THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MED FORD. OREOON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1009. WASHINGTON FEARS CUBAN JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. American ..Business Causing Trouble and Revo Lution Seems Near Mis. John Marsh lott rveentlv --r a three weeks' visit to lier old hoint' nt Kureka, t'al. Mr. Ouit was in from the Von iler Holloa place near Wellen one day last week. Aggression, Miss Mnrv itter ,i,.,iy e.innt.v j recorder, left for Portland ami Seal tie Saturday ou her vacation. Judge J. U. Xeil is at Portland at present on n business and pleasure trip combined. Washington, Au.'24. Grave ap- j prhension coiiceniing the. Cuban sit - j untion is felt at the state department. New Cases. Kliza J. Lewis vs. C. W. Palm ct No efforts arc made to conceal a be- partition suit. O. C. IJogS15, nt lief that a crisis is fast approaching, tomey for plaintiff. Indirect information from official S. J. Majors vstl Joseph T. Gag- ,11011. et a!.,; action to recover uion- RAILROADS PREDICTED Already Nearly as Busy as in Rush Months of 1907, Reports Chairman Knapp sources is indignanat because Pres ident Gouiaz is absent ou a continued jjj-j vacation ut a time when a revolution may occur. It is also- niidcretood that this sentiment was not hidden from Minister Yelen, of Cuba, when be called upon the president at Rcv erly to discuss (he situation with him. Some of the most cautious obser vers cxect ail outbreak before the end of the year and would not be sur prised they say if it eoines soon. Of one thinir Washington is certain that the nnintehtnted administration of President Gomez, until the expira ation of his term, is a futile hope. The hatred of the opposing factions for each other is intense. The situ ation is made more difficult of solu tion, because no one can count the actual number of these factions. - Cuban manufacturing and produc ing interests are apprehensive and though the Cuban Legation have called upon the American Govern ment for active suiervision. It alsa transpires that certain American business interests have gradually entered a financial wedge in the is land. . The people expect the controlling interests to be in American hands within two years. Gomez is known to' be an advocate of "Cuba' for Cubans" and hustle to all for eigners. The supremacy of Amer ican financial interest in the island ey. 0. C. Boggs, attorney for plain- Marriage Licenses. Hubert J. Garvin nnd Mary J. Uyne. MARRIED. GAUVIX-KYNK In Jacksonville, on August 20, by Henry Pox, J. P.. Robert J. Garvin and Mary J. ltyne. McCLELLAX-SAILOHS lu Jack sonville, on August 20, by Henry Pox. J. P.. Clirtllic Mcl'lellun and Zella Sailors. MERSFELPEU - CHEVALIER In Jacksonville, on August 19, by Henry Pox, J. P.. William Mersfelder and Isabel M. Chevalier. Diarrhoea. For a quick cure without any un necessary loss of time take Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Piar rhoca Remedy. One or two doses i3 sufficient to effect a cure in any or dinary case. It can always be de pended upon and is equally efficient for children and adults. For sale b.v Leon B. Ilaskins' Pharmacy. MEPFORP, Or., Aug; 5, 1909 Hall's Texas Wonder, of St. Louis, cured my daughter of a severe kidney and bladder trouble ofter doctor? failed to give any relief, and I can clipprfnllv it. TTr3 T. T.. iti s conceded in Washington, would , WUson 135 Bartlett st. Sold by meun the certain downfall Gomez administration. of the Haskins' Prug Store. WANTED i mber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON - TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. ' 8. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs WASHINGTON', Aug. 24. A beav- icr business than has ever been known in a single year is looked for by Chairman Knapp of the Inter state Commerce Commission for American railroads during the pres ent fiscal year, decoding to a state ment he made today. The fear is not only of Judgo T ' I... . . - i'iV , i" 1 1 f?r.ipp uui ui oilier uiuciais oi me. commission and operating railroad! men generally is that thcro may be shortage of cars. The crop pros pects are considered so bright that the likelihood is thai railroads and other trausportrtion companies will be taxed beyond their capacity to handlce the freight offered them. Already according lo the figures .submitted to the Interstate Commerce Cnnimisiou, the railroads in consider able number have recovered from their poor business of a year and a half ago nnd now are. hmullhij; as much traffic as in Mis rush months of 190", which was ths banner year in Americar. railroading. In the view of Chairman Knapp the carriers are now in a better )ositiou to handle the fricght offered in 1907, inn) lie kuiil todnv that it would not tsnrpt'ise him if that year's record were broken this year. "The railroads learned a good les son inltl07," said Cliairmiiu Kniipp. Then they wcix absolutely unable to handle the traffic, that was offered lo them. Sine (hal time they have mlili'il mntili:llv In their iiiiliililluMil. .- - have improved I heir roadli 'ds and in every respect have increased tlieir facilities. I do not doubt thai this year will be a red letter period for Ihem and for the country. A Snap Eight Room Furnished Modern Bungalow Price $3800 Lots 50 x 100; Within three blocks of the West school, three doors from Main street. Inquire C. F. Cusick Rooms 133 West Main Medford - Oregon The Best Meal In Medford is to be had At The Star Restaurant AUwhite help. Home cooking, Eoom and board $5.00 a week. Give us a trial and be convinced. MRS. W. E. GOODE Prop. 322 E7th St. RESOLVED The best resolution for yon to make is to come to us for your next suit, if yo,i want something out of the ordinary. We do the best work and charge the lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT THE PaOOEfcSSTVE TAILOB Mm 7 "For you particular customers who demand the best groceries, we recommend Folders Golden Gate Coffee." It is so good we cannot obtain a better eoffqc not if we paid $1 a pound for it. Everything altout Folder's Golden Cue Coffee is perfect, and we sell it with the ositie guarantee tlut it will please you. Allen & Reagan GROCEi.JES, CHINAWARE, FRUIT AND FEED. Rest - Romp - Recuperate At the Seashore Newport -Is a delightful resort and a happy combination of pleasure ground possibilities. An ideal climate, diversion of recreationperfect bathing boating--fishing riding driving, and exploring, make New port a most chanting and popular play ground. Southern Pacific Has ji SPECiAL SUMMER EXCURSION RATE TO NEWPORT OF $10.00 from Medford Ask for our booklet "Outings in Oregon." A. S. ROSEN.UA UM, Agent. Med ford". WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. ou: AND SUR fYou can shoot it 5 times "quick as you can think." You pull and release the the trigger for each shot The recoil does the re&. No. 4 Remington Auto-Loading Rifle Twenty-two-inch barrel only, straight grip, plain walnut stock,' shotgun butt plate, blue finish, five-shot, take-down; weight 7 3-4 pounds. , j Fast shooting, hard hitting, large 'nough for any game ; chambered for imokelesH shells. 35, IJO-Mand 1)2 Remington auto-loading Pi " It is wonderfully accurate, too, and where you hit your game it is yours, because every shot is cmial to a ton blow. Medford Hardware Go