TUB MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 1909. J 1 A BUTTE FALS ITEMS I I I.. ul ,. I. iini,V nui'riii I IIWI'IH IH HUI'VIMK MllipilCMIIM .in Mlllllll ol Dill- cillZIIIIH iim inihMi-tivit khiiiiI juror mid wit- iiuhmc ,,r tint Hi-pU'inliur term of court. Miliar I Infer and ii party of Kiixt crn I'riunds ciium to town in llicir niiloiiioliilii mi Tiii'Hilny, ' anil ut'tnr looking over tint mill nml lownhili) procccdi'd lowuii'U Kuuchiim to in ternet lln limber liolliiiH. Ah thny were vi'i'.v ri'lii'i'iiii and diwdined to civil out any ifil'oniiiitinn, we nuttinil I.V infer 1 1 nt I lln'ir v'lHit wiih not of iniicli in ottiiMi t or calculated to cm -eimraco lonnl intcrcHtx or duo their fccm'utivi'ix'KK wiih dun to llicir hav ing wonin inveHtmcuU in view which they deemed it bent to leave tilldiH eloncd until they had nialiirnd their JllllllH. The hiiw iliiht ciiho was trim lit ('mil nil l'oiut on Monday and re united in a verdict of not isuilty. A preliminary iuvtKiiitinii would havo Havcd thi) county Ihn largo expciinc incident to tho prosecution, Wo iiKiiin call iho county uulhur ilicH1 and I ho road nuperviHor'n at tention to tho condition of tho puldio road near Kalo Point and CHpciunl ly to the alweuce of any foot bridge or culvert over the, Ktream near the .lack ranch. Tho traveling pnhlic a rie,ht 'he public, highway hemic ill piiKHalile condition and not to lie eoiniielled to wad" a M ream two feet or morn in depth, or to rHiik to a barb wire fence with imminent risk of Her man injury, in order to jct over ob HlructiuiiH directly in the line of tra vel Attend l this Kcnllemcn, Slop the lilches I'luodiiiy the road. A liidinu chain wn lout hint week on the Willow creek road by Iteale. The finder will kindly return the Mime to Hill Henle. V ra uk Green, of Mcdforil, brought in to town Mr. Ci.nklin nud wife, with home other friend, fur an out in, and they haw nil camped at the Knlrop ret real. (Mix lliililiani. Jack I'lymulc and T)cl llii.cl, who have hen )iciunpiii nearby, drove out to the valley mi Wednesday. McMxi'i, Itroun, Starr and Wood ward were trading in town on Wcd ncuday. Camp Nick is annul ilivtretod. W. T. ISriiwn and wifn, with Mrs. Clem cnn and Mrs. Keutner, left, on Thurs day for the valley in lime to he on hand for the circus Minx Fannie llaxkins and friends, who liuvo been at Kntrop retreat, fearful that they would not ho on hand for the KincliiiR circus, broke camp on Wednesday mid started for the valley As in illustration of the. character of our summer climuto a few miles from Hntlii Vails, where the, hoys wore working on the (rail, each night water froze and the liquid food left upon the table overnight was found frozen each uiorninj;, and the boys had n hard time to keep warm. Yet thousands of dollars are spent by people to visit some summer resort to find coo weather when they have tin)' finest summer climuto at their door Mrs. Jennie Wright of California, who owns property in Itutte rails and has purchased more, and who has been enmpiuc with us for sev eral weeks, lefl on I'Viday for Ited diiiK. Mrs. Wright will return next season nnd build a fine bungalow, us she has great faith in the prospects for this town, 1 Mi', Nally of Hie unsurveyed, with several other homesteaders of Dud ley, were trading with our merchants on Thursday.' It is not reasonable to believe that there are "knockers" in Medford who arc working against the extension of tho 1. & K. railroad or who arc put ting obstacles in the way of Mr, Al len in bis laudable enterprise. Your titlitoriud in a lata issue was timely and to Ihn point, and il is to bn hoped as well as expected thai the inter ests which havo been antagonistic in this railroad matter will unite thnir efforts mid work conjointly in push ing to completion litis important pro ject and that Mr. Aallcn and his help ers will not bo hindered or the con struction work opposed. Such pro cedure! has mitigated very much against tho work, as it has been projected more than once in the, way of securing necc-isary ways and means in furtherance of the enter prise. There is room and profit 'iioui;h for all of theso gentlemen, and there should lie no dog in the manger spirit known. Medford peo ple, put your shoulders to the wheel nud encourage Mr. Allen and his co workers. You arc standing directly in the way of your own material in terest. . Mr-.. Itoubli'iiuy has gone to the valley lor a i-il with her son and wife.' 1'l'cd Ueiucke was culled to Med ford on Thursday on business nccleil with the mill. S. M. Clcveiigcr and Deputy Sher iff Powers wcr.; called to Kagle Point within the week. Nearly overvbod1' is going to King ling's circus on Suturduy, nnd our town will be nearly diverted on that day.