V? THE MED FORI) DAILY TRIbOnK. MKDFOHD, OHKOON". THURSDAY, AUGUST U(J. 190!). You Get The Quality Without Paying The Usual High Price, If You Trade at the Popular Store ill u i in f JUST NOW WE ARE NOW CLOSING OUT 2,000 PAIRS OF MEN'S AND LADIES' SAMPLE HOSIERY NO TWO PAIR ALIKE. REGULAR 15c, 25c," 35c AND 50c QUALITIES AT, YOUR CHOICE .... . i 2 Pairs for 25 cents OVER 1000 TOWELS AND WHITE BEDSPREADS SAMPLES NO TWO ALIKE AND THE CLOSING OUT PRICES ARE JUST ABOUT ONE-HALF THE PRICE sASKED BY OTHER STORES. fc Also a Big Line of SAMPLE SIDE COMBS, BACK COMBS. DRESSING COMBS, HANDKERCHIEFS. WASH RAGS, SHOPPING BAGS, ETC., ALL AT ABOUT 1-4 LESS THAN THE REG-' ULAR WHOLESALE PRICES. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR BARGAINS, HUSSEY'S IS THE PLACE TO VISIT THIS WEEK. ' Special No. 1 20 DOZEN TOWELS, 10c VALUE, TOMORROW, 5? EACH. Special No. 2 - 20 DOZ. TOWELS, REGU LAR 15c TO 25c VALUES. TOMORROW, 10 EACH. What Do You Know About Dolls COME IN AND WE WILL SHOW YOU THE LARGEST AND FINEST LINE OF KID BODY AND DRESSED DOLLS EVER SHOWN IN MEDFORD, AND AT A PRICE THAT IS ABOUT ONE-HALF THE PRICES ASKED IN ANY OTHER STORE IN MEDFORD. BESIDES WE GIVE YOU OVER 400 DOLLS TO SELECT FROM AND NO TWO ALIKE. EUGENE MAN PRAISES VALLEY Secretary Euijcne Fruit Growers' As sociation Greatly Pleased With Rogue River Valley Fitgonc licgistcr: J. (). Hull, see rotary mill manager i" tho Kngoui' rrtul Growers' association, vlu ju-t returned, from u tour of inspection of , tin 1 nut uulnslry in Southern Ore gun mill tlio lingno river vultuy, re ports his tr'u) a good one u ml he not imin.v pointers of grout benefit. II snys tin' I nut growers in Hint section make horticulture u business, in id not n side issue.., Tlit'ir orrluirils nm lis i'Ii'uii us their garden nnil ovcry free is the picture of health iiml good i'ii iv. Tluiy iiinko n specialty of'ruis ing pears tlii'iv nnil iiro making good money lit it. Mr. Holt brought buck several samples of their eelelirnti I ounce, Howell unit tiiirtlct peurs nml they iiro pictures of lieiinly for shape nnil cleanliness. I hey tire shipping out ulioiit ten carloads n ilny now ami expect good returns. One mnn from Hie Knst is shipping out his first crop unci ex poets to realize ijt.'lO.OOO from this, his first prop. Mr. Holt says llicy have no bettor peaches than wo have and we can wise, just as good fruit with the siime kind of euro. Tliey have no cover crop like our vnteh lor that plant decs not thrive there like it does here in the valley and they nrc thus badly handicapped. The crop of tipples will bo light In that section, but they will be good. The visit has miido Mr. Holt more determined than ever tl try to instill into the Kugene fruit growers tlio necessity of bettor cure of their orchards. EXPERT OUT FORJARMERS ! Scout of Agricultural Department Scouring World for New Wrin kles in Plant Lines NO CROWD flG SEATTLE FAIR Seattle Claims Distinction of Being First City to Properly Care for Visitors SEATTLE, Aug. 26 Through the efforts of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce in pioviding accommoda tions for visitors, this city claims' the distinction of being the firjt place to hold a World's Pair with out the attendant crowding and dif ficulty in obtaining rooms. ; Although several hundred thousand people will attend the , exposition from outside of the city, over one hundred thousund having arrived al ready, there has never been a time when the accommodations have' not been ample to take care of the crowd. For several months before the Fair opened its gates the Seattle commer cial body conducted an active cam paign to induce the citizens of the city to lot rooms. Jinny have adver tised rooms for rent from motives of pure patriotism, induced by this cam paign. The visitor at the exposition has his choice of all classes of ae.com- most reasonable room at fifty cents a night to the costly anartmont. flood ' rooms may be secured close to h '. exposition for seventy-five cunts to a dollar and a half a night. The gen eral air of hospitality which the city has assumed toward visitors has aiirncieii much rnvornble comment. TAFT WANTS LIGHT ON ALASKA COAL LANDS WASHINGTON, Aug. 2.Viiesi do.nl Taft today called upon the .de partment of the interior for a full report of the Cunningham Alaska coal land cases.' It is understood lint iioii;. I 1 . , . modations to suit his purse from the make n statcmstit of the matter. WASHINGTON', Aug. 211. Across the Atlantic, through Europe to St. Petersburg, south to the Cancans mountains and east to the famous cities of Samarkand and Tashkand js an imposing line of travel being followed by Frank N. Mayer, a scout for the agricultural department. Ho is one of the explorers, sent by Sec retary Wilson to the most remote parts of the earth in search of ideas that will help the American 1'iiriiicr. Meyer returned not long ago from a three-year (rip in the Orient that earned him to regions never before visited by a while man. The garden spot of the world is what he calls the regain in Turkes tan that lfo is about to visit. Grape THE NEW SAMPLE Suits, Coats, Waists NOW ON SALE Some one was 'try inn to tell us yesterday that we had made a mistake In buying sample suits and referred to other samples that had been offered In Medford in the past and hadn't proved good; but we only launlicd for it would be pcrfoctlyy foolish to carry anything else but a sample line of. Suits. Coats and Skirts In a town of this size and then we explained that we bought these samples for the two very important reasons First No two Suits or Skirts are alike. Second We