THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 1909. DOUGLAS COUNTY'S FRUIT, 50 CARLOADS OAKLAND, Or., Aiitf. !!(). I.m.1 year I Iki DuiiKliit County I'Vuil Grow rs' Ahkoi'IiiHiiii, willi which fit) u;rinv i'i'n wi'iii nlTilialcd, hIi ij i ! I'rnt:i Kohi'Imii'i; Hill" ImxrK of pcii"ln'H, .':i!MI llOXCH III' Jll'lll'K mill &7-IU llMMIrt ill' upplcM, lii'siilH it coniiiileriililii aiiiniiiit ol' I'lii'nii'H mill Hiiiull li'ii'l mill linrrii'H. Tin- M-cri-tary cnliiiinte.4 II, III Hill IIHHIHMIltillll 1iinillnH III) in' iiM'-thiril ol' llic J . 1 1 it shipped . from (hi oiiiily. Mulliil,viiiK Ihnl ini'ii her hy throe would givo, HI'lll'll III' llCelll'llto I'iglireN, IIS lllilli' Jl correct imliinulc. of tho iinwtiiit xhii iiiI iih it would In- p'iMHililii to iii":m: ut, or -1100 boxcv il' pcuoheH, lU.l "0 l.oxim ol' pear Mill 17,'.'.'ll( boxen nl lippli'K, whirh un. jl iipuil almost llirro enrloiidn nl' fHji-htM, 21 :,r- lollllrt llf pcill'H llllll 111 IIMIht '2.7 (M I' ll.'! lU of apples, whicli 1'ijjurcn nrc regarded an 'approximately correcl, WENATCHEE VOTES DRY AT LOCAL OPTION ELECTION WKNATCIIKK., Auk. 'iu. Tin' result of III-' liivl local option election in Wuuulrlu'C is n HWeepinilK victory fur llm "ilr.VH," who won by n majority of 10(1. Tim count kIiow i'il lljut llm "(IryH" polled -irl of a (olul of Hill registered voters. '' A' QUEER PARR0T' Th Old Ldy Had Ritun For 8ur. . prii When Iho Bird 8pok. A'ymmi; yet; ; uiimiiIhI, Ih-Iiik out of III I'liKiiKeineiit, decided lo jmy IiIm wid owed iimllier ii lnll for n few wevkH. On nrrlvliiK lie foiind nIio hum not ut Iioiiii... A few iliin ufler IiIh ii nival Klie iippi'iired, liiiuuliiK wltli l"'r a pur rot mid cane which had liccn given her by n relative. The bird not Mnif aide to talk, iimllier and moii Hpent many ti-illoux liotirH trylne to Imiiruct the parrot. After m-vrriil futile effort tlu-y gnvo the Jul up In ileNpulr. Then u happy Idea incurred to Iho ton. ltrliiKlitK IiIh venlrlliiqulnl power lulo requisition, xeiitly ut Hint, he made It nppear to his mother that the bird hud reully lei;uii to talk. Tho mother not knowini; thn nature of liln nviK'iillou. lit wax miecoNxful lit di'ci-lv-tnii her. IK- hud mi enj.'iiKciiicnt to ful fill Which llcri'HHllllll'd Ills departure. CoiiiIiik liui U ufler the terinhiiitlon of LIb contriiel, he wnM lieurtlly received by bin mother and umde very wel ruiue. Soon ufler bin arrival home he roiniueiieod ami rnrried on a conver Hutlon, n ticfore, with the parrot. No ticing tint look of conntf mutton on tint countenance of IiIh mother, he Inquired what wax the matter. Imagine hi urprUo wbtu the replied: "Why. the parrot died while you were a way. mid I had It Muffed and p::t hark In the ciiki.." I'rnrsou'n Weekly. Diarrhoea. Kor n tiiok euro without nny un necessary loss of time take Cham berlain' Colic, Cholera mid Din r jlioen Remedy. Ono or two doso is sufficient to effect it euro in nny or dinary case. It onn always lie do- peniled upon mid is oiiinlly efficient for children mid adults. Kor sulo by Loon H. llaskins' Pharmacy. EXPERIMENTING WITH NEW ROAD PROCESS Tl1:: DA I.I. KM, Or., Aii. 20. 't'ho eily mitliorilieH urn experimenting willi street improvements, htiviiiK .lulled work on u block on Third "Ireui between Kedenil mid l.niieji lin, Tliey urn licatine; the Mtreet willi nil, lii-l liiivinir rounded it t'ji to mi mi t eriidn uinl piilvitiied llm eurlli 'i Ihut Ilia oil n attily penel rules it. The oil is j hi t on hot, mid is mixed willi llm eurlli by linrrowin. Al'ler il !ms beau I luuoiiylily mixed it will lie pueked to li haul Kiirfiien by , roll ing il with a 'JO-loit roud roller. When thus fiiiiHlieil it is claimed the sired will be iih solid as if covered with asphalt siirfneiv anil will be quite us durable. Jf it proves what is claimed for this class of improve ment, it will bo generally adopted here for surfaeiii); tint birds, since th- cost will bii very much less than h'!!it:!',. or Hiissain paviiic. Tr.k: - It Out In Trd. The proprietor of n ccrtuln Turk! .'