THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFOR1), OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 1000. ' USE SIGNALS OF INDIANS. Army Exparta Adopt Many Idaai of tha Aboriginaa. Just as the ttglitlug men of the Unit ed Suites ariny many years ago took lessons from the lmllnus nutl from their methods of warfare devised and perfected the system of extended or der or sklrmlih drills whigh hare prov ed so effective, so the signal corps of the army has followed to u largo ex tent the red men's methods of eouvey lug Information from point to point where there is not time to string tele graph or telephone lines or where wire less telegraph Is unavailable. As the Indians- since prehistoric times have used columns of smoke in Tarlous combinations to signal the ap proach of an euciuy or to transmit other messages, bo the army sigualmeu have found most effective what are known as smoke bombs or smoke rock ets. The former are fired from a small mortar, the latter in the same way as Fourth of July fireworks. Each wbea reaching a desired height, regulated by a fuse, bursts and liberates a picric acid compound, which ignites and burns colored fires, one after the other, so arranged. in the cartridge as to convey a message to those who may be watch ing for it' These cartridges are made In sections, each containing its own different colored fire, and threaded to screw together in a fraction of a min ute. These military fireworks, as they might aptly be called, are packed in hermetically sealed cans, much in the same manner as tinned meats, with the same sort of thumbscrew attach ment for opening them quickly. In this way they keep indefinitely in any climate and have been found particu larly effective in the campaigns in the Philippines. While the navy does not employ so complicated a system of rocket and bomb signaling as does the army, ev ery warship carries a supply of pow erful rockets, which liberate on burst ing a series of brilliant white stars for the purpose of calling attention to other signals which are transmitted by a system of combinations of colored electric lights strung from a masthead and operated from a switchboard much on the plan of a typewriter, called the Ardols system. But both branches of the service employ an odd sort of pis tol, the Invention of a naval officer, which shoots from cartridges "stars" similar to those of a roman candle of any color. The combinations which can be made in this manner practically are numberless. Popular Mechanics. FATE OF THE BRAAKE. . A Treasure Ship That Lies Buried Off Cape Henlopen. Somewhere in deep water off Cape Henlopen lies over half a million in British gold, and how much more in gold and silver bars and plate and oth er treasures can only be guessed at In 1798 the British privateer Braake sailed for the west Atlantic' bearing enough gold to pay off ail the English troops stationed In various parts of the sew world. As the soldiers bad not been paid, in many months the sum was a large one. Whether the captain of the Braake decided to turn pirate or whether ho merely was showing excessive leal in making war ou all the enemies of England that he met on the high seas aud Intended to turu over his loot to the crowu on his return will never be known, but the fact that the Braake took uo prisoners and sunk every prise goes a long way toward proving tho piracy theory. The Braake captured a Spanish merchantman coming up from South American ports laden with rich tribute from the Spanish colonies there, transferred the precious cargo to her own hold aud burned tho vessel. Auother Spaulsh ship bringing a church service of richly Jeweled gold plate to a new world cathedral en countered tho privateer aud suffered the same fate. The next to fall a vic tim to '.ie Braake's rapacity was a Fii'iiHuruu carrying silks, spices, bran dy aud bars of silver. That, too, was sent to the bottom after it was de spoiled. The Braake was overtaken by a hur ricane when uearlng the American coast, was blown far out of her course and sank off Capo Henlopen. Several of the crew escaped in a small boat and reached land. Their tales of the treasure on the sunken ship caused several expeditions to be fitted out the following year, bnt nothing was brought up save pieces of the anchor chains and u cannon or tiro. During the last hundred years every effort to raise any part of the treasure has failed. The last attempt was made by Cap tain Charles Adams, who fitted out a ship under the auspices of the navy department, but was unable to locate the wreck, which is probably by this time deeply submergrd in the ooze and mud of the ocean bed. New l'ork Press. READ THE TRIBUNE FOR NEWS. Mt. Angel College MT. ANGEL. OR. in charge of the Benedictine Fathers. For young men and boys.' Term opens September 7th. Preparatory, commercial, scientific and elassien) courses. Write for catalogue. If You Want to Spend several of the plcasantest half hours you ever put in get the September EVERYBODY'S and read in this order: " Happi ness," "The Mellowdrammer" and "What Shall We Do With the Old:" ' : After that read where you will you'll say, "Here's a good niagazine." Try it and see.' "SEPTEMBER EVERYBODY'S On Display by Medford Book Store, Russell's Store and Hotel Nash News Stand. ytlrs. 