THE MEDFORD DAITjY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 3909. IN TOURIST TRAVEL Thirty-One Thousand Easterners Pur chased Tickets to Rose City Since May 15. Portland !nu taken the loud over both Nealthi mid Lou AiikhIi'H iw'Uic point of iliHtinution of throiiKh touriat biminotm from tho cunt thin HCUHon, and Iiiih boon a i'Ioho Racoud to Sun KnincMHcro. In othor wordH, in Hpila of Si'iittln'H exposition and widoly Iior aided benches and Hummer roHortn of tint Kouthern Cnlifoniia metropolis Portland hart been tlio point for which tho lm-RiiMt number of ciwlorn pleiw uro Hookorrt huvo purohuticd their tourist tickntH kiiico Muy 1!, Tliin Htatomont wiih mudo liy tho ticket validating clerks lit tho Union depot thiH morning, uftcr they hud chocked up the basinex from May 15 to dut. In that period 30,8 12 cust om touriHlH huvo arrived in I'orlliind an their I'uoifiu cuiii.t dentinution, and huvo niudii their nidii trips, or idartcd on tin) homeward journey from that eily. Tho announcement wok mudo that San Francisco led 1'ortlund by a small iM-rciMitas with Scuttle a i.-loso third, while Lom Angles for th first tinio in history occupied t'onrth and IiihI pluce. TALENT TALES. W, Hocsou returned Monday from Newport. Mrs. Huchou and children will Hlay a whilo longer. Mrs. Fred Hupp it HojourniiiK at Newport. W. I), IInldride,o in shipping bin ear ly Crawford peaches. (!. C'urey and wifo wore Warner Creek visitors hint Sunday. Andy Widuo.' is uxoavating und laying tho foundation for his now dwelling house., II. II. Helms and wifo wore Med ford visitors Inst ThurHdoy. .union Purvis of Wugner Crunk inado Ashland a bnsineKH cull list Kuturduy. JunioH McDonald und Ed Jacobs of North Talent were in Medford one day thin week with vegetables. TuIciiI'm tt'nniH ground affords a pleasant piiHtimc for iuuy of tho young folk. , ISHhh Coleman, tho rural mail car rier's residenee in fast Hearing com pletion. F.inmctt Becson returned to bin farm nenr Klumuth Fulls lust Mon day. llin wife's cousins. Misses Liz zie, und Vera Houston, accompany iiifC him. Juff Hell, our popular hotel man, is quite busy of lute, his house be ing full all the time. Tho find ear of Hartlett pear wus shipped from Tuleut tho latter purt of Inst week, from tho IJuckeyo or- hnrd. WOMAN CARRIES LITTLE MONKEY IN GOLD CASE I.KNOX. Mass., Aug. 2"i. Carry -inn on her una a Soulli Ameriviin monkey in n sold case, Mum. .ejjgio, of Kloreiiee, Italy, a daughter of Mrn. Charles T. IfobiiiHon. of New York, urrivel in tlm city yesterday. The Mnniiohet i su tiny tliut a dollar bill would eoiiceal it. Mine. Ze.zio says tin) monkey in worth $5,0(10, and that tho ease half as mijeh more. It wan caught near the headwaters of the Anm.on and a special attendant eaves for him. MOTHER DIES AFTER GETTING HELP FOR SON KSt'ANAHA, Mich., Aug. 'J.'). Aft er running several blocks in the dark ness to get aid for her noli, who had been heuldud in tbn explosion of a boiler tube in astuve mill, Mm. Louis Conriright dropped dying on tbn poreli of the doctor s house last night when she had gasped her mission. She had been ill for Home time and died within a few minutes. The snn has good ehunecs to recover. SNYDER SELLS TWO ADDITIONAL CADILLACS C. II. Snyder has disposed of two Cadillacs during the past week. One wan purchased bv Dr. .1. F. Keddy and the othor bv I.. B. Harris. LINDSEL SAYS DENVER OWES MUCH TO WOMEN KKATTI.K, Wash., Aug.25. -.Judge IJ. S. I.indsey, the noted "kid's judge" und reformer from llie centennial stale declare that Denver owes its salvation to woman's suffrage. Washingon suffragists huvo seized upon thin statement und will m:i Icit the slogan of their coining campaign for tho bullot, in view of the inuny scandals (bat have come to light in polities in the state recently. Judge I.iudscy suys that women will stand up for the clean only and that they know how to scratch the ballot. In fact he atlributcH bis election to the bench to women's voles almost entire ly, saying that he has always been opposed by "the interests'' in Denver. Prepaid Raiiroao Orders. "Something which ia of oonsider known is tha Bystcm of prepaid or able interest to the public generally and which is perhaps not generally dors now in effect between Btations of the Southern Pnoifio company and all points in tha United Stntes. By moans of this system tickets may bo purchased at Medford from any place in the United States and mail ed or telegraphed direct to the party wishing to come hore. Sleeper ac commodations and small amouuts of cash in connection with these tickets ' may also be forwarded at the same ttiu.n FATE OF KLAMATH PROJECTIN BALANCE Committee's Report Is Key to the Situation Work May Be Stopped KLAMATH KAM.S, Aug. 25. The fate of the Klumuth project in agnin in tbn balance, und it in up to the people to decide whether it shull swing for or against the rapid com pletion of the works. Supervising Kngineer Ilopson stated very clearly the condilions under which work shall proceed. Theso conditions aro em bodied in the rcKrt of the special committee appointed by the associa tion, which report was indorsed by the directors of that corporation. The inern hers of thnt committee aro rcu sonuble, sensible, fair-minded men. They uro deeply intercstoll in tho wel fure of thin county. Their interests are identical with the interests of every landowner of the project, und their uetion