THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OH KG OX. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1909. HERE'S A CHANCE FOR Conservation Commission to Have School Children Write on Resources. Oregon lvsoiuves lire to he tlio sub ject for competitive urtii'le.s written by tbe srhool rliildrcn of tlu state. Prizes will le awarded for tho best treatise, and arrangements will 'be mado to have the winning articles jtivei. the broadest possible publicity. Chairman J. N. Teal of the conser vation commission, which is tho offi cial body of the state looking to con servation of resources, has decided l"o offer prizes for such articles. ' Full details have not been worked out, as the departure is just being riven serious thought. As soon as Mr. Teal cau arrange with the conserva tion committee to have proper an nouncements made, so that the mat ter will go before all of the school children of the state, the exact prizes will be named, and the conditions un der which the offer is made will be published. Forests will be the 'main idea of the work. Thoughtful men and es pecially the members of the conser vation commission and tbe Conserva tion association, are impressed with the tremendous wealth contained in Oregon's forests, and the necessity of having the state realize its asset and so organize .policies that the greatest and most permanent results may be .achieved in handling forests. The children will be urged to the most careful study of forests of Oregon, forest uses, conservation and pro tection from fire. By enlisting their study, the attention of their elders will bo directed to the same thought. This is the ultimate end of the' con servation workers. No campaign is being waged to attract the attention of the outside investor, for he as a rule is fully informed on the latent wealth of this state. All efforts will be directed to tbe citizen of Oregon, who is necessarily steward of local resources, with the hope if impress ing him with the immensity of his charge, and the results assured when resources are intelligently husbaud- ' ed. " -- REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Orin L. Davis to W. J. Warner, property in Medford 1 United States to Annie K. Par ker, 100 acres in section 12, township 33, range, IE., .patent I'nited States to William Par ker, 100 acres in section 28, township 33, range 1 K ...patent J. C. Ottinger to C. P. Talent, lot 7, Ala Vista Orchards 1 Alfred C- Morrison to Herbert M. Kihelilnffcr, S F, of , X W 1i and lot 5, section 6, township 39. raiige 1 W 10 John M. Runt to W. I. Vawter. J 40 acres in section 27. town- j ship 30, range 1 W 1 j K. C. Ireland to C. K. Wilis- j tier, property in Harr's uddi- j tion to Medi'ord ...... 2500 ! Charles lloffmeycr lo Gustav Iloffnieyer. IfiO acres ill sec tion 14, township 33, range 3 K rno Xora Calhoun to I). L. Jones, 1-8 interest in lots 7, 8 and 0, block "1. Medford . : -6 Estate II. L. Palm to D. L. Jones, 1-8 iutetirest in lots 1, 8 and 0. block rl, Med ford 40 D. L. Jones to C. W. Palm et al., lots 7, 8 and 9, block .11. ' Medford T 40 Jason C. Ottinger lo Charles : P. Talent, property in block 52. Medford . 1 H. L. Ricks to Charles S. Dick inson, 2019.37 acres in snc- : tion 30, township 39, range 4 W '. 1 (ienrgc A. Morse et al. 'to Charles II. Pierce, assign- . incut of bond for deed Louisa I. Ireland to Kdwaid C. Ireland, power of attorney. .. Louise B. Crleason In George A. Morse, assignment of title, bond O. II. Kobinson lo H. Ilobavt Ellsworth. 5 acres in town ship 37, range 2 W ..... . 1 4."0 J. A. Millsap to W. W. New ton, 2 ueres in 0 L C 40, township 39, range 1 K. . 