Tg MEDF0IlP DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFOIiD, OREO OX", TUE8DAY, ATJOU8T 21 1900. Minxm Lois ,11ml Delia Ivory uro Kii'iiiliii u low days in ColitHlin. Tun, coffee, ln-iir or claret, with dull lunch, III) cunli, ul tliil F.meriek A. It. Brown ul' AhIiIuihI wuh ii lu cent visitor in MiMlford. Judge K. E. Kolly, Jeff IluiirH und Dr. Wilson of Portland uponl Mimiluy fishing ul) 1 ho Rogno. Dn yon lilio crawfishT Tlio NhhIi drill Nerves them. Fresh' shipments iliiily from tlio fmnotiH Quelle enfo nt Portlund. V Rev. V. O. Kmiib of Wolf Crock, who held servicerf in Iho KirHt Bnp IIhI church Siimliiy, Iiiim left for Ii!h hoin J. A. WeNlorlund Iihh on display ut tint exhibit building Homo of thu Inrg iHt apples over seen iinywhuri, thu fruit of some of tlio young tree lit t It Western Oregon orchards. Order for iiweet cream or butter milk promptly filled. Phone the ureuncry. t A. Colvin of Vreka was "a recent visitor in Medford. .lohn 0. Ooro Tuesday shipped his seventh car of RiirtlcltH to eastern markets. Orohoslru mimic during dinner oneh evening nt the Xnsh Grill. Edgar K. Ilafer nnd Howard S. Dudley with n largo pnrty left today for mi online on Two-Hit crook near Mt. McLaughlin. Itartli'tt M-ar trees on tlio Buckeye riri'hard which V. (1. Estep expected to yield lour boxes to the tree, have already yichld 12, with pears htill to pink. Wo have two of those 10-nero tract left, onn mile from city on Ashland road, U-ycnr-old Irccs, first class hottotn land. Benson Investment company. 131 W. L. Orr Iioh purchased tlio pro duce stand of W. K. flood on River sido and Main streets. Vcrnn T. Cunon has l-ntiniicd from n vtKit to tlio Seattle fair. Mayor Canon and wife return Wednesday. When von ran own a homo for $1.10 why livo in other neoplo's houses f See Benson Investment Co. 131 Itciiiico Woods is ill with appendi citis and may have to undergo tin operation. Colonel rieoiuc l Minis of Tolo brought in u carload of fine melon h Tuesday. The Nash Grill is open day and flight tlio" 'iiilcjit fcervleo beiwceij Portland and San Francisco. ' Kiln Gannynw, public stenographer, room 4, Palm building. . Manuel Klai'iu, until recently of Yrcka, ('ul., is now located at thu Cndillae liar in W. M. Kennedy's, and is prepared to k.tvo genuine Mexican titinulcs, I'll C. (,'arey of Talent brought to Med- furd TueHilay eight potatoes that weighed 1 !)',' pounds, grown with out irrigation. They are on display at the Exhibit building. ( Most tinin to start up your heat ing plant. Look out for your insur ance nnd onll on Benson Investment eompany. 131 Mro. K. R. Secly and family re turned Monday evening from an ex tended out ink? in Newport. n ...... ...i.. :.. .... l.. II .Y"U IIIU JMII tll'MIU 1 III ll-lllll.-l to what yon eat for breakfast, you 'should net tlio habit of eating at the llonvre Cafe. Their hot wuffles and .maple syrup can't bo beat. Edward K. Kiddlo orrived Tuesday 'morning to' conduct the institution of tlio Crator Lnko chapter R. A. M. on TuADilnv AnAm You can got an good at tlio Xush urn i as vou can irei in mo uosi Bruin in mo cmes ni nnu me pnen. op- , eiiu muHio every evening. .' John Hardin, formerly u resident of ir ..ip .i ;.. i .i .. t . illUlllOlfl IS lClieWlll OKI llCfUHIII- . limeeH in this city, lie is now a resi dent of Portland. You'll meet your friend at, the box ball alloy. 0. W. Stevens of Aslnnd, who has been visiting for some days in Mod ford, has returned homo. A R'nnio everybody can play box ball. T. J. Carney and Will Duncan are spending u few weeks in Ashland. You'll like boxbiill. Try it. ' John Solius nnd fnniily nro back from a trip to Crater Lake.