on the questions at issue was tuken only after tho most dire ful consideration. The question that confronts the landowners of the projeet is: Shall they adopt tin- report of that com mittee? If it is adopted, then atl questions of difference between the government and the landowners are settled. If it is not adopted, then matters will remain as they are, the nfoney appropriated for this projeet will be returned to the reclamation fund and distributed among other projects and the completion of the Klamath project indefinitely post poned. It is with the people of the district whether the government shall go ahead or not. Conditions have materially changed in the last few months, and with that change, has come u disposition on the purt of Hi government to let the people of the various projects dediee many ques tions that heretofore were not left to their judgment. ? ? ? ? ? r Why wear glasses that ire unbecoming when on can have them cor .'ectly fitted by a spe cialist who studies the Jeeds of each individ ual, always proscrib ing lenses to relieve the iyes and mountings or frames to moke the ap pearance correct. "Just ight" ia the expression jpplieablc to glasses when fitted by me. Brief consultation free DR. IVY M. ROBINSON, Eyesight Specialist. Graduate McCormick Neurolog ical College, Chicago. East Muin street, over Xicholson's Hardware, Medford. Bargains in Real Estate A few investments that will make money for you 40 acres fine fruit land near railroad station, $80 per acre, ya cash, easy terms on balance at 0 per cent interest. 100 acres of tho best orchard land in the valley, ONE MILE FROM RAILROAD STATION, $30 per acre, ONE-FOURTH cosh, easy terms on balance at 6 per cent interest. 10 acres of choice orchard land close to railroad station, $100 DOWN AND $10 A MONTH BUY8 THIS. You will regret it if yo-! neglect to secure this ten ucres on the above terms. 4 large city lots in West Medford joining Kenwood addition, $200 ea. The owner of the above properties purchased them four years ag before the advance in prices and will sell at a very moderate profit. Considering quality of land . and location, these are among the cheapest buys in the market today. J. C. BROWN Office in Palm Block, Upstairs . Medford, Oregon t Medford Irpn Works 1 E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. i mj mmmmm M.rm M WJllJlJOI All V'.r, of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma-f jemnery. agents in soutnern Oregon for FAIRBANKS, M0PSE & CO. 4 Phone your want ads to the Tri bune for quick results. College Preparatory and Business School Ashland, Oregon First Term Opens Sept. 6, 1009 State High School, College Preparatory, Teachers' Review, Bookkeep ing and Stenographic Courses Taught by Competent Teachers. THOROUGHNESS OUR MOTTO W. T. VAN SC0Y. A. B., Pres. A. C. CREWS. Secretary. AT THE BIJOU THEATER. i i 4 1 J 1 t-I, V! I" C Jv-V M in in U '1 .1 ' 5 ROSELLE TRIO Full change of pictures, Illustrated songs. Don't forget the Baby Contest. Admission 10c and 15c. Savoy Theatre TONIGHT THURSDAY. The Best in the Biz THE MAGIC PEN(Triek Comedy). ADVENTURES OF A FOUNTAIN PEN (Industrial.) THE KID (Strong Drama.) ( ''" C Cool, Comfortable. . One Dime. or. I i i - Jim t ; T Mr InuAcIni t4oua unit ean tha mnHprn hftmft Cfvfn rnnmc In fhl space and cost of four rooms; iceless refrigerator, built-in buffets J tand dressers; cabinet k'itchen. v A Bargain The famous 120-acre I. W. THOMAS GROVE FARM 85 acres of alfalfa garden, 20 acres of the prettiest oak anad laurel grove in the valley, 15 acres of apples and pears in bearing, and loaded with fruit at the jireseit time. This is the best proposition ever offered in Southern Oregon. See WHITE TROWBRIDGE Exclusive Agents, for prices, terms, etc, at office, Phone 93 6 Fir street Medford J.. A. McINTOSH, Architect, J Third Floor Medford National Bank Building. . m For Whom are You Sowing If you pay house rent for the landlord. ' If you are paying W your home for yourself and family. . Let us help you reap the reward of the money you have been paying for rent, by building you a home and allowing you to pay for it in easy monthly payments and low rate of Interest. We will furnish money to build Churches. .Parsonages, homes or business'houses, or pay off debts on real estate. Moneys can be returned any time, thereby stopping interest, or we give you nine years to return any loan, either large or small.. We also allow vou 3 nereent interest on all :;:vr-,- payments.. We give you three months grace on all notes I without a fine. We can arrange with farmers for am i-' ;,v t ments.. If these terms suit you, call and see us at lue f.e. Estate Office of WHITE & TROWBRIDGE, MEDF0R D Daniel S. Walker, Home Office, Roseburn APPLES AND PEARS, AND ALL KINDS OF FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific North west. Not in the combine. Competes with all first class nurseries. L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREGON TO SURVEYORS AND OTHERS. I linvc complete field notes of all donation hind claims .-nul n liii'ire portion of the government surveys in Jackson county. Tlie may be copied in my office for 50c a claim or section. Complete mups of Jfudtord, Talent, Central Toint, Tolo, Gold Hill, Point, Woodvillc and Hullo Falls. Surveys, maps, blue prints and des criptions of lots and tracts made. ""J. s! HOWARD. C. E. Rooms 7-8, Adkins ' Blriy. Medford, Or.