THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SATUKDAY, AUGUST 28, 1909. TABBY HAS AT LAST AN ENEMY GREAT PROGRESS MADE ON CANAL Work Steadily Advancing on Panama Canal Despite the Tariff Department of Agriculture Says Many Hard Things of House Cats WASHINGTON'. Aug. 28. "Sleek highwayman," marauder," mid "al leged mouse-killer'' are ju-U a few opprobrious epithets which a learned scientific expert is uow colling that pet of cliildhood mid solaee of the spinster the out. Tabby comes in for an awful muek -uklng in the new yearbook of the iVpnrtment of Agrieultue. rrol. A. - - . , " ... . K. Fisher, of the bioloeicnl sunoy is rete is being laid, villages are being WASHINGTON. Aug. 'JS. While the people of the United State have been fussing over the wool schedule or the hide schedule or various kin dred things included in the tariff bill, the segregated mito of population down on tho Isthmus of I'aunma has been putting on a new aspect on tho building of the ciinnl. It is no longer a matter of buildinc a ditch. Con the man who destroys those early idols as to the lovely character of the cat. He says the animal is degener ate, a theif a scoundrel, and oughtn't to be allowed in a respectable house hold, or at least not allowed tho same liberty as at present. "A well-known naturalist estimates (hat in the Xew Kugland states alone 1 500.000 birds are destroyed an- ntDlllv hv cuts. V I "Tlio nrincinal reason given fir';tore keeping cats are their attractiveness ns house pets, their usefulness as companions to children and their al leged value as rat and mouse killers. "Alleged mouse killers," think of that insinuation ! But the professor docs more than just sneer at Tabby's rodent killing proclivities. lie says f farther: "Lovers of the cat should be content with one. or at the" most two of these pets, and should sec to it that outcasts "do not run at large on their premises. Xow. that cats are known to carry in their fur germs not only of ringworm, but also of the such drearer riseaies as tuberculosis, dip theria, scarlet fever and small, pox. the presence in the household of Tab bv is not without its dangers." moved, nuarries are being opened locks anchored. Preparations are almost completed for the constructive work on tho canal and the whole pro ject is entering on its second phase of accomplishment. When the record for the month of July was taken it was found that the United States had surpassed the ex cavation mark set by the French dti'r- iim tlin venrs thev were at work he- abandoning the undertaking. The French excavater 8l..r-18,0lM cu bic "yards. The Americans have tak en ont Sl.liOT.OOO cubic yards. There are still 92.0u8.fil7 yards still to be excavated. From now on it is expocted that the excavation records will dwindle as the excavation progresses, the preent plan being to bring the excavating and construction work to an end sim ultaneously.. METH. EPISCOPAL CHURCH Next Sabbath nt U a. in. the third sermon of the series. "Four Johns." Subject. "John Buuyon, the Great Baptist Allegorist." Sacrament of the Lord's Supper following -the ser mon. In view of the union temper ance meeting to be held at the Bap tist church there will be no preaching 11 1 night. , ' Sabbath school nt 10 a. in. F.pworlh League at G :H0. p. in. All are invited. DISHES The B & C Cash Store The Big Dish Store Where you will find the most complete line of Fancy and Plain Dishes south of Portland. Haviland French China in sets and open stock. Porcelain Ware in fancy decorations and plain white. Hand-Painted China by the best artists. Jardinieres in the green matt ware. Cut Glass highest grade at lowest prices. The store that serves you best by telephone, 2351. BlCash&lStorqC 223 West Main Street CURRY COUNTY MAY HAVE SALOONS BACK Tea. coffee, beer or claret, with MARSHFIELD, Or.. Aug. 28. r . rtl Klrv" lorriturv. aCCOrOHlg lu U utri:i.-.I,ii til uims- S. Coke, of Marshfield, presiding in the circuit court of Curry county. John R. Hcrron. of Marshfield, was arraigned at Gold Beach on the charge of having, illegally sold liquor in Curry county. C. F. McKnight. of Marshfield. appeared for Herron. and on the plea he made Judge Coke de cided that Curry county, which was supposed to be "dry," is not "dry." but that in reality there is no reason why liquor could not be sold there. the election declaring the county "dry" was knocked out because there had never been the proper order of the court' entered to make the elec tion legal. Currv countv is tb only absolutely The Best Meal In Medford is to be had At The Star Restaurant" All-white help. I Home cooking. Room and board. $5.00 a week. Give us a trial and be convinced. MRS. W. E. GOODE Prop. 322E7th St. run riot without interruption, as would be the case under license. '"I. . . , n. .lub lunch. 