THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OKKOON, MONDAY, AUGUST :io, 1909. OWL, WITH RABBIT, PUTS TOWN IN DARKNESS BEDDING, Cnl., Aug. :i0. A Sbnsta county owl mid rubbit were tho piiuso Wednesday evening of darkness fiilling for fifteen minutes upon Vina, Willows, Orland, Corn ing, Tebainn, Ked HI tiff, Cottonwood, Anderson, KeddiuR, Coram, Keswiek, Winthrop, Kennett and other towns in tliis part of the statu tbat are served by tho Northern California Power Company. During the samei period tho smelters nt Coram, Keu nctt and Winthrop stood still and not a' wheel was t in any of the mines and mills on the copper bolt. Tho disturbance lasted until the Nortborn California Power Company could shift its electrical currents to another set of wires The cause was not learned until the other afternoon, when E A Mace, patrolling tho power lines between Palo Ccdro and Winthrop, found a dead owl with n rabbit in its claws lying between the power line where one of the wires had been burned out The owl with the rabbit in its talons had flown against the wires the evening before, making a short cir cuit that deranged 200 miles of pow er line and threw a doze ntowns into eclipse. Every feather on the owl had been burned off and the rabbit was cooked brown. BIG LOSS FROM FOREST FIRES IN WASHINGTON SEATTLE, Aug. 30. Since June it is estimated that fire has destroy ed .timber to the nmourt of $.",000. 000 in this state. Other parts of tho northwest have suffered in equal de gree and llto Forest Firo association is making another appeal for great caution in tho wooded districts. Ev ery thousanad feet of timber burned means a loss of $3 in wages to the community. v Timber means pay chocks to support all other indus tries. During the dry season no fires should bo started in wooded dis tricts unless they are carefully watch ed. Where fires are found, they should bo put out at once. Call on the firo warden for assistancet, if you need it. In the last ten years four billion feet of t'unber has been destroyed by fire. This is a lament-! ablo waste of one, of tho state : sreatest natural resources. THE SECOND ANNUAL Portland Fair Oregon's Biggest Show Sept. 20-25 1909 Admission SO CimiIh S HORSE RACES DAILY NATIONAL LIVESTOCK EXHIBITS BALLOON RACING CHARIOT RACING FASCINATING MIDWAY ATTRACTIONS FIREWORKS will bo the most gorgeous juul mag nificent pyrotechnic display ever seen on this Const, This will interest the whole family." ' REDUCED RATES ON ALL ROADS. Oulv 4 1-2 miles from city, a 70- acre ranch; new bungalow; fruit trees 2 years old. A good buy. Ben son Investment Co. 135 Ton haven't read all tho news un less you have read the ads some in teresting items for your purse in ev ery issue. Do you want 20 acres, planted to 4-year old Newton and Spitzenberg apples ,also containing 5 acres of alf valfa, which cut three crops without irrigation? House and two wells, enough water to irrigate entire place. If you're Interested" see T. G. Fish, Phoenix, owner, he fore September 15. Phone 2865. Bijou Theatre Entire Change of Pictures , ' Illustrated Songs All This Week Clever Vaudeville Team Why pay 10 cents for a few moving pictures when for 5 cents more yon can see a high grade vaudeville act. hear illustrated songs, in ad dition to a full picture program. D0NT FORGET THE BABAY CONTEST BEGINS TODAY. HAND IN IN YOUR PICTURES. Admission10c and 15c WHY COOK These hot daysT When you can get anything you desiro in tho lino of BREAD, PIES or CAKE, in addition to everything usually foun.l in a ilrst-ciass DELICATESSEN. MEDFORD DELICATEESSEN & BAKERY. Wetzel & Hodges, Proprietors. ' 'A'lf ATTIC I :AOi'L. TANK l or grounds. Affords Absoluts Fire II fiiniiiiifi'.. i I pi UJmmm No Attic Tank to Leak and Flood the House. No Elevated Tank to Freeze or Collapse. 100 per cent belter service and will last a lifetime. Also agents for White Steam Cars and Fairbanks-Morse Gaso line Pumping Outfits. Ovar Nina Thoutaml Kawanea Outfili In Sucveuful Operation. She KEWANEE Svtm of WAfpf Snnnltr ; rr; piovidci an absolutely sae and talitfao V;,'-X;'' tory water ervicc, equal to that With offered by any city water workt. the An abundant tujmly of water il Kewanee always available and dcliv- System, cred under strong pressure Bnair-iiaht.slret.nneu. throughout the house, barn M lllulic t-.i. called tho Kewnnee Pneumatic Tank is placed in (lie cellur. Water is pumped into tins tank and it delivered to tlio fixtures by sit pressure. GET AHEAD OF THE HOT SEASON. You can bid defiance to the boat by having an electrio fan put in po sition. It doesn't cost very much, cither. If you haven't one, we can fix you up i na short time, at the least expense. - We're general, elec tricians, and do all classes of work in our line in the most thorough manner. Jobbing skillfully and promptly executed at lowest charges- . Portable lamps in all varieties. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRICAL CONSTRirrxiON CO J. E. ENYART, President JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier. J. A. PERRY, W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK . CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $10,000 Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted. We solicit your patronage. E. A. Washburne & Son Miles Block Medford, Oregon Savoy Theatre TONIGHT THE BOGEY WOMAN Beautiful hand colored fairy tale. FUN WITH A MANIKIN Oh, you laughs. A BAD CASE Novel comedy of microbes. VISIONS Strong drama. Cool, Comfortable. One Dime. L. C. Hansen. Tom Moffat. We make any kind and stylo of windows. "We carry glass of any size on hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. QUICK AND SURE You can shoot it 5 times "quick as you can think." You pull and release the the trigger for each shot The recoil does the ret. No. 4 Remington Auto-Loading Rifle Twenty-two-incli barrel only, straight grip, plain walnut stock, shotgun butt plate, blue finish, five-shot, take-down ; weight 7 3-4 pounds. mrX '" Fast shooting, hard hitting, large mough for .any game; chambered for smokeless shells. ; 30-30 and 32 Kemington auto-loading It is wonderfully accurate, too, and where you hit your game it is yours, because every shot is equal to 'a ton blow. , Medford -1L JL arc! war Goo