8 THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MED FORI), OREGON, MONDAY. AUGUST 23. 100!). n Tuesday's Specials 25 dozen blue and fancy Drinted Japanese Tea Cups and Saucers ; full size ; perfect goods ; per set of G, . $1.25 Each 10 dozen fancy printed Japanese Cups and Sau cers: closing out price, per set-of 6, 75c Set Japanese fibre Bread Baskets, Japanese Straw Mats, for the table, 5c and 10c each. Japanese "Wood splash mats, 15c, two for 25c. 10 dozen full 5-pint 3Iilk Crocks, 20c in any other store ; here tomorrow, , . 10 ceuts each Lace Edge Shelf Paper, closing out price. 200 sheets lc each; 100 sheets, 2 for 5c; 500 sheets, 5 for 5c each. All colors. Table Oil Cloth, full width, good pattern, best qual ity, 25c yard. jjU U, , t CHINA AND JAPAW HAVE .'jAtaridiiiR. C'luna agrees, to afford Jii- - REACHED AN AGREEMENT; pan every assistance in the recon- ' .striietion of the Antiing-Mukden rajl- - TOKJO. Aug. 21. Tlie raemoran-! road and withdraws all her objee- dum signed at Mukden by represen- tions. tutives of the Japanese and Chinese ; governments, virtually closes the ; Tea, eoffoa, beer or claret, with Japunose-Chiiiet-e controversy. Ac-. club lunch, 30 coots, at the Emcriek eordhi. to the tunas of this under- Cafc.: ' " ' , " THE PORTLAND FAIR AND , LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION The primary object in organizing the Portland Fair and Live stock cx M)sition was to foster and udvuuce the livestock interests of Oregon und also of the northwest. With this ob ject in view the business men of Ore gon pit together and formed such an organization.. Among the promoter- aiv Portland's and Oregon's tul prominent bankers, wholesale and re tain! merchants. Through their un tiring efforts Portland has one of the best equipped fair plants on the Pacific coast. Two hundred thousand dollars wero spent in securing this plant and today it is the talk of the Pacific eoast. The race track is a regulation mile track, laid out mid built on the best plans obtainable. It is considered the fastest track on the coast and this wos demonstrated last year when Kay O'Light paced to the coast's 3-year-old record of 2:08Vi- The grandstand is situated on the north side of the grounds and from it one of the finest panoramic views in Oregon inny be seen. Almost ev ery part of the entire grounds is vis isble from the grandstand and an un eiiialed view of the races muy he seen from it. ltarus for horses, cattle, sheep and sttino have been built and each is ar ranged for its special purpose. The barns are large and roomy and pres ent nice appearance and exhibitors who were at tho fair last year sjwuk very highly of the accommodations. The business men and 'citizens of Portland feel justly proud of the fJOO.OOO plant and all Oregon should turn out and support this fair, which will be held September 20-25; and a banner crowd is expected. Fresh crawfish received daily Itom tho Quelle at Portland at the Kasli Grill. - Iteud the new ad of the Ashland Commercial College and' enter Sep tember lith. ' Barnyard Conferences. An nouncement Manufactures' Sample Sale of Suits, Etc. Begins Wednesday morning Closes Saturday uight Our Mr. Hutchason, while in New York contracted for an Immense shipment of manufacturers' sample Suits, Waists, Dresses, etc., and from Wednesday until Saturday you can purchase these newest and best garments (newest as to point of workmanship) for prices that will average a saving to you of from 25c to 50c on every dollar spent. We nvite you to come and look. SAVE RIGHT AT THE START OF THE SEASON. The Hutchason Co. Successors to BAKER-HUTCHASON COMPANY A Reasonable Argument. First Iiooxtcr What ilid you say wncu she threatened her mother? ' Second Rooster I just gave her the laugti. You know sue was raised in an inr;nbntor. Philadelphia: Press. . Sdvoy Theatre TONIGHT AND TUESDAY OH THOSE BISCUITS " . THE KING'S FOOL ' t fiaflg THE FADED LILIES "0 WAITS NO DELAYS COOL, COMFORTABLE ONE DIME HOTEL ARRIVALS. Attendant Sir, you know very well j tli;it doipt are noL admitted here. Visitor -He Isn't my clog. Atteiidiiut- ISM, It followed you lu. .Visitor Well, xii did you. At the Nash - II. Forbes, Italic; ). T. Wolfe, Touopah; F. M. Hiving, , f. W. Spillman, ('. C. Need. Lincoln; f. If. liaam. city. ('. F. Ilafliaway, S. B. I.uthermnn, F. T. Oriffith, Port land; W. A. Gentrv. Thuln: H. V. Orchestra music duriiiK dinner each Voight, Los Angeles; Airs. II. II. evening at the Nash Grill. . I Fitch, C. Fitch, Ulica; W. li. Dyer and wie. Hood Ifiver; A. McIajuii, C'hicngo; W. II. Lyons, Portland; O. II. Itontwcll and wife. Ilcst 25-cent dinner in town eorved e.vary day at the Spot Cnfc. . .Mrs. I). T. Lawtnii has returned front a trip to Newport. A Full Car of Absolutely Fresh HARD WALL PLASTER This is the best quality of hair fibered hard wall plaster on the market. We also have a broken lot of surfaced common 1x12 at a bargain if taken at once,-