- iii ii i MEDFORD THEATRE Wwwmmw 0pening Oipe Regular Season wim$MSM ThejlBigJ New York Success wm "THE GIRL ' i Tcm RECT0RS orM fe I SyIednesday Sep. 1 Prices 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 Bargains in Real Estate A few Investments that will make money for you 40 acres fine fruit land near railroad station, $80 per acre, y2 cash, easy terms on balance at 0 per cent interest. 100 acres of the best orchard land in the valley, ONE MILE FROM RAILROAD STATION, $30 per acre, ONE-FOURTH cash, easy terms on balance at 6 per cent interest. 10 acres of choice orchard land close to railroad station, $100 DOWN AND $10 A MONTH BUYS THIS. Yon will regret it if yon neglect to secure this.ten acres on the above terms. 4 largo city lots in West Medford joining Kenwood addition, $200 ea. The owner of the above properties purchased them fonr years as before the advance in prices and will sell at a very moderate profit. Considering quality of land and 'location, these are among the cheapest buys in the markef today. J. C. BROWN Office in Palm Block, Upstairs Medford, Oregon NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice is hereby given that the city council will receive bids for the const nic'thm of a five-foot cement sidewalk on the east side, of Oakdnle avenno from Seventh to Eighth streets same, being three hundred (300) feet in length; and also for a five-foot cement sidewalk on tho south sido of Sixth street from the corner of d'Anjou street to a point 1-10 feet east. Bids mny bo filed with or mailed to tho city recorder up to 4 o'clock p. m. on September 7, 1000. Dated August 23, 1!00. ROUT. W. TELKER, Ml Cilv Recorder. Orchestra music during dinner each evening at tho Nush Grill. t Mr. Investor Have you seen the modern home seven rooms in the space and cost of four rooms; iceless refrigerator, built-in buffets tand dressers; cabinet kitchen I i J. A. McINTOSH, Architect, $ t Third Floor Medford National Bank Building. " i t ! I Medford Iron Works I E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. t Foundry and Machinist t A" of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma-f jentnery. Agents in Southern Oregon for FAIRBANKS MORSr Irn ' j I We do JOB PRINTING Excellent Workmanship APPLES AND PEARS AND ALL KINDS OF FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific North west. Not in the combine. Competes with all first class nurseries. L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, O R E O O N If you are particular in regards liest 25-cent dinner in town served to what you eat for breakfast, you every day at the Spot Cafe. should get the habit of eating at tho . : Louvre Cafe. Their hot waffles and You'll meet your friend at the box maple, syrup ean'l bo beat. ball alley. A Bargain The famous 120-aere I. W. THOMAS GROVE FARM 85 acres of alfalfa garden, 20 acres of the prettiest oak anad lam-el grove in the valley, 15 acres of apples and pears in bearing, and loaded with frnit at the present time. This is the best proposition ever offered in Southern Orefj.m. See WHITE & TROWBRIDGE ri? Exclusive Asents, for prices, terms, eir, i t"i--. Phone 93 6 Fir street Medford Ti-""" Does This Interest I ou ? THERE IS SELDOM A DAY PASSES BUT WHAT A NEED IS FELT FOR. A FKW W1DK HOARDS IN ORDER TO MAKE REPAIRS OF VARIOUS KINDS AROUND THE PLACE. We Need Yard Room AND IN ORDER TO GET IT WE ARE OFFERING A LOT OF ODD LHXCTII. SURFACE! 1x12s AT A PRICE THAT WILL CLEAR THEM OUT IN SHORT ORDER-SO. I V YOU NEED ANY, YOU HAD .BETTER HURRY. n r7 mm rn rrrs t : : .11:1 ir-rv UHran u w im (mm & n ":; I