THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIHUNE, MEDFORD, PRECOX, Fit i DAY, AUOUST 27, 1909. CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. (The Herald. ' TIiiih, V. (lodl'ivy, of IIi'hkI'', wjim ill town hint I'Yiiiu.v mi IiiihI liiiHinc--. Hi mii ft I'i.iIit, nf Tallin l(rl(, li ll Monday livening t'r it few dnyx vinii willi 1 1 i m parcntx at Yonciillii. ' ' Mix. Clum. VokIiIo mid Willuid Vi'kIiIii, (if AmIiIiiihI, were over Sun day kiii'kI lit llin Imuin i' Mrs. .1. M. (lillMIIII. j Mrs. .1. I'ivi'ii, til' Hiiki-Iiiii'Ki i lii-re viMliiiK lnr i no 1 1 Mr. Xi'-li - ' iiIm, mill expert In remain niilil do ( l.illlT I. ' It. II. ('lllliplll'll iMIll )l'. IlllVIH IV- liirni'il liixl Timi -iln.v I'i'iiim their 1 ri I M 1 1 i 1 1 llil llll I. WHIM ITI'l'k Wlll'll- llii'.V lut at fnir lurk ill liniiliiii but I'niiiiil llii' IIhIi nop lijlit. Tun I'nl l)iirl: full lii'l'iin- iln-ir trimly ril'lei mill flint j i mi'iil vol plentiful. (I. V, Ht;i' tins ii'ii'i'IiiimimI nil arro triii-l in llii' ('nil-1;'!!! addition I'riini Mi'K. V. C. Kwi'i mill will liuilil on tin irnii'rly nl n- it. Mr. Snjju mnl futility rci'i'iilly ; rrived hciv from Itulli', M i i 1 1 it i in , mnl ii ri' liiylily pli'iiHcil with lint I'oiinlry. Mr. mnl Mrs. .lumen Khinlds re turned lut Tlitir-ilny rrniii Seattle where they hii'iil a lew wi'i'kn iy friend mnl i'iijyin tin1 liij,' fnir. llii'V were iii'i'iiiii iiiiiii'ii nil inrir ro- I lint ly Mrx. Shield x fuiillii-r, Mrx. Kililintmi, ulii will xn'iiil tin u in -1 1' r with llll-lll. (Icmue I'l-rkiux, Mr. mnl Mix. ICi-l-xiiy mnl J. II. tiny ri'liinii'il Wedn'es. iliiy I'loiu mi enjoyable trip In Crater Tlii'.v also visited 1 1 1 ic - k 1 1' - berry iniiiiiitaiii, i-. tin In xiipply llirinxi'lvi'x with a winter xtnri' of tin' lui-iiinx fruit, hut found tin' crop priii'tirnlly ii fiiiluri' lliix year. Tnni Allium, n yoitnjf ii i ii 1 1 living west of town, wax tin' vii-tim nf n Hcrinnx iii'i-iili-iil Mninluy morning, mnl whieh, liml it not hi-i'ii fur time ly nii'iliriil axxixlmii-i', iuie.hl liavo resulted filially. Whili- rutliiitf wood tin in wiiiui iniiiini'r xi'vi-ri'ly rut his li'I'l wrixt, Ni'vi-rin the rmlii-l urlrry mnl vein. lie wax inmieiliiiti'ly lrotij-ltl In town, anil Drx. Amlerxnu mnl I'nlhiilx dressed I In- wnuiul. Un less i-nuiplieiltiiilix het ill tin serious results nri! now expi-eled. Mr. mnl Mis. John Hull, of loe,un. Town, lire the xuextx thix week nf W. II. Xoremxx mnl family, Mr. Hull lieiiu; Mrx. Nnrernxx' hrnther. . Mr. mid Mix. Hull am touring tile count end visiting the Henttlo fnir mnl Mopped here to enjoy u ' visit with their relntivi'x mid In xee tint riehcsl mid hext valley on i-urtli. Mr. and Mrs. Koreroxs, iiceompiiuied by their truest, left Tuesday innruiiiK for ("ruler Iwi ke in their automobile. CARRIK WEBSTER A dainty dancer with "The Girl From Rector's" XOTICK TO CONTIIACTOHS. Thern is no piano liko home., but tho Louvro enfo rooking is o nenr tho kind mother used to do Unit you'll forget your trouble, ospeeinlly if you nro eittini; sumo of their fa mous hot wnfiivs and mnplo syrup for breakfast. . m ' ' L ' v ' r t m ' .1 T.' . M.- M ' The three l'l-iiillelou sixterx, diuie erx in "The (iirl From KerlorV who erented it seusiitioii with Klsie Janis in ''Tim Vanileihill Cup" lust year, never travel in i-m-h other's eom pany; they never sleep together: never dine nl the xanit' lahle mid never dine in the Mime eoaeh. When they .'ii lo'lhu thealer eneli day they take three dilfereiit routes mid when they return ut niht eaeb seleets a thnrmiKhfiiru for herself. The sisters have been iloiujr their well-known dnnci tiiyi'llier for five yeiirx mnl during all thai time they din-lure tliey have never spent more tlliill two hours! in eneli other's eoill pnny on n single neeasioii. It is not siiperxitition that keeps the youiiK women apart, hut simply fear that mi aeeiilent mit;hl happon some day. They have become, fa mous in their net inn! have agreed union); themselves Unit it would be unfortunate for them to miss a per formance. So under their procedure even if one, or two of the sisters, for that mutter, should meet with some accident, there will still he n mcm- to "o through the her of tliu trio pcrforiiiuiif i. "The (iirl From Hector's" will be seen at the Moilford for n limited ennaj'emeiit nf nne niht, bpginniiiR Wednesday, September 1. Orchestra music during dinner each P'-eninir nt the Nash Grill. Kotico in hereby pi vim that the city council will reei-ivn bids for the I coiiKlruclioii of :: five-foot cement' xiduwiilk on Hid cast side of Oakiliiln ii von hi) from Seventh to F.iphth j strectH Slime lii-inu three hundred (.'00) feet in length; mid also for a five-foot cement siilewulk on the south side of Sixtti street from the orner of d'Anjoti street to a point i 110 font eiiHt. I I!idn may be filed with or mailed to tho city recorder up to 4 o'cloek p. tn. on M'pieinOer , J!)U!. Dated Aiiifimt 2a, 1000. IfOIiT. W. 