THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON. FRIDAY, 'AUGUST 27, 1909. 2 BUTTE FALLS ITEMS Miss Smith, sister of Mrs. Ed Wut sot, in paying n visit to Unite Fulls and is being entertained by Mi's. Wntson, II. H. Ilnrris. .i.-.'oii!i.!ini.-d liy I hid- views of this .-ightly mid pleased with their stny in their syl- vnn summer home. K. A. Ilildnth nnd n nrt.V of friends from Ashlnnd have gone on a trip to Itlue canyon. Why do not some of our scenic urtisls take attractive loy anA (ioodlcllow nnd their wives, ciime ti Hut to Kails on Sunday morning rt'id inspected the mill, elec tric dams mill townsile prolines, klM.I lull 7 ('. V. I'owden has just relumed from a trip lo the l'ai'ker neighbor-hood. William Dudley, hanker, of Grand! Our market i ul.nn.lautly supplieu William Ooodfellow. Iwilh tresli n uns ami vegeiaoic. find ready sale to our people. Junction, Colo. wife and daughter, are looking over their vast timber interests and inci dentally studyinj the railroad situa tion. It is to be hoped that the Hill in terests have become interested in the Pacific & Kasferu railroad, us this means an early completion of this important enterprise and the opoirir which The Heck hotel was well filled with guests on Sunday, and from the in vestigations made and the close and extended examination of the condi tions in and around Butte Falls by the capitalists, who were in our midst, we naturally infer that some important move is on foot, and why . ii n ii. not f The time has come tor tlie un of a vast, as well as profitable 1 "ll ' . , . O opening up of this section, as dead S"D" capital is not profitable, neither is uus anu rauof r.ummiou, uu . jt us;ess acumen to permit invest party of young people of Derby, were n,s to pru(iv depreciate, espe visiting the Falls pn Sunday n" lemlly when there is a present and came to Hills', where they picnicked profi,.lWOi Mrf,Pllt fcman& for the besides the stream. I resources which are the basis of our M. Aslibuugh and Mr. McXeal. "Jjj wealth. Hut to Fulls is no longer a Eagle Point, wore recent visitors i prospect, hut a fact of tremendous our town and continued up to tlio I importanoo touching the most vital Hills, looking after their stock. (interests of capital and the valley. Win. Jack, of Kngle Point. rodejp Vour shoulder to the wheel and into Butte Falls Sunday, looking up i help the project along. panic some narties who snoi lino ami through his barn, situated on the road between Kngle Point and Brownsboro, and injured one of his horses. It is unlawful to shoot up on the public highway or to do any such act resulting in injury to per son or property. There were n large number of out siders visiting Butte Falls on Sun day, and the boys entertained by a baseball pime between the Eagle Point 'and Butte Falls nines, result ing in a score of 23 against 4 in favor of the Eagle Pointers. GORE HAS PECULIAR DISTINCTION TO BOAST OF Oregon Observer: J. O. Gore, the Medford orcliardist, .was in town Monday morning purchasing boxes at the California Box Factory for shipping his pears. Mr. Gore is ono of the pioneer orchardists of thnt section and has one of the finest pear orchards in Southern Oregon. He has about 20 acres in bearing and Some parties were inspecting our tIlis velir wif ,.,;,, io carloads of bank building and making inquiries about the vault, etc., pointing to an opening of this institution, in connec tion with the railroad. - Mrs. Clemens and children, of Grants Pass, have been iruests nt Camp Nick for the past two weeks, and with Mrs. Kentntr end Mrs. Brown have made quite a jovial party, enjoying themselves nnd lend iug charm to the camp. "Mr. M. L. Alford, wife and son. who have been sojourning at Camp Xick .for the past two weeks, left on Monday's stage for the valley, having, as they said, spent a most delightful vacation in the midst of balmy and coolinsr streams that re so natural and inviting around Butte Falls. John Butler and family, together with Mr. Xue and familyy,- broke camp at Entroo Ketreut on Sunditv and started for the valley, well peurs. He is a strong advocate of smudging, being one of the first to smudge in his section, and says there is no excuse for anyone losing his crop by frost. He is well posted on the matter of grafting aud strongly urges cure in selecting scions, and iu order to have good fruit the selec tion should be as carefully made as in breeding fine stock. He has never visited the orchards of this section, but is very desirous of doing so. and will shortly make a trip here in or der to do so. He has the distinction of being the only orcliardist around Medford that does not own an nuto-mobile. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice Is hereby given that the city council of the city of Medford, Ore gon, will receive sealed proposals for the construction of lateral sewers as follows, to-wit: A C-ineh lateral sewer along Riv erside avenue a distance of 450 feet. An 8-inch laiirnl sewer along Uose avenue a distance of 000 feet. An 8-inch lateral sewer along North Oukdale avenue from Hamilton to Third street. A G-inch lateral sewer along Sum mit avenue a distance of (iOO feet. A 0-inch lateral sewer along West Third street from North Onkdalc ave nue to nolly street. A 6-inch lateral sewer along Ham ilton street frpm west end of street To North Oakdale avenue. A 6-inch lateral sewer along alley I through block 25. A 0-inch lateral sewer along alley between d'Anjou street nnd Central avenue from Eighth street to Ninth street. A 6-inch lateral sewer along Or ange street between Eighth street and Tenth street. Ail bids must be filed with the city recorder on or before 4 :30 p. m. Sep tember 7, 1909, and accompanied by a certified eheck payable to the city treasurer of said cjty equal to five per cent of the contract price ; cheek to bo forfeited to the city of Medford in case the succcssfuj bidder fails to enter info contract for same. Con tractor to furnish all labor and mate rials necessary to complete said sew ers. Plaim nnd specifications may bo had for said improvement by call ing nt or addressing the city engin eer's office. Pouo by order of tlie city council of the city of Medford. Oregon, this 2:td day of August. 1900. " : " ' ROBT. W. 'TKTjFKR, ' Citv Recorder. NOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned will apply at the regular meeting of the city council of Medford, Oregon, on September 7, 1909, for license to sell malt, vinous and spiritous liquors in less quantities than one gallon for six months nt lot 13, block 20, in Medford, Oregon, for a period of six rnontb.3. . 0. M. MURPHY. Dated August 17. 1909. 137 A Snap mammmmmmmmmmmmmmm Eight Room Furnished Modern Bungalow Price $3800 Lots 50 x 100; Within three blocks of the, West school, three doors from Main street. Inquire O.F. Cusick Rooms 133 West Main Medford - - Oregon DISHES The B & C Gash Store The Big Dish Store Where you will find the most complete line of Fancy and Plain Dishes south of Portland. Havlland French China in sets and open stock. ' 1 Porcelain Ware in fancy decorations and plain white. Hand-Painted China by the best artists. Jardinieres in the green matt ware. . Cut Glass highest grade at lowest prices. The store that serves you best by telephone, 2351. 1 BlCashlSjStorejC 2221 West Main Street "For you particular customers who demand the best groceries, we recommend Folders Golden Gate Coffee." It is so good we cannot obtain a belter coffee not If we paid SI a pound for it. Everything about Folder's Golden Gale Coffee is perfect, ao4 e sell it with the positive guarantee that it will please you. Allen & Reagan GUOCL..JK8. CHINA WARE, FRUIT AND FEED. The Best Meal In Medford is to be had At The Star Restaurant Alljwhite help. Home cooking. Room and board $5.00 a week. Give us a trial and be convinced. MRS. W. E. GOODE Prop. 322 E7th St. RESOLVED The best resolution for you to make in to come to us for your next suit, if yo,i want something out of tlio ordinary. We do the beat wort and charge the lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT THE PROGRESSIVE TAILOR Economy o a o Get The Habit of pl'ii!.i:i,; your purchases in ntivaiee. Yon .vill-fi.'-i it . wiil muterially lighten your I.ibo'.'s Kir in stance, why not decide NOW just wluit you will have for .Sunday's diuner? For the men I courses wc would slices t one of our plump and tender YOUNG CIHCKKNS. all dressed and ready for the pan., per pound 20c and 25c Or, if it is too warm to cook, try some of our 'COM) BOILED HAM (sliced and ready lor serv ing, per 352 If you prefer to Imil them yourself, we are ot fcrinp; the finest Kaslern Hams for, per )....! 8c Nothing belter than our JIKDKOIII) CHKAMKKY JiUTTER on the market; per roll....1 75c THE' ECONOMY MARKET HUTH & ASHP0LE. Proprietors. Opposite Postofflce Phone 43 Economy o o p. o B Rest - Romp - Recuperate At the Seashore Newport Is a delightful resort nnd a happy minbinatinu of pleasure ground possibilities. An ideal climate, diversion of recreation perfect bathing boating--fishing riding i driving, and exploring, make New port a most churning and popular play ground. Southern Pacific lias a SPKCIAT, RUMMER EXCURSION' KATE To NEWPORT OF $10,00 from Medford Ask for our booklet "Outings in Oregon." A. S. ROSEN HAUM, Agent. Mclf..rd. WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. Stuto Uupoaitr.ry EHtttbJiobed 1888. Capital and Surplui $129,000 Koponrro (700,000 HIGHEST ATTAINMENT IN SYSTEMATIC BANKING SERVICE The Jaeksoii County Hank roHpeet fully solicits your account, Bubjoet to your clkH'k, with the strongest guuranteo of safety and efficiency. Wo offer the highest attainment in systematic, banking service, which OHHnres the greatest euro in every financial transaction, with this oblig ing institution. W. 1. VAWTER, I'rosidont. 0. It. MNDfiEY, Onahier. Be Tribune is UpTo-Date WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES , . FURNISHED. B. H. Harris & Co. MUD FORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs ytlrs. Itaiu IHamptori Isaacs litjtuctor of 'piano. HLl$t 5ttetlo6 StuMoat 3Ul6it. ttaflb Orunat StrMl f