TIIE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 1900. 5 t nnnin urn nrnnnuil t rl II 1111 fiNII KrKMininlT i uuuml nnu i liiuuiml; Then) will In' dancing Ihi cloning i ill thai Wigwam. West Main Nt. l.ii Darby OTdhIu has returned I i.-tn foreign fields I" litlm np labors, in lliiit city again. Ton, coffee, boor or clarot, with, cluh lunch, 30 cents, ut tho ICiim in !: j Ciifo. ; Ml-. iiikI Mi x. II. 1 1. Collins, , Yi'ckn, nrw spending ii few days in Medford on business. Tlio Nash Grill ia open iluy mid nltflit tho finest service between lWtliuid uiul Sim Francisco. William Kpii.. . of Olondnlo, i tqieiiding u low days in Medford. Ton, coffoa, beer or claret, with chili lunch, 30 ccnls, ut tlio Knioriek Cnfo. Ah mi exun i'V l' what 11 cireu docs for Med! .vd, Munngor Hun, or I Iki Mooro hotel, was forced lo pill in -10 coin l liiitidlo tho crowd Fri day night. Fresh crawfish received daily from tlio Qmdlo nt Porllund at tho Nnsb (Jrill. " J. I). WilliiuiiK, of Grant Puss, im iMidiii a few da.VH in Med ford. If you nro particular in regard lo wjiut you eat for breakfast, you hhonld got ,l,,it ot cnling at tho I,ouvro Cufo. Their hot waffles mid maple syrup can't ho boal. Mrn O T. WiM, of Jlorubroiik, in visiting in Medford. You ran (jet n meal to order at tlio KiihIi Grill any time betwenu 0 o'clock hi tho morning and midnight. 0en at till hour. Mr and Mm Denton Mowers, of Ashland, were Medford visitors Sal urday Ten, coif..:, beer or claret, with club lunch, 30 cents, at the Kmerick Cnfft. C. H. McCung and G. T. llollor. of Kohcburg. arc recent Medford nrri vala Will trade nico 40-acro much, Nomu fruit trees, for city property. Benson Investment Co. 135 John J. Hanson, of Omuls l'ass, wus a Medford visitor nSturday. Dost 25-cont dinner in town sorved ovory duy nt tho Spot Cnfe. You'll liko bo.xhull. Try it. F. F. Johnson, of Ornnts l'ass, took in the circus Saturday. Do you liko craw fish? Tho Nash Grill serves them. Fresh shipments dally Trom tho fnmons Qnello onfo ut Portland. Airs. E. Kinney spent Friday slid Saturday in Medford. Ton, coffjo, beer or claret, with club lunch, 30 cents, nt tho Emoriek Onfo. - - Kditor L A. ratlisou, of the Cen tral Point Herald, was a Medford visitor nSturday. A fresh shiiuucnt of ten direct from tlio orient nt tho Southern Oregon Tea and Coffee Co., 3P S. Grnpo St. Phono 3303. ' Kmil Friinnell, A. llngson. Floyd Conover and Wilbur SpiUer, of (llen dnlo, were Medford visilirs Satur day Rooms and board. 32." liiverside avoiiuo south. I'll J. I j. Cobiirn, of Grants Pass, was in Medford nSturday. Head tho new ad of tho Ashlnnd Commercial Colleen and outer Sep tember (ith. Olius. Krlwcin, of Gold Hill, was n Medford visitor Saturday. . You'll meet your fryuid nt tho box ball alloy. ' Who wishes lo exchange Medford residence or valley acreage for 8 room modern house in live Southern California town? $3,f00, completely furnished, (live or take difference. Address W. P. H euro Tribune. 13!) Who bus a furnished house to rent? Three adults. Answer quick. W. care Tribune. P, B, Cornell, the genial district innnnger oTlho Oregon Life rnsurnnce Co., has secured offices in the At kin's block and will send for his fam ily In the uenr. future. Tho Oregon Lifo is proving a popular company in this section nnd Manager Cornell reports nn excellent business for the short time he has been in Medford. Something every business man wants the merchants' lunch lit thy WANTED. A good, strong boy of 15 or It! venrs of nun to learn an oxcollent riulo. Must nirroo toN rem n hi n year, nninii wages 10 sum., quioic advancement. Inquire at The Tri bune offino thin week. 1 It is doubtful if uu attraction has been in this city in inuiiy years that has attracted Hindi wide attention us that accorded "Tlio Girl From Itcc tor's." Tho piece had its initial of fering in New Jersey and was brought tij Weber's Mui-io Hall, simply to fill a hiiuill gap in the bookings there, but its Hiiccess was so great that it con tinued an uninterrupted run of seven mouths and played to the biggest bus ness in tho history of the house. Cri Nush grill each noon an olahonito uionu. Prico 35 cents. Horace Pelton is one of the Gold Hill residents in town to sec the cir cuit. There will he dancing this evening at the Wigwum. West main St. 137 II K. Hummel!, of Kuglo Point, is in Medford for n few days As nu investment, what is better than a lot in one of our additions iidiir the interurbnn car line? Benson Investment Co. 13!) Mrs. G. C. Noble has returned from n trip to Gold Hill, where sho visited with flionds. L. A. McHue, who bus been visit ing for somo time with A. C. Allen, Every Clerk Every Mechanic Every Farmer Every Stockraiser Every Merchant Every Banker Every