Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 26, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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.John llliiln'l.v. Hi" popular rep:-!'-hitiiialivi)
ol liuusl's cigar hoc i
miikiiiK the round of lim valley on-
Apprentice gnlx wunlod at Bar
nard Connnyor'a millinery pur
lorn. I'M
1Oiim AlloholT, f Allen, Irf'wiK
Co., of Portland, in tigum calling .011
' Modford customer".
Lot UK build yi u good homo for
a small )nymo!.l down and monthly
iiisfnllmentx. Benson Investment
Co. ' 135
Mr. Wheeler,' of Koiilli Modford,
WIIH milling lho-e U'lll) attended till'
pioneers' mectiny ul AhIiIiuiiI.
You can get n meal to ordor nl tlio
Nush drill nny tiiaa bclwoon 0 o'clock
m tho morning and midnight. Opon at
all hours.
In in way iH Modford's popularity
bettor utloHled Ihati in watching the
trains. Kvory "tin brings many pas
sengers for lliiH oily. Wednesday
night '27 pmoiiK left tlm "owl" at
this station, leaving only five on
board for Phoeniv, Talent and Ash
land. liny n good lot in SulhciTui Ter
race while you can. They won't
lllst long. lll'IIKOII TmCi'.llll'lll Co,
A. S. ItoKrtihiiimi spent a few
Iioiith in Grunts Pass Wednesday
Best 2."-cont ditinor in town served
every day nt tho Rjot Cnfo.
K. C McClnnd, of , Glondnlo, is
erecting throii Kovon-rnom cottages
on North Liberty street n an invent
mont following a casual visit to this
Tea, ooffiN!, beer or elaret, with
club lunch, 30 cents, at tlm Kmcriek
Dr. K. H. Seely ami family left
Thursday ruing for an miting at
Crnter Lake. loe expects to return
about Sunday. '
Take a loo); at our 10-uero tracts,
one mile south of city. Just what
von want. Benson Investment Co.
Frank Amy, n former resident of
Central Point, has returned from n
trip to Alnxkn and throughout the
Northwest. Ho in contemplating sev
eral investments in Modford city
Fresh crawfish received daily from
tho Quelle at Portland nt the Nash
Mrs. W. M. Manning, og Klnmnth
Falls, has loft for home nfter n visit
in Modford.
Buy your furnishing (foods for tho
circus at Van Dyke's ; centrally lo
cntcd. 13G
Clarence II. Synder nnd Col. Frank
li. Tom Vollo spent Wednesday in
Grants Paps on business.
Will trade nieo 40-aero ranch,
some, fruit, trees, for eity property.
Benson Investment Co. 135
Irene Lumsdon has left to reenter
Stanford university.
Tho Wosterlund Orchard Company
hns purchased tho .JOO-ncro farm of
llnnry H. Taylor, east of Mcdford,
adjoininpf their larito holdings. Tho
purchase prieo was between $30,000
and $10,000. The tract will bo plant
ed to fmit.
A. cood, stronir boy of 15 or 10
years of ngo to learn an excellent
trade. Must nm'oo to remain a
'year. Small wages to start, quick
advancement. Imiuiro.'nl. Tlio Tri
'The Girl From Rector's," First
Production of New Season at
the f,:::lforcl Thoster
I The. regular kcuhoii at the Mod
'turd theater will lie inaugurated next
Wednesday, September J, with the
sensational Now York success, "The
(Jirl From Hector'." Manager Haz
elrigg has had splendid , success in
his bookings for the coming season
and will otter his patrons even bet
ler fare than they liavo enjoyed in
the past.
The advance sale will be as llas
kiu's drui; store. The advunee sale
for "Tho Girl From Hector's" will
imcn tomorrow. Friday, uiorniiiir at
10 o'clock.
A nmo everybody can play box-
Tea, coffeo, beer or claret, with
club luneb, 30 cents, at tho hmenck
Kmmett Beesou, of Tulcul, was a
recent Modford visitor.
You'll iiko boxball. Try it.
Mrs. Y. W. Glasglow and a party
of younn people lenvo today for an
oulhiR noni ('rater Luke.
Orders for sweet cream or butter
milk promptly filled. Phone tho
Mrs. L. M. Lyons has returned
from an extended Kaslern trip.
