Oirgon Historical Society City Hall "Polly of the Circus JJJ fty MargafefMayo, illiifltrak-rl by Ryder, novelized from tho play that is the rage in New York and Chicago, m the new serial that will begin in the Tribune this week. One of the most fascinating and attractive stories ever written. Wateh for itthe hit of the year, both as play and novel. ' . EBFORB B AIL Y TRIBUNE FOURTH YEAR. M KIH'OKI OREGON, MONDAY, AUMUHT 30, 1909. No. 139. M VAWTER LOSES AUTOMOBILE; NO WE FOUND Disappeared on Saturday Evening j From Circus Groi'nris Nothing Has Been Learned of It as Yet. OWNER WILL OFFER REWARD FOR THF CAR'S RETURN Network Spread In All Directions, but It Is. Not Known Whether Car Has Passed or Not. Late this afternoon the authorities are on the trail of a well known Chi cago crook who came Into Medford Saturday and was recognized by a lo cal man. It was found that the man under suspicion had purchased gaso line Saturday. He was seen again Monday morning, but eluded capture. Pursuit Is now under way and he may be apprehended before morning. It is believed that he took the car away, hid it and returned to throw suspic ion fro mhim. W. I. Vawtor Iiuh found do truce of his automobile, which disappeared from tin; circus grounds " Saturday afternoon, although a network lias been spread in nil directions to slop its getting away. liellior il sue-1 cccdcd in slipping through or not is nut known. No trace of nn.v kind! tins been found of il. i Tho our disappeared while Mr. Vawter und his family were ntlond ins tho evening performance of( the circus. Tho car was standing near the main entrance to tho big show, but it was nowhere in pijjlit when' the show wiih over. The car was ti large "Olds 40." Tt was in splendid eondition iind is near ly new, having received splendid eare moe it was purchased last year by Mr. Vawtnr. It wns registered in mis state,, its number being "47'2." The police were nt once notified und n network spread to apprehend ihe cur nnd to arrest tho driver. So far no eluo of nn.v kind has devel oped. Mr. Vawter is now milking ar rangements to offer a reward for its return. , " DISTRlilGPIPf WATER SYSTEM HIRE . ... v. Work Will Soon Start on Laying of Additional Pipeline In the City. Tho cast iron pipe for tho water diMribuiing systom of Modford is be ginning to arrivo from Ahibuma nnd work will soon bo undertaken in lay ing tho mnins. ' Tho contract wan lot siniio weeks ago und tho doluy bus been canned by non-nrrivnl of tho pipe. r:n. Immn within wnllcincr dis- , , 1HI tanco nnd on tho intorurbnu car lino, 6-cont laro, you wm uiu no "- ...ill lmild (I. TimiRon In- HIKO. !" -- vostmont Co. I3" ITMP SHOOTERS PLAN A GREAT ! IIWE MEDFORD Special Meeting of Gun Club Called for This Evening to Arrange Details for Next Week." ENYART BACK FROM SHOOT IN SEATTLE Marksmen Said to Be Whetting Their Appetite for Good Things' to Come in Medford. " The greatest trap shooting tourna ment ever pulled off outside the larg est cities in the United States will be held in Modford September 7, 8 and 0. Two special Pullmans loud ed with the crack trap shooters of the country will urrivo in Medford Sat urday on truin 15 from tho annual national shoots nt Seattle and Port land. In all over 00 shooters will ur rivo on this train. With tho attend ance of the iimnteur shooters of tho nearby towns from both his state and California tile event will be one of the groutcst advertisements Med ford has ever received. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Knyurt returned Saturday from the uiiniial shoot in Seattle, and tluvshootors ut that city were w hetting their appetites for Med ford and planning to remain hero a week at least, and if possible for ten day Tho'' entertainment afforded these visitors at the shoots of for mer .veal's bus spread far and wide. Trips to ltogiie river have become tho bright particular spot in every shoot er's heart that has ever visited Med ford, and this ttlono will be largely resmsible for the attendance ' this year, which will be at least three times that of any former year. Accommodations have been reserv ed in two of tho local hotels, with the result that both these liostclries will be over-crowded and a number of en thusiastic Medford members arc mak ing arrangements to ueeommodalo part of the shooters at their own homes. . Committee, bavo been appointed on reception, decorations, accommoda tions and various other necessary departments of the event, and a great slrcot parade in Indian costume will bo, one of the events of tho wook's festivities. A" now I.eggett trap of the latest design :. has boon installed ot the shooting grounds nt the junction of the .Pacific & Eastern und tho grounds nro boing generally fixed up