Professional Man is directly . interested in ', theprosperityof Oregon. None flourish unless ! money is in good supply. ' Life insurance premiums drain Oregon of vast Bums every year. Stop This Drain Place your life insurance with The Policyholders' Company This is the only "Purely Oregon" Company. Makes all of its invest ments here, and is an im portant factor in the up building of a Greater Oregon. Rates are , no higher. Write for further partic ulars giving your occu pation and date of birth. - i OlIOMK OFFICIO, l-OHTI.AMl, Oil. A. U MIL.IA Prti. U SAMUEU Un. Mir CU1RBNCB B. HMVjEL Al. Mr. A. B. CORNELL, CMst. Mgr., Medford. Qrcgonlifc THE PENDLETON SISTETS Appearing in "The Girl From Rector's" li t .t.A'L.i W' tics declared that it was one of tho few productions of its sort ever mudu that carried with it a high cIiish plot and still contained a laugh in every lino of tho dialogue. Paul M. Potter, the unjhor of the work, who was also reniiisiblo for "Trilby" and many other stage successes, received" more myall ies from "The Girl" last sea son than wns ever paid to any other writer i'nr jii.s single work in such short space of time. The story of "The Girl" is that of a the locul orehardist, has left for bis home in Mexico. If locution is a consideration when you build, ask to see our lots in Mountain View Addition. Benson In vestment Co. ' 130 Dr. J. F. Heddy and John If. Allen, accompanied by a party of friends. will leave for Cniter Lake Sunday morning K Dahack, of Kaglu Point, was a recent visitor in Medford. Why not have a city home in the country" Lots in our addition on the tar lino offer the opportunity. They bro just far enough, out. to be semi-rural.. Benson Investment Co. .. ; .. -.s- . , 13!) . Mr. und Mrs. George Irwin, of Ashland, spent Saturday iu Medford. Shorteo Miles is back 1mm an ex tensive cumping trip. Mrs. It. W. Telfer. deputy city rec order, is visiting n few days in Horn brook. Don't forget the Hoguo River Fish Co. when in need of fresh fish, dress ed chicken, imported chees, and sau sage. 13" Col. George P. Minis, of Central Point, spent Saturday in Medford. C. K. Webb, of Table Rock, is spending a few days in Medford Mrs. C. K. Fields, of Phoenix, was a recent Medford visitor. Mrs. O. II. 1 inskiiis has returned from a trip to northern points. A game everybody can play box ball. John W. Pemall, of Applegate, wns a recent Medford visitor. T. K. Pottcnger, of Applegate, spent Saturday in town. R. B. Dow, tho popular deputy jshoriff, spent Saturday in Medford viewing tho circus doings. As n circus day precaution Chief Shearer bad many deputies out to preserve order Ordors for sweet cream or butter milk promptly filled. Phone the ereamoi7. NASH GRILL Table D'Hote Dinner Sunday, August 20 Celery F.n Braneho Suited Nuts Olives Consunune Clear Fillet of Sole, Sauce Tartaro Sliced Tomatoes Lettuce Hearts French Dressing Spring Lamb Chops Mnintenon Petit Pois Marschinoo Punch Veroniiuo .Wafers Spring Chicken, Farcin Asparagus Points Mashed Potatoes . . Strawberry leo Cream . .".ssorted Cake Roquefort Chceso Bent's Crackers' . Cafe Noir young society woman of Battle Creek. Michigan, who was interested in every churity there. For recreation, how ever, she comes to New York, and I hough occassional visits to Hector's she earns the title. When she re turns to her home, suddenly she find? many of her metropolitan friends there, and entanglements ensue which are not explained until just before the fall of the curtain on the last net. 'The Girl" will be seen ut the Med ford theatre on September 1. City Recorder M F Egglcston, of Ashland, and family were visitors to the circus. Joe Hammer.-leg, the Gold Hill zuuker, and wife, were circus visitors Saturday. Chas. Xiekell und family, of Ster ling, were among those who saw the ercits. Apprentice girls wanted at Bar nard & Connayers mdhnery par lors. - 139 Frank Brown and S. B. Holmes, of Eagle Point, took in tho circus. , Mrs. Fiero' and daughter, of -Chi cago, mother mid sister of A. Conro Fierd, of Central Point, are visiting at his ranch. F. II. Hopkins and sons, of the Snowy Butte orchard, were anions those from Central Point who saw the circus. J. M. Hurley and family, of West Medio d, wore cirenss visitors Satur day. Mr. Hurley has just finished n handsome residenca on his ranch, with all modern conveniences, aee teleno lights, hot nnd cold water, etc. Mr. Hurley, who has resided in t'ic valley for 23 years, raised tho Tokny grapes that won first prize at t'v Lewis nnd Clark fair, and has lur.v sonic of the handsomest Xewtons .'n ih- valley. Medford can give any other town .if ihiee and four times its siz j t i lie '-oust three hips the start and 'hen. win out when it comes to nutus. .'