1000 Arthur C. Nicholson to Abigail 1.. Nicholson, 8.00 ueres in township 37, range 2W .., 10 United States to Santa Fe Pa ' cifio Kailroad company, X ji K ! i' of S F. Vi section 0, 'township 34, range 4 WW.. patent George 11. Stowell to (his Nich ols, 1-0 interest to ditch in section I", township 35. range t W 25 W. W. Newton to Henderson Hash, 2 acres in 1) I. C 10, township 39, range IK... 10 Margaret J. liumsey to J. K. Toft, lots 1 ami 2, block 4. amended plat Crowell addi tion to Medford 10 I'nited States to Owen D. No- , gle, N F. 'i section US, town ship 40, range IK ....... .patent Harriet H. Hansen to Hughes, Fast, lots 20, 27, 28 and 29. block G, Railroad addition to Ashland 10 I.umnn N. Judd to Joanna N. Du Peau. lots 36, 3G, 37 and 38 and 39. block 2, H. L. White's addition to Ashland 10 Henry Cossairt to Harriet M. Hansen, lots 25, 20. 27. 28 and 29. block G. Kailroad addi tion to Ashland 1 550 O. D. Owings to William Ow ings, lot 4. block 9, Ilont ty's addition to Med font ... 10 Fruit Growers' Trust & Title Co. to F.. li. Cable. X W ' , lot 13 Crestbrook Orchard Tracts 225 Fruit Growers' Trust & Title Co. to E. M. Caldwell. N E lot 13, Crestbrook Orchard Tracts 22."' Fruit Growers' Trust & Title Co. to Burdttte L. Dodge. S i2 lot 13. Crestbrook Or chard Tracts 400 Clarence H. Corey to Burdette L. Dodge. N y2 D L C 58. township 37. range 1 W.. 3000 Fruit Growers' Trust & Title Co. to Homer D. Dudley, lot 2, Crestbrook Orchard Tracts ...... 680 ' REACHING THE SPOT It Can Be Dona, So Scores of Medford Citizens Say To cur? an aching hack. The pains of rheumatism. The tired-out feeling!, Tan must reach tbe unit get at the cause. In most cases 'tis the klflney. Doan's Kidney Pills are for the kid neys. 6. L. Boone, corner Ninth and C streets. Medford, Or., says: "I was troubled with rheumatism when I first began nsing Doan's Kidney Pills. I Sid aut think they o?'.H do me any good, but finaoy p--viired a box at K.-ikins' drug store. Tltfly proved to be the remedy I require My kidneys wnrc restored to their normal condition, and the pains and aches in my back were removed. Doan '3 Kidney Pills lived up to their representations in my cas;." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Fostcr-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. T., sole agents for the United States. Bmemhor the nam.) Doan's and tako no other. 48 - A Snap Eight Room Furnished Modern Bungalow Price $3800 Lots 50 x 100; Within three blocks of the West school, three doors from Main street. Inquire . . C. F. Cusick Rooms 133 West Main Medford ' ; - Oregon NOT TO BE - OUT THIS YEAR Holabird Returns From East and De nies Report That Harrlman Is Coming. KLAMATH FALLS. Aug. 'J.V V. II. Uiilohiril returned recently from New York City where he bus been on orivale business. lel'l for IVIieaa liny this afternoon, where ho 'will continue to curry out his plans for improvement started prior to his 'departure for tho cist. eru metropolis. Asked relative to the report that Air. Harnmuii would be here this year, he said: "I have no information whatever from Mr. Harrimnn Hint urml.l cause me f change tho statement that I made some time siut-n in 1 ). ,.f. feet that Mr. Harrimaii would not bej in Klumnth Fulls this var. No lU'cpuratious have been made lor his coming. When the ipicstiou Mint is iipper most in the iniuds ot' tho xuile of the state the buildiiiir of tlx. Iw. ehutes road was touched, the Colo nel was interested at once, lie was told that the announcement was made that the Hill lino if constructed, would not come through Klumnth Falls. "1 have traveled over practically cvery road and trail in Keustcrn Ore gon."' said he, " and I want to say that