THE MBDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OR BOON, SATURDAY. AUGUST 21, MOD. 2 WILL NEED BOXES : Box Needed at Residences in Which Carrier Can Place Mail When Delivered. j ery is llu placing uf t'Ui'U person V Ltrwt nml lUimbiT im tlu-ir lettt-rs. Wlu'ii nriliiii; io yunr t'oirfspoiijonts ntnest (lirm to nddross jour Tumi n I lie proper nmnlier mul street. Also have have the publishers of your iaers ami magazines address them to street ami number. BUTTE FALLS ITEMS. Grandma l'aiker, who does not oft en visit us, is paying her frienils in Untie Falls u short visit. Gramlma looks well and hearty and we are glad to greet her. May she enjoy inanv vears of life is our wish. Mr.- Given and family of Kagle Point, who have been rustientiiiR in the hills near by, left this Tuesday mornini: for their home. Dr. ButlQr and wife, together with After free delivery begins next month it is the desire of the postof fice department that eaeh patron provide himself with n mail box to be erected nt his house. This is not obligatory on the part of the patrons, but merely provides a safe and con venient means of having his mail delivered. At plaees where no boxes Druggist Butler and Miss Fannie Has are provided the carrier is required tins. nre camping nt Camp Kiek. to knock nt tb door and wait n rea-. q.,.,,,,,,,,, TnsfH.0tr Benedict is snnable time, and if there is uo amonK us ,! inquiring into home sponse he is required to bring the j.. nnJ fts to ,ho whpreaniuts 0f mail back to the postoffiee and take num huyff mmU, nffililiv;u it out on the next trip. If this occurs . (llp nomiltleillU-s. It is to be on the last trio the mail is delayed t,iee m(Ml W ,,,, tllor. one day. On the other hand, if 0111,hv invented and indieim-Mit patron has a patent letter box tit- f us1;llst nnv who ll!lvc tnched to bis front door, porch or (o (he nu.r If ,1P ttovorn. gate post, his mail is dropped into the )mnt wouM a (.,ass of rciaWp m box. letters left to be posted are col- in lheW work m)(1 n))t (,(1M,,u1 leeted, and the carrier proceeds to the of ;lnpilU,ha,e . untnistwor next house. ' ' thv character, it would speak better If the patron is not at home he thp hnest intention9 of n ,.,,. can get his mail out of the box when ! (,ernp(j . he retunis. as uc nas ine oniy sey that will open the box. This is not only a convenience to the patron, but to the carrier. If everyone has boxes he U enabled to cover ' his route in better time and therefore can give each patron a bet tr sen-ice and can serve more people. Anothr thing that is very impor tant in the matter of free mail deliv- Mr. Ayres, wife and daughters are visiting William Perry and on Tues day left for an outing near Geppert's mountain ranch. John Allen drove a baud of horses from his Derby ranch to his moun tain ranch near Geppert's. READ THE TRIBUNE FOR NEWS. Economy ' o a o Get The Habit of planning your purchases in advance. Tou will find it will materially lighten your labors. For ill stance, why not decide NOW just what you will have for Sunday's dinner? For the meal courses we would suggest one of our plump .and f tender YOUNG CHICKENS, all dressed and ready for the pan, per pound 20c "fid 25c Or, if it is too warm to cook, try some of our COLD BOILED HAM (sliced and ready f :r serv ing) i per pound 35c If you prefer to boil them yourself, we aivs offer ing the finest Eastern Hams for, per lb 18c Nothing better than our MEDFOKD CKEAMERY BUTTER on the market; ier roll ...75c THE ECONOMY MARKET HUTH & ASHPOLE, Proprietors. Opposite Postoffiee Phone 461. Economy o o O 5 For Whom are You Sowing If you pay house rent for the landlord. If you are paying for your home for yourself and family. Let us help you reap the reward of the money you have been paying for rent, by building you a home and allowing you to pay for it in easy monthly payments and low rate of interest. We will furnish money to build Churches. .Parsonages, homes or business houses, or pay off debts on real estate. Moneys can be returned any time, thereby stopping interest, or we give you nine years to return any loan, either large or small.. We also allow you 3 percent interest on all advance payments.. We give you three months grace on all notes without a fine. We can arrange with farmers for annual pay ments.. If these terms suit you, call and see us at the Real Estate Office of WHITE & TROWBRIDGE, MEDFOR D Daniel S. Walker, Home Office, Roseburg Smelter Changes Hands and Mines Increase Working Force Revival Promised. The mining world is fairly sin i t -led by the copper development which is going on this season in this part of the state and more particularlv in Josephine county, says u liogue River Courier. The mine known as the Waldo, .sit uated at Takilma, three miles easter ly from the town of Waldo and for merly owned by J. O. B. Quini and A. W. Fox, of San Francisco, has been taken over by n strong syndi cate of Paris, France, nnd is now be ing operated ou a liberal scale under the supervision of B. Jamison, an experienced copper minor. Willi (10 men ho has put on the dump fully $-.'00,000 worth of ore during the last four weeks and thi is being aug mented tit this time by a daily output of about $7000 worth of the prettiest copper ore ever brought to the sur face of any mine in America. The ore is umtonnly high-grade, being a massive body of Chalcopyritc assay ing from 12 to 18 per cent copper and carrying from $5.