Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, September 01, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Th Baby Turtle.
Turtles lay their eggs Id the saad
nod let the sun batch tueui out Tbey
do not lay them all In one place prob
ably because they think It safer to
scatter them. Then, eveu though ouo
be stoleu or broken, the others may es
cape. The mother turtle covers them
all carefully up. oue after another, with
a tbln sprinkling of saud and then up
- pareutly uever Rives them another
thought, considering her maternal duty
done. Certaiu it is that she has never
been discovered going near these egg
babies again, and when they batch at
last the tiuy soft backed creatures at
once begin crawling around in search
of flies and other food as independent
ly as if there were no such thing as a
mother in the world. A little girl who
auuuu out; in inese ouu ouiong runie
eggs on a sandy river bank in Louisi
ana took It home and put it in a teacup
on the table for safe keeping. A. few
hours later a slight noise was noticed
in that direction, and on looking in the
enp again she found a baby turtle, full
fledged, but tiny, scrambling about
among the bits of its broken eggshell
Raven and the Hapsburga.
Henri de Weiddel tells the story of
the lute Empress Elizabeth and the
ravens which Maurus Jokel gave in an
article at the time of her majesty's
tragic death. Early in her life Eliza
beth wrote some verses In Hungarian
on the subject of the raven, the bird
of ill omen, which plays a great part
In the history of the Hapsuurgs. Ac-
cording to the imperial poetess, a
flight of ravens was hovering over Ol-;
mknn L' " T . ; 1
from his uncle's hands the crown
which was destined to inflict upon him
such miseries. A raven followed Max
imilian and Charlotte on their last
walk before their departure for Mex
ico, and when Maria Christina was
starting to receive the crown of Spain,
which was one day to be so grievous a
burden, a raven flew over the horses'
heads and accompanied the carriage to
the railway station. These incidents
were the subject of the poem. West
minster Gazette.
In hf "Mirror or Stones" Cainillus
Leonardus culls jet "black amber" and
states that it possesses the peculiar
property of attracting to it when rub
bed light substances of all kinds, lie
also tells us that the thin smoke pro
duced by this frictiou of rubbing was
used by the undent llritalus for driv
ing away devils and dissolving spells.
"Jet," says Dr. Young, "appears to
be wood In a high state of bttuiuluiza
Hon." And certainly jet often appears
with traces of ligneous structure. At
the same time there are specimens of
bones which seemingly have been grad
ually Impregnated with ami at last
wholly replaced by this substance.
Among the jet rock there Is found a
liquid hydrocarbon somewhat resem
bling petroleum oil, which occurs In
the cavities of ammonites, etc., and is
also sometimes found lu nodules, the
presence of which is generally sup
posed to point to a rich veiu of jet.
From these and other observations it
would appear that jet existed as a
liquid substance and that this sub
stance gradually permeated between
the laminations of the shales, etc.. cov
ering over or in some cases entirely re
placing any woody matter which it
met with. New York Post.
Room For Improvement.
A certain estimable old gentleman is
at all times worth listening to, though
occasionally his grammar is scarcely
perfect. He was dining on one occa
sion with tbe local squire, when, much
to ine aisgust or his worthy host, a
trifling error on the old gentleman's
part was pounced upon and loudly re
peated by tbe son and heir of tbe
bouse. There wa a painful silence,
broken at length by the host.
"My son." be remarked quietly to the
young fellow, "there are times. I ad-'
mit. when our old friend's speech is a
little peculiar. At such times you
might be of mutual assistance to each
"In what way, sir?" asked the son.
"Well," was the severe rejoinder,
"you might give Mr. X. a lesson or
two in grammar, in return for which
I have no doubt he would assist you
to patch up the boles In your man
ners." London Tit-Bits.
Snuff Spoons.
All the world is familiar with snuff
boxes, but snuff spoons are pretty lit
tle refinements of which this genera
tion has hardly heard. Very probably
they came Into use about two years
after Sir George Rooke's expedition to
Vigo bay in 1702, when he captured
half a ton of tobacco and snuff from
the Spanish galleons, and snuff thus
became a common article in England.
One of the characters in a comedy
published at Oxford in 1704, entitled
"An Act at Oxford." by Thomas
Baker, says, "But I carry sweet snuff
for tbe ladies," to which Arabella re
plies: "A spoon too. That's very gal
lant, for to see some people run their
fat fingers into a box Is as nauseous
as eating without a fork."
In tbe forties and fifties of the last
century snuff spoons were still In use
on tbe Scottish border. They were of
bone and of n size to go Into tbe snuff
box. People fed their noses. It was
said, as naturally as they carried soup
to their mouths. As late as 1877 a
farmer at Norham-on-Tweed was seen
using one. London Saturday Bevlew.
A game everybody can play box-
In a Balloon.
r Three Reasons For Declining.