Klamutli County is the choice of Economy Get The Habit of buying your fresh and salt MEATS, POULTRY, SAUSAGE and LARD at the place where you are as sured of the best at all times, regardless of price. It Will Pay You to investigate for yourself the conditions that pre vail at our market and give us a trial, after which . we are sure you will not trade elsewhere. THE ECONOMY MARKET a o a o HUTH & ASHP0LE, Proprietors. Opposite Postoffice Economy The Best Meal In Medford is to be had At The Star Restaurant All-white help. Home cooking. Boom and board $5.00 a week. Give us a trial and be convinced. - ' MRS. W. E. GOODE Prop. 322 E7th St. them nil, with her timber, water mid agricultural j resource:.. - R0SEBURG CLAIMS NOW v POPULATION OF 5323 UOSKMilKO, Or.. Aug. 25. A gain of almost '215 per cent, in population in the pa.-t nine years is the record mmlo by the city of Kosnhurg. ac cording to the eompilution of the new city directory by Fred S. Ilvnvon. Tho government census for the year 1000 gave Uoseburg u population of ldslO. Mr. Ilyiiou s tigiires show a population nt the present day of Ihe increase ih materially due lo tho extension of the' city bound aries three years ago, although a largo number of homeuisuckers from the Knst have settled hero during the past few years. Tea, coffeo, beer or claret, with club lunch, 30 cents, nt tho KmcricU Cafe. HEADQUARTERS FOR Harness Saddles Whips Robes Tents Blankets Wagon Sheets Axle Grease and Gall Cure ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM WORK J. C. Smith 314 E. Main o o O Phone 481. RESOLVED Tim liost resolution for you to innke is to eotno to iih for your next unit, if yoii want soincflliinj,' out of tlio ordinary. We do the linst work mid elinrgo tli lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT THE PROGRESSIVE TAILOR r "For you particular customers who demand the best groceries, vc recommend Folgcrs Golden Gate Coffee." It is so good we cannot obtain a better coffee not if we paid SI a pound for it. ' Everything about Folder's Goldrn Gate Coffee is perfect, and we sell it with the positive guarantee that it will please you. Allen & GROCERIES, CHINA WARE, FRUIT AND FEED Rest -Romp - Recuperate At the Seashore Newport Is a delightful resort and a happy combination of pleasure ground possibilities. An ideal climate, diversion of recreation perfect bathing boating fishing riding driving, and exploring, make New port a most ehammg and popular play ground. Southern Pacific Has a SPECTAI, SUM A I ER EXCURSION' RATH TO NEWPORT OF $10.00 from Medford Ask for our booklet "Outings in Oregon." A. S. ROSEN1JAUAI, Agent, MedPonl. WM. AIcAtURRAY. General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. MM7 cowl! DIRECT TO YOU Without Any Mlddloman'a Profit Dinlillid iiiLoiiiMvilln,Kciliicky,iii tlioiiumlolil fiinliiorHidwnyfnmiHi'liictgriiimiml xtnrril in mod ern tem hi'ii tort wtiriihimwH until In 1 1 y iiintoreil, OLI AND MELliOW ItottlMi impwiully for FAMILYunil MEDICINAL FUKI'OSES uiofltintf tho moHt diluting re quiromnntH of tlio puro food law. WHCII YOU ORDER DIREOT You navo tli'ut extra profit of tho middleman, ami no truvolliiir oxponwiN to pay. IT TIIK OM.Y WAV TO MJY .' Tliitt flno old wliinky is blitjipcd iliroct in rlliiln, sfliilixl enftos, without miirku to iiidlciitecnntoiHK, K11II qnnrt bottlon, four to 4f BO PER OALLOM tii Kiiilon m ixpmii giuuuu nirtio HENRY FLECKENSTEIN k CO., PORTLAND, 0RE00N Stuul for I'rlce Ut of Oilier IlljrU CJradu IJiiuura mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm WANTED - iinber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs Reagan lis I iff I MlllJKO f7 I MTAIII.IHHKD 40 VKAIIH f,