2 THE BEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFQRD, OREO ON, MONDAY, AUGUST 2:t, 1909. Bargains in Real Estate A lew investments that will make money for you 40 acres fine fruit land nenr railroiul station, $80 per acre, Vs cash, easy terms on balance at 0 per cent interest. 100 acres of tho best orchard l:md in the valley, OXK MILK FROM RAILROAD STATION, per acre, ONK-FOURTIl cash, easy ' terms on balance at C per cent interest. 10 acres of choice orchard land close to railroad station, $100 DOWN AND $10 A'MONTH BUYS THIS. You will regret it if yoi neglect to secure this ten acres ou the above terms. : 4 large city lots in West Modfor J joining Konwood addition, $200 ea. The owner of tho above properties purchased them four years ag before the advance in prices and will soli at a very moderate profit. Considering quality of land and location, these are among tho cheapest bnjrs in the market today.. , J. C. BROWN Office la Palm 1 Block, Upstairs Medford, Oregon I Medford Iron Works t E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. Foundry and Machinist All -y'r.- of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma-t Tchincry. Agents in Southern Oregon for J FAIRBANKS, M0PSE & CO. . TO SURVEYORS AND OTrlERS. , .- , I have complete field notes of. all donation Jaud claims and a large portion of the government surveys in Jackson county. Thee notes may be copied in my office for 50c a claim or section. Complee map- of Medford, Talent, Central Point, Tolo, Gold Hill, Eagle Point. Woodville and Butte Falls. Surveys,' mnpSj blue prints and des- criptious of lots and tracts made. " ' J.. S. HOWARD. C. E. Rooms 7-8, Adkins Bldg. Medford, Dr. WANTED imber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES .' " FURNISHED: B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs RESOLVED The best resolution for you to make is to come to us for your next suit, if you want something out of the ordinary. We do the best work and charge the lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT THE PROGRESSIVE ' TAILOR The Best Meal In Medford is to be had At The Star Restaurant All white help. Home cooking. Room and board $5.00 a week. Give us a trial and be convinced. MRS. W. E. GOODE Prop. 322 E7th St. We do JOB PRINTING Excellent Workmanship SEVEN BILLIONS IS VALUEOF 1909 CROPS Secretary of Agricullure Issues An nual Report of Nation's Products. WASHINGTON'. Aug. .21.--s.-i-;;-lary of Agriculture Wilson, in his annual report mmlu public toihiy, thinks those who hnvo been pitying the farmer hud better wake up to the fact (hut dnriiih the Inst year Ihat is, for the crop yeur of 1!)08- tliei was n net gain in the vulue of crop.-, which raises the total valuation t fnnn products up to the total of "78.000.000, the biggest in the world V history. "While these figures contain -omr duplications,'' the secretary explain ed, "on the other hand, they il nut contain certain important item- I' wealth production. ; "It ?s real tangible wealth a it exists at the time it leaves the lruu! of the producer. 1 1 is about fiiV. times the value of the products of il.e mines, incltiditig mineral nils precious metals. Front these amieul tural products the laaiiufacturiiig an 1 incchnnienl industries that use agri cultural products as materials drawl Sli.S per cent of their total materials. "The value of fanu products' this year is .L,nO.OOO.OOO nhoVc the value for 1007 and $.XO(il,000,000 abov the' census figures for 1800. Dmim; the last ten years the wealth produc tion of the farms of this country has ceeded the stupendous amount of $110.01)0,000,000. "Greatest of all crops is Indin-i j TALENT TALES '.' Ilcciisou returned Monday from trip to Newport. His wife and child ren will remain at Newport a couple of weeks longer. A party i.isting of W. D. llo. dridge and wife, Charles Holdridge, Sir. and Mrs. X. I). Itrophy. Mrs. Fred Kopcr, George Dewey and wife, Mr. and Mrs. V. .1. Bailey, Mr. Me-Tiivi.