THE MEDFOBD DAILY TRUUME. MEDFORD, OREflON. MONDAY, AUGUST 23, 1909 Medford daily Tribune Official Paper f the City of Medford. Published every! evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY George Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postof fice at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : ) month by mail or carrier.... fO.60 One year by mail $5.00 4- ' TODAY'S WEATHER PREDICTION. , ' r Clear today and tomorrow.! Warmer. ' A rare and salubrious climate soil ! of remarkable fertility beautiful scenery mountains; stored -with., coal, copper and, gold extensive forests streams 6tdcked with speckled beauties game in abundance a contented, progressive people such is the . Rogue River Valley. j 1 " Average mean temperature, .i 55 degrees Average yearly precipitation ;, 21 inohcs SHAME ON THE KNOCKER. To hit a man on the head with a hammer is a strange way to weljjpme him and' induce him to spend money in developing a locality, but it is the way the Medford Mail has greeted John R. Allen of New York City, who. recent ly bought the Pacific & pastern -railroad.' If the Pacific & Eastern is built, it Avill be through the efforts of Mr. Allen. Previous attempts to reorganize and construct the railroad have ended in sad muddles. From Mr. Allen all expect much. It is to the interests of Medford and the Rogue River valley that the railroad be built, and every possible en couragement should be extended the man who has put up his own money for the extension, and has tackled a difficult problem in finance. .' The proposed extension of the Pacific & Eastern in volves an expenditure of several million dollars. United co-operation and good will is the spirit that induces capi talists to make such investments. Mr. Allen will find that this spirit really prevails in Medford and that eveiything possible will be done t'o'aid him. Medford is thoroughly ashamed of the lack of courtesy, lack of breeding, lack of common sense shown by; the Morning Mail. Shame on the knocker. Knocking never built up a community, but has ruined many. If the Mail cannot be ordinarily decent in its treat ment of investors and visitors, for the good of the commu nity, it should be suppressed," lest; its' knocking drive out men and money essential to its future growth and welfare. , :i GREAT MAN ON A GREAT SUBJECT. Town Booming Helps VI. How Is Your Froni 7 A frontleu man Is an "also ran," 'v- Bat the man with the, front, lie gets there! The author of this poem it unknown. He wasn't strong on Tersification, but he was long on horse seme. He knew that the winners in life are THE ONES THAT PUT UP THE BEST FRONT. It's just the same with a town. IT MUST HAVE A FRONT. Every body living in it or doing business in it should boost at all timet and in every place. . One of the best ways to booit is to - boom your own busineu bv EVERY KIND OF ADVERTISING GOLD HILL ITEMS. nt THAT IS PROFITABLE. Other neo- pie will realize that you are livintr m a uve town ana move in. We are doing what we can to put up a front for our town. Lend o hand, or, better still, let us help yon do it. The right kind of stationery will help your business front and the front of the town. DON'T BE AN "ALSO RAN" in your business. Don't let your town be classed "araone those ' men. tioned." When a new-business or the opening of a new factory is un der discussion get np to the front. Arranging and repairing business ironts is our specialty i . JlOW IS YOUR FRONT f The attitude of the great men "of Oregon towards the Crater Lake highway appropriation is in sharp contrast with that of the liliputian mossbaeks who have invoked the aid of the courts to block the construction of the road. Almost without exception, the leading men of the state favor the appropriation and deplore .the action of the Silu rians of Salem. The latest to express himself upon the topic is Arch bishop Christie, head of the Roman Catholic church in Oregon. His opinion as published in the Oregon Journal is the opinion of most far-sighted men. The archbishop says: . V " "No wonder the Indians of Oregon wove beautiful and fantastic legends about Crater Lake, for it is wonderful enough to awake the imagination of even a savage's mind. "I a mvery sorry that the $100,000 provided by the leg islature for the construction of the Crater Lake' road has been held up in the courts. In my mind the completion of that road would he a most powerful advertisement for the state. Crater Lake is one of the great wonders of nature. The surrounding country is wonderful and sublime. I was only there for a few hours in the earlv morning, but the short glimpse I had, with the sun just rising across the lake, is something I will never forget. If a road were con structed from Medford it would be a great thing for Ore gon." The archbishop is also enthusiastic over Medford and its prospects. Continuing, he states : "I am convinced that Oregon is to be one of the great-! est states ni tlie Union. I believe that Medford will he a great city in the f uture It has a wonderful country around it, a district of fjreat fertility, vast resources and beautiful climate. I believe it has a great future. "The world knows but little of Oregon, of its varied resources, of its vast reaches of timber and rich land await ing development. My trip has opened my eyes as they! have never been opened. I believe Oregon 'is to be a great state of many people, large cities and continued prosper- ? ? p ? ? Why wear glasses that are unbecoming when '"' yon fan have them cor 'ectly fitted by a spe cinlist who studios the lecds