THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, AIIOUST 27, l!)n). TALES OF FRUIT FROM CENTRAL POINT Over 200 Prunes on Short Branch Exhibited In That City . ADVERTISED LETTERS. Herald: Anson Fowl placed a grotm popper jmkI (Mauo) in the Herald exhibit window Monday morning that weighs one-half pound. It is so 'far the boss pepper jet re ported. Georjjp Xenlc, the water melon king of the valley, reports the crop doing nicely lately, although the cnrlv part of the season was . very backward on account of cold wcath- or. Jfr. Xeale is inarkctius his crop mostly at Ashland this season. Ralph Dean, of Willov Springs precinct, left a prime branch at the Herald office a few days ago that lias since been in exhibition in the window. It is a curiosity as well as a piod sample of the productivity of Rogue River valley fruit trees. The branch is less than four feet long and has nearly, if not quite. 200 full grown prunes but so densly is the fruit packed around the branch that it is almost impossible to count them accurately. Mr. Dean has one of the finest locations in the valley, the home having been in the Dean family for more than fifty years. The following letters remain un called for at the postol'fice at Med io rd. Oregon, August 25. 1!0!. I taker, Mrs. Frank P.; Brown, Frank; Buck, Mrs. Matilda; Bickoy, Barton; Carabee. Miss I.uella; Chain hcrlain, Mrs. . M. ; C'uesclcr, Miss Mary: Uavison, Mrs. Jose; Davis, Warner; Fauci. Mrs. Nellie (21; Fau- eelt, K. C.X Oage, Mrs. F.ruest li.; llarrelt, I). U (2); Greene. Koy; Hartley, Josephlli Harvey, K. It.; Hit zler, K. S. ; Jones, Mrs. Jennie; Jones, Bob; Josuson, F. L. ; I.awler, I.; I.ynn, William: ehal'fey, Elmer; Mitchell. J. II.; Midler, Mrs.; Bad furr'. V.'.; Kigdon. Mrs. Klixabelh Sine. I.. O.: Smith, Mrs. Mabel White, John' W.; Wilson. J. II.: Wil son, Mrs. Richard L. ; .Wisse, A.; Wallace. Miss Otiin. Parties calling for any of the above letters will please say "adver tised." A charge of one cent is mado upon delivery. A. M. WOODFORD. Postmaster. JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. Mrs. Blaine Klum and daughter vere the guests of Mrs. Kiln Cook the first of the week. Mrs. John Allen and daughter, of Xew York, and Mrs. Frank Bennett, of Medford, spent a few hours in Jacksonville Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kubli and family, of Applegate, were Jackson -' ville visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Gertrude Norton spent Wed nesday afternoon with Medford friends. Miss May Turner, of Medford, spent several days with Mrs. Frank Kiser this week. JMr. and Mrs. John Cantrell, of ApT plegate, spent Tuesday and Wednes day with relatives living here. A. B. Saltmarsh and wife came in from Bunconi on business Tues day. Miss Delia Reaves spent a few lionrs in Medford one dav this week. Granulate Sore Eyes Cured. "For twenty years I suffered from a bad case of granulated sore eyes," says Martin Boyd of Henrietta, Ky. "In February, 1903, a gentleman ask ed me to try Chamberlain's Salve. I brought one box and used about two-thirds of it and my eyes have not given me any trouble since." This salve is for sale by Loon B. Has kins' Pharmacy. , The ABC of Advertising Advertising ttracts n Ittention rightens ackward ustness C atches isculating oin Savoy Theatre TONIGHT Oh! You Comedy Pictures LIVING DOLLS Trick Comedy. SWEET DREAMS AND NIGHTMARE Colored Comedy. HEAVY WEIGHT LIFTER A Scream. THE SLAVE Draum. Cool, Comfortablt. Ono Dime. Ge KEwANEE System of Wa'er Supply provide an absolutely info nnd iuliofuc- ' lory water fcrvicc. euual to that -.'A'' Willi il olfrr, by any cily water worki. A fy' llio An nluinilatit upply of wutcr ,1 Kewnnce ulwa. available and dcliv- ?!j? Sytom, creel uiuler Iron8 prcwure ,y anaiMiuht.itccI.j.ncu nirougnoui sue noiuc, uarn 0 WHY COOK These hot duyst When you can got anything you desire in llie lino of BREAD, PIES or CAKE, in addition to everything usually luiind in a lirst-e!as3 DELICATESSEN. MEDFORD DELICATEESSEN & BAKERY. Wetzel & Hodges, ProprMnrs. " ' MI. Angel College MT. ANGEL. OR. in charge of the Benedictine Fathers. For young men ' and boys. Tern opens September 7th. Preparatory, commercial, scientific and elassica) courses. Write for catalogue. If You Want to Spend several of the pleasantest half hours you ever put in get the September EVERYBODY'S, and read in this order: " Happi ness," "The Mellowd rammer" and " What Shall . We Do With the Old?" . After that read where you will you'll say, "-Here's a good magazine." Try it and see. "SEPTEMBER EVERYBODY'S On Display by Medford Book Store, Russell's Store and Hotel Nash News Stand. Why Not Be Comfortable ? and do away with that hot, stuffy atmosphere in your store, office or home. Invest in a G. E. Fan and get the best something tkat wiil last a lifetime with proper care. Cost of operation only c to Ic per hour. 12-inch size $15.00; 16-inch siz $20.00; 4 Bid. Ceiling $3I.M. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. i. Successors to Condor Water & Poweu Co. J? or grounds. Affords Absolute Fire Protec tion. li nmlic lank, called the Kewnnce Pneumatic Tank l placed in tlio crllar. Water IS t)llnifwtl litis Initlr mwl ta delivered to the fixture by air pressure. No Attic Tank to Leak and Flood the House. ?7o Elevated Tank to Freeze or Cc'.hpse. ICO per cerrf better in and will last a 1. 1 ( Ovor K.ob Tlio'iff nd Kawane Uutliii in SuccMiful Operation. Also agents for White Steam Cars and Fa!r!r.r,:i-Mu.-te Gaso line Pumping Outfits. AT1 -M II I E. A. Washburne & Son Miles Block ' Medford, Oregon P. G: Hansen. Tom Moffat. We make any kind and style of windows. We carry glass of any size on band. Medford Sash & Door Co. J. E. ENYART, Premdent JOHN 8 OKTH, J. A. mtUY, Vu-e-Premdejt. W. B. JACKSON, AbhU CnbiT. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $10,000 Saftty boxes for nnt. A eneral Banking Business transacted. We solicit your patronage. GET AHEAD OF THE HOT SEASON. You enn bid defiance to the heat by having un electric fun put in po sition. It doonn't oont very much, either. If you haven't ono, we can fix you up i nn uliort time, ot tho leiihtexpeiiHo. We're general olee triiMiins, nnd do nil clnHHOH of work in our lino in tho most thorough rnnnnor. Jobbing skillfully and promptly exenutod nt lowest ohurges. Portnblo lampH in nil vnriotien. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRICAL coNSTRiir.TinN r.o No Time Like The Present to prepare for the rainy, wet weather of next winter by repairing the roofs or replacing the old roof with new ones, replacing broken window sashes, etc., and it will pav you To Call . On -Us and examine our stock of . MIKADO KUJJBKR HOOKING, IIA1J1) WALL PLASTEItS hair fiber (STAND ARD PORTLAND CEMENT, all kinds and sizes of Windows and Doors, and everything for your work. WW UL'WrUyt Y