THE MEDFORD D'ATLY TRIBUNE, MEDFORPj OREGON, MONDAY; AUGUST 23, l'do9. -3 citv, viwi and approved September 2d. 1909. Rcsol'-ed. That copies of this res olution Ihi served iiiiun tlii! respective owners of said property in tho man ner provided hv said ordinance with in fivu days from thin date, or as hooii then-after iih practicable hv the citv recorder or under his direction. The foirtoinif resolution was pass ed hv (he rilv council of I Iih city of Medford, Oregon, on tlin 19th day of August, 1109, hv the following vote: Merrick live, Welch aye, Emcrick ab sent, Kifert avo. Wort man aye, Doin mer aye. Approved August 19, 1909. V. W. KIFERT. ,. Mayor I'ro Tem. Attest: ROUT. W. TKLFKR. Oily Recorder. What'll you have? BEAR CREEK WATER THE KIND YOU ONCE USED WELL WATER-THE KIND YOU STILL USE RAIN WATER YOU CATCH IT IN A TUB WATER FROM FISH LAKE OPEN DITCH or Colestine Mineral Water THE ONLY WATER TO BE HAD IN MEDFORD THAT 13 ABSOLUTELY PURE-IS YOU OUGHT TO DRINK. THE KINO , : : r i '. : t .1 A :Sold only by- Tobacconists RITTER & DUNLAP ASK ABOUT IT Confectioners Bijou Theatre Tonight The Famous Roselle Trio This noted team includes Baby AVauda, a most fin ished actress, though only 3 years old- ... Full Change of Pictures Beginning Wednescday. night, 'the Bijou will start a contest for the prettied BABY between the ages of 1 and 2 years. See tomorrow's Tribune. Admission 10c and 15c CITY NOTICES. RESOLUTION. He it resolved, hv the city Council of the citv of Medford : That notice ix herchv given that it in the opinion of the citv council Dec ennary and the city council herchv rwiiiircK that 11 cement sidewalk 10 fed in width hu constructed on wcKt hide of Fir Hi reel from Sixth to Eighth streets, with the exception of Mr. J, K. Envnrl's rcHidenen proper ty, which shall he five feet in width. i Resolved, further, That the several owners of adjacent and continuous lots are herehv renuired to construe: said sidewalk in said manner within thirty days after sen-ice of this res ;o!ifion upon them, in the manner provided hv ordinance No. 39 of said citv. passed and approved September jL'il. 19(H). I ! Uesolved. That copies of this res olution he served upon the respective owners of siiid projs-rlv in the man .nor provided hv said ordinance with in five davs from this date, or as noon thereafter as practicable bv the ! citv recorder or under his direction. The foroai.injr resolution was pass ed hv the citv council of the citv of Medford. Oregon, on the 19th day of August, 1909. bv the following vote: Merrick aye, Welch avo, Kmerick aye, Kifert avc. Wortmau avo. Demmer aye. Approved August 19. 1909. W. W. EIFERT. Mayor Fro Tem. Attest: I J OUT. W. TELFF.R. ' Citv Recorder. RESOLUTION. . " Ris it resolved, bv the city council of the citv of Medford: That notice is hereby (riven that it in the opinion of the city council nec essary and the citv" council hereby reuuires that a plank sidewalk five feet in width be constructed on west side of (iencsce street from city lim its as thev existed before last al teration north to Washington street. Resolved, farther, That the several ovrern of adjacent and contiguous lots are herebv reouired to construct said sidewalk in said manner within thirty davs after service of this res olt'tiou upon them, in the manner provided bv ordinance No. 39 of said citv, passed and approved September I'd. 1909. . - Resolved. That copies of this res olution he served upon the respective owners of said property in the man ner provided hv said ordinance with in five days from this date, or ns soon thereafter ns practicable bv the citv recorder or under his direction. The famii resolution was pass ed bv the citv council of the citv of Medford. Oregon, on the 19th day of Auirust. 1909. hv the following vote Merrick no, Welch avc, Emcrick ab' sent, Eifert nve, Wortrnan aye, Dcm mer avo. Approved August 19. 1909. W. W. EIFERT. Mayor Pro Tem. Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER. ' Citv Recorder. t Mr. Investor Have you seen the modern home seven rooms in the " space and cost of four rooms; iceless refrigerator, built-in buffets j t and dressers; cabinet kitchen. J. A. McINTOSH, Architect, Third Floor Medford Natioba! Bank Building. said sidewalk in said manner within thirty days after service of this res oiuticm upon them, in the manner piovidc.l bv ordinance No. 39 of said ity, passed and approved September 2d. 1909. Resolved. That copies of this res olution be served upon the respective owners of said property in the man lier provided b" said ordinance with in five days from this date, or as soon thereafter as practicable bv the citv recorder or under his direction. The forecoinir resolution was pass ed bv the citv council of the city of Medford. Oregon, on the 19th dav of August. 