THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, QREOok. SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 1909. iSOCfAL AND PERSONAL! You'll like ImixIiiiII. Try it. ' . Mi Mabel K. Collins l' (luhllield, New, n niece f Mm. Dr. Ciirlow, arrived in Mi-tt J"ii-l hist evening und will make mi extended vinit. You'll meet Juki' friend III III" box ball alley, A pprontiro n'irU wiinlcd nl linr nanl & Corniiyer'H millinery par lors. 130 A Kinno everybody run piny box lmll. M. ('. Muhoncy of Itnllu Fulls in making a short business trip to Port IiiiiiI. Commeucint; Monday, tho Nush (frill will bo- (ipi!ii continuously from 0 o'clock in tlm morning until mid ninlil, mill meuls will be served ill all hours. 132 Or ile m for aweot oroam or butter milk promptly filled. Pbona thd creamery. The Xiitli is becoming iiiitn popular fur baiiiueU and select dinner pur tios. several such having been Riven during thn punt week. 132 Minn Murf;iirct Holt, of Portland arrived Friday to visit with her hroth er. l)r. Holt of KiikIo Point. Tlm regular 75-rclit tublo d'hote dinner will he nerved Sunday. Music by tho fottr-pieco on-hurt rn during dinner hour. 132 Apprentice girls wanted nt Hur nurd & C'onnnycr's millinery pur loin. 130 Miss Klhel Cox, accompanied by her sihtcr, 1 laze), huvo left for n visit to thn Seuttlo fair. Orchestra mtiKio during dinner each evening nt tho Nash Grill. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Humphrey of KiikIii P-ilit were recent visitors in Medford. Do you like crawfish? Tho Xnsh Grill serves them. Fresh shipments iluily from tho famous Quollo onfo nt Portland. Mrs. X.uck Ciimerou of tho Applo cnte, iieeumpiiniud by her daughter, Mrs. Guy Lnwton, hnvo left for n visit in Senttlo. , Ella. flnnnynw, public stonogrnpher, room 4, Pnlm building. Miss Laura Nottago is visiting friends in Ashland. . .' H Ten, eoffeo, beor or clarot, with club lunch, 30 cents, nt tho Kmcriek fnfe. Carl Hcilbrnuner has left for a camping trip near Squaw lake. He was neeompanicd by M. Atwood. Itcud thn new ad of tho Ashland Commercial Collego and enter Sep tember (ith. Harry I.oflnnd has returned from a visit to Vancouver points. Frosh crawfish received daily from tho Quelle at Portland at tho Knsh Grill. 0. F. Dyer Iiub returned from a trip to Klamath Falls. Tea, coffee, beer or claret, with club lunch, 30 cents, at tho Emcriek Onfo. . ' The. Valley Anto company expects their new earn in n few days, 08 they have been notified by tho Chalmers Detroit people thnt n 1010 model Ohalmnrs-Dotroit 30 is now nt Port land and to expect it at Mod ford in a few days. Ten, coffoo, beer or claret, with club hmeh, 30 cents, at tho Einoriok Cafe. . ' LOUVRE CAFE August 22, 1909. Muscatel Grapes Consomme Printiuioro Chicken Mulligatawny Boiled Chinook Salmon nil Finn Herbs Sliced Tomatoes Potatoes Hollnndnisc Small Tenderloin Steak ..Green Pens n. In Stanley (Four Favorite Pnnch) Stuffed Spring Chicken Celery Dressing Potatoes in Cream Com on Cob Gnrdiniere Salad .Tiili-Fruti Ten Croam nnd Cnko lioqiiofort Cheese Salted Wafers Cnfo Noir s,-- 75c FOUR JAIBIRDS MAKTGETAWAY Escape From Guard at State Peni tentiary and Make Their Escape . RAI-KM, Aug. 21. I'eiiilenliary (minis are searching today for four hhoii term convicts who escaped lute yesterday ul'ternoon from the brick yards adjacent to thu prison. Three of (he men were employed in thu yards as trusties, while the fourth was a water carrier. Tho men arc Tony Williams, Yamhill county, for gery, year and a half; Fred Koising ton, Washington county, larceny, year and a half; Frank Woycr, Gil liam county, larceny, year; Clark Da vis, Colombia county, larceny, your and u half. Tho escaped through the tall grass when the guard was not wutchiug. ARMY PLAN TO PROVIDE AUTOMOBILE SERVICE NEW YORK, Aug. 21. A militury automobile with Malcolm E. Parrot t of the National Guard of New York