THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON, SATURDAY. AUGUST 21. 1000. PARTY BRINGS BACK RECORD STEELHEAD King of the Rogue Caught Which Weighed 8 1-3 Pounds Dressed Party Detained. ACTIONS SPEAK Louder Than Words You Should Buy Our Nursery Stock BECAUSE We absolutely guarantee all stock sold. BECAUSE we are not in .he trust. BECAUSE we make a specialty of budded stock. BECAUSE our method of packing and shipping gets the stock to you in good condition. BECAUSE our stock is not irrigated. Here1 are some of the reasJns. Think them over. Quaker Nurseries Residence 26 Newtown Street Residence Phone, Main 2499 General Office in Nash Hotel Office H. 6. PATTERSON. F. SLABBOTT Special Selling Ageits.So. Or. A fishing pniiy i Msiinir of !.. I!. Harris, Judge t' K. Kelly, George I.iii'il.'mix ami George I'lilnnin, re lumed from I hippy t'linip Kriduy eve ning, where llii'.v hud been detained l.V till lllllolllllllilo lllM'illcill. TIlC plll'- ly brought buck 4 ho largest 1 ri 1 1 1 1 y 'l CIlll'IVll in the contest I'nr llll' !fS() lisliing outfit offered liy I lie Mod ford Hardware company. This kin ct lhi lingua Wfivlu'il over ten piMllllls wlll'll caught 1111)1 dressed Hl-:i Miiinls. 'It wns caught n 11 N". I gray hackle lly willi a six. ounce roil. DF SCATTERED BILLS Ringling Brothers' Agent Scatters Flaming Posters Over the County Road. Loud complaint is being made by farmers because Kingling Brothers' circus handbills nrc scattered along the' roads. Kiich i n t'F of wind blows th piiM'i frightening tliu horses. For the past three days we have been tullinu von a few of the ari- I antaijes gained by .my recent trip to Now York ami the east. MY SECRET LIES IN THIS: This store was not 01 janized as a uct-rlch-iiuick schomo In the 'irst place, and exorbitant iroflts liavo never existed on anything, the 1M...1JJ Him nave uinuya u iuu iu iiuiku tins me rturm J STORE" selling goods on vory close margins, and It Is our firm res- Jlutinn to lower the prices still mure this fall. TWO FACTS LOOM UP IN THIS STORE'S HISTORY: First Most all ladles' goods sold In southern Oregon the past year have been sold on closer margins WHY? THIS STORE FORCED THE PRICES DOWN.. Second Most all ladles' goods sold in southern Oregon the past year nave been of a higher (uality WHY? THIS STORE HAS FORC ED THE VALUES UP. IT'S UP TO YOU It's up to you to watch this store for its ac tions from now on will begin to tell and we want every woman to know hcre to buy THE BEST FOR THE LEAST. Good driving horse wanted iu part payment on piano. Van Walters, op posite Tribiinp office. 130 BIG FRUIT FARMS CHANGING HANDS WENATOIEE, Wash.. Aug. 21-. Real estate in this section is moving Aery lively for this time of the year. Several large deals have been made. F. W. Smith sold a five-acre tract for $12,000 to B. J. Hummel of Mil waukee. The orchard is two years old and is considered one of the finest 'in the valley. S. H. McCarl of Brookings, S? D., purchased five acres of E. H. Tal bott for $U,000. Mr. McCarl will i leave for the east and dispose of his holdings there preparatory to making Weuatchce his home. The 20-acre orchard of James & Burke near Cashmere was sold this i week to W. Gwynne of Seattle for : $32,000. This is one of the biggest deals of the season. Part of the or chard is in bearing and yielded $7000 worth of apples last season. I Something every business man .wants the merchants' lunch at the jXash grill each noon an elaborate menu. Price 35 cents. WOMAN WR0 DRANK LYE ' SUCCEEDS IN SUICIDE FOREST OUOVE. Or., Aug. 21. Mrs. May Jane Buckingham, wife of George Buckingham, of Dilley, who took lye with suicidal intent last Tuesday, died last night. Worry over rent that had not been paid is be lieved to have caused her despond -eney. Coroner Brown held an in vestigation .with that f biding last night. -She was bom on Gales creek and had lived all her life iu this coun ty. Mns. Hattie Burchell, wife of HAULING LUMBER BY STEAM TRACTION ENGINE GRANTS PASS. Or., Aug. 21. The 17-ton Htenm traction engine pur chased by tin Spaiilding brothers to haul lumber from their Swede Basin mill to this city is exciting a great deal of unfavorable cotnineiil from the fanners anil teamsters who live along the route it will travel. The teamseters allege that there are sev eral places along the route where it would b iniM)ssihlc to pass for a quarter of a mile or more. The engine will haul 10.1100 feet of lumber at a trip, and will be of great benefit to the lumber industry if it proves practicable. AH Summer Goods iMust Go The goods suitable for summer wear and which you can use for al most two months are now on sale at this store at prices that show REDUCTIONS OF FROM 33 1-3 TO 60 PER CENT. MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS NpW. THE HUTCHASON CO. Successors to Baker Hutchason Co. ' l 40 VI. Aim m DIRECT TO YOU Without Any Middleman's Profit DlKtilli'd iuLoniBViUr, Kentucky, In tins i-'lulil-t usliinnud way f nun select urn I u uml x to red i n mod ernatuambeiilnd wurclioinu until (ally nuitarcd. OI.IJ ANI MELLOW ' Itottlcn iii.'inlly for FAMlLVitiid MKDICINAL l'b'Kl'USKti iniMiliiig tho niiiHt exacting re quirement of tlio pure fond law. WHEN YOU OROFn mnmr nn wive Unit cxtm. profit of the middleman, nuil no traveling expeiinc to pny. IT THE OM.Y WAV TO IIUY Thin II uo old wb cy in uliippril iliroot In plain, muled cairns, witllout murks to imUimtnroiiUmU. Full qimrt boUb, imr Ui afo SO PH OALLOm tlio gallon JJ unuw omia.1 ruraa MJEMHY FLECKEKSTEIN & CO., PORTLAND, OnoON ' till tor i'rlts I.kt of other lllih UnuXm Lluuun You can get as good (it the Nnsb Grill as you eon get nt the best grills in the cities at half the "price." Spe cial music every evening. William Burchell. u Portland police man, i her daughter. Her funeral will take place at Forest View ceme tery, Forest Grove. TWENTY-ACRE TRACTS NEAR MERLIN. I have n number of 20-ncre tracts nenr Merlin, which I can sell nt from $300 to $.ri()() for unimproved land, nnd tip to $2000 for well improved. See me for good investments. CIIAS. E. SHOUT, Merlin, Or. T A Guaranteed Income For Life IS PRACTICALLY ASSURED ANYONE WHO IS FAR-SIGHTED ENOUGH TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICE OF LAN I) IN THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY AND INVEST A FEW HUNDRED DOLLARS , ' . In One of Our Ten Acre Tracts WE HAVE BOTH IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED TRACTS WITHIN A DISTANCE OF FROM ONE TO FIVE MILES FROM THE BUSINESS CEXTER'OF MEDFORD, SOME ALREADY SET OUT IN COMMERCIAL ORCHARDS, AT PRICES RANGING FROM $175 TO ijCWO AN ACRE. DON'T TAKE OUR WORD FOR THIS. INVESTIGATE FOR YOURSELF. IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING AND, OUR SERVICES ARE AT YOUR DISPOSAL AT ALL TIMES IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR AN INVESTMENT. BENSON INVESTMENT CO.