THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MKPFORD, OHEflON, TUESDAY, AUGUST HI, WOO. CHILDRENS' SCHOOL SHOES The Sfhool days aiv Jiere again. How about your boys' and girls' shoes'? You want to buy the best wearing shoe you can get for the money, of coin-so. We believe Ave have the very shoes you are looking for durable, good ones. Children's School Shoes button tops ; same in good Sizes 5 Sizes 81 - ' Sizes Children's School Shoes in viei kid; blueher, 'with good, heav' soles. Sizes 5 to 8 . Sizes 8 1-2 to 11 Sizes 11 to 2 Sizes 2 1-2 to -7 Boys' heavy and medium heavy School Shoes in bal. and blueher stvles; prices from $1.50 to $3 pair. VAN DYKE'S Dry Goods Shoes Furnishings FAILURE OF GRAIN FIRM STARTS RUN ON BANK UNION CITY. Twin., Auk. IH. Be cause of the failure here today of the Hartly Grain company of this city, a run was started on the Union City Bunk and Trust company, when that institution opened its doors. The First and Third National hanks of this city went to the rescue of the trust company, along with private cit izeiiSi and all depositors were paid ou presenting their elnims. George Har dy, president of the grain company, accidentally1 killed himself a few days ago. The committee of the Commercial cluh in charge of gathering the ex hibit for the state fair is hard at work and reports splendid success. Henry Johnson of Yreka is spend ing a few days in Mod for don busi ness. Wilbur Franks of Klamath Falls is visiting for a few days in this city'. John II. Seeman of Grants Pass was a recent visitor in Medford. Will G. Stendwell of Coos liny country has arrived for a visit in Jfedford. ' BARGAIN FOR SOMEBODY. For sale at a great bargain, two of the finest residence lots, 50x125 feat each. Wide alley in the rear. Close to end of tho pavement. High est elevation in tho city. Apply 135 South Central avenue, or telephone 171. in patent leather, with box calf ; blueher style. to 8. 2 to 11.' 11 to 2 , The Wilderness. This theater of bloody conflicts is a vast sea, so to speak, of a dense forest a second growth more than a century I old. It is made up chiefly of scrubby, ! low limbed, stubborn oaks and disor 'dered. haggard pines, for the soil Is 'cold and tbin, with here and there ; scattering clumps of alien cedars, j Some of the oaks are large enough to . cut two railroad ties, and every once i and awhile you come across an acre or two of pines ten to twelve Inches In ' diameter, tall and tapering, true to the 1 soaring propensities of their kind. But generally, and above all where the bat tle was fought, the trees are noticeably ' stunted and so close together and thick lower limbs so intermingled with a thick underbrush that It is very dif ficult Indeed to make one's way through them. Atlantic Monthly. Meredith's Advice to Stead. W. T. Stead tells a characteristic story of George Meredith, which is all the more appreciable as It is told against himself. "He was a true friend," says Mr. Stead, "not less faithful In criticism than he was cordial In his appreciation Of the former 1 remember well the neat way In which lie put me out of conceit with my first attempt, to write a story. I sent him my little effort with fear and trembling. My trepida tlon was not without warrant. 'I have read "From the Old World to the New," ' ho wrote. "Some of the char acters are interesting and well drawn. One of them especially reminds me of Cecil Rhodes. But if any ono of your friends tells you that be likes tho story as a story don't believe him.' " GETTING READY FOR BIG SHOOT Gun Club Will Hold Another Meeting Wednesday Evening to Further Discuss Matters. At an enthusiastic Hireling of the Medford Hod mid (inn club held at the Medford llimhvniv company's store Monday night reports of the committees appointed on enterluin nieut and reception of the Pacific Indian shooters were received anil the committees authorized to proceed with the preparation for the event, which promises to he the largest shoot ever held outside of the largest cities on the const. The program in tho rough is as fol lows: Monday, September ti. will be devoted to reception of arriving shooters and the evening will he de voted to the annual encampment of the Indians at the Wigwam, Mr. Wal ters having donated the use of the Wiuwnm for the occasion. Tuesday evening following will he the first day of the big shoot and the shoot will he followed by an nolo ride through the different orchards mid to various points of interest. Wednesday will he the second day of the shoot and the evening will he devoted to the big street puraile. in which the Indians will appear in full war paint and costume. Thursday, the last day of the .