TITE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, AUflUST 23, 1909, 8 h Hoys' clothing lit Van Dyke's. XI ! mill Mm. W. W. Kt'iiiuiilv have returned from n vixit of a week in Nowwrt. You'll liko boxbull. Try it. Oyosi Oyost Oyos; Walk p I Walk up I Walk up! Tlio Wigwam. Tuesday night. OriM Crawford Hpont Sunday with btrt family in Gold Hill. Tho lltmxon Investment company ran nciiro for you: 10 pr eont in terest on your money. Absolute ho-( eurity. Amount from 100 to $25.00. Mrs. M. K. Yookoy in spending tho week with MrH. Hurry L. Young near Hrownnhoro. A game everybody can play box hall. t. it 1 utuuit Kiitiilnv fishing on Ungmi river. He rcort8 splendid luek, bringing bark, a fino cntch. You'll meet your friend nt tho box ball alloy. Most tiuii" to Btart up r h,'ai' ing plant. Look out for your insur nnoo and dill on Benson Investment company. J'' Mrs. C. K. Welch and Miss Mildred j havii left for Portland after vwiimil a few days with Mr. and Mm. V. W. Hollis of this city. Klla Ciiiiinynw, public stenographer, room 4, I'ahn building. K. H. Wnketnan in visiting hi son, T,. K. Wnkemnn, of this nily. When vou can own a homo for l.r0 why live in other people's houses J See Benson Investment Co. M34 County Commissioner Owens whb a recent visitor in Modford. K. B. Kent in in Grants Past on a hort business trip. Wp have two of those 10-norc Ira'cls'loft. "one milo from eity on Ashland road. '..'-year-old trees, first rims bottom land, Benson Investment 11,1 eompnny. ,'t Edgar S. llnfer has relumed fron n business trip to rorllund. Fred J. Blnkoloy it in Modford ot a short business trip. New fall stylos in young men's clothing nt Van Dyke's. W. A. Wyckoff of Table Hock was i n reecnl Med ford visitor. Tea, eoffee, beer or ehtmt, with club lunch, :10 cents, nt the hmcncK Cafe. A frohh shipment of ton direct from Ibo. orient nt the Southern Oregon Tea and Coffee Co.', 30 S. Ornpe St. Phono 3303. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Cox have left for a month in Klnmnth enmity, trav eling by way of Crater Lnko in nn auto. Want a blngnlow? See C. F. Cu siek's nd. 132 Another shipment of fish -nt tho Uopuo River Fish Co. Cash paid for chickens. Loon P. lraskins left Suturduy for the Seattle exposition. Seo the Southern Oregon Tea Co, for spices, both wholo and ground, for pickling. . liov. Charles Mncklin. S. .T., from Spokane, bus been stationed nt Ash land nnd will shortly arrive lo tnke charge of the parish. Now pnlterns now being shown in boys' and youths' clothing nt Van Dyke's. P. .,,, T. .Tnioiinirti of Mnvview', Mo., a eousin of Mrs. TT. C. dimwit, has arrived to visit his relatives who are trying to indue Jiim to remain. Personal Arabella: Ho suro and be ready lo go to tho Wigwam Tiioh day night. DanciiiK. K. H. V. P. Hill. Ton, eoffii, beer or claret, with club lunch, 30 cents, nt tlio Kmoriok Cafe. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Kennedy and Mrs. Arlio Rupp of Talent lutvn re turned from u two weeks' visit at Newport. There is no place like home, but the Louvre eafo cooking is bo near Iho kind mother used to do that you'll forget your troubles, especially If von urn oatinir Homo of their i'u- iiioim hot wafLoH nnd innplo syrup for breakfast. . .. 1 Good Karlv Crawford peiicheB lit McLellan'H city ranch, Kust Mcd ford. ' W,.a (liciMi. Ili'it Anderson and friends havo returned from nn nuto trip to Crater Lnko. 'Nin Iti'iiHon Investment Co. have purchased tho Dr. Anderson place of 140 acres, wliu-h joins inn Mias, -iui ranch and I'lnpps oreharu. Ilf. nnd Mrs. C. It. liav are enjoy ittfr llin HiifhtH of the Seattle fair. They are jpiests oMho Hotel havoy. Kail styles in dress shoes at Van Dyke's. HV.. Woolf of the firm of Mordolf and Woolf has returned from an ex tended eastern (rip. Ho stopped in Kansas City. St. Paul ami helium. Among th Oirli. 1 m.'dm. .." I Mm IWr J.... . -"V- -Zr l tcJ 10 DlNKiisleil Kutlieriiiiili Hay, kid, did you ever lienr of uny one cutelilng nythliiK In this blamed pouil? YouuN(er-Oli, yes, sir. Uncle Jobn Henry fell In here lust winter and eatiKlit n very bud cold I Kt. Ixiuls Pvut-nisimtcli. A Plac of Rtfug. (aid only I7 for the bat, mam ma." "Ixair inc! What an awfully extrav agant rlilld you are! I've seen tbo some thing for $lC.08r' St. Louis ront-t)lsiaU'b. On 8ilvr Lakta. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. I). G. Tracy to James Lowe. 6 acres inDLC 30, town ship 30, range 1 K W. T. Wudo to Krnest M. Welch, N E 4 of 8 W section 30, township 38, range 2 K Josephine Benson to E. W. Wakefield, property in Park addition to Medford A. P. Harrow to V. D. Harris, lot 4, block 8, Ross addition to Medford , . . . L. O. Porter to J. A. Lyon, release of bond for deed. . . A. A. Davis to George D. Saltman, 99.80 acres m sec tion 34, township 37, range 1 W , United States to M. D. Childors, 40 acres in section 20, town ' ship, 34, , range 2 W ......patent W. J. Furnish to Hazel D. Du- puis, N W V of 8 E Vi sec tion 16, and lot 3, section -10, township 34, range 1 W 1 Otis It. Arnold to ft P. Mar shall, NWi4ofSE 14 sec tion 10, and lot 3, .section 16, township 34, range 1 W The dog Is the friend of man. Tele Mele. GIANTS TO GUARD TAFT IN TEXAS 1 EL PASO, Tex., Aug. 23. When President Tnft arrive in El Paso he will bo placed under the. protection of one of tho lnrgcst guards yet coin the smallest number of men ever assigned to such a duty. WAXTElV-Cirl for general house work in family of three. Write l . Pox 087. The A B C of Advertising A dvertislng ttracts , Mention B rightens ackward usiness C atches isculatmg oin ' "Ah, darling, say that you will drift dowo ike stream of life with me In my little canoe!" . 