TIIE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREflON, MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 1909. SOCIAL AND PERSONALU Si'ult DuviH Iiiih purchased a tract of limil mi West Mnin street of J. A. Moroy. '1't'it, coffee, Leer or clnrot, with club lunch, HO cinlK, nt tlio Emorick Cufo. K. C. Miller has purehiiHuil 30 neirc of! young orchard from Miller Broth urn near JnckKonvilhi for $7000. (loml Jut with houso built to Hiiit you for Hiiiull amount of mull iinil moiilhly payments. Why not try it f Will noil for moru than you ptiy. Ben- HOIl Jll VOKtlllCIlt Co, 13U J. McCain orf I lilt. Cnl., was in Medford recently on business. T;'u, ooffcj, beer or clnrot, with ;lnl lunch, 30 cents, nt tlio Kineriek Cafe. H. N. Conkling of Albany w spend ing ii few diiyn with friend in Mod ford. ' "I mil u fluid ,(o go Iioiiiii in the oiiik. Jiuy a ioi in woouiawn Height and ride lioinn electric, car service. Benson Investment Co. Kill Minn )). Hall of Brownsboro hpi'iit the week end in Mi'dford. Itiiad the now ad of tlio A HhlnnJ Commercial College, and enter Sep. ti-mlier nth. ' A liltlct daughter of W. C. McCoy of Axlilmid fell from one of the scuts in the circus Satiirilny nl'tuiuooii nud was badly cut about the face, hut mil seriously injured. Rooms and hoard, avmniit south. 32" Riverside HI STOP. Before You Sign a contract for life insur ance in any company look into the merits of Qregonlife The Policyholder' Company No matter how much you are urged . to place life insurance elsewhere write first and hear what we have to offer. RATES ARE NO HIGHER All the money paid to this Company stays in Oregon and helps your own prosperity. It as sists in the up -building of a Greater Oregon. There is nothing, better, in life insurance than Qregonlife There is nothing as good for Ore gonians as OrCgOPTifC NOMK OI't'lI K, roITI.A.M, OH.- A. U II I MX I'r. I. MAML'BU Ocn. r. CUAIIKNi'K H KAHI KU Atl. Mar. A. B. CORNELL, Dist. Mgr.. Men-ford. Helen Naomi Yockcy has returned from an extended viHit to northwest eni points of (liferent. The Wigwam corner Oakdalc nvo iiiki and Seventh street, in the place ft r a good time tomorrow night. 13!) It. W. Houston of Central Point wiih a Mcdford visitor Monday. A fresh shipment of ten direct from tlio orient at the Southern Oregon Ten nnd Coffee Co., 30 S. Grnpe St. t Phono 3303. For an hour and n Jiulf naine War den Charles Clay chased n crowd of phensnnt shooters down Bear creek hottom Sunday evening between Cen Iral Point and Medl'ord, hut they madctheir escape in the darkness. Mr.' (lav is determined to stop tlio illegal hunting ami is still on the! trail of lawbreakers. When in douht, play trumps. Wo i say when in douht, buy real estate in Medford. Lots cash, $10 per month. Itenson Investment Co. Dick Slinircr of T.illle Butte creek was a Medford visitor Monday. Something . every business man wnnis ino merennnis iniicii nt mo Nush prill each noon an ultthorato menu. Prieo 35 cents. Kmiun Schneider and Katio Runic of Klamath Falls were nmnng tlio circus visitors Saturday. Who has a furnished houso to reutt Three adult's. Answer quick. W, cure. Tribune. L. E. ITarris. A. R. Brown. IT. 0. Kmery, wife and daughter and ,T. W. McCoy nnd family of Ashland spent Saturday in Medford. Don'! forget Hie big dance at the Wigwnni tomorrow night. Come and have a good lime. 130 O. W. Wenlon and wife of Wendi .C. Smilh nnd wife of Sisson and F. If. Anderson of Merrill were circus visitors Siilindnv, Orders for nweet cremn or butter milk promptly filled. Phone the ureamory. W. A. Lewis and wife, W. Wnkelin and wil'o und W. H. Dyas nud wife form a Fairfield, Neb., party who are viewing tlio valley. A game everybody can play box ball. ; : .'