THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREOON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1909. ' S 4 A. H. JuppH, Khk""i 'M '" Id nl mi bushiest;. Tim llig I'iiusM Lumber company, owinu to their increased Iradu in Med ford, Imvo been compelled In rniovn Ihoir stock of lumber from Hill in order to supply tho tlriimiitl hero. A game everybody cun piny box ball. B. V. Forbes, of Woodville, spent Tuesday in Medford. , Mm. D. J. Blurkmoro is visiting relatives in Ashlund. ' Will triulu nice dO-ncro ranch, koiiiii fruit trees, for city properly. IlltllKOII IllVUHtllll'Ilt Co. J. C. Pendleton, of Tiiblo Hock, spent Wednesday in Mcdfuril on business. ' You'll meet your friend nt the box bull alley. Miss VohIh Miller in spending n few days in Colustin on an outing. Mr. iukI Mm. C. W. Coiiklin. of (bin city, with KiiHlorn friends, have loft for nil outiiiR nt Unite Falls. Fresh crawfish received daily from (bo Quelle tit Portland nt the Nash drill. 1 Itnlo. (if Ckiuh. W visiting in Modford. 0. II. Voorhios is spending a few duv in AKlilin.d. MImh Com Asdcll has returned from n visit in Iloseburg. Tiiltn a look nl our 10-ncro tracts, mill) south of city. Just what vnii want. BoiiMon Investment Co. .; 135 I,. O. Gregory and Charles Isiiucs returned W'cdni sda.v from n camp ing trip in tho neighborhood of Oft tor Luke. Mrs. 1. T. Kobs. of Control 1'oint, una n i nut visitor in Modford. Head tho new nd of tlio Ashland Commercial CoIIvko and enter .Sep . mi. IIIIIIUI I WHI. K. J. Fischer, of Forest Grove, is visiting in Modford. Miss O. Stevens is visiting rola lives in Ihinsimiir. Only 4 1-2 miles from city, a 70 v.. nil win new huncnlow; fruit trees 2 years old. A good buy. JU n Min Investment Co. ' T ('.. Stricken, of Grunts Puss ' was a recent Modford visitor. ' ' M. IVter hnn returned tlo San Wrnnniann fitter tl Visit with lli mother in Jacksonville Something every business i man wants tho merchants' lunch ot the VhmIi ffrill ouch noon nn Mnbornto menu. Price 33 cents. City Attorncyy P. J. Xoff has rc turned from a visit to Los AngDlos Mr. mid Mrs. R. M. Sartcn, in n ninth Fulls, hns returned homo nfter ft visit in Medford with rein lives. Ten. enffi-a. bue.r or claret, will club lunch, 30 cents, nt tho Emeric Cafe. Contractor Shirlev Baker, of th gravity pipe line, returns Wednesday evening from San Frnncisco. Interuibnn servico next week. Look nt our lots on the cur line Woodlnwn Heights, Oak Grovo ami Mountain View Additions. Benson Tnvestmont Co. . . 135 A. Ronmos, of Jacksonville, spent Wednosday in Medford. Best '5-cont dinnor in town Berved nvory day at tho Spot Cnfe. Early Crawford peaches nro boing shippod from Talent,1? and thoy arc tho finest poaches ,prodieod m tins ' oountry. Next week Iho Moiro peach ' shipments begin. Buy n Rood lot in Suthorlin Ter race while you can. Thoy won't ' lust long. Uonsnn Investment Co. '135 Mr. Cnnipboll, of Minneapolis, who recently purchased tho Bliss plnce, bus purchased an udditionnl ten acres on West Oakdalo nvenue and will build a lint rosinonoo. You enn Rot a meal to order nt the Nash Grill any limo between 0 o'clock in tho mnniiiiK nnd midnight. Open nt all hours. E. DngBolt, of Jlinennpolis, son of flno. DnKirett, who recently purchus . ed tho Stewart orchard, is a recent arrival in Modford. Let us build you a ro1 homo for n small pnyment down nnd monthly installments. Benson Investment Co. . . 