THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREOON, SATURDAY, AUOnCT 21. Mil!) 0 6e KEWANEE System of Water Supply nrnvirlrs an absolutely safe and satisfac tory water service, eaual to that ''i' With offered by any city water work. h? the An abundant supply of water ' Kewaneo always available and dcliv- ' f System, ered under strong pressure Jf an air-tight, steel, pneu throughout the house, bam jfljr mauc tanL. c.'U iU tvewanee Pneumatic Tank is placed in the cellar. Water is pumped into this tank and is delivered to the fixtures by air pressure. pr grounds, Affords Absolute Fire m No Attic Tank to Leak and Flood the House No Elevated Tank to Freeze or Collapse. 100 per cent letter service and will last a ujelime. Over Nine Thousand Kewaneo ' Outfits in Successful Operation. Also agents for White Steam Cars and Fairbanks-Morse Gaso line Pumping Outfits. S. ( ATTIC I II Jppj j E. A. Washburne JkSbn Medford, Oregon Miles Block Savoy Theatre A A L TONIGHT AND SATURDAY L L SWEET AND TWENTY L L ' JEALOUSY AND THE MAN C A LED ASTRAY 0 U DRAMATIST'S DREAM M G .. " . ' :. E H ONE DIME D S Y P.C.Hansen. Tom Moffat iWe make any kind and style of windows. "We carry glass of any size on hand. Medford Sash &,DoorJCo. State Depositary Established 1888. 'Capital and Surplus $125,000 Resources 4700,000 HIGHEST ATTAINMENT IN 'SYSTEMATIC BANKING SERVICE The Jackson County Bank respect fully solicits your account, subject to your check, with the strongest guarantee of safety and efficiency. We offer the highest attainment in systematic banking service, which assures the greatest care in every financial transaction, with this oktig- ing institution. W. I. VAWTER, President. G. R.' LINDLEY, Cashier. WHY COOK These hot days? When you can get anything you desire in the line of BREAD, PIES or CAKE, in addition to everything usually found in a tirst-eiass DELICATESSEN. .. ' MEDFORD DELICATEESSEN & BAKERY. Wetzel & Hodges, Proprietors. The Tribune is Up-To-Date The Man From Home A Novclizdtfon of the Play of the Same Name By BOOTH TARKINGTON and HARRY HON WILSON Copyright. 1909. by Amsrtcan Praia Association CHAPTEIt XVII. FACE TO FACE. IF tlie roof of t tic building bad col lapsed and unit loft tlio persons there assembled In the room con fronting death Itself, tliero could have beeu no more complete astonish ment. It was Horace who first appreciated the sombcrncss of the crouching, ter ror stricken woman upon tho Moor. 'Heleno!" ho whispered, but I'lke stepped forward and waved lilui back. "You stand back!" said the lawyer. She's bis wife!" And at tho words Horace fairly staggered. Daniel went on. pointing to the cringing llawcas tle. "Aud there's his best friend." The words seemed to rouse some of the fighting St Aubyn Instinct In tho carl, and bis eyes flashed. It's a He!" he cried hoarsely. "I nev er saw the man in all my life before." "The lady seemed to recognize him," said Pike grimly. "1 guess you won't have to Jab your memory too hard. Ifs only ten years to St Petersburg, Mr. Glen wood!" 'Al merle, go for the police!" ordered the earl. 'No, nor' cried the cduntess. "1 can't stand U!" Pike laid his baud upon IvnnofTs shoulder and spoke loudly: "Call 'cm In! We're ready!" Almerlc, with a frightened glance around, stepped to the doors and threw them wide, calling as be reached the passage: "Tell that officer to bring bis mes here!" He turned and again entered the room, and Pike's face lit up unpleas antly as be looked at him, then soften ed as be turned to Ethel. I want you always to remember that I consider It cheap at the price," be said. There was a quick step without, and Von Grollerbagcn entered, followed by RIblere. For an Instant be glance about the circle and then spoke in a clear, ringing voice. "There will be no arrests tonight, my friends.' be said, and at tbo 'words Hawcastle sneered openly. "This man goes, too!" he declared violently. "Call those eorablnlerl!" he reiterated to Almerlc. Von Grollerbagcn smiled sweetly and raised bis hand deprecatingly. "The officer Is not there. Vou see, the carablnierl bare been withdrawn." He turned to Daniel. "For you, my friend, I have relinquished my Incog nito." Pike stared at him uncompro misingly, and the German turned to Lord Hawcastle. "This man Ivanoff," be said, "Is In my custody." For a moment the two men measur ed each other, and then Hawcastle burst out violently: "By whose authority? Do you know you are speaking to the Earl of Haw castle?" Von Grollerbagen smiled. RIblere stepped forward and addressed Haw castle directly. "More respect sir!" he cried. "You are addressing tbo Grand Duke Vasill of Russia 1" Hawcastle paled and fairly stagger ed Into the arms of bis son, wbo reeled from tho shock. The others stared uncomprchcndlngly. and Pike looked