Tan, coffco, beer or claret, with
club lunch, 30 cents, at tho F.morick
Caro. ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. K. ('. Oaddis nnd
Mrs. II. F. Piatt have returned from
an outing near Butte Falls.
Now suits nnd overcoats for boys
at Van Dyke's. 130
Mrs. H. T. Blackwood, of Phoenix,
was a recent visitor in Modford.
. See what tho Bnrrctl orchard hns
done, ' tljen uy pur 27. acres just
across thp road. Benson Investment
Co. 135
Editor I j. A. Pattisou, of the Cen
tral oPint. Herald, was a .visitor in
Modford Wednosdny.
Don't forgot that tho Roguo Hiver
Fish Market always hns n full sup
ply of fresh fish, dressed chickens,
imported sausage nnd choose on
Mr. and Mrs. E. .T. Rhiuchart, of
San Francisco, who have been visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Raskins, of
this city, have left for their home
in San Francisco.
Ella Gaunyaw, public stenographer,
room 4, Palm building.
O. Ooblo, (if Uppcd lioguo Hiver,
spent Wednosdny in Modford with
his son, Dr. Goble.
Manuel Elnriu, until recently of
Yrckn, Oil., is now Inflated nt the
Cndillao bar in W. M. Kennedy's, nnd
is prepared to rowc gonuinn Moxiei.n
r ft-
L. Lyon Iiuh returned from an ex
tended northern trip.
flood Karly Cruwford poaches at
Mol.elltiu's city ranch, Fast Mod
ford. There will he a large crowd of
oeopln nt tlm Wigwam Friday night.
Don't miss tho big iliinee ut the Vi
wiiiii. Kd Hoot may he there and you
should not miss seeing him dance.
A rosh shipment of tea direct from
tho orient nt the Southern Orcpon
Tea nnd Coffee Co., 30 S. Gropo St.
Phono 3303.
Mrs. J. W. Meyers, of Cent nil
Point, was a recent visitor in Mod
ford. Watch for the new full showing
of furs, clonks, children's cloaks and
Hiiils at Van Dyke's. 3(i
l)r S. A. Brown has left for a Jew
days in Portland.
""here will be other attractions at
jibe Wuwnin Friday nielli. Come
i iy and avoid the rush.
J 3(1
The Busy Bees of the Christian
church will servo luncheon circus day
next to the express office.
Kooms and board. 325 Riverside
,'ivenuo south. Ill
George L. Davis, tho well known
Jacksonville attorney, seiit Wednes
day evening ill Mcdford.
W. A. Arnold, of Douglas, Wyo.,
is n recent arrival in Mcdford..
Alis Volat Propriis
The above is Oregon's Stuto Mot
to. Translated, "She Mies With Her
Own Wings." That's" troo of Ore
gon and of 'no other state in the
Union. Oregon's population is ul
ways blessed with an unmatched cli
mate nnd novcr-fniling crops of ev
ery description. She needs no help
from uny other state "She Flies
With Her Own Wings." Just, so
with Oregon Life Insurance Com
pany. She also flies with her own
wings, nnd needs no help from any
other stuto. By confining operations
to Oregon, she experiences a lower
doalh rato and highest interest-earn
ing. This combination produces su
perior rot urns to policyholders.
is tho only life insur
u ncc company "purely Oregon."' It
is therefore to tho best interest of
every Oregoniun to lend his influence
to tho upbuilding of this splendid en
terprise, with its homo office in Port
On to Him. J
Prodigal Son- Katlier, I have return- V V '
Fat her-Yes. got (lorn ye! I thought V ' ; ; flS-, "1
.vou'd show up nlKiut the time tlie pret- s'i?2 -' df vVst
ty summer boarders began to arrive at I, .64-''''&' !
the furm!-Now York World. ' X . ' ''Iff
II fttT -
H Caught the Train All Right! !pS summu.. A mm
; Lii jj
Edgar Hafer Comes Near Losintj His
New Packard When Gasoline
If Edgar IJafer's new i 1000 Pack
ard ear bad not been insured two
duys ago, neurly it full value, it
would probably have burned up Wed
nesday eveiiiujc when it caught fire
near the depot nnd was a mnss of
flames within a second. By heroic
work on the part of tho owner and
JystaiiderH tho flames were exting
uished after ceasing a $100 damage
to tho car.