-.hoot will he the gala day for the' Indians, every shooter appearing in costume at the shoot. Thursday evening will be devoted to n special dance at the Wigwam. Friday will he devoted to a big salmon bake at the river, where all the shooters will be taken in auto mobiles donated by different public spirited citizens. A number of prominent orehardists have offered ilonut'ons of fruit to bo given the shooters at the grounds during the three days' shoot, and all persons desiring to aid the mm club in making the event a great success limy do so by leavinir melons and other fruit at the Medford Hardware company's store. President Daniels has called an other meeting to be held at the Med ford Hardware company's store for Wednesday evening, at which impor tant matters will be discussed and f'uial preparations made for the shoot. Kvery member is expected to be present. Verdi's Secrecy. Verdi observed great secrecy con cerning liis operas, even to bis busi ness associates, and it Is said that the first intimation bis business managers, the Iticordis, received of the composi tion of "Falstaff" was a toast offered by Bolto, who at supper one night, when the publisher and bis wife were present, slyly glanced at Verdi and proposed a health to the "fat knight," at which it seemed Verdi and Bolto bad been working for months. An Aspersion Suspected. "That is quite a remarkable Rem brandt," said the connoisseur. "Sir!" rejoined Mrs. Cumrox. "Yes. Rembrandt, you know, the great painter." "Oh! I thought you said 'remnant.'" Washington Star. The Fraction. "Humble as 1 am." said a loud voiced orator at a meeting, "I still remem ber that I am a fraction of this mag nificent empire." "You are. Indeed,'' said a bystander, "and a vulgar one at that." London Express. In Doubt. Dolly Wbnt's the new baby's name, auntie' Aunt -Oh, baby hasn't gut any nrinie yet. Dolly Tlicu how do they know it be longs In uh! CARRIERS ARE NAMEDJOR CITY Three Local Men Passed Examina tions, but One Carrier Will Be Imported. l'osluiater Wooill'onl has been ad vised as to the successful applicants for n posit inn ;.s carrier in the local postoffiec. They are II. II. Harvey. Hiithcrford Kerr and George Henry of Jacksonville. Mr. Harvey will receive appoint ment us currier No. 2. liullierl'onl Kerr will receive appointment as sub stitute carrier, as he desires to at tend high school the coining year. George Henry of Jacksonville 1ms chnugci) his mind of accepting an apiHiiutmeiit since Inking the exam ination, which leaves one vacancy, which will hi; filled by the importa tion of a carrier, probably one from Illinois, The carrier service is to be insti luteil on September 1,1 or two weeks from Wednesday. NICARAGUA DISTURBS NEIGHBORHOOD PEACE GI ATKMAI.A, Aug. III. Them is considerable uneasiness here mid in Salvador over the persistence of the reports that General Zcluya, president of Nienruuua, is engaged in filling out a filibustering expedition nl New Orleans, the object of which is an at tack on Guiitcmulu and Salvdor. K. J. Lawrence, wife nnd daughter, F.dilh, of Berkeley, Oil., arrived in (he city hist evening and will he the guests of Mr. and Airs. I,. K. Whiting at Riverview ranch for several weeks. Mr. Lawrence leaves California for the Rogue River valley in search of health a frank admission for a Cul ifominu. Mrs. Fred Potter has returned home niter a visit with friends in Jacksonville. You haven't read all the news un less you have read the ads some in teresting items for your purso in ev ery issue. There is no pluee like home, but the Louvre cafe cooking is so near the kind mother used to do that you'll forget your troubles, especially if you are eating sonic of their fa mous hot wnfiies and maplo syrup for breakfast. " Shirley Baker is in Portland on a short business trip. John C. Williams of Ashland wa" a recent visitor in Medford. After the theater go to the Nash Grill for supper. 1-10-1 James I). Fay. editor of the Gold Hill News, spent Monday in Med ford. Open all the time the Nash Grill. GOLD HILL ITEMS. (The News.) George P. Minis of Tolo was a Gold Hill visilor Sunday. M. Foley and daughter spent a few hours in. Gold Hill Sunday. Claud Lawrence returned Monday from a trip to northern California. R. A. Cook was in Gold Hill today on his way to Jacksonville on busi ness. 1 J. H. McClendon, who has been, on the sick list, has recovered his iisiial health. ' , ,1'Yaiik Harvey loft Monday morning for northern California, where he will seek employment. Isaac Householder shipped a car load of lime to Hood River this week, where it .is in demand for spraying purposes. Walter Duiigcy relurned from the Poller Palmer place on Rogue river Thursday, where he has been employ ed for Hie past Severn I weeks. . 