'Make It a strum yacht, dear, and I'll nay yen!" St. Iouls Post-Dispatch. Down and Out. 10 10 100 FOR SALE AUGUST ONLY A S U M M ErFrESO RT ON KLAMATH LAKE That is Unsurpassed In America 825 - Marriage Licenses. . Challio MeClellan and Zella Sail- ' Ho-I guess I have lost the case. She-Is thai o? Has your lawyer exbnniitod all the means at bis dl- posnl? He-No, but be has exhausted all the means at my disposal. Baltimore Anxricau. A burning barrel of tar on a flat ear in the local yards Monday noon caused considerable excitement for a few moment.?. No damage. HEADQUARTERS FOR Harness Saddles Whips Robes Tents Blankets Wagon Sheets Axle Grease and Gall Cure ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM WORK J. C. Smitb 314 E. Main This is a sporting proposition for men of wealth it is not a fnrm. Unequalled Trout Fishing' Juno to November. Deer Hunting on the premises, August 1 to November 1. Duck Shooting sniicrior to any in the state, over thousands of acres of wild celery and rice, September 1 to February 1. Grouse and Pheasant Shooting ou the place October 15 to Novem ber 15. Best starting place in the. cou.ity for a Bear hunt. .: The Crater Lake Automobile road will run through tho place for a mile and a quarter. Navigable water to the proper ty, unsurpassed drinking water, and power to develop the prop erty. . ' More bottom land and fine gar den land than any place oa tho lake. Thousands of Pine and Fir trees and thousands of Quaking As pens. More varieties of wild flowers . and natural grasses and vetche3 tbnn any place in the county. If you develop this property as it can be developed, there is no resort in the county that can compare with it. No amount of talking will de scribe it let us show you. We have been offered more than twice what it cost, but have a price at which you may take it below which we will keep it. J. G. PIERCE, W. T. SHIVE, ' Klamath Falls. Oregon. Apprentice girls wanted at Bar nard & Connayer3 millinery par lors. 139 Tea, coffee, beer or claret, with club lunch, 30 cents, at tho Emcrick Cafe. JWEfffHIGf TEN REASONS W Y You Should Be a Header of The Paci fic Monthly 1st. It is the leading magazine of Western America, publish ed on ,the Pacific eoast edited by western men and its entire contents nre Western. Writh pen, brush and camera, it tells the story of the wonderful progress of the WTest. 2nd. No other section of the entire world is experiencing such a rapid industrial and commercial growth as that section of the United States west of the rockie s. It is a duty you owe to your self to keep informed The Paeifi c Monthly con.yletely covers the field. 3rd. There are opportunities for the extension of practically every line of business in this territory, and The Pacific Monthly tells of these opportunities. 4th. If you are looking for a chance to invest or locate commerce, farming, orcharding or professional work, if yon ure worn, tired or in ill health, seeking rest or reasonable, The laeifiu Monthly will give you a thousand valuable hints. 5lh. Here also you ean get close to nature. The great snow capped monntains, in all 'their rugged grandeur, the boundless plains and the virgin forests, "God's Country." untarnished by the hand of man. Do you not wish to spend a few hours each' month with ust. " 0th. The best of western literature to be found in the Pacific Monthly. Live topics of THE DAY, stories of progress and of opportunities, the Romance of the mountains nnd the plains, al ways intensely human. '. ' ' 7th. One never tires of beautiful pictures and the ' Pacific Monthly is famous for its illustrations, always a veritable picture book of Western scenery, from Mexico lo Alaska and from Denver to the const. No expense is spared in securing the most st.iking photos for reproduction in colors and halftones. Sth.The Pacific Monthly should be in every home. From cover to cover it is clean wholesome reading of an educational n:ii It is particularly interesting nnd valuable both to teacher and students. Oth. Look upon your map, note the great area west of the Rockies, think of the wonderful recourses of this section of tlm country thousands of acres of agriculture land.hillions of feet of standiiiL' timber, mineral riches beyond comprehension, extrud ing to the shores of the mighty Pacific, the highway In the Orient Po you not want to know more about this tnnrvelouo nvint'-v. lOlh. A spirit of optimism prevails throughout toe oi ilmt lends life and vigor to nil. That is why the Pacific Monthly is different. It comes to yon each month hreuthiiur this spmi of tiio west. It will put the red blood into your veins try it. Sample eop'.es nt tho Tribune office where subscriptions can be left. MEDFOUD DAILY TRIBUNE FOR THREE THE PACIFIC MONTTILY ONE YEAR BOTH FOR . . MONTHS $1.50. $1.50 ... ... ' $2.00