- Fresh crawfish received daily from the Quelle nt Portland at Iho Nash (hill. W. L. Cassidy has returned from a trip north. Weitd the new ad of the Ashland Commercial Colleno and witov Sep tember tlth. FOR SALE-AUGUST ONLY a summerTesort ON KLAMATH LAKE That Is Unsurpassed In America This is a sporting proposition for men of wealth it in not u farm. Uiiofpiallnd Trout Fishing June to November. Deer Huiiting on tlio preinmcs, August 1 to November 1. Duck Shooting superior to airy i'l tlio Htuto. over thousands of ucrcM of wild celery and rico, Keptomber 1 to February 1. Grouse and Phonsunt Shooting ou the place October 15 to Novem ber 15. Host starling place in tlio county for ii Hear hunt. Thu Crater Lnko Automobile road will run through the plnco for n inili) and n, quarter. Nuvignblo water to tlio proper ty, unHurpiiHHcd drinking water, and power to develop the prop orty. Moro bottom land 'and fine gar den laud than any plaeo on (bo lake. Thousands of Pino iind Fir tree and thousands of Quaking As jmuih. . More varieties of wild flowers and natural grasses and vetchel than any place in the county. If you dovclop thin property as ;t can bo developed, there is no resort in the county that en:i compare with it. No amount of talking will d-.--M-i'ihe it let us show you. We have been offered moro than twieu what it eoi-t, but have a prieo at which you may take il below which wo will keep it. J. G. PIERCE, W. T. SHIVE, Klamath Falls. Oregon. ??..?? ? r Why wear glusscs that . iro unbecoming when .( v.ypu enn.hnvo hem cor- t "eetly fitted by a spe-. eialist who studies the leeds of each individ ual, always proscrib ing lenses to relievo the iyes and mountings or frames to make the ap pearance correct. "Just ight" is the expression ipplicablo to glasses when fitted by me. Brief consultation free DR. IVY M. ROBINSON, Eyesight Specialist. Graduate McCoimick Neurolog ical College, Chicago. East Main stroot, .over Nicholson's Hardware, Medford." Mrs. John Butler and family have relumed from n camping trip to Itttt to Falls. , , Victor O. M'eCrny has returned from a short business trip into north ern California. You can get a meal to order at the Mash Grill any timu between (I o'clock in t ho morning nnd midnight. Open at all hours. Host, 25-eent dinner in town sorved evory day nt the Spot Cnfo. Mrs, Alice Sullivan, who has been visiting friends in Medl'ord for some lime, has Jofl. for Winnipeg, Can. Tea, eol'fo:), beer or claret, with club lunch, 30 cents, nt tho Emcriok Cnfo. Come To Town Early Saturday and Visit This Manufacturer's Sample Sale of Suits, Coats, Dresses, Etc. Sale Closes Saturday Night REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY YOUR SUITS AND WRAPS NOW. Every woman in Jackson county would atend this sale If we had some method whereby we could look Into each and every face and tell vou In a personal way Just what this sale means. It beolng Impossible for us to meet each one of you personally, we "take IMs method of teinna tZ !1aL.Whe h3Ve Bathered together one of the finest arrays of suits, dresses, coats, etc, that will be display 7au Si and we wish very much to show you what wonderful values we are offering and have the pleasure of demonstratina the fact that we are sav ing you from 25c to 50c on every dollar's worth you buy at this sale. - ' '!2iaLiI,e1!'llLWe Jairi?!"' 0,,er h"ndreds of oth- fecials which ought to appeal to every woman that is contemplating savina on the fall purchases, and they will appeal to you if you will but come and look. -u":'i""uj wving i J! VlilV Tntry a.n,d contemplate visiting Medford on show day, be sure and come to this store and make it your headquarters and lake time to look at the exceptional offerings. We feel very confident that you will see fit to buy a good many of the things which vou are going to need for fall when you- come and look at the bargains this store has prepared for you. Q y Sample Suits Hiht nt the beginning of the season we bring to tlio women of thin vicinity over one hundred and fifty Knits, all tho very latest New York models, nnd start a sample sale which will bo tho means of saving you a great deal of money on your full suit, and,, jnst think of the time you will have in which to wear il. Kach year n lot of people wait for sales of the last of tho season reductions. This