Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 24, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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The Man
From Home
A NoveBatlon of Km Play
of the Same Name
Capyrijht 1J09. by Antrittii Pru
HORACE turned on Pike. His
voice trembled with suppress
ed rage,
v "A -fine guardian, you are!"
tie sold wltherlngly. 'Ton came here
to protect her from something you
thought was rotten. Now we ail know
it's rotten you hand her over!"
The lad paused, and then he laughed
"By Jove," he exclaimed of a sud
den, "I shouldn't be surprised if you
consent to the settlement too!"
The lawyer looked at him gravely.
"My. son, I shouldn't be surprised If
I did."
"By the Lord, but you play a queer
game, Mr. Pike."
"Oh, I'm just crossing the Rubicon,
lour father used to say: If you're
going to cross the Rubicon, cross It
Don't wade out to the middle and
stand there. You only get h 11 from
both banks!' "
"I beg your pardon," said a voice
behind them, and they turned to find
Lady Creech. She went on, addressing
"Mr. Granger-Simpson, have you
seen my nephew?'
"No. I've rather avoided that, If
yoTr tlon't mind my saying so," Horace
replied. " v .
"I'm, sorry, Lady Creech," he went
on, "but I've bad a most awful shak
ing up, and I'm thinking of going back,
home with Mr. Pike. I. think he's
about right In his ideas. You know
we abused him, not only for himself,
but for his vulgar friend, yet bis vul
gar friend turned out to be a grand
duke, and look at what pur friends
Turned out to be',"
He stepped quickly to the entrance
jnd disappeared into the hotel. Al
jnerlfi's voice was beard as Lady
Creech lurried to go, and Pike smiled.
."Here lie comes now, bending under
the blow," he said,
"rAlmcric appeared with a white bull
pup, which he handed over to Mariano
with the remark:
. "Wash him a bit, old chap; tepid
water, you know, and a drop of milk
afterward nothing but milk, you
know. Be deuced careful. I say!"
As Mariano disappeared with the
. dog at arm's length Lady Creech said
"Almerlc. really there are more im
portant things, you know."
' "Rot!" replied the young man. "I
almost missed him. But I think I'm
to be congratulated, you know. Eh?"
"I think you are. my son." said Pike
quietly. "I have given my consent"
vuippln !" declared Almeric. Ana
Lady Creech started forward.
"And the settlement?" she asked.
Pike nodded.
"The settlement also everything!"
Ethel came from the side of the ter
race, followed by Horace, who seemed
to be arguing with her.
"Of course I never worried, you
know," said Almerlc. "But I fancy It
will be a weight oft the poor govern--ors
mind. . I'll wire him at Naples, for
he'll be glad to know about that bally
convict chap the arrangement . you
made with him, you know." '
"Almeric. I think it's noble to be
brave .in, trouble, but" Ethel began,
and Pike smiled behind his hand. Al
meric looked at her in astonishment
. "I say, you know,'ve really' got
me!" ,
"I mean that I admire you for your
pluck, for your seeming unconcern
tinder disgrace, but"
"Disgraced! Why, who's disgraced?
Not even the governor, as I see it!
Yon got that chap called off, didn't
"Whom do you mean?" she asked,
Wonderment in her voice.
"Why, that convict chap. Didn't
; you send him away? You bought him
off so he wouldn't talk, didn't you
gave him money not to bother us?"
She whirled on blm like a storm.
"Why, heaven pity you! Do you
think that?" she cried.
Almerlc was taken aback.
"Oh what! He wouldn't ngree?
Oh, I say, that will be a pill for the
governor he'll be worried, you know!"
Ethel went close to him.
"Don't you see that you've got to
worry n little about yourself; that
you've pot to begin to do something
.worthy that will obliterate this
slinme? To work to work!"
"What possible need will there be
for thnt? Why, there's the settle
ment" "Settlement!" cried Ethel, aghast
"You talk of settlement now?" .
"Don't you sec? The only objection
was the settlement, and Mr. Pike's
given his consent to thnt"
"He's couscnted to thnt?" she asked.
"With bis own lips. Didn't you?" Al
merlc asked Pike.
"I did," said the lawyer quietly.
She recoiled from the group.
"Yesterday, when 1 wanted some
thing I thought of value, ho refused to
let me buy it. Today, when I kuow
that naiuo is loss than nothing, ho bids
me give my fortune for it What man
ner of man is this?" -
Almeric slnpped his leg.
"I don't see that the situation Is
changed. I don't stick out for the pre
cise amount the governor said. If it
ought to bo less because of last night
why, 1 we won't baggie over a few
With a cry of rage and despair
Ethel turned on him.