. .V. William nud J. MeCnuii of Hill spent Sunday in Medford. I!" at (ho big dance at lh Wigwam tomorrow night. 13!) Fred Blukclcy, L. L. Lewis and C. W. liallard of Roscburg spent Sun day in Medford. Fresh crawfish received daily from the Quollo ut Portland nt tlio Nnsh Grill. ) A. K. .ford a n of Ashlund spent Sat urday in Medford. . Oak flrove, Woodlawn Heights, Mountain View and Tnthcrlin Terrucc additions. Iits from $250 to $150. car service. They will ho worth more. Benson Investment Co. 130 V. B. Jones nnd wife of Grants Pass were Medford visitors Sunday. Ten, coffo:), beer or claret, with club lunch, 30 cents, at tho Kmcrick Cnfe. ' ' J. K. Knyurt returned Siiturduy from Seattle, where ho participated in the shooting' tournament. NO SUCH WEATHER IN SOUTHERN OREGON I .OS ANGELES, Cal., Aug. 30. This city is sweltering in n hot wave. Yesterday was the hottest day experienced in four yours. Today there is no prospect of relief. There have bcAn no deaths nor prostra tions reported. PRESIDENT TAFT WAS LOST NEAR BEVERLY LYNN. Mass., Aug. 30. "Lost the president of the United States, in Lynn woods, near, the Sangus line." This wus the news flashed among the residents at Lyunhurst wjjen it became known that no less a person age than the chief executive of this country was nutoiug in and 'out. round nnd about the Lynn wofids, with a chauffeur who had lost his way. Captain Mansfield, acting command er of the forces of Sangus, was on the point of ordering out the con stabulary to bent the bush till day light when word of a reassuring na ture came that the president had re ceived directions from three young women of Lynn thnt set him and .his party on the right rond. Among the Daffodils, PS Mln I'JI.vkld-Oli, Willie, wouldn't it bo lovely If we could catch one nud take Jt Inline ami tame It? New York World.' Wht'a th. Use? Illustrated Definition. HOTEL ARRIVALS. "Tipping the gcnlex.' Thio Egg Has Feeling. First Egg What's the mutter, friend? Tou don't wem yourself. Tho Other Egg I should gay I didn't. I'm feeling all queer inside. Just look at the title of that book! St. Lonls Post-Dispatch. "Help, help! Save nie!" : "Kou't waste your breath, man. What d'ye s'pose I rowed all this way fer to ask ye for a match?" Brown ing's Magazine. You'll like boxball. Try it. The Nnsh Grill is open day nnd night the finest service between Portland and San Francisco. The Wigwam for a morrow night. good time to-139 Ten. coffee, heer or el.iret. -with There will be dancing this evening cim iunch, 30 cents, at the Emeriek at the Wigwam. West Main St. 137 Cafe. At tho Nash C. W. Mnrtyn, Port land; Mrs. M. S. Brovnrd, R. J. lirevard, Charlotte; F. J. Itlakclcy, floseb-irg; F. J. Cook, San Frnncia co; James Gordon, Miss Lottie Wood, C. B. Saunders nnd wife, San Fran cisco; E. L. Ncff, Pittsburg; C. M. McAfre, New York; II. C. Schnrp, Tnooma; C. Hodkins, L. Tlodkinn, Oakland; A. J. Ileineman, Snn Frnn cisco; II. L. Kelly. Trail; Miss A. Robinson, Chicago; Mrs. A. R. Lyon, San Francisco; Fred Karnes, Neills ville; W. B. Jones and wife. Grants Pass; W. J. Quilfoyle, Snn Francis co ; Alex Olds, San Francisco. ' At the Moore Mr. nnd Mrs. R. S. Burnett, Los Angeles ; E. A. Ncwlrirk, Nashville; W. A.J Lewis nnd wife, W, R. Dyas nnd wife, W. Wakdlin nnd wife, Fairfield; N. Willinms, Hilt; C W. Ballard, Roseburg; L. L. Lewis, Roseburg; F. Plymale, city; L. Al turaw and wife, Wellington; F. W. Dodge, Oregon ; M. G. Fostor, Uti ea; II. C. Dunn nnd wife, Warren; E. Cole, Portland; W. J. Mitchell, Corona; R. R. Emmons. Butte; C. E. Johnson, Kansas; S. W. Swanson, Kansas; A. E. Jordan, Ashlard; F. H. McCiillongh, North Yakima; Emma Schneider, Katie Rank, Klnmnth Falls; E. A. Blair, Payette; W. H. Long, Bisbee; F. R Anderson, Mer rill; D. Jackson and wife, Oakland; L. E. Harris, Ashland ; A., R. Brown, Ashland; G. W. Wenton and wife. Weed; C. Smith and wife, Sisson; S. Vaughn, J. J. Duggan, Medford; J. McCain, Hilt;' William Spikcr, M. G. Foster, Utica ; II. C. Emery and wife nnd fighter. J. W McCoy and wife, Ashland; W. Wallace. Sacramento; A. J. Bueborn, O. Schneider, J. J. Monnhan, Portland.' Having returned f.