THE MED FORI.) DAILY TRHUINK, MEDFORD. OKKOOX, FIJI DAY, AUMJHT 127. I'M)!). Would Not Stand For It. s Dav JJ Jit" rV EVERYTHING ON SALE Saturday One Day Only Large Modern School Building Woodvilie Would Be Credit to Much Larger Community SCHOOL BEING A Promleing Experiment. s!5 Circu Sale RAPIDLY Work is rupiiily progressing on Vfoodville's modem six-room brick school building. It will be complet ed within the next month. Tho building is modem in nil re spects and will be one of the finest rural schools, if not the finest, in the county. Work on the newbridge has start ed As soon as this is completed the residents of that section will petition for a free rural route from Wood vilie to Grants Pass on the north side of the river and back on the south side. Rural telephones are rapidly being installed. Apprentice girls wanted at Bar nard & Connnyer's millinery par lors. 139 HALF MILLION CIRCULARS TO ADVERTISE OREGON PORTLAND. Aus;. 27. Half a mil lion circulars have been printed for the use of the Commercial Club in ad vertising the resources of Oregon and setting forth the inducements for newcomers. These are of convenient size for'inclosing in letters to friends and can be procured of the club by those who will use them. The circulars speak of "Ilarriman and Hill competing for Oregon busi ness in a manner that bids fair to place even the most remote localities in the state in touch with the outer world by lines of railroad;" of the opportunities for the. settler to obtain a farm for almost nothing, of the billions of feet of standing timber awaiting the ax of the lumberman to turn it into channels of trade; of the excellent market Portland offers for all kinds of produce, which can be raised with little effort in the region tributary to flie city; of the immense opportunities for fruit fanning, dairying, poultry raising, woolgrow ing, mining, as well as of general farming. ,Tca, coffoy, bper or .claret, with club lunch, 30 cents, at tho Emcriek Cafe. BALLINGER SAYS WAY WILL SURELY BE FOUND NORTH YAKIMA, Wash., Aug. 27. Secretary Richard Bnllinger, of the department of the interior, has given practical assurance that the govern ment irrigation projects now under way will be pushed to completion as soon as possible. He 'said there' was now available to complete reclamation projects $11,000,000. whereas $27, 000,000 was needed. He said, how ever, that he believed congress would m:tk ti way for procuring the funds needed to complete the work now in hand. As for undertaking any new projects at present, the secretary said lie believed it would be bad business policy. ' Fresh crawfish received daily from the Quelle at Portland at the Nash Grill. ' ' HOTEL ARRIVALS. At the Nush W. A. Arnold, Doug las, Wyo.; C. M. Smith, Palmyra, X. V.; D. W. Yellespie, San Francisco; C. W. McKcun, Sun Francisco; W. A. Smith, Chicago; V. P. Smith. Chi cago; C. W. .Jacobs, San Francisco; K H. Rice. San Francisco; J. K. El bert and wife, Marysvillc ; C. W. Tozier, San Francisco; Y. F. Wight, Washington; H. L. Lively, Seattle; Orovor Young, Portland; 3. 0. Ruff, Portland; B. M. Lombard, Portland; John Blakely, Portland; C. S. IIol brook. Portland; H. E. Maling, Port land; N J. Morehouse, Bellingham; J. C. rJurric, Portland. At the Moore Mrs. N. hIv: A. Packard, city; W. T Martin, Tni'p" Warren, O.; R. V. Hi!!. '' ' C. Marshall. T -o llnlid; J. A. McKm r. . rr m 11...!.... Vnw non, 1'orti:. i; -. J- '"'""". Castle, l - i.; J. M. Chamberlain, Por'Vj:.:: . G. O. Perl. Portland; V. K. 1v.:-,, Portland; K. B. Cornell, !; mils Pass; G. S. Davis, Jackson ville; J. Gordon, San Francisco; W. ' W. Wright and wife, Hebron; .1. F. .Taoobsoii, Seattle; A. E. King, Port land. ; '. Hostess Ami what Interesting ex periment are you engaged on now. pro fessor? Professor liaising canaries from ca nary wed. The New Farm Hand. 55 Grumpy Farmer (engaging a man) Well, you'll do. Start right away. Farm Hand I think I'll