und put in first-clnss condition. President Daniels of the local club has called a special mooting of tin, Medford Gun club to bo held ut the Med f mil Hardware company's store Monday evening to hear reports of Ihe various committees and arrange for other necessary arrangements for the reception, and every member of tho club is urgently requested to bo prsent. This organization is ono that, is deserving of tho support of ovory citizen, ns tho benefit; Hint, will ho de rived for Medford ns a .live town and tho best sporting point between Sim Francisco and Portland lias hlroudy boon established in past yours' shoot ing tournaments, nnd seven or eight of tho best known professional shots in tho west hnvo invested in orohnrd hinds in tho vulloy. ' Another 10-ncro tract sold. Why don't you tako tho noxt 0110? "A good businoss tnvoslniont. Bouson Invest niont Co. ' ' 130. LOCKED FOR HOURS IN COLD STORAGE Contractor Schemerhorn and friend have cool time in vault of Medford Ice and Cold Storage Company Sunday afternoon While the majority of the residents of Medford on Sunday afternoon were making remarks about the weather man .and trying to gain n brief respite from the heat by resort ing to various cooling concoctions, (i. L. Scht-roicrliorii nnd a friend were talking, not of the heat, but of the coolness of their situation. For sev eral hours they were looked in o.ne of the cold storage vaults of the plant of the Medford lee & Cold Storage company in South Medford and were released only after they hud buttered the hitch loose on the NEFF ASKS THAT 8E TAKEN AWAY Courthouse Rings With Oratory This Afternoon Neff and Reames Argue Motion to Dissolve Injunction. . PROBABLE THAT HANNA WILL TAKE IT UNDER ADVISEMENT If Motion Is Granted, Work Can Be Started at Once by City If De nied Then Case Will Go Over. The walls of the courthouse in Jacksonville are. this afternoon ring ing with flights of. oratory on the part of Attorney "Ncff for the city and Attorney Kennies for M. F. Ilnn ley in tho case of the city of Med ford vs. M. F. Ilimlpv for n right of way across tho Hunloy premises 011 Little Itfctte creek for tho gravity wn tor system." Tho argument is on over a motion offered by City Attorney Nol'f to dissolve the temporary in junction issued recently by Judge Iliinnu. In all probability the judge will lake tho matter under advisement for a day or two. If he decides in favor of the city, the city can commence at once the construction of the remain der of its gravity water system. . If the motion is overruled the case will go over until tho September term. OREGON RECEIVES $31,000 FOR BENEFIT OF MILITIA WASHINGTON;. Aug. .'10. Four million dollars, appropriated by con gress for the militia, has been allot ted among tho scvornl states nnd ter ritories by Lieutenant General Wea ver of tho general staff corps of the army. Tho allotments for the states and territories in round numbers in cludo tho following: Idaho $10,000, Montana $18,000, Washington 33,000, Oregon $31,000 HANLEY large door to the vault. Had they fuilcd in this they would have remain ed in the vault until Monday. Mr. Sehermerhorn is a local con tractor and has had chargo of most of the building of the plant. Sunday afternoon he was showing a friend through the. plant and entered the cold storage vault. The door swung shut, the latch caught from without, and in they were. The two men devoted several hours to battering the door, finally forcing the latch and making their getaway. Next time more care will be exercised in shutting the door. STANCH FRIEND TO CRATER BILL VISITING CITY Senator Beach of Portland. Recently Appointed Census Supervisor, In Medford on a Busi ness Trip. WILL BEGIN WORK OF - COUNTING PEOPLE SOON Senator Beach Has Long Been Friend to Southern Oregon Former . Resident of Lakeview. Senator Seneca C. Bench of Port land, one of tho leading republican politicians of Oregou, for many years a member of the upper house of the state legislature, who has recently been appointed census supervisor of Oregon by President Tuft, spent Mou day in Medford. - Senator Beach wns one of tho foremost advocates of the Crater Lake road bill at the recent I session nnd in mniiy ways, proved a j friend of southern Orogon, where he ' formerly resided. For many years he published tho Examiner at Lakeview. 