-om a season of A-.d.v ! the Metropolitan Collcg of .Music snd complete n course in the Synthetic School of iPano Playing in New York City. Mrs. E. E. Gore will open her studio for the reception of pupils, Mondav An? 30 144 South Central nve Phone 493 13!) Fresh shipment of fish, consisting of salmon, halibut, shrimp and black bass, just received at the Rogue Riv er Fish Co. Dressed chi:-ken always in stock. 13!) WANTED. A good, strong hoy of 15 or 10 yenrs of ago to learn an excellent rude. Must ngreo to remain u yenr. mmiii wages 10 sinrr, quicK x, rrmS i7-i ' ... . : 7T.W . 2 k. .:. -..'iu-.' iv! w-ifiv.'- ..: 'Vl '' ! ii" or locate ..m:i! work, if von are .i-'inable, The Tacifie .... t...i,. innijj, alure. The great snow- trandeiir, the boundless -'vi TEN REASONS WHY You Should Be a Reader of The Pacific Monthly 1st. It is the leading magazine of Western America, - publish ed on the Pncifie coast edited by western men and its entiio contents are Western. With pen, brush and camera, it tells the story of the wonderful progress of ilie West. 2nd. No other section of the emire world is experii ii i; su.-li a rapid industrial and commercial growth as that ' ,;'' nt' ilie United States "west of the rockie s. It is n duty .. n ii. i,..,, self to keep informed The Pacific Monthly the field. , 3rd. There are opportunities for 'the e ,r prnclically every line of business in this territory, umi The I'aeu'ic Monthly tells of these oppurtunities. 4th. If you are looking for a ele commerce, fa ruling, orcharding or worn, tired or in ill health, see' lii-.- i Monthly will give you a thmwii- rl 5t!i. Here also you -"' capped mountains, in all their ru plains nnd the virgin forests, "G ul'- Country," untarnished by the hand of num. Do you not wi-h to spend a few hours each mouth with as? Pith. The best of wo tern literature to be found in the Pacific Monthly. Live topic- ) TI1K DAY, stories of progress nnd of opportunities, the lionuinee of the mountains and the plains, al-. ways intensely humnn. "111. 0:ie never tires of beautiful pictures nnd the Pacific Monthly is famous for its illustrations, always a veritablo picture hook of Wosteni scenery, from MeNico to Alaska nnd from Denver to the const. Xo expense is spared in securing the most si. iking photos for reproduction. in colors nnd halftones. Sth.The Pn"ific Monthly should be in every home. From cover to cover it is clean wholesome rending of an educational nature It is particularly interesting and valuable both to teacher and students. ilih. Look upon your map, nolo the great area west of the Rockies, think of the wonderful recourees of this section of the country thousands of acres of agriculture land.billions of feet of standing timber, mineral riches beyond comprehension, extend ing .to the shores of the mighty Pacific, the highway to the Orient Do you not want to know more about this marvelous country. 0th. A spirit of optimism prevails throughout the west that lends life and vigor to nil. That is why the Pacific Monthly is 'different. It comes to yon ench month breathing this spirit of the west. It will put the red blood into your veins try it. Sample eop'es nt the Tribune office where subscriptions enn be left. MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE FOR THREE THE PACIFIC MONTHLY ONE YEAR ...... MONTHS BOTH FOR $1.50. ..n.no $2.00 ndvnnceineill. Imiuiro at .The J n- bnno offico this week, BHSSMBaSaBaBHHBaBMMIi