up with a curious frightened look upon bis lean face. Quite slowly he moved to the table and rested a hand npon it and with the other ca ressed lils chin.. His eyes were look ing straight ahead, and be murmured In awestruck tones: "Good Lord! And think wbat-wny, I've been calling blm docl" ' The grand duke perceived the agi tation on Pike's face and came for ward to take bis band. "My friend," he said gently, "It has been refreshing." He spoke to RIblere. "I shall take the man Ivanoff s state ment In writing. Bring blm to me with you." Ho Turnod on his heel niltflflv mill weut off tUroujiti tbo door ou tho other flt Vuki "You art atldrcsslug the Grand ValU o ?ulo'" side of tho room that led to bis private chamber. When ho had gouo Itlblcre touched Ivanoff on tho shoulder as a slgnnl, and the' stricken innu arose. One glance bo cast upon tho guilty woman, who shrank so shlverlngly Into a corner as ho gazed upon her, aud then said: 'I would not touch you oven to. strangle you!" and then to the thun derstruck Uawcnstlo ho said: "God will let me pay my debt to tho Earl of, Hawcastle!" In nn Instant he was gone, and Haw castle, pale with rage and anguish, strode forward to Pike, who was smiling. 'Why," you" the carl began, but Daniel raised bis hand. Ha spoke soft ly, even genially. 'Oh, I hated to hand you this, my lord," be raid. "I didn't come over here to make the fino flower of Europe any more troublo than they'vo got Hut I bad to show John Simpson's daughter, and I reckon now she ain't wanting any alliance with tho rem nants of Creey nnd Aglncourt" From the other sldo of tbo sofa, where she had been sobbing on tier brother's shoulder, Ethel came trem 'I have do choice," she said slowly. "Yon see, I gave Almerlc my promise when I thought It on honor to bear bis name. Now that you bavo shown me "It U ml lor the Earl of Bawcatlle. that it is a shame to bear it tbo prom Ise Is only more sacred. You sec, the shame Is not bis fault, is It? You want me to be honorable don't you?" . Wben she bad finished Daniel was leaning well back on tho table. : "Your father and mother both came from Missouri, didn't they?" He sighed heavily, and she bung her bead.' Hawcastle looked toward the open door of the room and touched bis on upon tbo shouldor. When tbey bad reached the door the earl looked back and shook bis fist at Pike. ,. ., . i "You haven't heard the last of this, curse you!" lie said and disappeared quickly. Lady Creech, who bad been in a seml-swoonlng condition, came suddenly out of her trance and gazed sharply about her. "Don't mumble your words,"' she aid sharply and rose to her feet With n withering glance at l'lke she turned to Klhel. ( "Come, my dear," she said. "ThlB terrible place Is not for you. Let us go." Horace en mo suddenly to life and closed his drooping Jaw. Hp stepped forward and faced the old Indy. ' "My sister will roiintln for n time, Lndy Creech." lie said. "I will look after her In tho future." (To be continued.) SEE The Latest Things in JOT NECK WEAR Martin J. Reddy The Jeweler Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing A Specialty. Nuii' Postofllce the Best Meal In Medford is to be had At The Star Restaurant All white help. Home cooking. Room and board $5.00 a week. Give us a trial and be convinced. MRS. W. E. GOODE Prop. 322E7th St. RESOLVED Tho bust resolution for yon to mnko is to emtio to us for your next suit, if you waul something out of the ordinary. We do tho best work and charge tho lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT TUB PEOOHBBSTVIl TAJXOl Phono your want ads to the Tri buno for quick results, .,' We would like to ta Ik with you about fire Insurance. We are agents for the WORLD'S GREATEST FIRE IN SURANCE Companies. The -iETNA,iROYAL, QUEEN LIVERPOOL, LONDON, GLOBE and others R. A. HOLMES, Successor to OANON & HOLMES Room 33, Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. Phone No. 781. J. E. ENYART, President JOHN S. ORTII, Coshier. J. A. PERRY, Vice-President. W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL : $50,000 . SURPLUS $11,000 Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted. We solicit your patronage. i - GET AHEAD OF THE HOT SEASON. ' , You can bid defiance to the heat by having an electrio fan put in po sition. It doosn't cost very tnuob, either. If you haven't one, we can. fix you up i nn short time, at the least expense. We're general elec tricians, and do all classes of work in our lino in the most thorough manner. ; Jobbing Bkillfuily and promptly executed at lowest charges. Portable lamps in all varieties. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION CO. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING 'AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson Oounty Bank Upstairs