please ye, sir. I've had a lot to do with pigs. The Optimist. - "Waiter, tills knife Is blunt, and the steak is like leather" "Yes. sir; do nicely for stroppln' the knife oii, sir." ' ' Frightened Tup Oec. I always beard that ; women were going Into every thing, but I never knew there were lady dog catehersr New York World. Not the Si live,',, a If J had an airship I'd fly away ii id neck my fortune. i I lloviiii-il If you hml an heirship yonr fortune would come to you. Do you Mike crawfish? The Nash Grill nerves them. Fresh tihipments daily from thfj famous Quelle cafo ut Portland. y ffl w'7' mm iJf AKek Coming. .. am. sii; 1 would not sti i nimHicr to talk to dem folk-i. ley passed me out a short au' ugly word." "Wli.'H was if;" "Work." Hi'owulng'H Magazine. Society Item. "Mr. Tomkyns-Smythe has, we un derstand, given up Hying and Is now resting on bis laurels." . Every Time. ' n,al Hcfuso me and life Vlll lie an eaipt.v dream. Clara II is better to have an empty dream tban to get married and have au empty pocket. I-nltiinore Ameri can. Music For the Millions. Millionaire's Daughter Papa, here's Lord Mustalrt conic to call, and he's brought his coronet with him. Man of Millions (busy making a few millions before dinner) Take him to the other end of the house. 1 haven't time to listen to his confound ed music jtibl now. In Days to Come. 4-" K l':-rr Aero Cabby (to nervoua lady) Let'f aee! Where do I drop yor? Tea, coffee, beer or claret, with club lunch, 30 ccutH, at the Ktneriok Cafe. "No, minute m 33 ID a c o m a cn 33 O - The Hutchason Co. Successor to Baker Hutchason Company Central Avenue Just North of Jackson County Bank A MISER'S END. j Meanness of M. Vsndille and tho Way Ha Hastened His Death. j M. Vaudillc wan rliief luiiclstrate at , llonlognu and by mUerly haliltn left a I fortune of Jl.OitO.fXM. IIIh a.iual dlut was bread and milk. The bread coHt very little, and after catliiK IiIh loaf nt home Ills luililt van to liecouic Ills own ! public uillk InsKH-tor. whom uh chief magistrate ho had the riKht to uppolnt. And no, as he dwlared. to protiH:t the liihabltiinlH froid Iwliiu lmpo.scl upon by au inferior tiallty of milk he took I his walk linmediiUely ufter ciitlUK his ! loaf mid demanded to taste the milk of every salesman lie passed, thus saving i himself from purchasing any. Misers j are generally strong men they have to ' be so In order to live a life of prlva- j tlou but eventually Vamlllle. like oth- er misers, was seized with Illness, and the surgeons had to be called In. In those days they bled tlielr patients. The surgeon asked Vandllle half a llvre for the operation, but the million aire ordered him at once out of his sifsht and sent for the apothecary. The apothecary refused to cut the price down, so Vandllle scut for n poor bar- lKr, who undertook to oiwn u vein for j three sous a time. "Aye. but," said tills worthy cono- mist, "how often, friend, will It bo necessary to bleed rner" "Three times." "And what quantity of blood do you 'jiteud to take imicIi time?" "Klliht ounces." ' "Well, but why can't you take the whole twenty-four ounces at once? You want to make a job of me, you scoundrel! Here, sir; there uro your three sous. Take the twenty-four ounces Immediately.'' The barber was generous to obey. M. Vandllle lost the twenty-four onnces of blood and died In a few (lays, leaving nil his vust treas ures to the king, whom he made his ole heir. Strand MagicClue. The Oldest Bridge In Parie. The font Noire Dame Ih ,tlio oldest bridge In Purls. It was llrst built. In im In the reign of Charles VI., but It wus carried away, together with the bouses, which lined it, by ice floes when the frost broke In-1400. A new bridge was begun at once under the direction of .lean Jocondc of Verona and was ready for traffic In 1507. On that bridge stood the famous plcturo shop of (Jersaiul. which had a sign board specially painted for II. by Wat teau. Westminster