1909. V- the following vote: Merrick aye, Welch aye, Emcrick ab-. sent. Eifert aye. Wortrnan aye, Dem mer aye. Approved August 19. 1909. , W. W. EIFERT. Mayor Pro Tem. Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER. Citv Recorder. A Bargain The famous l'JO-ncre I. W. THOMAS GROVE FARM 85 acros of alfalfa garden, 20 acres of the prettiest oak amid laurel grove in the valley, 15 acres of apples and, pears iu bearing, and loaded with fruit at the present time. Thia is the best proposition ever offered iu Southern Oregon. See WHITE TROBRIDGE Exclusive Agents, for prioes, terms, etc, at offico, Phone 03 6 Fir street Medford For Whom are You Sowing If you pay house rent for the landlord. If you are paying for your home for yourself and family. , Let us help you reap the reward of the money you have been paying for rent, by building you a home and allowing you to pay for It in easy monthly payments and low rate of Interest. We will furnish money to build Churches. .Parsonages, homes or business houses, or pay off debts on real estate. Moneys can be returned any time, thereby stopping interest, or we give you nine years to return any loan, cither large or small.. We also allow you 3 percent Interest on all advance payments.. Wo givo you three months grace on all notes without a fine We can arrange with farmers for annual pay ments.. If these terms suit you, call and see us at the Real Estate Office of WHITE & TROWBRIDGE, MEDFORD Daniel S. Walker, Home Office, Roseburfl RESOLUTION. Itc it resolved. 'bv the citv couuuil of the citv of Medford: ' That notice is hereby given that it in the opinion of the citv council nec essary and the citv council hereby rcimiies that a cement sidewalk li feet iu width bo constructed on the south side of East Main street from the east line of Riverside avenue to a point J.H1 loot past. Resolved, further, Thai the several owners ot adjacent and contiguous lots are herebv rcouired to construct said sidewalk in said manner within thirty davs after service of this res op tion upon them, in the mnnner provided jiv ordinance No. 39 of said citv, passed and approved September 2d. 1909. Resolved, That copies of this res olution lie served upon the respective owners of said property in the man ner provided bv said ordinance with in five days from -this date, or as soon thereafter ns practicable bv the cut v: recorder or under his direction. Ihi; fircgoing resolution was pass ed bv tho citv council of the city of Medford, Oregon, on the 19th duv of August. 1909. by the following vote: Merrick nve. Welch aye, Emcrick nb sent. Eifert avo, Wortrnan nyo. Deni tner avo. Approved August 19. 1909. W. W. EIFERT. Mayor l'ro Tem. Attest: - ROUT. W. TELFER. ('it'' Recorder. RESOLUTION. Be it resolved, bv the citv council of tho citv of Medford: " That notice is herebv given that it in tho opinion of the citv council nec essary, and tho citv council, herebv reuuires that a cement, sidewalk, five feet in width bo constructed on west side of (frane street from Sixth street to First street. HeHolvtd. further,. That (be several owners of adjacent hnd jeoutiguous lots aw herebv required, to construct said sidewalk in said manner within thirty davs after service of this res olntinn upon them, in .the rounnci provided bv ordinance Ho. 39 of said citv. passed and approved September . 1909. Resolved, That copies of this res olution bo served upon tho respective owners of said property in tho man ner provided bv said ordinance with in live days lrom tins- date, or ns soon thereafter as practicable bv the citv recorder or under his direction. The foieyoing resolution was pass ed hv the citv council of the citv of Medford; Oregon, on tho 19th dav of August. 1909, bv the following vote: Merrick nve. Welch nye. Emcrick ab sent. Kifert avo Wortninn nve. Ucin mer nve. Approved August 19. 1909. W.'W. .EIFERT. Mayor Pro Tem. Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER. Citv Recorder. RESOLUTION. Be it resolved, bv'the City conncil of the citv of Medford: That notice is herebv given that it in the opinion of the city council nec essary and the citv council herebv reouires that a cement sidewalk five feet in width be constructed on both sides of Newtown street from WTest Eleventh street to citv limits. Resolved, further. That the several owners of adjacent and contiguous lots are hereby mactired to construct said sidewalk in said Wanner within thirty days after service of this res olulion upon them, in the manner irovided by ordinance No. 39 of said citv. passed and approved September 2d. 1909. Resolved, That copies of this res olution be served upon the respective owners of said property in the man ncr provided bv said ordinance with in five davs from this date, or as soon thereafter as practicable bv the city recorder or under his direction. The foregoing resolution was pass ed bv the citv council of the citv of Medford. Oregon, on the 19th dav of August. 