., bath eHtahllHlimenl. ncelng n xtrr.iu looklnic yntuiK "aiii worklnt; I.i : butcher' shop mid hclnc Impremnil l.y bin inniculllccut iiiubcIi-k, told lilm to renliiu and lake a rubber' ponltloD with lilm. . "I'll itlvc you inoru thiin you nro get tlllR now." lie Mild. The youiiK butcher. reli;iiliiB In good fulfil, turned up the next iiioruini; at tho bnlh home. "Well." mild the proprietor to him, "I'll put you on at oner. What did you ud at tho tmli-herV" "Six dnllui-H and my week' meat," returned llm yotmi; man. "What did that amount lo!" "About $:t." "Well," wild tho proprietor. "I of fered you inoru to couic here, didn't ' SECOND CREAMERY AT KLAMATH FALLS KI.A.MATII J'AIJ.S, Or.. Auk '-''I. K. (nillilch will liiivo liis ereimciy ready J'or busiimss next week. A new buildiiiK has been creeled on O.-.k street mid the, must modern julter nuking machinery is lining iu-t t.u it In connection willi llm creamery u milk route will b operated in this city, Hiving the public an opportunity I" gal piihteurized mill;, guaranteed t i ho pure. Tho dairying industry is rapidly developing in this section. But it l'-;w years have passed since it wu be lieved that'll creamery ,;ould no', be operated at a profit in Klariiith county. The creamery at IVii-,an:'a soon ilenionstrHtml that, this wes u mistiikeii idea. Later the oiu cMnh-lii-hed in this city again demo. i; rat id that a creamery is n pnyim pro-IKoitiini. Prepaid Raliroao Orders. "Something which is of consider known is tho system of prepaid or ublo inlcrost to the public generally and which is nerhaps not generally dors now in effect between stations of the Southern Pacific company and nil points in the United States. By menns of this system ticket may bo purchased at Medford from any place in the United States and mail -ed or telegraphed direct to the party wishing to come here. Sleeper ac commodations mid small amounts of cash in connection with these tickets may also be forwarded at tbe same tiro." Wo are Orowoi-Titty direct from u Our Ttt are mwn airlrfly WITHOUT IRRIGATION Writ for trvm cUloa. tmruo took of viiritil(aiUli)fl(tirniminirclnlorcnnnw Chole Fruit, Nut ind Omimtfltal Trwi, Qrp Vini, Smill fruit PUoti end 8hrubbtry Tmk Dali.ks NunsKuiKS MftioOrfioA, IT J a rand Ave,l'ortJnd,Or. Bijou Theatre Tonight Famous Roselle Trio Which Includes Baby Wanda, popular little 3-year-old artist. In a New Act. 5 TV Full Change of Pictures Illustrated Songs Why pay1' 10 cents to sec a few moving pictures when for 5 cents more you can 'enjoy an hour, of high grade, vaudeville and pictures as well.. .'.' . , .' ' " '. - Don't forget tho hahy' contest. '! 1 CHASED BEAR WITH BIG AUTOMOBILE iV.N'M.KTO.V, Or.. Aug. 'M. A ' race occurred yesterday on the foul to Mccham when Colonel J. II. Ualey encountered a big black bear while he was driving his automobile. Bruin wus alarmed at the colonel's machine and proceeded down the road closely followed by the honking wag on. The sjirint continued for some hundred yards when the shaggy beast loped off I lie beaten path into his unlive clement. Farmers and Feed Consumers. Wo want your hay and grain nnd will pay the highest market price for it. Wo will roll your barley nnd crack your corn at the Russ mill. It you need hav wo will give you scab.' weight nnd every pound you pay dor you will get. We keep n full stock of all kinds of feed on band at rea sonable price. Cnll at the Russ mill and get acquainted with u, whether or no yon. wish to sell or buy. POLK IIULI, & SOX, ' 125 Medford, Oregon. ? ? y? ? r Why wear glasses that tre unbecoming when , , on can have them cor 'eetly fitted by a spe C'ialist who studies the leeds of each individ ual, always presarib Uig lenses to relieve the Jycs nnd mountings or frames to make the ap pearance correct. "Just ifiht" is the expression ipplicuble to glasses when fitted by me. Brief consultation free DR. IVY M. ROBINSON, Eyesight Specialist. Graduate McCormick Neurolog ical College, Chicago. East Main street, over Nicholson's Hardware, Medford. Bargains in Real Estate A few investments;;that will make money for you 40 acres fine fruit land near railroad station, $80 per acre, cash, easy terms on balance at 0 per cent interest. KJ0 acres of the best orchard Innd in the valley, ONE MILE FROM. RAILROAD STATION, $i0 per acre, ONE-FOURTH cash, easy terms on balance at 6 per cent interest. 