Gazetlo. ' Jolting Him. Bashful youth Miss llella, does does your mother object to my coming here so much? Fair Clmnncr Oh, I think not: I heard her Idling papa the oilier evening that you merely came to puss away the time; you didn't menu anything serious, London Tlt-ttlts. The Division. "What!" exclaimed Mrs. FlaUclgh. "Yon don't mean to tell mo you pay a girl $10 ft week for cooking?" "Oh. no!'' replied Mra. Urbanvlllo. "Wo only pay her $2 a week for cook ing. The other -TH Is for slaylnu." Chicago 'ewa. EVERYTHING REDUCED SATURDAY Tomorrow is circus day and in accordance with our custom, we will place every article In the entire store on sale. THE NEW GOODS, consisting of Suits, Coats, Skirts, Waists, Hand kerchiefs, Neckwear, Petticoats, Bedding, Children's Coats and Notions and all staple lines will be sold SATURDAY, THE ONE DAY ONLY. AT A SAVING TO YOU OF FROM 10 TO 50 PER CENT, on every dollar you Invest. ' EVERYTHING REDUCE0 SATURDAY The Stone Houses of Easter Island. The remarkable stone houses of Kuster Island are built uualnst a ter race of earth or rock, which In some cases forms the back wall of tho dwelling. They ur-bullt of small slabs of hi nit Hied basaltic rock piled to gether without cement. No regularity of plan Is shown In the construction of a majority of them. The avcniuo measurement Is as follows: Height from lloor to celling. 4 feel 0 Inches; thickness of walls. 4 foot to II) Inches; width of rooms, 4 feet 0 Inches; length of rooms, 12 feet U Inches; average size of doorways helgJit, 'JO Inches; width, 1! Inches. Kiln Oaunynw, public stenographer, room 4, I'alm linililiiiR. ? ? ? ? ? Why wear glims that tire unbecoming when you enn have them cor ectly fitted by a spe cialist who studies the leeds of each individ ual, nlways proscrib ing lensoH to relieve tho JVos and mountings or frames to make the np- f jiearnnce corroot. "Just ight" is tho expression ipplicable to glasses when fitted by mo, Brief consultation free DR. IVY M. ROBINSON, Eyesight Specialist. firndunlo McCortmuk Neurolog ical College, Chicago. East Main Htroot, over Nicholson's Hardware, Modford. a a UJ O a Ui IS EC Ui RICH CONVICT GIVES UP HOPE FOR PARDON SAN UAKAKL, Oil., Auir. 27. I William J, Uriidliury, the aged mil lionaire convicted of perjury and sentenced to onii year in Kan Qiiciitin prison, after u conference with ins attorney today, denied himself to nil newspapermen. This in taken to mean that he Iiiik about given up hope of securing u pardon from Governor (illicit, and desires to beg-in his term in prison us quietly as possible. Hrudbiiry'H attorney has been at tcuipliue; to secure a pardon from the governor, You'll like boxunll. Try it. FOR SALE-AUGUST ONLY A SUMMER RESORT ON KLAMATH LAKE That Is Unsurpassed In America This is a sporting proposition for men of wealth it is not a farm. Unequalled Trout Fishing June to November. Deer Hunting on tho prcmisos, Augu'sC 1 to November 1. Duck Shooting superior to any in the state, over thousnnds of acres of wild celery and rico. September 1 to February 1. Grouse anij I'heasnnt Shooting ci the plane Octobor 15 to Novem ber 15. Host stnrting placo ill tho county for u Hear hunt. Tho Crater Lnko Automobile road will run through tho place for n mile and a quarter. Navigable wntor to tho proper ly; 'unsurpassed drinking water, and power to develop the prop erty. Mora bottom land and fine gar den land than any placo on tho lake. Thousands of I'ino mid Fir troos and Ihoiif-andH of Quaking As pens. Moro varieties of wild (lowers and natural grasses and vclhi)3 than any placo in tho county. If you develop this property na )t can be developed, there is no resort in the county (hat cim compare with it. No amount of talking will d-i-scriho itlet us show you. Wo have boon offered moro Ihnn twice what it cost, but havo n price at which yott may lnko ii below which wo will lcoop it. J. G. PIERCE, W. T. SHIVE, Klamath Falls Orenon.