8 TIIE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OKKflON, SAT UK DAY, AUOfST 'J8, lfK)fl. EXPRESS RATE CASE HEARING SEPTEMBER 6 SAI.KM, Or.t Aug. 28. Final hear inn in thu mutter of the proposed re . auction of the Pacific Express Com. jinny's rules on tlie lines of the Or- gon luilrond & Navigation C m puny will lake plsiee Monday, "p tember 0, at which time- an agreement will bo renchod between the' railroad commission and the express company relative to the carrying out of the reductions ordered recently by the commission. It is understood that the express company is willing to submit to the proposed reductions, but wishes to have the order amended where it per tains to certain schedules. These schedules will bo taken up at -hfi hcarins; September 6, 'when the final order will be entered by the commis- iiiision and the new rates will then go into effect within a few weeks. Phono your want nds to the Tri bune for quick results. HOTEL ARRIVALS At the Moore C. H. Willisou and wife, Portland: C. If. MeCuiifr, Rose burg; G. T. Bolter, Roseburg: Mr. and Mrs. Benton Bowers, Ashland; F. F. Johnson, Grants Pass; J. P. Barnes, Portland; Mrs. E. Kinney, Jacksonville; Mrs. G C. Jacobs, Ash land; F. I. Aiken, Prospect: John J. Hansen, Grants Pass; H. N. Cock erline, Albany; O. G. Sether, Port land; H. Lysteel. Portland: G. W. King, Portland :. Emil "Frinell, Glen dale; A. Ilagseii, Glendale; Floyd Conovcr, Glcndale; Wilbur Spiker, Glcndalc; IT. X. Randall. Portland: M G. Foster. Utica: J. L. Cobum, Grants Pass; W. B. London, Port land: J. B. Stevenson, Bay City; Miss L. Frost, Bay City; E. F. Hansen, Nncomb; F. J. Lowry and wife, Ash land; II. V. Mitchell and family, Ash land; J. T. Logan. Grants Pass; Dr. and Mi's. Potter, Hollywood. At the Nash Wm. Gcsig. Port land; Mabel Parsons. Ashland; E. H. Griisty, Portland: Mrs. O. T. West, Hornlirook; II. W. Banfield. city; J. W. Parker. Portland: C. F. Betz, Portland: A. C. Tubbs. Portland; A. C. Hough. Portland: Mrs. W. B. Hig gins'. Portland; G. I). Williams and wife. Grants Pass; B. Collins and wife. Yerka: R. E. Crowley. Port -land; A. Ravons, San Francisco; J. M. Baird. Chicago: J R nosmey. Salem; W Holm Portland: II B Hal ier. Portland: C. E. Webb. Table Tiock; C. A. "Knell, Portland; Joe i.suim, city. y FOR SALE AUGUST ONLY A SUMMER RESORT ON KLAMATH LAKE That is Unsurpassed in America This is a sporting proposition for men of wealth it is not a farm.. Unequalled Trout' Fishing June, to November. Deer Hunting on the premises, August 1 to November 1. Duck Shooting superior to any in the state, over thousands of acres of wild celery and rice. September 1 to February 1. Grouse and Pheasant Shooting i the place October 15 to Novem ber 15. Best starting place in the county for a. Bear hunt. The Crater Lake Automobile road will run through the place for a mile, and a quarter. Navigable water to the proper ty, unsurpassed drinking water, and power to develop the prop erly. . . More bottom- land and fine gar den bind than any place on the lake. r Thousands of Pine and Fir trees and thousands of Quaking As pens. More varieties of wild flowers and natural grasses and vetche3 than any place in the county. If you develop this property as it can be developed, there is no resort in the county that can compare with it. No amount of talking will de scribe it let us show you. ' We have been offered more than twice what it cost, but have a price at which you may take it below which we will keep it. J. G. PIERCE, W. T. SHIVE, Klamath Falls. Oregon. MAKING PLANS FOR BIG COUNTY FAIR LA GRANDE. Or, Aug '-'8 A com mil tee has been appointed by Presi dent Woods, of the Union County Ex position, called the "2O.H00 llor-lcr t'lub," with the prime object of bringing 20,0)" visitors to the fair here in October Alie Oregon Kail road & N'tivifctnioii Company today announced spec :'l rates for the Hii From Pendlet 'i :nd xiuls bot'.veci to La Graudj i imI also from Hiu.l- inglou. the roiu.d trip rate will b a fare and a third. This rate is also effective over .he Wallowa branch. On Wallowi touuty day the 0. P. & X. will run a special train tVun Joseph to L:i Grande with a round trip rate of one fare. The financial committee has raised $Tt00 for a guarantee fund io insure the suee-s of the fair. Bids have been adver tised' for th construction of the buildings nec-Msaiy for the stab'-r.ir c"if the stock.' A largo pavilion is to be built. TWO THUGS ASSAULT MAN WHEN REFUSED BEER KEXNETT. Cal.. Aug. L'S. Last evening two men. whose names have not yet been ascertained, appeared lit the establishment of James Bordes, manager of the local brunch of Jos eph Hoefler'.s Redding brewery, miT asked for beer. Bordes refused to furnish them with any, mid one of the men attacked him with a shovel, inflicting wounds upon his head. He was unable to defend himself, but people who heard the affray, came to the rescue and took charge of the assilinnts and the victim. : The time ly arrival of two officers probably prevented the indignant citizens from handing out a little frontier justice o the murderous thngs. Bordes is under the care of a phy- ician, and his two assilants are in prison. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science services arc held every' Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, iu the Commercial Club rooms. Sub ject of lesson sermon for August 2!) : "Christ Jesus." All tire invited. Farmers and Feed Consumers. We want your hay and grain and will pay the highest market price for it. We will roll your barley and crack your com at the Russ mill., ft you need hav we will give you scn'y weight and every pound you pay for you will get. We keep a full stock of all kinds of feed on hand at rea sonable nrices. Call at the Russ mill and get acquainted with u:i, whether or no you wish to sell or buv. POLK JIULL & SON. , 125 ' Medford, Oregon. Philosophy. And ho I says: "Danny, keep cheer ful. Don't worry about yer troubles Hii months or a year In advance, boy. A great ninny times tbim kind o' trou bles when tey do come don't happen at all." New York Herald. Why hfe Called. "What! Are you here bcMtini? again?" "No, lady. I have Just called as er delegule from de Trumping Toms' as sociation tcr notify youse dnt if youse don't Improve yer cookln' de associa tion will huve tcr cut youse. off Its route."-New York World. What the ProfMior Wanted. Tho professor steps into the barber chair -Hud assumes uu attltudo of pro meditation. "Holr cut. sir?" Please!" The barber rata tits Inilr "I.Ike a sIiuiikh?'' "fia-pleaso!" ;le (tets tho almnipoo. "Shave you, slrlr" "I'm yes!" Olio shave. "Massage?" He nod ussont and consequently Is tnnsn :cl. The barber removes the towel; the professor arises ami mechanically takes the proffcrec" check. "What's this?" "Your check, sir." "My check?" "Certainly, air hnlr cut, shampoo, shnvu nml massage." Tho professor rubs his baud over face and head. ' "Pld 1 get oil that?" "Surely, sir." "It's queer very queer most i traortllnnrlly queer! A most woiuleN ful exnmpla of philosophical phenom ena!" What's queer?" asks the barber hi dismay. Why, the working of the human mind. What I eamo In for was to Rot my razor honed." Puck. What Constitutes Baseball? The essential apparatus of basnluitl Is simple and inexpensive. All that Is required Is a Beld. n stick, the ball it. self and police protection for the um pire. Oue advantage of the game as played professionally is that thoso sit ting .In the grand stand can play tho game n great ileal bettor than the eighteen men on the diamond. . Jt I niso true tnat any one or tlie specta tors, even though perched on a tele phone pole across tho street or looking through a knothole In the fence Ite yond right field, can judge of tho pitch er's skill or the runner's iieetiiess much more intelligently than tho ar biter who stands behind the battery. The great merit of the game is that the. peoplo can participate !u It. It la not like bridge whist. Its science to not synonymous with silence. The thing to d6 is to take off your coat and roci as long and as loudly as you can. even If you don't know what la happening. Philadelphia Ledger. Respect For Old Ago. - , "Jonas, did you beat that rug accord In to orders?" "No. S'lnnnthy; I just didn't" "Didn't? What's the reason. 1'J like to know?" 