3rznz 3fampton 3$aacs "3n$tuctor of "Piano. "lUxt 5tttl)0& StuMoat HoUtfnc. Stoclb Oru Strut' 9 Ghe KEWANEE oysiem or vv aier ouppiy ' :.:.v: Drovides an absolutely safe and salisfac- ' JSZV' tory water service, equal to that With offered by any city water worlu. A'fx An abundant supply of water 0fy Kewanee always available and deliv- f System, ered under strong preuure MS sn air-tight. steel, pneu- Ihroughout the house, barn mB0C tanj, called the Kewanee Pneumatic Tank is placed in the cellar. Water is Dumped into this tank and it delivered to the fixtures by oil pressure. or grounds. Affords Absolute Fire Protec tion. No Attic Tank to Leak and Flood the House. Also agents for White Steam Cars and Fairbanks-Morse Gaso line Pumping Outfits. :i'Mt TANIL I I M I. 7M I . 7..dM.. Jdl'I II .11 , No Elevated Tank to Freeze or Collapse. 100 pet cent better service and will but a lifetime. - Over Nina Thousand Kewanee Outfit! in Successful Operation. E. A. Washburne & Son Miles Block Medford, Oregon P. C. Hansen. Tom Moffat. .We make any kind and style of windows. We carry . glass of any size on hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. Why Not Be Comfortable' ? and do away with that hot, stuffy atmosphere In your store, office or home. Invest in a G. E. Fan and get the best something that wiil last a lifetime with proper care. Cost of operation only 2c to Ic per hour. 12-inch size $15.00; 16-inch siz $20.00; 4 Bid. Ceiling $36.00. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. State Depositary Established 1888. Capital and Surplus 1125,000 Resources (700,000 HIGHEST ATTAINMENT IN SYSTEMATIC BANKING SERVICE The Jackson. County Bank respect fully solicits '.you account,' subject to .your check, with the strongest guarantee of safety and efficiency. ' We offer the highest attainment in systematic banking service, which assures the greatest care in every financial transaction, with this okfig iug institution. :; W. I. VAWTER, President. 1 G. R. LIXDLEY, Cashier. J. E. ENYART, President JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier. J. A. PERRY, Vice-Presideat. W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $10,000 Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted. We solicit your patronage. WHY COOK These hot days? When you can get anything you desire in the lino of BREAD,' PIES or CAKE, in addition lo everything usually found in a Urst-ciass DELICATESSEN. MEDFORD DELICATEESSEN & BAKERY. : Wetzel & Hodges, Proprietors. GET AHEAD OF THE HOT SEASON. You can bid defiance to the heat by having an electric fun put in po sition. Jt doesn't cost very much, either. If you haven't one, we cun fix you up i lift short time, at the least expense. Wo're general elec tricians, and do all classes of work in our line in tho most thorough manner. Jobbing skillfully and promptly executed at lowest charges. Portable lamps in all varieties. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION CO. THE ETERNAL PETION How Many Trips Ove Washboard? THAT question 'wo-ries you when your nicer thinjr:: begin to fUow the wear and tear of rubbing. Hut rubbing is bound to be hard on clothes it wears away the b iard in a yearl Throw away your washboard I Treat your clothes rightl Try the Coflield Power Washer. It washes entirely without rubbing. No imitation washboard inside, like other machines, Nothing to wear or tear your clothes. Pays for itself many times over-by the saving on the clothes. """""" Let us put it in your home' and do your washing for you. Examine it. Examine its work. You won't let us take it back after that. City water runs it while you rinse and hang out. If you are still doing your washing by hand, wast ing your energy and strength, or arc using one of the old style washing machines, we would suggest that, you call at once and inspect Coffield Power Washer You will find a pretty good cut of it in this ad, but it does not show the beauty and simplicity of the mo tor "which operates the machine. . ml . k kM I No LaboB on Your Part It washes while you rinse and hang 'out, and the expense is less than 5 cents a" week. Sent on free trial if desired. . ' Medford Hardware Co.