at the wheel, left New York for San Francisco today, bearing dispatches from Major-Gencriil Wood, com manding thu depiwtineiit of tho East, to General Weston, commanding the depnrlment of tho West. The trip will cover 31103 miles. On its suc cess will largely depend tho establish ment of a regular automobile service for the unny. ONLY 3 OF OREGON'S 34 SHERIFFS ATTEND MEETING HOSKIILUO, Or., Aug. 21. The annual meeting of Oregon sheriffs, which : was scheduled to bn held in Rosebiirg on August 18 nnd 19, was not held, owing to luck of attendance. Resides Douglas, only three of Ore gon's 31 counties were represented by officers. " The three visiting offiurs wre shown a good time while in this city. Miss Muriel C. Gere of Lincoln,. Neb.,' stopped over in Mcdford Fri day evening for a short visit with friends living in this city before pro ceeding to her Nebraska homo after a visit nt tho Scuttle exposition. Miss Gem was delighted with the valley. How W. G. Smith of Wolf Creek, Or., will occupy the pulpit at the First Baptist church on Sunday morning. All are invited., Professor Twight of Seattle is ex pected to arrive on a visit to tho Iturrell orchard this evening. Tan, coffco, boor or claret, with club lunch, 30 cents, nt tho Emcriek Cafe. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Collins of Whitehall, III., hnvo left for their home after a visit with relatives in this city. See tho Southern Oregon Tea Co. for spicos, both wholo and ground, for pickling. Mrs. Charles Culdwoll nnd Mrs. W. E. Johnson hnvo returned from a visit with relatives in Ashland. ' . Table d'hote - dinner at the Nash grill Sundny evening. Special tnu uio. Ten, coffee, boor or olnret, wUh club lunch, 30 cents, nt tho EmerioTt Cnfo. ;' W. P. Palmer of Sparta, Wis. js: visiting Mr. and Mrs. John M. Root. Mr. Pnlmcr is nn uncle of his hostess.. Ho is grendy pleased with Medford and tho vitlloy. Good Early Crawford peaches at McLcllnn's city ranch, Enst Med ford. N. Ti. Xnrrcgnn of Eaglo Point spent Saturday in Medford. Tho window full of men's full and winter hats shown this morning at The Wnrdrolia surely offors stylos and prices for all. 132 A. Ban-on of Ashland spent Satur day in Medford. ' lie sure and look up Dr. Robinson's ad if you have trouble . with your eyes. 132 Dr. J. F. Roddy has returned from a trip to Portlnnd. Don't forget tho Hotel Nnsh Grill Sunday dinner with music. Prico 75 cents. 132 A. C. Hough of Grants Pass is in Medford on a short business trip. Mnsio by four-pioco orchestra nnd tho host menl in tho northwest nt tho tublo d'hoto Sunday dinnor nt the Nash Grill. . , 132 NSAH GRILL TO BE OPEN AULL HOURS New Chef Secured Formerly was In Charge of Hotel Oregon Grill at Portland Meals at All Hours J. G. Burch, until recently head chef of the Hotel Oregon grill at Portlatiil, bus been secured in a sim ilar capacity by thu Hotel Nush grill and will hereafter, with his own crew of assistants, preside over tho cul inary department of the popular local restaurant. 132 NASH GRILL. AUG. 22, '09, TABLE D'HOTE DINNER Oyster Cockluil. Celery.. Olives. Suited Nuts. Consomme aux Alphabet. Fried Halibut, Tartnro Sauce. Shrimp Salad, en Muyonaise. Minehed Turkey with Peppers . in ('uses. Nash Speciul Punch. 1 Nubisco Wafers. Roust CuXn with Dressing. Stringless Beans. Mashed Potatoes. Peach Ice Cream. Assorted Cake. Neufchatel Cheese. Bents' Crackers. Cufo Noir. Diarrhoea. For n quick cure without uny uu neccssary loss of time take Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera nnd Dinr rlioca Remedy. One or two doses is sufficient to effect a cure in any or dinary disc. It can always be de pended upon and is equnlly efficient for children nnd adults. For sale by Loon B. Hnskins' Pharmacy. NOTICE. Received nt the Rogue River Fruit Co. toduy, a shipment of Tokepoint oysters, packed on tho beds and shipped direct; nlso all kinds dcep wuter'fisb, soekeyes, sulnion, halibut, ling cod, etc., fresh dressed chickens. Phono 3003. 