135 The nenr nickers nnd puckers of tho Bonr Crock orchards are plan nine;' n (tonnrnl jollifiention in the Ini'Ro piickinR liousn in the orchnrd Wednesday fcveninp. Appruiitico girls wuutcd ut Bur- nnrd & Connaycr'" millinery par lorn. 130 F. T. Kmorick is visiliii( in AhIi IuiiiI. Taa, coff;, benr or claret, -with club lunch, 30 renin, ut thu Kmorick Cafe. Mrs. J. P. Hesse, who has bueii vihiIiiik Willi .tliuc Host linn .urn. iv. Hail, of the Moon.) olltcl, bus Iclt for her Eastern home. Ordom for nwoot creurn or butter milk promptly fillod. Phone th Dreamery. ' EdineiidcK Broibcrs are making ex- teusivo improvemcuts in their shoe shop on Wust Main street. Do you liko crawfish 1 Tho Nash Grill serves them. Fresh shipments daily from tho famous Quelle cnfe ut Portland. Lincoln E. Wliitiujr is spenilinit the week with his family nenr huRle Point. ' Itev. and Jlrs. J. P. Mumiiu, of EhkIo Point, were Medford visitors on Tuesday. Tho Nash Grill is open day and nij(ht tho finest service between 'ortland nnd San rrancisco. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Alford have re turned from an outinR near Unite Falls. Siitherlin Terrace, Oak Grove, Moiintuiu View and Woodlawn Ileichls additions. Few blocks from ,'ity Park on Intcriirhaii serviei-. Buy now. Kensou invcHiineni i-o. i.m Mi-s. J. M. BridKcs and family, uft- er visiting friends in the valley, rc turned to her Portland homo files day evening. Orchestra musio during dinner each evening nt the Nasi Grill. Mrs. L. Kipple, of Klnmiith Fulls, is visiting in tho valley. You can get as good at tho Nash Grill ns yon enn get at the best grills in thu cities nt half tho "price." Spo cinl musio every evening. John B. Kcnnuit hns Iclt tor nn extended visit in Northern Culil'or A fresh shipment of tea direct from tho orient nt tho Southern Oregon Tea nnd Coffee Co., 30 S. Grnpe St. Phono 3303. Mr. nnd Mrs. Will Stewart have left for a visit to the Seattle exposition. Good Early Crawford poaches at McLclIan's city ranch, East Med ford. ' - - C. Johnson, of Toledo, a brother of Mrs. J. F.' Mundy, is visiting in Medford. - ' ' THEH0RSE. He l So 8tupid That H Can Be Taught Any Habit. 'J'bero Im Ix'cii mi exhibition ut vnrlous times Imrses Hint urn appar ently irsllKl4 of iniilliciiiiilleiil IiimIxIiI -Unit cuu do unyililiig with niiinliii't Unit thu tnilner enn do. Vet wo ul aolulely know Hint no niiiiuul enn so much us (.'011111 at ull. Furthermore, It Is nl wily Hie horse Hint performs these liuirvelH, tliiuiith tho Iminn Is Hie most utterly nlupld ot ull the dumb ereiitures Hint iiihii hns mnile III frlemlM. That Is (ircelHely why the horse is always taken to lie iiukIu Into on arith metician, lie is so stupid that h can bo taught unylhliiK nny huhlt, that la and, buvliiK mi mind to lie taken up with his own affairs, can he relied on to do exactly as he is told. All tlicKit iirlthmctkiil fukea, what ever their details, are worked In essen tially tlio aumc wny. The horso la tntiuht, by endless repel It Ions, some mechuiiieal huhlt. A given signal, and lie begins to paw the floor. Another signal, nnd bo stops. Press thu proper button, und he takes a sponge una rubs It over a certain spot on a black board or picks up a card lying In a certain. position. That Is nil he does. Tho meaning of tho act exists for tho spectator only. The pawing count tho answer to a problem In nddHIon, tbo card lienrs the reply to a question, but the horse, does not know it. He merely follows a blind habit, just as bo wltl stop when you say "Whoa!" though yuu Interpolate the word Into your recitation of tho iJoclaratlon of Independence. McClure's Magazine. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. WANTED Young rami to write fire insurnnce' nnd handle real es tate. Benson Investment Co. 135 WANTED Smart, hustling young man to sell lots in Onk Grove und Mountain View ndditions. Benson Investment Co. 135 Ft ill SALE 10 acres, -year old orchnrd, Bnrtletts nnd Nowtons, half mile west of Talent. . Other hind in smnll tracts. ' Best lnnd nnd best locution in Rogue river valley. Welborn Bceson, Talent, Or. yn DEER AND BEAR PLENTIFUL BUT NO HUCKLEBERRIES D. T. Lnwton nnd family havo re turned from n camping and hunting trip. Leaving tho family camped thirty miles above Modford on the Kogue, Mr. Lnwton, accompanied by I. S. Tucker nnd Odio Tucker, of Trail, packed 00 miles into tho TJin pnqua mountains. Thoy secured plenty of deer and n blnek bear that stnmpoded their horses. They were uunhlfl to roach Fish lake on the Um pqnn divide on account of tho tangle of undergrowth and fallen trees that have obliterated tho trnil. Tho huc kleberry crop, both in the Umpqnu divide and Crater Luke districts is a fniluro this year, reports Mr. Lnwton, who snvs there is scarcely a huckle berry to be found. - IT CAME TRUE. Th Larga Party and the Calamity That Followed. "You can't make mo. believe," Uncle Abuer Jarvls huh suylug, "that there Isn't something in fortune telling." Ills nuditors were grouped round thu stove In the corner grocery store. "Ever have any experience with Iff asked oue of t hem. "That's what I was going to tell you," resumed Uncle Aimer. "Once when I was at the county fair I saw a Utile lent with a sign on the outside of It that said Mine. Sotnubody-or-otber would tell your fortune fur 25 cents. I stepped Inside Just for fun. "A woman with a thick veil over bcr face was sitting in a chair on a raised platform. I gave bcr a quarter, and she looked nt my linud. One of tlie things she told mo was that I was going to have a large party1 at my house in Jims thun a month aud that it would be fullered by a calamity. "I laughed at tbut. Thinks I to my self. 'We hain't bad any parries of any kind to our house for two years, and 1 don't, reckon we'll have one quite as soon as that.' "But It did come true. In about two weeks my wife's Aunt Jane came to rislt us, and If you think she ain't largo party you ought to see her. 8hc weighs 287 pounds." "But how about the calamity?" in quired the innn wbo was sitting on the nail keg nfter n long pause. "Well." sii Id Uncle Abuer slowly, "she broke down our spare bed the first ulght she slept In It." Youth's Companion. Had Forty Homas. Vollon, the painter, was a persouage even among tho odd charnc ters of Paris. While ho was essen tlally a bohemlnn, there were timea when even tils patience was taxed to tbo utmost, aud to obviate tbe neces slty of meeting unwelcome people he coucclvcd the Idea of multiplying his lodKing places. At the time of bis death lie owned no less than forty homes, nil in apartment houses, situ ated In all the out of the way corners of Paris, plainly turiilslied aud with Just enough accommodation for him elf, lie changed from one to the other all the time In order to escape liuportuuate acquaintances uud to take refuge from his friends, it was in or der to throw them all olT tbe scent tbut lie engaged rooms all over the city. He Dually died in tbe Kue de Duukermie, where he had as many as three .different apartments, all within a stone's throw of ope auother.' GOOD CROPS THIS YEAR OVER IN LAKE COUNTY LAKEVIEW, Or., Aug. 25.-Haying throughout tho county is about finished, with tho exception of the largo corporal ions. The bay crop was good. Grain harvest is now in full blast. 