(10 to $!) in gold. Imnieinse ore reserves are being block od, out and the dump herein referred to represents only the ore taken out in development work. Builds Wagon Road. The company has constructed a very fine wagon rond on a good grade from the mine to the smelter, two miles distant, and has put broken waste rock from the mine one foot deep on the roadbed its entire length so that hauling ore through the rainy senson will not be a difficult task. The Tnkilmn Smelting company has been absorbed by the KIdcr Mining company. The new concern is al ready in charge nnd 4." men will be employed nt the plant. E. M. Wulter will be ninnnger and he, with his wife and daughter, arrived from Solorado Springs and went down to Takilma the first of the week. It is announc ed that the smelter will blow in about the 25th of this month, but not Inter than the first o August. The big plant will be in operation inside of two weeks. 'X"' Coke for Smelter. Twenty-five four-horse teams have been engaged to haul coke to the smelter from Grants Pass and to re turn loaded with copper matte. The Giiggenlieims, acting on the profes sional advice of Wnllimn B. Farrish J of Denver, one of the lending mining experts in the United States, have taken over the IJakin copper mines just over the mountain from the Wal do, mine nnd will put 100 men to work at once. The Big Preston Penk mine in the same district, owned by George W. young of New York, who ten days ago married the famous Lillian Nordica, is soon to be again operated and the Ivuupah group of 12 claims in same district owned by C. L. Mungum of Grunts Pass, and John R. Reeves of Gohlficld, Nov., is now under development and is mak ing' n magnificent showing of high grade ore. The properties of John F. Sanger, E. M. Albright. Webb broth ers and many others are being work ed on a limited scale and in every in. the showing is very flatter ing. What this great district needs most is transportation facilities. REACHING THE SPOT It Can Be Done. So Scores or Medford Citizens Buy Mlrs. Innt Ufampton 3saac$ Utistuctor of "piano. TCtst 5ttetljo6 5u&toat 3ll6!ie. 3tortt) Orunj Strut To euro an aching hack. Tho pains of rheumatism, The tired-out feolin.ii, You must reach the unitgot at the cause. Tn most cases 'tis tfco kidiioyg. Doan's Kidney Pills nre for the kid neys. (J. L. Boono, corner Ninth and C streets, Medford, Or., sa.y: "I wns troubled with rheumatism wlion I first began using Doan's Kidney Pills. am not tcmK tney woulfl do me any good, but finally p--rnred a box at Peeking' drug store. Tiicy proved to be the remedy I required Sly kidneys wore restored to thoir normal condition, and tho pains and aches in my back were removed. Jjoau'a Kidnoy Pill lived np to their representations In my cas3." For sale by all doalers. Price 50 cints, Fostor-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole ngimts for the United States. . Itjmombor the namii Doan's and rt-S CO OK CD CD GO "For you particular customers who demand the best groceries, we recommend Folgers Golden Gate Coffee." It is so good we cannot obtain a better coffee not if we paid 1 a pound for it. Everything; about I-'olger's Golden Gate Coffee is perfect, aad e tell it with the positive cuarantce that it will please you. Allen & Reagan GROCLlJ.ES, china ware, fruit and feed.n Rest - Romp - Recuperate At the Seashore Newport Is a delightful resort nnd a happy combination of pleasure ground possibilities. An ideal climate, diversion of recreation perfect bathing boating fishing riding driving, and exploring, make New port a most eharmng and popular play ground. Southern Pacific Has a SPECIAL SUMMER EXCURSION RATE TO NEWPORT OF $10.00 from Medford Ask for our booklet "Outings in Oregon." A. S. ROSENHAUM, Agent, Medford. WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. THE... NASH LIVERY GO. Have the Best Turnouts in the City You are treated rih'lil, tho prii'o is right, tho loam Is right in fact, pvory thing is rirhl. Come and sco. 2 NASH LIVERY CO, We do JOB PRINTING Excellent Workmanship take no other. k 46