10 acres of choice orchard land close to railroad station, $100 DOWN AND $10 A MONTH BUYS THIS. Yon will regret it if yon neglect to secure this ten acres on the above terms. 4 large city lots in West Medford joining Kenwood addition, $200 ea. The owner of the above properties purchased 'them four years ago before the advance in prices and will sell at a very moderate profit. Considering quality of land and location, these are among the cheapest buys in the market today. J.C.BROWN Office in Palm' Block, Upstairs . Medford, Oregon Medtord Iron Works i f. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. , Foundry and Machinist All k'r,i' of Engines. Soravina Outfits. Pumns. Rnilem and iia.f jcnincry. agents in southern Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. We do JOB PRINTING Excellent Workmanship Phone' your want ads to the Tri-1 bune for quick results. ' Savoy Theatre TONIGHT THURSDAY. The Best in the Biz THE MAGIC PEN (Trick Comedy). ADVENTURES OF A FOUNTAIN PEN (Industrial.) THE KID (Strong Drama.) ' Ii Cool, Comfortable. One Dime. wfis' - - vWwassgJ I . i ifOt til A Bargain The famous-120-acre I. W. THOMAS GROVE FARM 85 acres of alfalfa garden, 20 acres of the prettiest oak anad laurel grove' in the valley, 15 acres of apples and pears in bearing, and loaded with fruit at the prese-it time. This is the best proposition ever offered in Southern Oregon. See ' WHITE- & TROWBRIDGE Exclusive Agents, for prices, terms, etc. at office, Phone 93 6 Fir street Medford I Mr. Investor Have you seen the modern home seven rooms in the space and cost of four rooms; Iccless refrigerator, built-in buffets and dressers; cabinet kitchen. X J. A. McINTOSII, Architect, . I Third Floor Medford National Bank Building. For Whom are You Sowing If you pay house rent for the landlord. If you are paying for your home for yourself and family. Let. us help you reap the reward of the money you have been paying for rent, by building you a home and allowing you to pay for it in easy monthly payments and low rate of Interest. We will furnish money to build Churches. . Parsonaqes. - homes or business houses, or nay off debts on real estate. Moneys can be returned any time, thereby stopping interest, or we give you nine years to return any loan, either large or small.. We also allow you 3 percent interest on all advance payments.. We give you three months grace on all notes without a fine. We can arrange with farmers for annual pay ments.. If these terms suit you, call and see us at the Rrr.f Estate Office of WHITE & TROWBRIDGE, MEDF0R D Daniel S. Walker, Home Office, Roseburg APPLES AND. PEARS AND ALL KINDS OF . FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific North west. -Not in the combine. Competes with all f irst . class nurseries. L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, O R E O O N TO SURVEYORS AND OTHERS. I have complete field notes of all donation laud cliiini i"l i !:..-.. portion of the government surveys in Jackson count v. iiu-.-c imij. may he copied in my office for 50e a claim or section. Complete nutoj of Medford, Talent, Central Toiiit, Tolo, Gold Hill. Kiifjle lV.M. YA'oodvillo and Unite Kails. Surveys, iniipSj blue print's and ilts criptions of lots and tracts made. J. S. HOWARD. C. E. Rooms 7-8, Adkins Bldg. Medford, Or. Admission-10c and 15c Advertise in the Tribune i.