Mr. aiiii Mrs. Ifnf'er and a party
of friends had just returned from a
two days' trip in to the Big Butte
timber district. In going over the
numerous stumps that adorn the
Jackson county mountain roads, one
of the stop cocks to the gasoline
tank was jarred open. The leak was
not noticed. Tho car was stopped
near the depot and nfter a wait of
half au hour, the lamps were Jit. A
lighted match was thrown into the
gutter, which ignited the leaking
gasoline and instantly the flames
shot up enveloping tho car, which
seemed doomed.
The car brakes were set and it
was a few minutes before the flames
subsided, allowing an approach to
Iho car so the brakes could be re
leased and the ear shoved ahead of
the flaming pool of gasoline under
neath. Meanwhile tho gasoline in
the pipe around tho stop cock had
caught fire, and the tank, with 12
gallons of gasoline in it, was boiling
and bubbling.
Dirt thrown by bystanders extin
guished tho fire, after it had nearly
destroyed a tiro and badly burned the
During the excitement a fire ulann
was turned in.
Over 200 Killed by Rebels, Who
Dynamite Barracks in Which
Troops Were Quarantered
VIENNA. Aug. 20. Two hundred
and forty soldiers were killed by
Maddist rebels in Yemen, south
western Arabia, according to a mes
sage from Constantinople today. The
troops were killed when the rcJcls
dynamited the Turkish barracks.
CHICAGO, Aug. 2fi. The railroad
officials thoroughout Uaho are seek
ing young Wulter Averell ITarriman,
who has been missing with a party
of O. R. & N. surveyors since the
big Conor d'AJene reservation forest
fire. The young man was coming
East and slipped into this eity today
on his way to greet his father at
His arrival sets at. rest all reports
as to his loss or injury.
Of The Regular Season
TheiBig New York Success
Wednesday Sep. 1
Prices 50g, 75g, $1.00, $1.50
To make our store your headquar
ters while in Medford next Saturday
.(circus day)
and we are satisfied that we can add
to your enjoyment of the day if yon '
will examiuo our NKW LINK OF
FALL SUITS in nil the latest de
signs and colors. We are also show
ing a few advance styles, in FALL
must bo seen to be appreciated.
Something now in 15KLTS-. Wo can
match your suit, regardless of the
shade. Ko trouble to show our goods.
See our windows.
Mayor Canon Returns From Trip
Throughout Northwest Better
Pleased With Medford
"I spent two weeks visiting Seattle
and other cities in Washington and
Oregon, but nowhere did I find a
place of its size equal to Medford.
In none is there as much public im
provement under way and none of
them have the metropolitan charac
ter and appearance that Medford
has," states Mayor W. II. Canon.
who has returned from a several,
weeks' absence in the north.
"I looked into muiiicipul govern
ment in several places, but few of
them can teach Med lord anything.
Our saloons are more strictly regu
lated and more ' orderly conducted
than in most of the cities.
"I found that everyone had heard
rt Medford and knew about it. Ib
is the best advertised city on the
coast. The fair is a success. The
gronnds are beautiful, and for its
size the exposition is a good one.'
Theattcndanee is limited only by the
capacity of the railroads to handle
the traffic. All lines are doing more
business than they have equipment;
Mayor Cnnon returns several
pounds heavier than when he 'eft'
nnd is gladder than ever to claim
Medford as his home.
The packers and pickers of the
Bear Creek orchards cleared out the
large packing house Wednesday
evening and had a most enjoyable
time. Games anil the like were on the
program. Manager Whisler was on
the program as the orator of the
day nnd delivered a much applauded"
speech. '
If you are particular in regards
to what you eat for breakfast, yon
should get the habit of eating at the
Louvre Cafe. Their hot waffles and'1
maple syrup can't be beat.
Interurban service next week.
Look nt our lots on the ear line.
Woodlawn'lTcights, Oak Grove and'
Mountain View Additions. Benson
Investment Co. 135-
Do yon like crawfish t The Nash
Grill serves them. Fresh shipments
daily from the famous Quelle cafe at
Portland. -
J3 till
V-t'i )u.."
bune office this week.
tamalos. ' 134
land. : j v.'.' i