of each individ ual, always prescrib ing lenses to relieve the ayes and mountings or frames to make the ap Pcnranue correct. "Just igiit" is tlie expression )plicah)c to glasses ivhen fittod by me. Brief consultation free DR. IVY M. ROBINSON, Eyesight Specialist. Orailiinto MoCorniiek Nouroloo--icul College, Chinngo. Knt ' Main street, over Nicholson's -Hardware, Medford. (Tho News.) Miss Edith Jennings wi Grants Puss Thursday. , Mrs. Oris Crawford of Medt'ord was visiting with relatives uml friends living in Oold Hill this work. J. Q. Jar vis has boon in Portland this week on business and It. J. Dricsnor has been presiding behind tho counters during his iihscnvo. Stickol Uros, commenced tho oxen- vntion for tho newer in district No. 2 Monday, and will push tho work as rapidly as possible Al Peterson lias returned from a trip of several .weeks' duration to his former home in Minnesota. "Pete" snys tho east s all right, but "Oh. you Gold Hill I" Paul Kbencr, superintendent of tho Gray Eaglo mine, on Sardine creek, was in town Monday, having couno in with ft lot of samples of oro from the ledge, which is showing up better nil tho time. J. Davidson was called (o Murphv Josephine county, Thursday, on no count - of the serious illness of his mother, who is not expected .to livo. owing to hor advanced ago,- she bo- ing nearly 80 yonrs of ago. Leroy Dungey, tho boss fisherman returned from Williams creek this week, and tho finny tribe in Rogue river havo taken to tho deep holes which corresponds to tho tall timber among laud annuals in consequence, Dennis McCoy has relumed from his wanderings in tho wilds of Wash ington, having escaped tho pay streak at the Seattle Kuir bv tun skin of his i teeth you might snv and iloniii lliimself in Oold Hill until such a time ns the "wanderlust" him again E. T. Simmons left Tuesday for French Gulf, California, after having spent several weeks here, looking af ter his mining interests. Mr. Sim Hums has never lost his faith in this section as a mineral count rv and is holding onto his proiierlv here in ex pectation ot the boom winch is sure to como. Tho Big Pines Lumber Co. of Med ford, which has 11 retail yard in Gobi Hill for the past few months, shipped their stock of lumber to Medford this week, as the local -demand did not justify them in keeping a man here for the especial purpose of looking after tho trade, and thnt the demand in Medford was such thnt they had hfficulty in keeping up with it. , C. M. Oxlev and George McClcllan rcfunied Tuesday from n prosM-cling trip ui Curry -comity .at the mcmlh of the Illinois 'river. Both are; very much impressed with that section us a mineral country, and stnte tha't within a few years, us soon ns proper transportation facilities are fur nished that hitherto neglected and practically unknown seel inn of Orn gon will be among the leading pro ducers in mineral and timber of the northwest. a o a .o u Economy Get The Habit of buying your fresh and salt MEATS, POULTRY, SAUSAGE and LARD at the place where you are as sured of the best at all times, regardless of price. It Will Pay You to Investigate for yourself the conditions that pre vail at our market and give us a trial, after which we are sure you will not trade elsewhere. THE ECONOMY MARKET HUTH & ASHPOLE, Proprietors. Opposite Postofflce Phone 461. (ftp Economy o .0 S3 O B 4 It Fills th Bill'. GAME BIRDS DECREASE. IN COLUMBIA COUNTY Autocrat l assure you, miuluui. the effect Is I'liarniliiK-moHt abnurd and rotesiiie. Victim Oh, very well; If you're mire U's all (tint I II decide on this one. READ THE TRIBUNE FOR NEWS. DAYTOV, Wash., Aug. 21. That game birds, particularly pheasants and prairio chickens, am scarcer than for years past, is tho assertion made by sisirtMnen of Dayton sinco tho open season commenced Sunday. This condition is attributed to whole sale slaughter of birds tho Inst few seasons and to laxity in protecting thciii during' tho closed season. Feathered gnnio has decreased fully 7i per cent in fivo years. Grouso nro said to bo (inile plentiful back in I he lllue mountains, but in the font hills whero formerly were lurun bunds, only an occasional bird is found. Columbia comity has long bornn thn reputation among sports men of Vnsliinglontand Oregon ns the best ground in the stale for birds, but this cannot be churned this season. In Silhouettavilla. "Oh, John, don't you wish we could sit here and spoon forever?" "Yes, dourest. But let's go now. I think I hear tho dinner belli" St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Purely Patriotio. IMy! How Comfortable? AVhcn you Say it tiling is comfortable you mean it makes you feel pleased with yourself and all the world. You close your eyes and forget you have feet, they feel so easy. You open your eyes, look' it your feet, and their tasty, natty ap pearance a i tad feel more comfortable. You open your pockctbook, look at the two dollars you saved and 1'eel still more comfortable, and all because you bought a pair of Dorothy-Dodd Shoes 94.00, $5.00 Mistress (to cook)- Mitt. Minnj!, you sulci you wouldn't have anything mure to do with soldiers. Cook All. ma'am, I find lie love f my fatherland can't be'so '.fiislly cxlln-gulslii'd.-Mcggondorfcr Blatter. Edmeades Bros. THE WEST SIDE SHOE STORE College Preparatory and 'Business School Ashland, Oregon First Term Opens Sept. 6, 1909 State High School, College Preparatory, Teachers' Review, Bookkeep ing and Stenographic Courses Taught by Competent Teachers. THOROUGHNESS OUR MOTTO W. T. VAN SCOY. A. B. Pres. A. C. CREWS. Secretary. MnMutirMOiwiia.nMtf.-