8 THE MEPFOKP DAILY TRUUTNK, MKDFOKI). OREOOX. TUESDAY. AUGUST 1M. VmXI, 2J id (Li "PIMP of Sample Hosiery, Sample Towels, Sample Bed Spreads, Sample Bags, Pocket Books, Purses Side Combs, Dressing Combs, Dolls, Etc. On Sale Here Tomorrow WHITE AND COLORED BED SPREADS $1.00 TO $5.00 QUALITIES SAMPLES IN THE CLOSING OUT SALE TOMORROW, 50c $2.50 .Each 1000 PAIRS OF LADIES' I5c TO 50t A PAIR HOSIERY PLAIN OR FANCY, CLOSING t OUT PRICE TOMORROW 2 pair for 25c DOLLS The swellest line of Dolls ever sen in Southern Oregon will be put on i ale here tomorrow at about one-half the regular prices. Over 300 Styles No Two Alike at lc to $8.50 Each Whether you want to buy or not, bring the children in and let them see the swellest line of dolls ever shown In Oregon. 1000 PAIRS MEN'S SAMPLE HOSIERY, 15c, 20c. 25c AND 35c A PAIR QUALITIES, NO TWO PAIRS ALIKE; BLACK OR FANCIES; CLOSING OUT PRICE 5 pairs for 25c 300 LINEN, COTTON AND TURKISH TOWELS, SAMPLES; CLOSING OUT PRICE JUST ABOUT ONE-HALF WHAT THE OTHER STORES ASK Do you want to make money? Do you want to save money? Do you want the biggest bargain yonevcr bought? Then don't miss the big sample sale that starts here tomorrow morning. This big salewill include handkerchiefs, hosiery, pocketbooks, purses, handbags, towels, bedspreads, men's and la dies' hosiery, combs of all descriptions and the swellest line of dolls ever seen in Southern Oregon. 1EOF0RB GR ATEST EVER TOMORROW AT 15, 25?, 35 AND 50 HOSIERY QUALITIES, SAMPLES, TWO PAIRS FOR 25 w 2000 PAIRS OF SAMPLE . ' HOSE, 1.V TO r,()c QUA LIT Y, TOMORROW TWO PAIRS FOR 25 (It ' ,