THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 31, 190!). SCENE FROM THE -FAR-FAMED "GIRL FROM RECTOR'S" ;7-C; . ... - , "I'ih'Iii" Joe Ciiiiihmi in r-spoiiniblc ir u w-w wind wliii'h niniHi'M eve in tut v in linn in wnv 11110 lit KiiuliHiiVdiMiliiiliirv. Diirinif tho m-ven inonllih' run of "Tin- (iirl From Ifi-c-tnrV nt WVIht'h uiusii! hull Innt himi- Him, llm Hpi'iiliiT kI(ihm1 in nfU-r f lie I'irot iii't, Kidilflil liimciOl' in a hox and lii'Kiin In enjoy lliu hIiow. IIih lauli diiiini; lliu Inst ai-t caused a ripple. Iliioiill tli 1 1 u -; liei'.aum i(s volume destroyed tins heiniiiK of many of those nliniil liitu. After the perform anei: tli iinuniner of the Iioiihu asked whiifhe tlioiinht of "Thi! (iirl." 'it's a Hnipper," h aiimvered. ''What does that incan?'' was the query. , "Quick, ciitertniiiin', deli-jhtfii great, in fact." "I never heard the word before," ventured the manager. "Neither did I," returned the speuk er. iEf?j NORTH TALENT ITEMS. ' N'onli Chandler was in Mcdford Saturday iittemliii the circiiM. (leorye KoberU wn at Jfedford Saluiihiy enjoyiii! the cireim highly.' I.evy Stniri; and family wero in Mcdford Saturday to we tliu big xliow, (.'. T. I'liyne and family of Fern-, dale were ut fedford Saturday at tending the circus. Andrew Hriner and family of Wag ner Creek were at Medfnnl and the big show Saturday. W. Iteeson wiik at the cireim in Mcdl'ord Iiint Saturday, combining Ini-iiicHH with pleiiHure. Itenn (Inddaril and family were virt iling friends in Talent Sunday. Mr. (lortdard i.i foreman nf the rainier fruit ranch. John Robert and family of North Talent were in Mcdford Saturday -Inking in the sights nt the. big show. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. lVan and their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis Culver, have returned from n pleasnnt outing nt Dead In dinn. Mr. Fouch, foreman of the Tng get ranch, was over in North Talent Smidiiy buying vegetables. K. Colham nnd son, who have a Turn peach orchard west of l'lioeuix, gathered a box of peaches Wednes day for tli" exhibit at Seattle. Most of tlio fruit was 1.1 inches in cirenni ferencn. Mr. Calhoun says he has Homo peaches that measaiiie 12 inches. Kd Copeland of Wagner Creek had lin niikifnvliltte lllHI. Thlll'mfUV tl) lOSG lliu Oi, HIS llllKUin llll" nniiii , hoist. His hnnu was eauglit in me cogs of n pulley, lie, was fortunate that the, accident was not a more serious one; You'll meet your friend nt tlio box ball nlloy. GOLD HILL MINING MATTERS ARE BRIGHTER MECHANICS' LIEN CANNOT BE PLACED ON HOMESTEAD I'OUTLANI), Aug. 31. That a mechanics' lien cannot attach to properly claimed as a homestead, the actual home of a family, was decided by Judge Ciatens in the circuit court yesterday, when be sustained a plea in abatement in the suit of Ii. L. Heard and IT. Dickcl to foreclose n mechanics' lien against the property of N. It. liiuidis and V. It. Salway. Under the law, homestead has a different meaning than the generally understood definition of 100 acres secured from the government. A homestead is any place which is net- ually occupied by a family as their i i , i e uome, anil is ownen ny a niemocr oi tho family occupying, it. Tlio Oregon j code provides that such a homestead . is exempt from sale on execution fori any judgment against the owner, ex- j ccpt for a mortgage upon the prop erty. - ' , Martin J. Reddy The Jeweler For Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Cut Glass, Silverware, and all the latest designs in Jewelry and Silver Novel ties and Souvenir Spoons. Hev Postofflce Orchestrn music during dinner cneb evening nt the Nosh Grill. Mining mutters in this section, whieli hnvo been extremely quiet for a number of months, arc commenc ing to liven up and things aro looking much brighter now than they have for several months past, says tbp Gold Hill News. J. I). Dawson, tho lessee of the Bradeu, is working ten men and ex pcclu to start tho mill soon. Tu tin' Sardine' Creek district tin I-iieky Hart is blocking out somo or nnd dung other work beside, includ ing some considerable improvements on Ihc wngon road, which is itself nn inilienlioii of fill urn active work. The machinery for llm Gray Hugh is expected shortly, and the preva lent opinion among milling men who M-e conversant with llm silniilion is hat. (hi re is a mine in the Gray I-'n - pie. The lihiekhinvk miiio in Drummoml IB miiitiiitr mi in inn nTiini'i n I iiimh I i the owners, nnd extensive work will NOTICK TO CONTRACTORS. Notice is hereby given that the city council of the city of Mcdford, Ore gon, will receive sealed proposals for the const ruction of lateral sewers as follows, to-wit: A (1-inch lateral sewer along