'i'ELFKR, 141 My Ki.corder. Prepaid Raiiroao Orders. "Something which is of consider known is the system of prepaid or ible interest to the public generally and which is rwrhnps not generally ders now in effect between stations of the Southern Pacific company and all points in the United States. By means of this system tickets may be purchased at Medford from any nhiPA m the TTiutrn Kfntpn nnri mml ed or te!ec,rapbed direct to the party I wishing to come here. Sleeper ac-! commodations and small amounts of 1 cash in connection with these tickets iiihv nl so be forwarded at the same Bargains in Real Estate A few investments that will make money for you 40 acres fine fruit land nenr railroud station, $80 per acre, 2 cash, easy terms on balance at 0 per cent interest. 300 ucres of the best orchard bind in tho valley, ONE MILE FROM RAILROAD STATION, W per acre, ONE-FOURTH cash, easy terms' on balance at 6 per cent interest. 10 acres of choice orchard land close to railroad station, $100 DOWN AND $10 A MONTH BUYS THIS. Yon will regret it if yon neglect to secure this ten acres on tho above terms. 4 largo city lots in West Medford joining Kenwood addition, $200 ea. The owner of the above properties purchased them four years ago before the advance in prices and will sell ut a very moderate profit. : Considering quality of land and location, these ore among" the cheapest buys in the market today. J.C.BROWN Office In Palm Block, Upstairs Medford, Oregon Medford Iron Works G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor, v Foundry and Machinist All of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma-T jcnincry. agents in southern Oregon for FAIRBANKS, M0PSE & CO, t HEADQUARTERS FOR Harness Saddles Whips Robes Tents Blankets Wagon Sheets Axle Grease and Gall Cure ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM WORK J. C. Smith 314 E. Main mm We do JOB PRINTING II J Excellent Workmanship J I Bmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm1mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I Bijou Theatre Tonight "' '; I Famous Roselle Trio Which includes Baby Wanda, popular little 3-year-old artist. In a New Act, v"! A Soldier Boy in the U. S. Army A siiniufr Dmnm l'icturc. Instruction by Correspondence A Very Kunnv Comedy. The Adventures of Flfine -mu. You Will SniviV l ,ii null III One. ILLUSTRATED SONG How Many Girls Have You Told That To? S21LEM BEER SALEM Is the most popular beer in Northern California and South ern Oregon. It Is acknowledged to be the equal of the very best east ern product. All beers are good, but some beers are liked better than others. The proof for this assertion lies in drinking Salem beer. If you wish to be convinced, ask for Salem beer and drink It. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION, Medford Depot: Medford Ice & Storage Co. 1 - ,f 15 I 1 i I til JjtK ii T A Bargain The famous 120-acre 1. W. THOMAS GROVE FARM 85 acres of alfalfa garden, 20 acres of the prettiest oak anad laurel grove in the valley, 1.5 acres of apples and pears in bearing, and loaded with fruit at the present time. T,lii3 is the best proposition ever offered in Southern Oregon. WHITE & TROWBRIDGE Exclusive Agents, for prices, terms, etc. at office, Phone 93 6 Fir street Medford Mr. Investor Have vou seen the modern home seven rooms in the space and cost of four rooms; iceless refrigerator, built-in buffets t and dressers; cabinet kitchen. J A. McINTOSH, Architect, Tlm-d Floor Medford National Bank Building. t For Whom are You Sowing . If you pay house rent for the landlord. If you are paying fo your home for yourself and family. Let us help you reap the reward of the money you have been paying for rent, by building you a home and allowing you to pay for it in easy monthly payments and low rate of Interest. We will furnish money to build Churches. .Parsonages, homes or business houses, or nay off debts on real estate. Moneys can be returned any time, thereby stopping interest, or we give you nine years to return any loan, either large or small.. We also allow you 3 percent interest on all advance payments.. We give you three months grace- on all notes without a One. We can arrange with farmers for annual pay ments.. If these terms suit you, call and see us at the Real Estate Office of WHITE & TROWBRIDGE, MEDFORD 4 ' Daniel S. Walker, Home Office, Roseburg APPLES AND PEARS AND ALL KINDS OP FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific North west. Not in the combine. Competes with all first class nurseries. L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, O R E a O N I TO SURVEYORS AND OTHERS. I hnvo complete field notes of till donation land claim and a laruy portion of the government surveys in Jackson county. T!!"se 'mi may be copied in my office for "0c n claim or section. Complete umn-i of Medford, Talent, Central Point, Tolo, Gold Hill, Kalc Point. Woodville mid Unite Palls. Surveys, maps, blue prints ami des criptions of lots and tracts made. J. S. HOWARD. C. E. Rooms 7-8, Atlkins Bltlg. Medford, Or. V Admission 10c and 15c Advertise in the Tribune i