"This is the final word of my humil
iation! I felt that you were in shame,
and because of thnt I was ready to
keep my word to stand by you aud
Examinations Will Be held in October
yours of ago, not moro than 40, of
!?""1 eluiructpr, toinporato, mid in
good physical condition uro eligible
In tuko this examination. Tlio milury
paid to beginners is ifiHIO a veur.
Api'lW'Niiln ciui soeuro infonniitiim
-iiiioiniiig the examination l'i'om tlio
district t'ortittttti lit I'ltHlitml Mi.
4a frill ifnAMHAnH I., r- i r . ' '
iu mi vauuiiucs in rwcsi ne- forest supervisors or tlio Unit
serve Circles Of State. Slates eivil syrviee commission. Wash
: uiton, ), C.
; ffp?
n J A
PORTLAND, Or., Aug. 24. An ex
amination to fill vacancies in tlio
ranger force on ull national forests
in district No. G will bu bold October
2i mid 20. From this examination it
is expected thnt 75 appointments will
be luado on national forests in tins
Tim examination will bo held at tlio
liondiunrtors of ouch national forest
in 'the district at the following places:
Ketchikan, Alaska; Eugono, Grants
Pass, Hoppncr, John Day, Lukovicw,
('. V. Garrison to C, A. Ham
lin, lots 5 aud (I, block tl,
lioss addition to Modford .
N'unu Mntncy to Jackson coun
ty Building & Loan associa
tion, lot (i, block 1), Medt'ord
John Knmoy to Nairn Matncy,
lot (i. block 0. Modford ...
A. S. Wells to Jackson Cotin-
ty Building & Loan nssooin-.
I tion, lot 4, block 0, Medford
Mnurico Roid to Jackson Coun-
ty Building & Loan associa
tion, lot 4, block 2, Tuttlo
First addition to Medford.. .
Medford, Prinovillo, Portland, Roso
burg, Sumnter and Wnllown, Or., ami
Bcllinghum, Chelan, Leuvonworth.
Newport, Olympia, Orting, Republic, ! M. Roid to Jackson Coun
Soattlo and Walla Walla, Wash. j ty Building & Loan nssocin
Wbilo tbo examination is entirely I '"") 1 block 1, Tuttlo's
alonir practical lines and tlio knowl-! First" addition to Medford
edge of field conditions rather than
book learning is considered essential,
the opportunities for those applicants
with educational advantages uro con
siderably increased. The rapid de
velopment of the national forests is
making continually increasing de
mands upon those engaged in their
management, and men with ability to
assume responsibility and serve in
supervisory capacities nro in demand.
These more responsible positions on
national forests are filled by promo
tion from lower grades, so that any
one entering ns n ranger is eligible
for promotion to any of the more re
sponsible and higher paid places, in
cluding that of forest supervisor.
Only those men who nro ut least 21
L. G. Porter to W. S. Wes
ton, lot 19, block 2. Fruit -diMo
hddit.on to Modford . .
S. G. Netherland to Jurcd Col
bert 'lots' 9, 10, 11 and 12,
block I. Talont
Andrew Honrn to Li E. Sims,
property in Phoeui.x
Andrew II. Fisher to L.. K.
Sims, pro)erty in Phoenix
All property owners constructing
wood or cement sidewalks should
have certificate of inspection pre
sented them before paying contrac
135 " City Engineer.
System of Water Supply
'WXtl"'J'"rTfff"-" 111 1
1 I I.I I ..
ptoviuej an uinoiulciy sale and mtislnc-
loty water service, equal to tliat
ottered by any city water worki.
An abundant supply ol water
always available and deliv
ered under strong prewure YjS anair.titmUtccl.pneu-
tluoughout the house, bam
or grounds.
r d
' sfc' with i r
uht.sirci, pneu
matic lank, called the
Kewanee Pneumatic Tank
is placed in tlio cellar. Water
' is pumped into this tank aud it
clivered to llie bxtuica by air
No Attic Tank
to Leak and Flood the House.
No Elevated Tank
to Freeze or Collapse.
100 per cent better service and will hut a
Over Nine Thousand Kowinea VJ
Outfits in Successful ffi
Also agents for White Steam
Cars and Fairbanks-Morse Gaso
line Pumping Outfits.
She tea playing "Sweet Genevieve!"
help you make yourself Into a man.
Now you ask me to pay you for the
privilege. I am released! I am free! I
am not that man's property to give
away!" j
Ladv (''.repeh turned ta Almenic.