Riv erside avenue n distance of 450 feet. An 8-inch lntirnl sewer nlong Rose avenue a distance of 000 foot. An 8-inch lateral sewer along North Onkdale avenue from Hamilton to Third slrcot. , A fl-inch lateral sewer along Sum mit avenue a distance of (iOO feet. A 0-inch lateral sewer nlong West Third street from North Onkdale ave nuo to Holly street. A 0-inch latcrul sewer along Ham ilton street from west end of street to North Onkdale avenue. A C-inch Internl sewer nlong alley through block 25. A 0-inch lateral sewer nlong alley between d'Aniou fifreot nnd Central J avenue from Eighth street to Ninth street. A (1-inch lateral sewer nlong Or ange street between Eighth street nnd Tenth streot. . All bids must bo filed with the city recorder on or before 4:30 p. m. Sep tember 7, 100!), and accompanied by n certified check pnyablo to tho cily treasurer of said cily equal to five per cent nf the contract price; chock to bu forfeited to the city of Mcdl'ord in ease the successful bidder fails to enter inlo contract for snmn. Con tractor to furnish nil labor and male rials necessary to complete said sew ers. Vlnns and spccificiilions may be had for said approvement by call ing nt or addressing the cily engin eer's office. Done by order of tho city council of the city of Med ford. Oregon, this 2M dav of August, 10011. RORT. W. TELFER, , City Rocordor. Diarrhoea. 1 "For twenty years I suffered from a bad case of granulated sore eyes," says Martin lioyd of Henrietta, Ky. "In February, 1903, n gentleman ask ed me to try Chamberlain's Salve. I brought one box nnd used about two-thirds of it nnd my eyes have not given mo any troublo since." This salvo is for sale by Leon B. Hns kins' Pharmacy. , Via art) Growr Ony dlrrct from UM NO OEnT Our Tmn aro crown rtcfly WITHOUT IRRIGATION Writ for frra raUlos. Lara nock of Triutleraltble furoomlDurcial orch&raa Cholct Fruit, Nut f i Ornirantil Tmt, Grip Vines. Snull Fruit PUnt, and Shrubbery Tub NunsF.itiF.s MlnOace,l! Onind Are, Portland, Ore. SALEM BEER SALEM is the most popular beer in Northern California and South ern Oregon. It Is acknowledged to be the equal of the very best east ern product. All beers are good, but some beers are liked better than others. The proof for this assertion lies In drinking Salem beer. If you wish to be convinced, ask for Salem beer and drink It. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION, ri!?i3T Medford Depot: Medford Ice & Storage Co. MEDFORD THEATRE tispppi Opening Of (The Regular Season The iBlg New York SucGess "THE GIRL FROM RECTORS" Wednesday Sep. 1 Prices 50c, 75g, $1.00, $1.50 Bargains in Real Estate A few investments that will make money for you 40 acres fiue fruit land near railroad station, $80 per acre, cash, easy terms on balance at 0 per cent interest. 100 acres of the b.est orchard land in the valley, ONE MILE FROM RAILROAD STATION, $30 per acre, ONE-FOURTH cash, easy terms on balance at 6 per cent interest. 10 acres of choice orchard land close to railroad station, $100 DOWN AND $10 A MONTH BUYS THIS. You will regret it if yon neglect to secure this ten acres on the above terms. 4 large city lots in West Medford joining Kenwood addition, $200 ea. The owner of the above properties purchased them four years aga before the advance in prices and will sell at' a very moderate profit Considering quality of land and location, these are among the cheapest buys in the market today. t X , r : : " ; ; t ' ; ' " , i x - ' " & ' v X Mr. Investor Have you seen t he modern homeseven rooms In the space and cost of four rooms; icelcss refrigerator, built-in buffets t and dressers; cabinet kitchen. J. A. MclNTOSH, Architect. Third Floor Medford National Bank Building, i J. C. BROWN Office in Palm Block, Upstairs Medford, Oregon i Medford Iron Works E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. t Foundry and Machinist All Viri'' of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma-5 jchincry. Agents In Southern Oregon for FAIRBANKS, M0PSE & CO. .. -MM- 1 We do JOB PRINTING Excellent Workmanship A Bargain The famous 3 'Jo-acre I. W. THOMAS GROVE FARM 85 acres of alfalfa (tardea, 20 acres of the prettiest oak anad laurel grove in the valley. 15 acres of apples and pears in bearing, aud loaded with fruit ni tbe present time. This is the best proposition ever offered in Southern Oregon. See WHITE & TROWBRIDGE PB Exclusive Agents, for prices, terms, etc, at office, Phone 93 - 6 Fir street Medford APPLES AND PEARS AND ALL KINDS Oh" FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific North west. Not in the combine. Competes with all first class nurseries. L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREGON be ci'ii'iiioueed soon.