-h, and O. .1. Shirley and .wife spent Sunday in t'olcstin. Mr. and Mrs. George Dodsou and Mrs. James of Ashland nnd Doe James of Texas were visiting with George Gardener of Talent ou Sun. day. Tuesday of last week G. N. Ander son mushed threshing his grain crop. He threshed nearly 1700 bushels of-grain, mostly wheat. On Tuesday of the present week H. If. Goddard and sou Ormy started for Crater Lnke ou an outing. Allen Abbot is working with the county road gang nenr Central Point. Fred Page of the fruit dealers firm of Page & Son of I'ortland, stopped over at Talent on Mondav. Mr. Page wanted to see where all the fruit hipped from Talent came from and so innde an excursion about th rough our orshnrds. Mr. Page i- an old time friend of C. W. Walters of this place. Warren Hearing spent Sunday in Medford. Miss Mary Iltilens of Woodville bus been visiting with her uncle,- George Zidcrs of Talent during the week. On Monday Henry Tabor of Uoxy precinct was looking up property in the vicinity of Talent with a view to purchasing. . , The electric company .have had n hoist constructed. It i run by clec-j tricity and is used for hoisting dirt j and rock out of wells. Tliey have j been Irving it in the well of N. O. "For you particular customers who demand the best groceries, wc recommend Pollers Golden Gate Coffee." It is so good we cannot obtain hotter coffee not if we paid $1 a pound for it. Evcrythiii about lolger's Golden date Coffee is perfect, and we sell it with the positive guarantee that it will please you. , Allen & Reagan GROCL.JES, CHINA WARE, FRUIT AND FEED. com: The value of this crop utmost surpasses beHef. It is l.C 1 .".,000,000. Powers of Talent, and it has proved This wealth that has grown out of j to be a great success. It has n com the soil in four months of ruin andlbiiiatioit of the drum: so much used sunshine and some drought too, i-, enough to pay for the Panama canal and .")0 battleships. "The value of the farm products of the dairy cow is getting closer and closer to $800,000,000 nnd the eggs and poultry produced on the furm are worth as much as the cottou crop, seed included. The fanner has aver aged hardly 20 cents a pound for the butter that he has sold, 3 and 4 cents a quart for Ids' milk and about Vi cent for each, egg." The value of the more important farm crops of 1008 i as follows Corn .. .$I.G1.").000,000 Cotton 700,000.00') Hay 021.000,00') Wheat (120.000.000 Oats F.arley Rye Rice Potatoes Sugar beets , . . Sugar cane.",' . . Tobacco Hops ......... Dairy products .121.000,000 80,000.000 22.000,000 - 18.000.000 100.000,000 21,")00,000 31,000,000 70,000,000 4.000,000 800,000,00'! ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. The following letters remain un called for lit the postofficc at Med ford, Oregon. August 18. 1900: John Anderson, Mrs. Mary E. Ai kins, Mrs. MoIIu Bliss, Sirs. Ted Black, C. II. Brown, Wcstley Burgc, Mrs. J. G. Iiitcll, Lizzie Castor, Geo. Cook, W. B. Crosby,-Win. Fraser, D. M. Funk, Mrs. J. F.stcs, Mrs. N. CJnin ini, Henry Gimson, B. Harvey. Mrs. Elizabeth Holm, Mrs. Mary Ichor, W. 3. Larson, Fred McDonald. Knlph Miller, Louisa Morris, Laura Mol lcminer, A. C. Munch (2), Oregon -Idnho Lumber company. Kiltie Pol ley,, J. M. Taylor, Mabel Williams (2), Francis E. Wilson, Mrs. Bessie Willboks, Mrs.yS. Goodman, Riley Woods, Minnie Zimmcrlce. Parties culling for any of the above letters will pleaso say advertised. A charge of one cent, will bo made upon the delivery of any of the above let ters. A. M. WOODFORD, P. M. . MEDFORD, Or., Aug. 5, 1000 Hall's Texas Wonder, of St. Louis, cured my daughter of a severe kidney and bladder trouble ofter doctor? failed to give- any relief, and I can cheerfully recommend it. Mrs. L. L. Wilson. 