1909. bv the ronowinc vote: reouires thnt a cement sidewalk five feet in width be constructed on east side of Hollv street between Seventh and Fifth streets. Resolved, further, That tho several owners of adjacent and contiguous lots are Hereby reonired to construct said sidewalk in said manner within thirty days after service of this rea ofufion upon them, in the manner provided bv ordinance No. 39 of said city, passed and approved September 2d. 1909. Resolved, That copies of this rps- olntion be served upon Ui mspeutive owners ot said property iu the man ner provided by said ordinance with in live days from this date, or as soon thereafter as practicable bv the citv recorder or nnder his direction. The foregoing resolution was pass ed bv the citv council of the city of Medford. Oregon, on the 19th day of August. 1909. hv the following vote: Merrick aye, Welch avc. Emerick ab sent, Eifert nye, Wortrnan aye, Dem mer aye. j Approved August 19. 1909. W. W. EIFERT. Mayor Pr6 Tem.- Attest: KOBT. W. TELFER". . Citv Recorder. . RESOLUTION. , lie it resolved, bv the citv council of the citv of Medford: That notice is herebv given that it iu the opinion of the citv council nec essary and the citv council herebv reuuires that a cement sidewalk five foot in width be constructed on east side of Grape street between Sixth mid First streets. Resolved, further. That the several ovMOis ot ndiaccnt and contiguous lots are hereby renuired to construct RESOLUTION. Be it resolved, bv the citv council of the citv of Medford: That notice is herehv given (lint it in the opinion of the citv council nee cssnrv and the citv council herehv rciiuires that a plunk sidewalk five feet 4 inches in width be constructed mi north side of Jackson street be tween Riverside avenue and Vermont .streets. Resolved, further. That the several oe. hits ii actincciit and contiguous lots are herehv renuired in construct snid sidewalk in said manner within thirty days after service of this res olulion upon mom, m tho manner provided bv ordinance No. 39 of said RESOLUTION. Be it resolved, by the city council of the citv of Medford: That notice is herebv given that it in the opinion of the citv council- nee-, essary and the city council herebv reouires that a cement sidewalk five feet, in width be constructed on. both sides of Sixth street from Riverside avenue to Onkdaie avenue. Resolved,, further, Thut the several owners of adjacent and contiguous lots are herehv renuired to construct said sidewalk in said manner within ttnrtv davs atter service ot tins ,-e.s outturn upon thorn, in the manner provided bv ordinance No. 39 of said citv. passed and approved September 2L 1909." Resolved. That copies of this res olution hp served upon the respect ivo owners of said property iu the mau ler provided bv said ordinance with- Merrick aye. Welch nve. Emcrick nb-1;,, five (1.IVS fn,m tms ,llltp scut. Eitcrt aye, Wortrnan avc, Dem mer aye. Approved August 19. 1909. - W. W. EIFERT. Mayor Pro Tem. Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER. Citv Recorder. RESOLUTION. Be it resolved, by the citv council of the citv of Medford: . That notice is hereby given that it in the opinion of the citv council nec essary and the citv council hereby or ns soon thereafter us practicable bv the Citv recorder or under his direction. The foregoing resolution was pass-' ed bv the citv council of the citv of Medford. Oregon, on the 19lh dnv of August. 1909. bv the following vi.e: Meyick no. Welch no. Emerick ab sent, Eifert nve, Worlman avc, Dem mer nve. Approved August 19. 1909. W. W. EIFERT. Mayor Pro Tom. : Attest: ROUT. W. TELFER. Citv Recorder. If You Want to Spend several ot' the pli asantcst half lionrs von ever put in get the September KV KRY BODY'S and read in this order: u I l.ippt-ni-ss," "The Mcllmvilrammci" and " What Shall We Do With the Old:" After that - read where you you'll say, "Urn's a p magazine." Try it and sec. SEPTEMBER EVERYBODY'S On Display by Medford Book Store, RtiRsell's Store and Hotel Nash Kewt SU&4. APPLES AND PEARS AND ALL KINDS OF h. t FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific X'-i'ii-west. Not in the combine. Competes with .-ill fnt class nurseries. L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, ORE .1 O N ytlrs. Urane Ufampton Isaacs Instuctor of "piano. Tat ittetbod StuMeat M4IOnc. 5torlb Orui4 trcl The Tribune is Up-to-Date