season The Big New York Success "THE GIRL FROM RECTORS Wednesday Sep. 1 Prices 50c, ?5c, $1,00, $1,50 Mints 1'nrrii! Wi-hcr. who jilnjs tlm liili! rl in "Tlit- (iirl Frmn Jtcctorn," whirh will bo wpii lit tlio Mi-ilford Thcali-r tli'm fvciiin, ciijoys tlio rep utation in Nw York of bciiijt no of tlio Im'mI divined wiiHicn on or off tlm utiijji'. The nctr'HH linn niiuli! n Ktntly of women' tfiub both in America anil Kurope mill in iiilililioii to tlm fuel hIio b',sijiiH nil of ber own gnmipntu hho in often eiillei upon in the off pennon to piiK upon Htylen rreated by ilio e.vjiertK in tlio finnoiin Htores of tlm iiii!troMilii, MitiN Weber went to Purist in xenreh of a wiittlrobn for mioUier eelebrutel iielreKH reecntly, mill itlthoiiph fbn Hpeiit Kevenil thouKiinilH of dollnrH in the Freiteli eitpiiitl for Iter friend, hIii; waited until tdio retiirneil to Amerien to piek the ooHtumes which hIio wear in "The (Iirl From Heetor's." "Several yeurn ajro," the netress tiaiil, "I decided that tlio American women were the best dressed in point of Myle iih well nn tanto in the se Icetion of their flotlien. I had spent veritable fortunes abroad ami sine 1 have been making my purchases here I have not only saved money, but be lieve I have received far (freater val ues. An ordinary working girl in the I'liited States drenseH with more real tiiKte than many of the IjpkI jieople in Kngl'Jiid or France. 1 can piek out a dozen trirls on any street in any city in America on a ttiee day and they will tar outshine any 12 women ne iiiiuiit select in liondon or Paris with many more thousand of dollars at their command for just such oi tire." . DR. HIRSCH PESSIMIST ON ZIONIST MOVEMENT Bargains in Real Estate Alew Investments that will make money for you 40 acres fine fruit land near railroad station, $80 per acre, cash, , easy terms on balance at 0 per cent interest. 100 acre of the best orchard land in the Tallev, ONE MILE FROM RAILROAD STATION, $30 per acre, ONE-FOURTH cash, easy terms on balance at 0 per cent interest, 10 acres of choice orchard land close to railroad station, $ 100 DOWN AND $10 A MONTH BUYS THIS. Ton will regret it if yci neglect to secure this ten acres on the above terms. 4 large city lots in West Medford joining Kenwood addition, $200 ea. The owner of the above properties purchased them four years asp before he advance in prices and will sell at a very moderate profit. Considering quality o land and location, these are among the cheapest buys in the market today. J. C. BROWN Office In Palm Block, Upstairs Medford, Oregon NF,W YORK. Sept.' l.-lfr. Kiuil Jlirsch, who arrived on the Ilambiirn Aineiiciiu liner Cleveland from Ilnin biiru today, said that he did not rhaiiKC his opinions of tlm Zionist movement or the "Kmaniiel treat ment," "I do not believe that the Zionists will ever achieve much,'' he said, "hut if they ever do succeed in this move ment they will receive my benedict ion." Spealiiiiu about the thousands of Jewish immicrnnts weekly from Eur opean ports, Ir. llirseh said,: "1 think that the dew would ho bet ter off if he traveled northwest and went into the farming line. New York seems to be the slopping place. I don't believe that this city is larse enough to accomodate (lie many im miirrans who come here. "In hieauo we have established the 'Afrrieulturnl Aid Soeiey. We assist the poor workiiipmen to. pet farms in the west. After they have estab lished their farms on a paying basis thev return the money which wns lent to fix up the farm." Bijou Theatre Entire Change of Pictures Illustrated Songs The Chicago Trio 3 LAUGHMAKERS 3 In Comedy Sketch. 1. Orehestrn music dnrins; dinner each ovemnjj at the Nnsh unit. nr.cn rniiPi r f.l AIM REWARD:. MARRIED FOR B2 YEARS SAN JOSE. Sent. 1. A mnlrimou- inl record, niieoiialled on the Pneifii coast, will be established tomorrow when John Uilkiiisnn limes and lus wife,' pioneers of thhis county, cele brate Ihier sixty-second wedding an niversary. Tlm Ilines were married in Steuben, Oneida county, New York on August HO, 1817. Only lhc immediate relatives of the nged couple will participate in this j'emnrfcnbln weddinir nnniversnry. Four generations will Rather at the old homestead nt. Ashbury nnd Stock ton streets'. John Wilkinson Ilines was born 81 years ago. His wife is 80 yenrs old. They ennie to f'nliforniii from Now .York by way of the isthmus in 18,":i and have resided since that timo in Simla Clara county. Why pay 10 cents for a few moving pictures when for 5 cents more you can sco a high grado vaudeville act, hear illustrated songs, in ad dition to a full picture program, DON'T FORGET THE BAB Y CONTEST BEGINS TODAY. HAND IN IN YOUR PICTURES. . - Admission 10c and 15c 44..t.44 -M4H ! Medford Iron Works t E 6. TROWBRIDGE. Proorietor. t - - 4, Foundry and Machinist All kfr of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers ani Ma-t chlnery. Agents In Southern Oregon for t FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CD. t ii We do JOB PRINTI NG Excellent Workmanship If you nro pinlinulnr in regards o what you cat lor hrenktiiHt, you .,t...l.l cw.'t (tin linhit. nt ontiitc nt tho Louvre Onfo, Their hot waffles nnd uiaplo syrup can't bo bent. MS' DIRECT TO YOU Without Any Middleman's Profit Distilled In Louisville, Kentucky, ta tho good olit fiinhioiieil way from select grain and stored In mod ern steam hen ted warehouses nut it Oilly matured, OIJ AMU MELLOW Bntilco especially for FAMILYimd SI KDICINAL l'URl'OSKS mooting tho must exacting re quirements of the pnro food law, WHEN YOU ORDER DIRECT Yon sftvo that extra profit of tho middleman, and no traveling expenses to pay, IT'H TIIK OM.V WAV TO MIST This (lno old whiskey is shipped direot in plain, smiled eases, without murks to judicata content. 'iillqimrtliott!(-8, fuurtrt ff SO PER OALLOH th gallon J m hpmh tHintii nam HENRY FLECKENSTEIN & CO., PORTLAND, QREaON load tor 1'rlpo !.Ut at Otber II lull Uraila Uuium ' RfTABLIsnED 01 4QVKA1UJ 0 I A Bargain The famous 120-acre I. W. THOMAS GROVE FARM 85 acres of alfalfa garden, 20 acres of the prettiest oak anad laurel grove in the valley, 15 acres of apples and pears in bearing, and loaded with fruit at the present time. This Is the best proposition ever offered in Southern Oregon. See WHITE & TROWBRIDGE S1S Exclusive Agents, for prices, terms, etc, at office, Phone 93 j 6 Fir street Medford APPLES AND PEARS AND ALL KINDS OK FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific North west, Not in the combine. Competes with all first class nurseries. L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREGON xn o CD p l- CD O CD CD on?