1'. McCliinlian. representing Page & Son of 1'ortlnml, tile well known f mil buyers, was in Gold Hill and vicinilv last week on business. Granulate Sore Eyes Cured. For a quick cure without nny un necessary loss of time take Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera nnd Diar rhoea Remedy. Ono or two doses is sufficient lo offect a cure in any or dinary case. It can always bo de pended upon and is equally efficient for children and adults. For salo hy Leon B. Ilaskins' Pharmacy. SEE THE WINDOWS Many New Things Shown By watchinu our windows from this time on you will see many things which are absolutely new, havlnij but recently appeared In tho east. REMEMBER, TOO, that sales are exploited In our win dows every week, arid you can always save hy a visit to this store. MANY. CHANGES ARE TAKING PLACE HERE. Bed Spreads $1.19 In our north window we show spreads are large, excellent weight: cotton that will not turn yellow when value at $1.50; our special price The New Coat Dress We are the first to show the new and very popular Coat Dress made of silk Jersey to about 12 to 15 inches below the waist, below which Is the pleated skirt effect. These dresses are just now making their ap pearance for the first time In the hlg cities. Sec the exceptional values in dresses ranging up C 1 C ATi from $1J.UU THE HUTCHASON CO. Successors to Baker Hutchason Co. PAVING RAPIDLY GOING AHEAD IN ASHLAND ASHI.AND, Aug. Ill.-Paving is progressing along the even tenor of its way, with possibly a little more tenor some days than others. One misses tlie. several teams which have been supplementing the big traction engine in hauling crushed nick to Die scene of bilulitbic operations, mid it is reported that Ihe teamsters struck last week for an advance in wages. However, the motor ower is hauling seven coaches between town and crusher, so thai ojieriilioiis are stead ily progressing, and the hitiilithic ma terial is steadily crawling up Fourth street, as the motor makes several trips per day between city and quar ry in order lo keep surfacemen and finishers busy. It is reporter! that the Warren company has ordered not only anoth er traction outfit from Portland to increase the transportation force, but also a carload of team horses. Arrangcmeiils are also being made to sprinkle the road between Ashland and the rock crusher. HUGE GRIZZLY BEAR KILLS SISKIYOU CATTLE YHKKA. Cal.. Aug. "1. -J. J. Gur yev, who owns a ranch up on Hogus about I'll miles from this place, was in town yesterday. He reports, that there is a large grizzly bear roaming around in the vicinity of Willow Creek and that he has had three head of cattle killed by the monster, ono of which, he states, looked as if the bear had hit it with its huge paw and tore all the skin off the side. No one has seen the hear, but several have seen its tracks, which Gnrvey stated measured ten inches in length and seven inches wide. , Beautiful Pictures at The Savoy. Where Ihe Savoy leads all others follow. No old pictures shown in Medford's popular theater Hint have been shown in the city monlliH before. Tonight's bill is up to the usual high Simula rd and includes comedy, dra ma and illusion pictures. "The llo gcy Woman" is a beautiful speclacu lar fairy laic, all hand colored, will) many beautiful trausformiilion scenes. "Kim with a Manikin" and "A Hud Case" are screams from slur! lo finish. "Visions" is a si rung" dra ma, felling a simple story in a most pleasing way. Don't fail In see this entertain ment the best in the city. F.nlire change of program tomor row night. Ono dime, white cotton Bed Spreads. These marie of long, prime, sea Island washed; a good .$1.19 lr- FOR SALE AUGUST ONLY A SUMMER RESORT ON KLAMATH LAKE That Is Unsurpassed In America This is a sporting proposition for men of wealth it is not a farm. Unequalled Trout Fishing June to November. Doer Hunting on the premises, August 1 to November 1. Duck Shooting superior to any in the state, over thousands of acres of wild celery and rico, Septomher 1 to February 1. Grouse mid Pheasant Shooting o'l tho place October 15 In Novem ber 15. Rest starting place in the conn'" for a Rear hunt. Tho Crater I.iiko Automobile ron' will run through tho place for i mile mid n quarter. Navigable water to tho proper ty, unsurpassed drinking water, and power to develop tho prop erty. More bottom laud and fino glu '' den land than any place on tho lake. Thousands of Pino and Fir eus and thousands of Quaking i pons. , More varieties of wild flo' '' and natural grasses and vote. , !... -I !.. IL. X "iiiii uojr mhi:u in iiiu couniy. If you develop this proporty as i I f.flM 1,A rlm-nlnnnil Ik... ! .... ...... .... uu,vivjn:u, Miuit? la IJU resort in tho county that can compare with it. No amount of talking will in scribe it let us show you. Wo linvo been offered more thou twico what it cost, but have a price at which you may tako h bolow which wo will koep it. J. G. PIERCE, W. T. SHIVE, Klamath Falls. Oregon. HEADQUARTERS FOR Harness Saddle Whips Robes Tents Blanket I Wagon Sheets ft i Axle Grease and f Gall Cun ) ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM WORK I J.C.Smith 314 E. Main V I !1 Mb.