1 lenders nnd binders are rapidly cutting n fine crop of ull kinds of grain. While no threshing bus been done, the yield will be good. Wheat 'on ,the oust side of (loose Lnko will 'go from twenty-fivo to forty bushels i tho west sido fifteen to twenty-fivo bushels, Did You Get in on the Bi Sam ple Sale Today at 9 1Z Hosiery 2,000 PAIR MEN'S AND LADIES' HOSIERY, 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c A TWO ALIKE. CLOSING OUT PRICE- PAIR QUALITIES. ALL SAMPLES,, NO 2 Pairs for 25c Towels 3,000 ALL-LINEN HUCK, DAMASK AND COTTON IIUCK AND TURKISH TOWELS. ALL SAMPLES, NO TWO ALIKE. SALE PRICE- 5, 10, 15 and 25c Each 300 BED SPREADS, WHITE AND ABOUT HALF PRICE. COLORS, AT Pocketbooks, Purses, Etc. 1,000 TO SELECT FROM, ALL SAMPLES, NO ' TWO ALIKE. IF YOU AYANT A BAG OR PURSE AT ABOUT HALF PRICE, DON'T FAIL TO SEE THEM. Dolls 500 DOLLS AT lc TO $10.00 EACH. NO TWO ALIKE, AND THE SWELLEST LINE . OF DOLLS EVER SHOWN IN MEDFORD AND AT ABOUT HALF PRICE. CHOLERA BREAKS OUT AMONG SPANISH TROOPS LISBON, Portugal Aug. '25. Cholera has broken out unions: the Spaniards at MelilUi. According, to tho latest dispatches 250 Spanish soldiers and six hundred Moors were killed in battle when General Marina SEATTLK, Wash., Aug. 25. Nine- ntemptoil to advance Ins out posts. hlin,lied and ten is to be. tbe 1910 TO BE BANNER I YEAR FOR SETTLERS banner TJiir for the new settlers of Despite desporato fighting tho Spun-1 wl, nltoiimt. fmleil After Mnemn rn- turned tho Moors shelled the hospit-;tho northwest, according to railroad nl. The projectiles wrought havoc 'mop. Of the third of a million nppti niid a number of sick nnd wounded ',.,,njB jn 'mlo Sum's lnud !"ttciv, It soldiers were killed. The Spaniards : ;s i,,,ijVP,l tl,(lt. one half will come now number 35,000 men, and will im.xt V0llr to locate. This menus the soon uiiiko nn offensive move. j unsuccessful ones, who saw the lnnd MKDFORD, Or., Aug. 5. 1901) ; be had hero and were impressed by Hull's Texas Wonder, oj' SI. Louts, ; the oppnrlunititcs. The big travel to cured my daughter of it severe kidney, the Alnska-Yiikon-Pncific Kx posit ion nnd bladder 'trouble nfter doetoir. ;is expected in September, when the failed to givo nny relief, nnd I can , fanners in tlio. middle west have chonvfully recommend it. .Mrs. L. L (handled Iheir props. Those who Wilson, 135 Ilnrllolt St.' Sold by ,hvnboen hero and gono back homo, llnskins' Druy Store. jure boosting harder than ever. In fact the outlook for 1910 is so prom ising that operating departments of all Northwestern lines are planning to put on more equipment. XOT1CK Is hereby given tbut tho undersigned wil Inpply at tho regular meeting of the city council of Medford. Oregon, on September 7, 1909. fur license to sell mat, vinous uud spiritous liquors in less qunntities than one gallon for six months ut lot 13, block 20, in Medford, Oregon, for n period of six months. O. M. MI'IUMIV. Dated August 17, 1909. 137 READ THE TRIBUNE FOR NEWS. WRIGHT'S ALLEGED V.'f- APPEARS WIIH SON PORTLAND. Ansr. 25. A woman 'burning to have been the wile, - of Orvillo Wright, lb- tin " cmhIoi-, is in Portland loi'ny. milking pre parations for lb hiciilion nl' Les ter, aged 1 1. She snvs lie i- Wright's child. She uns uippirtcd tlio boy by doing liniisework nnd nursing. XOTICK TO PKOl'KRTY OWNKKS. All property owners constructing wood or cement sidewalks should have eertificalo of. inspection pre sented them before paying contrac tor. HAItUY K. FOSTKIt, . 135 ' City Engineer.