1 "Tho census is on a business basis thi-s year." slated Mr. Beach. "The Inhalation work has been left to ex perts in the census bureau, so that eniiinerutioii of peoplo is nil tho work lci'l for the supervisors. Wo begin our work in the nenr future, but tho enumerators will not begin, work un til next spring. "The republicans will hold a state uolibly next year and name n tick et. Who the nominees will bo I hnvo no idea, but there will be no lack of eiindidutos." I' J. Aikin of Prospect was n re cut visitor in Modford. Listen : Two years from now don't, say "I wish I had," but say "I am glad I did." That is what will happen if you buy n lot in Onk Grove addi tion. Benson Investment Co. 130 OVER 13,000 PEOPLE SAW BIG CIRCUS Record Crowd Turned Out to Greet Ringling Brothers on Their Appearance Last Saturday. JUDGE KELLY STOPPED HIGH-PRICED MOTORISTS Refused Admission to Those Drivers 1 Who Charged 50 Cents a Trip to the Grounds. A total of 13,000 people saw Ring ling Brothers' circus Saturday, 8000 in the afternoon and 5000 in the eve ning. The attendance was a record smasher for Medford, though. 11,800 attended the one performance that Buffalo Bill's Wild West show gave a year ago, which stands as the rec ord crowd at one performance. On account of the oppressive heat in the afternoon, much discomfort attended the .performance, though the heat was not as intense as Jt was Friday at Roseburg, where" the eve ning performance was abandoned be cause of the exhaustion of perform ers: .'Five thousand is the. record crowd for evening performances in. Medford. . .;' ".V..' . . ' Because part of. the automobilists' charged oO cents a head for taking people to tho circus instead of 25 cents, which has heretofore been the chnrgc, Judge E. E. Kelly, owner of Queen Anne addition,' on which the circus tents were pitched, refused entrance upon his property to the 50 cent motorists and thereby occasion ed quite a little excitement on the grounds. ' Sheriff Wilbur A. Jones and Dep uty Sheriff William Ulrich spent the day guarding the county bridge over Bear creek, forbidding fast driving or motoring over the bridge. Several who attempted to disregard warnings were threatened with arrest. SUMMERVILLE BUYS NOE BARBER SHOP Will Refit Establishment Throughout Takes Charge on Next Wednesday. . ' J. T. Suiuraervillc has purchased the C.'E. Xoe barber shop iu the Pulra building, Main street, and will take possession on Wednesday morn ing, September 1. Mr. Summerville is a barber of much experience and no doubt the establishment will thrive under his management. Mr. Summerville plans to refit the place throughout, adding many new I'b.lnvcs. Jack has a host of friends who wish hint well in his iiew ven ture. RECORDER DISPOSES OF MANY MINOR CASES The record of tho recorder's court following circus day shows as fol lows: John' Buckley, fighting, $10; Walter Jacobson, fighting, $10; Hen ry Flurry, resisting an officer, $10; J. J. Flurry, resisting nn officer, $10 ; J. R. Wright, jumping off moving rtnhi, dismissed ; Q. Shon, drunk, $5 ; G. II. Under, figbting, $5. . MEXICAN FLOOD SITUATION FAST Estimate of Dead Reaches '1200 River 'Again Within Its"" Banks Rain Has Stopped. PESTILENCE IS FEARED DESPITE ALL PRECAUTIONS Streets Are Being Rapidly Cleaned and the Dead Buried Poor People the Sufferers. . JUU.NTkKta. Mexico, Aug. 30. The Santa Catarina river is today within its banks, and rescuers are re t,n:c p n,..,j ..;: It is reported that the number of deaths will total at the least 1200. The rain has stopped and the au-, thorities are caring for t home less. , - Despite all precautions, pestilence Is feared. The streets ore being cleaned and the dead buried, .. In the smaller towns the people suffering the most are poor. Those residing in unsubstantial houses suf fered the most. TRAINS DELAYED BY FOREST FIRES For the First Time in History Trains Were Dispatched From Med ford on Sunday. Forest fires iii ! ... vu m vici;a Villi yon have raised havoc with the train semce north, as well as breaking telegraphic communication. Wires were down, trees across the tracts and ftrcs raging so close to the line ns o delay trnis Ilnd c Oral lnncv.t.,... .. . . b Vu 7 r,,Ill-ad circles, for the fimf : ! xt. . . . . i, ,, - ,, "" 'u me History dispatched Sunday from the local of- M,e th assis'ant superintendent of tlto Sniillinr,, T.,..:" , . . . i.lf. , unarge. SHOT FRIEND WHEN MISTAKEN FOR DEER John Matlmu-s. nt r-..i . , x wimiiv. was Shot ....i,e m me mountains nor east of Eugene Friday aftc" noon. Clover mistaking him for a Ioer. The rifle bullet LZ Zh ews groin iiii,! . i,: . i. j tr h ""oiewiierc m I s body Mathews was taken to Co btiiR last night and brought to the B-ugeno hospital Saturday. While the snrgeons express hope for his re covery, they say the wound is very serious. Mathews and Clover, accompanied hy Knoel, Stewart nnd W. Bccson, all I, L x' T h,m,inK nenr D. the Mohawk valley. They were sep nrated u. tho woods, whon Clover saw Mathews at a distance through the thick brush. nnA t,:u deer, fired.. Mathews is aged abont 3., and has n wife and five children. IMPROVES