season there will bo no need for anyone to wait you can buy a sample suit and get Iho very latest style and surely tho very best' workmanship and, last but not least, you can save from 25c to 50c on every dollar you spend. Sale price $7.50 all along to $37.50: worth from $12.50 to $00.00. New Waists We have been marking waists almost every day for the past week, and although all the waists you will see nt this sale will not be Samples, yet we will place evory waist in' the store on sale and you will have an' p portunity to purchase almost any kind of n waist at a big saving. Remember that we are showing you all new waists, and every one is not only the newest as to point of style, but you will find exceptionally fine work, and yet the prices will be surprisingly low. Waists worth from $-1.00 and clong up to lty0 to go, only dining this sale, for $3.25 and along up to $11.00. Umbrellas Just put yourself out n little bit and come around by tbit; store und have n look ot. the window of fine new Umbrellas. Every handlo is new and you will find that they uro fully three inches longer than cny umbrel la you ever saw before This isHho style for full und wo think every lady will appreciate having Rn umbrella that bus u handlo long enough to ki-cp it from touching her hat every time she takes a step. Now tho best part is to come one of tho big New York stores wus selling this identical umbrella ut a special sale nnd asking for them $.". They wero going liko hot cokes, so our Mr. Hutchason bought a lot und brought them out here, nnd to illustrate tho profits tourists to ttew York have to pay. wo are going to sell them to you for tho ridiculous price of only $3.49. k Sample Dresses Quite a goodly showing of the newest Dresses will be on sale and we very much de Rire that you should have a look at these dresses. You will see somethings that will appeal to you, and tho prices will appeal even stronger than anything else. If yon have ever read many of our advertisements yon have found that we never urge you to eome to bny, but we urge you to come nnd look. The new colorings are very pretty and the styles arc most becoming. Whether you desire a party, reception or street dress, we can supply you? Regular $20 to $50 dresses for the four days only for $14.50 and all along to $33.50. SAMPLE COATS Have you taken a look at the new Cats in our window? If Vou have seen the new coats of course you are anxious to know that the prices are going to be and we will be pleased to show Vou and tell jou the prices if yju will visit this, store before Saturday. If you are up on the tendencies of the-times, you will have found out that this is t) be a great coat year. A good Jiany people are going to affect the long coat and a separate dress, and wo think you can appreciate the fact that gtjj? now fs the time to get a coat. By buying now, at this sale, you not inly get the very best value, but you have longer to wear. '.. Sale prices range from $4.00 along to $40.00 and are worth from $5.00 along up to $00.00. Bedding Early in the season wc get our Bedding in and put it away before the fall rush begins, so it will bo out of the way when the other goods ar rive. Our stock of bedding this sen son is about three times as lurgo an last season nnd we feel that we have bought, this bedding so close that we can offer our customers tho best val ues ever. offered anywhere. We can't do this another season if tho high prices on cotton goods still hold, and the' ientlencics seem to be that way. We invite all who contemplate the purchase of bedding to come here and. look the stock over and sco for your self just how low the prices really are. THE HUTCHASON COMPANY Successor to Baker Hutchason Co. Medford, Oregon, Central Avenue Just ncrth of Jackson County Bank E. I.). Smith is back from a short business trip to Grants Pass 4ea, cotto-2, beer or claret, with club lunch, 30 cents, at tho Emeriek Cafe. ! Miss Marie Mills is visiting in Cen tral Point. Good Early