'Cause. S'mautby. wben 1 got It out on the line there an' saw how frittered au' feeble It was I didn't have tlie heart to lambaste It. I know have a shortage of virtues. S'mnnthy. but I want you to know that respect for old age Isn't one of 'em." Boston Courier. Going to Law. The man who toes to law for' the purpose of obtaining satisfaction gen- orally gets ho many, other things that he forgets ull about the satisfaction If. there Is any in for him. Chicago Record-Herald. , A Marrow Escape. Au old circus man tells this incident as one of the narrow escapes he had In thu show business. He had trained lions, zebrus. leopard, rhino you know and all sorts of beasts of prey, but this, he says, was his narrowest escape. It was when he was running a dime museum In Milwaukee. One day a mild mannered Russian came out of the railway (station with a valise In his band. He wag a heavily bearded man and with shaggy bunds and arms like George Esau. -He hunt ed up a cabman and Inquired inodiMt ly, "Where is the dime museum?" The cabman told him and then asked, "Want to ride up?" . "Yes," the bearded stranger told him quietly, almost bashfully. "I'm to bo employed up there. I'm the wild man." "The narrow escape," says the es-. circus man, "lay in the fact that no newspaper man beard the man's re mark and 'that the cabman was an Englishman, with no sense of humor, who never thought to repeat It." Ex change. The Conversationalist (to well known authoress)r-I am so delighted to meet you. It wus only the other dny I saw something of yours ubout somcthlug or other In some paper! i Somehow Bad I : 8 (y& imm . We Are Pleased To Announce Our Formal OPENING OF CUR SPACIOUS SUIT ROOMS ALL NEXT WEEK The newest and choicest styles in Suits, Coats Skirts, Waists, Pet ticoats, Kite, will be on special dis . play. We invite you to visit here. EVERYTHING ON SALE TONIGHT The Hutch a son Co. ... j Successor jto Baker Hutchason Company Central Avenue Just North of Jackson County Bank JACKSONVILLE ITEMS Mr. Kuril Cameron, of I'nion- lown, and daughter, Mrs. Ouv I,nw- ton. of Mcdfonl, have returned from u trip to Seattle. Attorney ('. L. Kennies wan at the county scat Friday on business-. Mr. mid Mrs. Frank ('rump and children passed through town Friday nit their way from liuncnm to Med ford. M. I'urdin, the Medford liltornev, was a ImsinesM caller Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. liichard Hitltland, of (Iranls, arc milking Mrs. Augusta Helms, of this place, a visit Percy J Wells, county school su perintendent, spent Thursday at his home in Ashland A number of Jacksonville people attended tin; Pioneers' lieiiuioii held at Ashland Tiursduy and speak in highest terms of the dinner served by the Indies. Those who went up from lime were Mr. and Mrs. Silas ,1. Day, Mr. and Mrs. ('. ('. Ilceknimi, Mr. and Mrs. Chris I'lrich, Mrs. Mary Miller, Mrs. K. K. Knbli, Mrs K. I! Watson. Mrs I l If it is'nt an Eastman S. 1'. Jones, Miss Jones, Mrs. Kound trce, Mrs. Chiis. I'rim, Miss Hritt, Mrs. W. H. Coleman. Mrs. O. liar. hiiugli.. .Miss MeCully, Mrs. Kate liol I man, .Miss IVemnii, It. F. Mul kv. Mrs. James I). Ilucklcv. Mrs O'Hrion, Miss Kate Buckley, Mrs John F Miller mid Mrs tawiit 11- noh John IVnmll, of Aiipleuatc, was in town on Friday. It. K Mulkey has returned from n business trip to Portland. READ THE TRIBUNE FOR NEWS. We BreOmwfitw Hut llret from V9 Our Tr aro crown trtcllr WITHOUT IRRIGATION Wrtt for frro cstln. I run took of vnriutiMiiraltljli rrcomaiirclat orcharda Chok fruit, Nut tnd 0rnamnt 1 1 Trwt, Qrapt - Vinti, 8 null Fruit Plants and Shrubbery TiikDalmca NiriiNKitiKB MalnQfflco, Grand Avo,lNrtlLaltOr. Many Pleasant Memories EASTMAN It isn't a kodak JL HEADQUARTERS FOR Harness Saddles Whips Robes Tents Blankets Wagon Sheets Axle Grease and Gall Cure ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM WORK J. C. Smith 314 E. Main ML Angel College MT. ANGEL, OR. in clinrRc, of tho lienedihtino Fathers. Fur" young men and boya. Torm opens September 7lli. Preparatory, comrnoreial. scientific and olassionl courses. Write for cataloiwu. WILL BE RECALED IN AFTER DAYS IF YOU WERE FORTUNATE ENOUGH TO RECORD THE HAP PENINGS OF THE PRESENT WITH AN ; KODAK WE FIT YOUR PLATE CAMERA TO USE FILMS. COMPLETE LINE OF PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES ALWAYS ON HAND. MEDFORD BOOK STORE Sle Agents