132 A Snap Eight Room Furnished Modern Bungalow Price $3800 Lots 50 x 100; Within three blocks of the West school, three doors from Main street. Inquire C. F. Gusick Rooms 133 West Main Medford - Oregon l -1 1 1' J zy - NgFjj Why wear glasses that no unbecoming when )'ou can have them cor eetly fitted by a spe cialist who studies tho leeds of each individ ual, always prescrib ing lenses to relieve the .'yes and mountings or frames to make the ap pearance correct. "Just -ight" is the expression applicable to glasses uhen fitted by me. Brief consultation free - DR. IVY M. ROBINSON, Eyesight Specialist. Graduate MeConniek Neurolog ical College, Chicago. East Main street, over Nicholson's Hurdware, Medford. ETERNAL Here is a snap. Come and look it over with us. Eighty acres first class fruit land in brush; level, good soil, well located,, only $1500. J. W. Drossier Agency, West Main. 132 HEADQUARTERS FOR Harness Saddles Whips Robes Tents Blankets Wagon Sheets Axle Grease and Gall Cure ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM WORK J. C. Smith 314 E.'.Main FOR SALE AUGUST ONLY A SUMMER RESORT ON ' . KLAMATH LAKE That is Unsurpassed in America This is a sporting proposition for men of wealth it is not a farm. Uneqnallcd Trout Fishing June to November. Deer Hunting on the premises, August 1 to November 1. Duck Shooting superior to any in tho state, over thousands of ncrcs of wild celery and rice, September 1 to February 1. Grouse and Pheasant Shooting ou tho place October 15 to Novem ber 15. Best starting place in tho county for u Bear hunt. The Crater Lake Automobile road will run through the place for n mile and a quarter. Navigable water to tho proper ty, unsurpassed drinking water, nnd power to develop the prop erty. More bottom land nnd fine gar den land than any place on tho lake. Thousands of Pine and Fir trees and thousands of Quaking As pens. More vnrieties of wild flowers and nathral grasses and vetches than any place in the county. If you develop this property as it can be developed, there is no resort in the county thnt can compare with it. No amount of talking will de scribe it let us show you. Wo hnvo been offered more than twice what it eost, but have a price at which you may take ii below which we will keep it. J. G. PIERCE, W. T. SHIVE, Klamath Falls. Oregon. WHAT HAS BEEN DONE NEAR MEDFORD CAN BE DONE NEAR MERLIN 4- -f -f ,, -f -f 1 4- -f 4 -f 4 -f -f -f Twonty acres in bearing oro inrd near Medford means nn hide- pendent fortune. I enn sell yon 'JO acres of unimproved land near Merlin for $400. Sea me for investments. . . CHAS. E. SHORT, Merlin, Oo. QUESTION How Many Trips Over the Washboard? THAT question worries you when your nicer things begin to show the wear and tear of rubbing. But rubbing is bound to be hard on clothes it wears away the board in a year I Throw away your washboard! Treat your clothes right! ' . . - Try the Coffield Power Washer. It washes entirely without rubbing. No imitation washboard inside, like other machines. Nothing to wear or tear your clothes. Pays for itself many times over by the saving on the clothes. ' Let us put it in your home and do your washing for you. Examine it. Examine its workl You won't let us take it back after that. City water runs it -while you rinse and hang out. If you are still doing your washing by hand, wast ing your energy and strength, or are using one of the old style washing machines, we would suggest tliat you call at once and inspect Goffield Power Washer You will find a pretty good cut of it in this ad, but it does not show the beauty and simplicity of the m; tor which operates the machine- No Labor on Your Part It washes while you rinse aud hang out, and th.; expense is less than 5 cents a week. Sent on (Ycv iriiil if desired. , Medford Hardware Co.