"Xbts is beyond everything! Give me
your arm, Almeric. We will go."
"Most extraordinary girt. Beyond
everTtiSng, Isn't sher
Together they went into the hotel,
and Pike watched them with somber
eyes. Horace quietly slipped off
through the arbor. Ethel tnrned to
Pike violently.
"What have you to say to me?" she
demanded. "What explanations have
you to make?"
"Xone," he answered.
. "Because yon don't care what I think
of you. You were willing to glye me
up to these people, to let me romanti
cize about honor and duty, about my
efforts to make that creature a man,
and you knew all the time it was only
the money they were after!"
"I shouldn't wonder," ho replied.
"Didn't you know that' would hor
rify me? Didn't you see that your
consenting, leaving me free to give it
to them, would release me?"
"I shouldn't be surprised."
"You mean you've been saving me
again from myself? You let me make
a fool of myself and then show It to
me, and after that you'll deny it! It's
like yon. Do you think any girl could
love a man like that? Go back to
your dream girl, your lady of the pic
ture!" . .. . :
"She won't be there," said Daniel
disconsolately. .
, '.'She might be," Ethel ranswered in
a different tone. .
: "There ain't any chance of that. The
bouxe will be empty still," he said..
"You might be -nvrong for once,"
she replied, and there were tears la
her voice "just for once!"
With a quick look at blm she ran
from the terrace and into the hotel. A
moment later, while he was staring
moodily nt the pavement, a piano be
gan to tinkle, and a moment 'later
Ethel's voice came to blm. His face
lit up, and ' he stepped closer, to the
window. Then his arms'wetit out.
She was playing "Sweet Genevieve!"
E. A. Washburne & Son
Miles Block Medford, Oregon
Capital Punishmsnt In Germany.
Although little is heard outside Prus
sia of capital puiilHhuieut within the
kingdom, the law is by no ineans a
dead letter, in seven years there have
been ninety-eight executions, ten of
the condemned being women. Silesia
beads the list, with twenty-one exe
cutions, followed by Brandenburg, Po
sen and Hhinehind.
No executions tnke place In Berlin,
the condemned being taken to the pris
on at Ploetzeiisee. In Brandenburg,
where they huve n k tiding guillo
tine. London (ilobe. '
Swedenburg Block, ,
Here IS a year's Work for you. An earnest nnd enthusiastic young
man or woman can secure nn excellent course of business' training.
Splendid rooms in the Swedenburg block, individual instruction, increas
ed facultv. Everything up-to-date.
Enter September 6th and secure the best year's work of your life,
including our full course in gymnnsium work.
P. RITNER. A. M., President.
P. C. Hansen.
Tom Moffat.
We make any kind and style of windows. We carry I
glass of arly size on hand.
Medford Sash & Door Co.
State Depositary
Established. 1888...
r Capital and Surplus' $125,000
Beirarrsn $700j000
The Jackson County Bnnk respect
fully solicits your account, subject
to your check, with the strongest
guarantee of safety and efficiency.
We offer the highest attainment in
systematic banking service, which
assures the greatest care in every
financinl transaction, with this oMig
inc institution.
W. I. VAWTER, President.
G. R. LINDLEY, Cashier.
Why Not Be
Comfortable ?
and do away with that hot, stuffy
atmosphere In your store, office or
home. ''
Invest in & G. E. Fan
12-inch size $15.00; 16-inch sizat will last a lifetime with proper
care. Cost of operation only $20.00; 4 Bid. Ceiling $36.00.
and get the bestsomething the to tc per hour.
Successors to Condor Water. & Power Co.
J. E. ENYAItT, President
JOHN S. ORTII, Cashier.
W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier.
CAPITAL $50,000
SURPLUS $10,000
Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted.
We solicit youY patronage.
Something every business ,mn;i
wants the merchants' lunch at the
Nnsh grill each noon nn nlaborato
menu. Price 35 cents.
These hot daysf When you can get anything you desire in the lino
of BREAD, PIES or CAKE, in addition to everything usually found
hi a lirst-class DELICATESSEN.
Wetzel & Hodges, Proprietors.
Thejribune is Up-To-Date
You can bid defiance to the bent
by huving an electric fan put in po
sition. It doesn't cost very, much,
cither. If you huven't one, we can
fix you up i nn short time, at tho
lensl. expense. Wo're gonoral oloc
IriiiiiiiiH, and do all classes of work
in our lino in the most thorough
inimnnr. Jobbing skillfully and
promptly executed ut lowest charges.
Portnble lamps in oil varieties.
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