135 Barllctt St. Sold by Haskins' Drug Store. If you aro particular in regards to whnt you eat for breakfast, vou should get tho habit of onling at tho Louuro Cafe. Their hot waffles nnd maple syrup can't bo bent. by logging engines mid tho old fash ioned mast and beam derrick. The digging of wells and installing of centrifugal pumps operated by electricity has become purto an indus try about Talent. N. O. Power has had his well sunk several feet deeper and will run his pump by electricity, using his gasoline engine for other purposes. Frunk Oatmau will have a well dug mid pump installed. At Phoenix there are several parties who will try irrigating' with centrifugal pumps. On Wednesday A. C. Gienger and wife and .Mrs. H. S. Coryell, a friend of Mrs. Gienger from New Albany. Indiana, were visiting friends in Talent. Sami.el Itobison has bqen busy for the past -week showing his nephew, Frank Rohisou, from the Willamette about the valley. Despite the warm weather and tho busy season, the boys belonging to the Talent brass band turn out reg ularly to practice on Thursday eve nings. They me doing nicely and by tall and winter should produce some pretty good music. Those who are fond of fun and amusement in Talent can enjoy them selves to their hearts content Wed nesday and Saturday. evenings, as the skating rink in the Conway hall is open nnd the tenuis ground near the schoolhouse is alwuys ready for oc cupation. That tho Talent people are inclined to be sporty is .proven by tho fact that these places of amuse ment arc well patronized. Miss Ernestine Edwards, formerly u Talent girl, is at present in tho city of Paris, Franco, studying art and especially the French language. Her mint, Mrs. Fred Barrel!, diiugh- tor of E. K. Anderson, of nenr Tul ent, is ut tho present timn within the arctic circle at the northern part of Norway, where Mr. Iturrell is su perintendent of several largo coal mines. .Miss Ivlwunls anil Air. and Mrs. BiiitoH will come home to visit relulives at Talent, and vicinity some time in November. J. C. Carnahuu has returned from his trip to Orniitus Pass, where ho has been hauling lumber. Tho dust on the roads was not good for bis health. Friday a carload of tiling arrived in talent to ho used on tho 1'ngo ranch north of Talent. James Purvis made n business trip to Ashland Saturday. Saturday Miss Monu. Ward return ed to Talent from JaVkaonvillo, whoro sho hus been taking tho teachors' ex amination, i - Ed Clemens shipped tho first car load of pears for tho season from Tnl Rest - Romp - Recuperate At the Seashore Newport Is a delightful resort-and a happy combination of pleasure ground possibilities. An ideal climate, diversion of recreation perfect bathing boating--fishing riding driving, and exploring, make New port a most charmng and popular play ground. Southern Pacific -Has SPECIAL SUMMER EXCURSION' RAT I' NEWPORT OE $10.00 from Medford Ask for our booklet "Outings in Oregon. A. S. ROSENRAUM, Agent, Medford. WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. TO cut on Saturday. . ft is expected to go to Chicago. Mrs. M. D. Buckles and daughter of I'ortland have been visiting with her brother, J. J. Dodge, oast of Tal ent. Mr. Buckles returned to Port land on Sunday. Her daughter will remain with her uncle until school commences. W. I). Holdridge has named his' place the "Mt. Talent View Fruit Farm" and his fruit boxes shipped to Portland and Seattle are so labeled.' J. A. Lemery und wife of Ashland on Sunday were visiting with Mr. nnd Mrs. John Budgcon. - 11 Cnnn Prepaid Raliroao Orders. "Something which is of consider known is the system of prepaid or iblo interest to tho public generally nnd which is perhaps not generally dors now in effect between stations of tho Southern Pacific company and all points in tho United States. By menus of this system tickets may be purchased at Medford from any place in the United States nnd mail ed or tolegraphod direct to tho party wishing to coma here. Sleeper no commodations and small amounts of cash in connection with those tickets may also be forwarded at the same ttam." , Ordors for sweet cream or butter milk promptly filled. Pbone tho ureamery. . . Eight Room Furnished Modern Bungalow Price $3800 Lots 50 x ioo; Within three blocks of the West school, three doors from Main street. Inquire C. F. Ousick Rooms 133 West Main Medford - Oregon You can get as good at tho Nash Orill as you can get at tho best grills in tho cities at half tho "prico." Spe cial music every evening.. , Something every business man wants the merchants' lunch at th Nash grill ouch noonan olaboralo menu. Prion 35 conts.