30 cents, at the Emerickj ? rtls,r""t "l m u'm """'" J : ' . .....l ti,ere were times when no small ta lamouul of whisky was consumed i ' XOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. A""" , ,h", " ! " ,. .... .1 t ,1 -,,. Judge l ose me snioons oi ,uui.- Notice is hereby given that the civ f conned of the city of Medford Ore- .terrm.tion. as aon, will receive scaled proposals tor the construction of lateral sewers as follows, to-wit: A (i-ineh Intend sewer along Riv erside avenue a distance of 4"0 feet. An 8-inch .la Ural Kejvcr along Uose avenue n distance of 000 feet. ; An 8-:nch lateral sewer alorg Xorth i Oakdale avenue from Hamilton to Third street. j A 6-iuch lateral sewer along Sum-j niit avenue a distance of 000 feet. I A G-inch lateral sewer along West Third street from Xorth Oakdale avc- : nue to Holly street. A 6-inch lateral sewer along Ham- ilton street from west end of street: to Xorth Oakdnle avenue. A G-inch lateral sewer along alley' through block 25. A 6-inch lateral sewer along alley between d'An.jou street and Central avenue from Eighth street to Ninth street. A G-inch lateral sewer along Or ange street between Eighth street and Tenth street. All bids must be filed with the city recorder on or before 4:30 p. m. Sep tember 7, 1000, and accompanied by .a certified check payable to the city ' treasurer of said cily equal to five per cont of the contract prieo; check to be, forfeited to tho city of Medford in case the successful bidder fails to enter into contract for same. Con tractor to furnish all labor and male rials necessary to complete said sew ers. . Plans and specifications may be, had for said improvement by call ing at or addressing the city engin eer's office. Done by order of the city council of the city of Medford. Oregon, this ?M dav of August. 1900. ROM'. W. TKLPBR. . City Recorder. RESOLVED The best resolution for you to make is to come to iih for your next suit, if yo.i want something out of the ordinary. We do tho best work and charge the lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT . THE PROGRESSIVE TAILO A Snap Eight Room Furnished Modern Bungalow Price $380.0 Lots 50 x 100; Within three blocks of the West school, three doors from Main street. Inquire C. P. Cusick Rooms 133 West Main Medford - Oregon s o a o Economy 1 j Get The Habit of pl-.i'imng your purchases in advai rc. Y-ui will fi?i if. wiil materially lighten your labo-s I-W in stance, why nut decide XOW just what you will have for Sunday's dinner' For the mcnt courses we would suggest one of our plump and tender YOUNG CHICKENS, all dressed and ready for the pan, per pound . .... 1 ....... . 20c and 25c Or, if it is too warm to cook, try sonic of our COLD BOILED HAM (sliced mid ready for serv ing, per pound ......... 353 If you prefer to boil them yourself, wo arc of fering tho fiacst Eastern Hams for, per lb. . . . I8C Nothing better than our lIEIH'OItf) CUKAMKKY TSlTTEIi on the market; per roll...., 75c THE ECONOMY MARKET HUTH & ASHP0LE, Proprietors. Opposite Postoffice' Phone d3i o o p o s Economy "For you particular customers who demand the best groceries, c recommend Folders Golden Gate Coffee." It is so good we cannot obtain it better coffee not if we paid SI a pound for it; Everything .brut Folder's Golden Gate Coffer is perfect, and we tell it with the positive guarantee thut it will plcaie you. Allen & Reagan v OROCfcwJES, CHINA WARE, FRUIT AND FEED. V- Rest - Romp - Recuperate At the Seashore Newport ,Is a delightful resort and a happy combination of pleasure ground possibilities. An ideal climate, diversion of recreation perfect bathing boating--fishing riding driving, and exploring, make New port a most charmng and popular play ground. Southern Pacific " ' lias a 'SPECIAL SUMMER EXCURSION" RATH TO NEWPORT OF $ 1 0.00 from Medford Ask for our booklet "Outings in Oregon." A. S. ROSENRAUM, Agent, Medford. WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. State Di-poaitary Entabiiobcd 1888. Capital and Surplua $128,000 Kotoafrot 700,000 HIGHEST ATTAINMENT IN SYSTEMATIC BANKING SERVICE Tho Jackxou County Hank rcHpoct fully Holicit.s your uceount, Rubjoot to your cluHik, with tho Htronfe Kiinraiilce of safety mid efficiency. Wo offer the highest attainment in Hj-Htemiitio banking eorvico, which UHHiircH tho p-oatost cure In every financial transaction, with' thin oMig ing institution. W. I. VAWTER, ProBidcnt. O. R. LINDLEY, CoBhier. Tribune is ; '.Up-To-DaS WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in' Jackson County Bank Upstairs yttrs. 3vzne, Hampton Isaacs 3nl:uctor of "Plon0' 5tttbo6 Sluiloat 7Ul6nc4. Stotlti Orun Strut