. S. Howard, a prominent civil cu friaier of this city, informed the Tri bune thntwhjle standing op the cor ner of Roosevelt avenue today he counted 01 machines that passed a given point in ten minutes. 1 .living returned f;'om a season f . I dv ,;i (ho Metropolitan Collcg ot Music ; nd complett.e u course in iho Synthetic School of iPnno Playing in New York City, Mrs. E. E. Gore will open her studio for tho reception of pupils, Monday An 30 144 South Central nve Phono 403 13!) Sah.'ti! "1 Wouilcr why she homely Utile riint'r" ii pieil lliiit "Well, you see, he's goln' lo he a doc tor when lie grows up, an' bo's prom ised to let her lick all the sugar off all oi nu puis: -siy.ouis rosi.tuspe.ten. Childhood's Simple Ways. f ' -.s. .s-i-v. 1 9 HIGH ART PICTURES AT THE SAVOY When it cornes to a high class short entertainment the Savoy cannot bo lii'iit. Tonight's program is up to the usual high htundard that makes the Savoy tho best moving picture theater in Southern Oregon. Comedy pictures, such us the "Heavy Weight Lifter," and "Sweet Dreams und Nightmare" contain many a laugh, the latter being hand colored and artistic in background. "Living Dolls" is a colored trick comedy picture with many startling sensations, spiced with clean comedy and beautiful color effects. "The "Slave" in the most powerful nnd in tense drama shown in Medford for some time. The acting w distinctly uolished und effective, while (he set tings and costumes ure elaborate and carefully appropriate. It deals with woman's love and sacrifice in the sluve mart of ancient Home and is a high class production that merits the highest praise. By all means at tend this performance. Kntire change of program tomor row night. One dime. . COST OF LIVING CHEAPENED. Over One-Half Million People Bene fited in Oregon Alone. When you can save about 30 par cent on tho cost of an article and ai the same time get tho highest stand ard of quality at a time when most manufacturers are talking of raising prices is something that consumers should not forget. The price made on this particular article is not a price forced by competition, nor is it a price made in a spirit of philan thropy. It is made strictly as a bus iness proposition ; the idea being that a large business with small profits is better than a small business with large profits. Made of the finest grade of cream of tartar, it is put up in tins of a'l sizes, the most economical sues per haps are the 3-pouud cans selling for $1.00 and the 5-pound cans sell ing for $1.G5. It is now generally conceded by nil that there is nothing on the market showing more merit for quality and price than the article here referred to Cleveland Superior Baking Pow der. ' NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. ' Notico is hereby given that the city council will receive bids for the construction of a five-foot cement sidewalk on the east side of Oakdale avenue from Seventh to Eighth streets same being three hundred (300) feet in length; and also for a five-foot cement sidewalk on the south side of Sixth street from the comer of d'Anjou street to a point 140 feet east. Bids may be filed with or mailed to the city recorder up to 4 o'clock p. m. on heptemher . mini. Dated August 23. 1900. KOBT. W. TELFEll, 141 City Ko-order. Prepaid Raiiroao Orders. "Something which is of consider known is the system of prepaid or able interest to the public generally and which is nerhaps not generally ders now in effect betweeu stations of the Southern Pacific company and all points in tho United States. By means of this system tickets may be purchased at Medford from any place in the United States and mail ed or telegraphed direct to the party wishing to come here. Sleeper ac commodations and small amounts of cash in connection with these tickets may also be forwarded at the seme tiui.n NOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned will apply nt the regular meeting of j the city council of Medford, Oregon.; on September 7, 1000,' for license to I sell mult, vinous and spiritous liquois j in less quantities than one gallon f.ir j six months at lot 13. block 20. in j Medford, Ore-gnu. for a period of sox ; months. , i 0. M. MURPHY. Dated August 17, 1000. ' 137 j MEDFOKD, Or., Aug. ". .1900 Hull's Texns Wonder, of St. Louis, cured my daughtor of a severe kidney and bladder trouble ofter doctors failed to give any relief, nnd I qnn cheerfully recommend it. Mrs. L. L. Wilson.-135 Bnrtlott St. Sold by Huskins' Drug Storo, -4 r-r- HK mmmmml p 2 h- CD H P FT 5a O 09 P" O O CD O i 0 9 o oJP S S 5S ST O W El, B ft' P iJ CD c P ITJ Qi tcD S . L S log 5 CD p. CD P-i O q4 CQ Y- Z S -i o rrf B r. i o Wm EMM !3 fcr" 7t F P-5 6 CD H cf , ' in tLo g-tg ft M -5 A i I u m P CD tH 4' 9