can offer the very best stylo and workmanship for the lowest price. We guarantee every single garment to be perfect in every way, and just as good as if it had never been shown in a sample room. We invite you here to look at the wondcrttil values now on special sale, and assure you a saving of from 25 to 50 PER CENT. THE HUTCHASON CO. Successors to Baker Hutchason Co. J KILLS FELLOW PRISONER BY BLOWS FROM SHOE resembles that of the United Slates than that of any other portion of the globe, it being remarkable for iiDsence ol llio inoistiiro wineli cliur-1 l(r.l HM. rT. ( a .. Am? I'd A nctcrizes tlio whole of Western Ku- coroner's jury, which investigated tbo rope, ami presenting much the same extreme of heat and cold as does a great portion of this country." Vou ran got us good at the Nusli Grill as you can get at tlio host grills in the cities at half the "price. Spe cial music every evening. FEATURE FILMS AT THE SAVOY rybody bus a fountain pen or should have one. Did you ever stop to think bow they were made? Well, you want to find out come to the Savoy tonight and see how many bauds worked upon your fountain pen nndhnw many machines it pass ed through in the making. This pic ture is cntortuinig and of great edu- atioual value. . "A Magic Pen" is a trick comedy picture which fills you with wonder as to how the picture was made, at the fuituo time making you laugh and forgets. your troubles. One of the most powerful dramatic subjects is "The Kid." which tells the story of a boy who is so pathetically surrounded with desolate heart hun ger as to cause the most blase undi- grow there, he snys, larger and more i ''' to leave the theater at its con lusicioiis than any known to the Western world. "Although, efforts have beon mudo," said Mr. Meyer, "to introduce these grapes into this and other countries, such attempts have proved failures. The quality of the fruit is far sup'orior to the most prized grapes of France and Spain, and although the inhabitants of the country, being Mohammedans, do not drink wine, there is every reason to believe that new and excellent winos can be made from thn products of thoso unequalled vinos. : Besides grapes, the region is rich in differ ent sorts of apples, with which we of the Occidental world are unac- quaintcd and the mimic is true lusion with n new note ol human pity seeking anchorage in its hearts. Until himgo of programme to morrow Tie! Savoy. ) ;e liiici . The Nash Grill:, is open day and night iho finest 'Vscrvieo between Portland and Sun Francisco. . . NEW ANGLING RECORDS ESTABLISHED AT AVALON melons, peaches and various other kinds of fruit. There is a largo, sofl shelled almond peculiar to this re gion, and divers other nuts which might be successfully inl roilueed into this country, and this mid oilier sec tions of the Orient whii h I will visit is rich in alfalfa and various for age crops which will form subjects of investigation. Tn the mnllnr of improving the forage crops of this country, Secretary Wilson is special ly interested, and investigations with' this object will form one of the principal features of my work in this expedition. The chmnte of tlio coun tries which I will visit moro nearly AVALON. f'ntiiliiui Island, Cul., Aug. 2(1. Two new world's records for light tackle angling were estab lished hero recently. C. G. Coon, of ol' Klkhurt, Ind.. lauded three tuna, thn largest, which weighed 12ft pounds, lining brought to gaff in 10 minutes. C. llrodo hold the record, made three days ago, wilh a 12fi-ponnd tuna brought to guff in 15 minutes. . The other record was miulo by H. II. Attorbnry, of Pasadena, who caught a black sea buss weighing 270 pounds. The struggle Install two hours mid 20 minutes, and Hie angler was compelled to bring the monster fish to the surface eight times before it could bo gaffed Ten, coffee, beer or claret, with club lunch, 30 cents, nt tlio Emcriek Cafe. .1 it. .... r I ... r t . . ileum oi .ioiiii mcinioHii, wno was beaten to dciith ill the jail here Sun day last, today returned a verdict accusing John Lowery, another pris oner, of murder. The evidence indic ated, according to the jury, that l.owery killed Mcintosh with repeat ed blows from n shoo and that Low ery also bent nut! seriously injured Jerry Desmond, the third prisoner in the cell. Tea, coffoe, beer or claret, with club lunch, III) cents, ut tlio Kmerick Caff. FOR SALE AUGUST ONLY A SUMMER RESORT ON KLAMATH LAKE That Is Unsurpassed In America This is a sporting proposition for men of wealth it is not a farm. Unequalled Trout Fishing June . to November. Deer Hunting on the premises, August 1 to November 1. Duck Shooting superior to uny in tlio state, over thousands of acres of wild celery and rieo, September 1 to February 1. Grouse and Pheasunt Shooting on the place October 15 to Novom bor 15. Best starling place in tho county for a Hoar hunt. " Tho Crater Lake Automobile road , will run through tho pluco for n mile and n quarter. Xuvlgublo water to tho proper ty, unsurpnsscd drinking water, mid power to develop tbo prop erty. Moro bottom hind and flno gar don land, than any place on the lake. Thousands of Pine and Fir trees and thousands of Quaking As pens. More varieties of wild flowers and natural grasses and votohe9 than any plnoo in tho county. If you develop this proporty as it emi be developed, Ihoro is no resort in the eoiinly that can compare with it. No amount of talking will de scribe it let us show you, Wo have been offered more than twice what it cost, but have n price at which you may laleo U below which wc will keep it. J. G. PIERCE, W. T. SHIVE, Klamath Falls. Oregon.