Crawford peaches at MeLellan's city ranch, East Med ford. S. J. Day of Jacksonville spent Monday in Medford on business. Apprentice girls wanted at Bar nard & Connnyer's millinery par lors. 139 HOTEL ARRIVALS. UNFAVORABLE WEATHER . FOR VALLEY HOP CROP SAI-EM, Or., Aug. 21. A traco of rain last night in this section of the valley followed by a hot, sultry day, makes a combination of conditions anything but favorable to tho grow ing hop crop, flio oool nights, nnd mornings followed by warm sunshine later in the day have the effect of steaming the hops and killing the ver min in the burrs, and, if very much extremely hot weather is experienced between now and harvest time ninny of the yards will have turned black nnd a large percentage of them will not. be picked. A local dealer wired his fir mlhis morning stating that the (juantity nnd quality of the Oregon crop hang in the bnlmice, iftid it is im possible to predict tho outcome. At the Nash C. V. Bowman, 1). S. A, Bremer, J. C. Curfrie, C. V. States, W. P. Smith, B. E. Maling, S. P. Maekem, Cnptam Brang, W. C. Smith, Jr.. Ed E. Kiddle, Portland: J. K. Lloyd, Los Angeles ; J. A. Smith, Sacramento; D. P. Murphv, San rrancisco; T. L. Mulhem, Sacramen to; C.-F. Rednnll, San Francisco. At the Moore Alex A. Bridge, Grand Forks; W. II. Lewis, Los An geles; N. Jones und wife, Boswell; W. J. Barker and wife, A. Soott, Salem; H. O. Wilkenson, Portland; Benpnmin Mt Carty, ; Pearl Mnlkev, Santa. .Ro sa; II. C. Blacken, h. W. Kinney, II. G. lTtley, Portland; II. K. Bush, Coram; Mrs. J. F. Root, Minneapolis; Mrs. B. T. Rollins, Minneapolis; Mrs. Hen ry II. Fitch, Chester Fitch. Utien; A. L. Raught, Portland; A. A. Su- bers, Donaldsvillc. HEADQUARTERS FOR Harness Saddles Whips Robes Tents Blankets Wagon Sheets Axle Grease and Gall Cure ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM WORK J. C. Smith . . 314 E. Main Wo an Orowum nny dim t from ua NO AGENTS Our Tww iir grown fltrlotty WITHOUT IRRIGATION Writ for free rntalon. Lftroo atopic of vnrintUflUltMliltfori'oinaHri'iitlorcl!Artl Choice Frail, Nut imj OrnimonUI Trei, Grip L'!. C.ll C...1, C).nl. Ck...hl...u Tiiie Dai. r. km NnitMKiiiKa I MftinOIBce, arand Ave,Portlil,On. A fresh sbipmcnt'of tea direct from tho orient, at the Southern Oregon Tea nnd Coffee Co., 30 S. Grnpc St. Phone 3303. Ten, coffee, beer or claret, with club lunch. 30 cents, at the Kmcrick Cafe. NOTICE TO CONTHACTOIiS. Notice is hereby given that the city council of the city of Medford, Ore gon, will receive sealed proposals for the construction of lateral sewers as follows, to-wit: A (i-ineh laleral sewer along Riv erside avenue a distance of 450 feet. An 8-inch lali ral sewer along Rose avenue a distance of'000 feet. An 8-inch lateral sewer along North Oakdale avenue from Hamilton to 'Third street. A li-iiieh lateral sewer, iilong Sum mit avenue a distance of liOO lent A b'-illell lateral seivee ntmin- v. , Third street from North Oakdalo ave nue 10 jiony street. A 6-inch lateral sewer alon n.mi- ilton street from west end of street to North, Oakdale avenue. A G-ineh lateral sewer :ilou- nll,.v through block 25. A fi-inch lateral sower ulnm- nll,- I hot ween d'An.jou street and Central iivoime Jrom Kighth street in street. A b'-inch lateral sew '- o-. migo street between Kiuln :. I Tenth street. All bids must he filed Willi the ehv recorder on or before I :M0 n. . Seii lember 7. !)0!). and :i t i p,u i l,v :i eertitiod cheek p.'vnMe . tl... treasurer of saiit ,.;v e n-.l t,, per cent of Hie contract i.iiee: check to be forfeited In i;- ' ' -'lord ease the sucec-l'ii bidder I'nil.i to enter into cnnl rnel C'liii- Iraclof to I'limNi nil labor and mntn- nnls necessary to complete said sew ers. 1 Inns and specifications mny be had for said improvement by call ing at or 'addressing the city engin eer s office. Done bv order of the eilv f the city of .Medl'ord. Orotron. this 'SM day of August, 1000. WOTIT. W. TKLFElt. City Recorder.' M... i-i..i.wi..t',AM)..,,.