Lord Brougbton bud a temper which
sometimes exploded In a most discon
certing manner. It is related that on
one occasion be dined with a large
party at Thackeray's bouse, and after
dinner some specially fine madeira
was produced. In bis usual genial
way the novelist pressed this on his
guests' and, putting bis neighbor. Lord
Brougbton, on the . back, remarked, j The Old Balloonist Know Orville
"Xow, my dear old boy, you must try j an(i Wilbur Wright? Yes, slrree, I
some of this." should say I did. Why, I've known
A chill fell on the company when ! -en, both ever since they weren't any
the noble lord retorted, "I am not your ', higher than that! Harper's Weekly.
dear boy, I am not old, and
vlna '
your 1
The Only Thing Left.
Jeremiah Jinks is rich and stingy.
An acquaintance of bis met Jinks son j
the other day. "Your father seems to
have lost a good deal of money lutely.
The lust time I saw him he was com
plaining and saying be must econo
mize." "Economize! Did be say where he
was going to begin?"
"Yes; on bis bible, be said."
1 "Then he must be going to take
away the tablecloth," was the filial
declaration. Exchange.
For Whom are You Sowing
If you pay house rent for the landlord. If you are paying for
your home for yourself and family. ,
Let us help you reap the reward of the money you have
been paying for rent, by building you a home and allowing
you to pay for it in easy monthly payments and low rate of
We will furnish money to build Churches, .Parsonages,
homes or business houses, or pay off debts on real estate.
Moneys can be returned any time, thereby stopping Interest,
or we give you nine years to return any loan, either large or
small.. We also allow you 3 percent interest on all advance
payments.. We give you three months grace on all notes
without a fine. We can arrange with farmers for annual pay
ments.. If these terms suit you, call and see us at the Real
Estate Office of : . .liuiziyM
Daniel S. Walker, Home Office, Roseburg
The Best Meal
In Medford is to be had
At The Star Restaurant "
AlUwhitehelp.r;Honie cooking. Room
and board $5.00 a week. LGive us a
trial and be convinced.
MRS. W. E. GOODE Prop. 322E7th St.
The best resolution for you
to make is to coino to us for
your next suit, if you want
something out of the ordinary.
We do the host work and charge
the lowest prices.
Why Not Be
Comfortable ?
and do away with that hot, stuffy
atmosphere in your store, office or
Invest in a G. E. Fan
and get the best something that will last a lifetime with proper
care. Cost of operation only '2c to Ic per hour.
12-inch size $15.00; 16-inch siz $20.00; 4 Bid. Ceiling $36.00.
Successors to Condor Water & Power Co.
The Best
that years of experience In buying and the most
skillful and courteous help that can be employed is
considered none too good for our customers, and
they find that in the long run it
(s Always The Cheapest
to trade with us, for the great majority of house
keepers today realize that 'poor food is dear at any
HUTH & ASHP0LE, Proprietors.
Opposite Postofflce Phone 461.
I have complete field notes of nil donation land cluims and a Inrgo
portion of the government surveys in Jackson county. Theso notes
may be copied in my office for 60c a claim or section. Complclo mnpti
of Medford, Talent, Central Point, Tolo, Gold Hill, Eagle Point,
Woodvillo and Butte Falls. Surveys, maps, blue prints and des
criptions of lots and tracts mado.
'JJ. S.HOWARD. C.E. ,'v WZZl -1
Rooms 7-8, Adkins Bldg. Medford,. Orl
' " For you particular customers who demand the
best groceries, we recommend Folgcrs Golden Gate
It is so good we cannot obtain a better coffee not If we paid
SI a pound for it.
t Every thinR about Folger's Golden Gate Coffee in perfect, and
w-t sell it with the positive guarantee that it will please you,
Allen & Reagan
Rest - Romp - Recuperate
At the Seashore
Is a delightful resort and a happy combination
of pleasure ground possibilities. An ideal climate,
diversion of recreation perfect bathing boating
fishing riding driving, and exploring, make New
port a most charmng and popular play ground.
Southern Pacific
-Has a
$10.00 from Medford
Ask for our booklet "Outings in Oregon."
A. S. ROSENBAUM, Agent, Medford.
General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Ore.
A 'xroroiD, ouooir
Stato Depositary
Established 1888.
'Capital and Surplus $125,000
Boioarrcs 1700,000
Tho JuckHon County Hank roxpoct
ftilly solicits your ucuotint, subject
to jour check, with tho strongest
guarantee of snfoty and effiaiency.
We offer the highoat attainment in
systematic bnn);ing Horvico, which
nssures tho greatest cure in every
finnnnial transaction, with this oblig
ing institution.
W. I. VAWTRR, Prosidont.
Q. It. LINDLEY, Cashier.
Timber and Coal Lands
B. H. Harris & Co.
Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs
yttr$. Krene llfamptort Isaacs
liwtuctor of "piano. TLUatt SlUtyofc j
Stuoloot ftutotnc. Stortd Oruna Stria)